Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 37: confusing


Violent four-piece lock picking, hammer, electric drill, cutting pliers, flat knife.

The landlord's aunt didn't get everything ready.

There was a jingle!

The anti-theft door lock raised the flag and disarmed, leaving a piece of shattered wreckage.

The security door that was almost falling apart made the sound of an aggrieved daughter-in-law's grievance, and it was pushed open "crunchy".

Turn on the light in the living room.

"No one, when did that woman go out, why didn't I see it?"

The landlord’s aunt was a little suspicious, and she only treated it as if she had missed it. Regarding the anti-theft iron door that was locked, this kind of 500 yuan rotten door, what difference can it make if it is not locked, and it can really lock the living Nothing? ! !

The landlord's aunt began to search the house, and the track she searched almost perfectly coincided with the route that Deng Bin searched. In terms of intensity, it was equivalent to a sweeping sweep.

Under the sofa, in the corner where books are piled up, there are inconspicuous corners, in the drawers of the table, all carefully checked.

Compared with Deng Bin's gentle and constricted search action, the landlord only highlighted violence and unscrupulousness. Every place she found was a mess, like a thief.

Anyway, she had already figured it out. Once Chen Chao came back, she would just let him roll over and get out, and Jiao Kai would also be numb with how far he would roll.

Pull open the refrigerator door.

The fresh vegetables on the upper layer grow into patches of mildew, and the foul smell of the food is mixed with the unique cold and fresh taste of Freon, which is surrounded in the refrigerator.

Bang! (The refrigerator door is closed.jpg)

There is no doubt-a refrigerator suitable for singles.

Pull open the frozen layer, the inside is full of frozen meat products, chicken, duck, and lamb crutches, all piled on the lower layer and frozen hard; there are fragments of fresh meat on the surface, which feels like tenderloin, and it feels a little bit to the touch. Silky and soft, it should be a new one.

Identification is complete—this is an old refrigerator with single carnivorous people; there are no corpses hidden in it! ! !

"The meat reserve is pretty full!"

The landlady blinked her lips and moved the frozen meat out of the refrigerator.

"Broken doors and windows, as well as the materials and labor costs for re-cleaning the corridors, and the loss of income from the breakfast shop this morning that did not operate. These are all counted as Chen Chao's head."

In order to prevent Chen Chao from repaying his debts, the landlord's aunt decided to use the frozen meat to pledge her losses.

After checking the refrigerator, the landlord's aunt walked to the bedroom and looked at the strange black footprints in the room in shock, with a fine cold sweat on the back of her head.

Footprints the size of a fingernail, stepped on the ceiling, walls, and every corner of the room, densely greeted by the eyes, making people breathe inexplicably on the back.


A drop of black blood fell from the ceiling, dripping on the tip of his nose, muddy his lips with sweat.

The landlady stretched her tongue and licked it subconsciously.

"Sweet and salty?!"

She swallowed and spit, and hurriedly ran out of the bedroom. After half a minute, she surreptitiously turned back, holding up the frozen meat she had forgotten in a panic, and ran back into her own room as if to escape.

The open security door made the sound of thread rubbing, the door was closed, the light in the living room suddenly went out, and the strange sound like teeth grinding and swallowing came from the bedroom...

After doing dozens of broadcast exercises, Chen Chao felt a little tired. He stopped taking off his glasses and rubbed his eye sockets lightly.

The picture presented on the retina is really spicy eyes, and what is mixed is that the heart is congested to the limit.

A Xia Nun, tearing down the door + broken windows, welcomes the storm in the house.

A puppet with a QQ expression, drinking a Coke seems to be drunk, counting his steps like a cramp, turning a bedroom into a haunted mess.

Fortunately, Chen Chao has already made up his mind to quit the rent. He doesn't care about the house, but he cares about his computer and the newly acquired keyboard.

Layers of footprints almost seeped into the screen, and the surface of the pale-white keyboard was all dirty and sticky.


Chen Chao's cheeks agitated and gasped, and suppressed the burning anger in his heart.

"These two guys are ignorant, so I will bear all the misfortunes. I will write them down for the time being, and I will educate them slowly later; but this, female Grande landlord, what a moth!"

"The frozen meat in the refrigerator is not worth a lot of money, and I don't care about it, but... the pile of meat is mixed with strange things. You, a senior middle-aged woman, can't force it. Well, do you dare to move home with everything and plan to cook it and stuff it in your stomach?"

"I'm not afraid of eating shit!!"

This is Chen Chao's only miscalculation today. He can only pray that the landlord will not be too hungry now.

Chen Chao doesn't mind losing two pieces of meat by himself, or even being taken by a wild dog, it doesn't matter too much, just as a role play that fills the ecological cycle chain.

Only being eaten by humans, this sensible alarm bell sounded immediately—a certain unnamed horrible warning was close at hand.

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and glanced at the time. There were still 2 hours and 27 minutes before the end of the clocking.

And there are about 4-5 hours before lunch, so it should be rushed!

Chen Chao sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the wall, thinking about it, and deeply introspected: "In the future, we must always remember that the meat that will fall from my body in the future must be destroyed as soon as possible."

Deng Bin reviewed the manuscript three times before and after, and his brows kept frowning.

"Although the self-built building was borrowed from the real scene, there are many places that are weird and similar to what happened tonight, but it still doesn't make sense~"

"No, it should even be said that there are more unexplainable places!"

Deng Bin originally wanted to find some hidden clues by reading the manuscript of this novel, but he didn't find anything and he had more questions.

"Why? The protagonist at the beginning focuses on a woman, the taxi driver, is it the woman in Chen Chao's house?"

"There is also the person who picks the lock, who has also become this woman. Chen Chao and Jiao Kai have nothing to do with the picking of the lock!"

"In the story, it was this woman who knocked out Jiao Kai, and her purpose at the beginning seemed to be Chen Chao. She came to murder Chen Chao. Is Chen Chao the victim?"

"Also, why is there a completely similar description of the cracked palm described in Jiao Kai's first confession in the novel?"

"Why this bizarre description can appear twice, is this a coincidence?"

"It is unlikely to be a coincidence, but if it is not, it means that Jiao Kai's narrative is confirmed by the content of the novel. Does this mean that what he saw is true?"

"This is even more impossible. This is reality, not the plot of the novel. Some things can only exist in the absurdity of the writer, and it is absolutely impossible to overlap with reality!"

"Also, what is the purpose of Chen Chao's compiling all this into a novel? It's just pure creation, or is vaguely correcting and accusing this woman, but that doesn't make sense..."

"Also, the corpse, how come the corpse hasn't appeared yet!"

What makes Deng Bin feel the most hateful is that the novel has only the first 4 chapters, the story is still in the early stage, and the clues and truth are still half-concealed under the foggy atmosphere of the story rendering...

Deng Bin lit a cigarette irritably!

He can now roughly understand the deep resentment of the readers towards the writer...