Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 41: The footprints of the house


The black rain fell, and the dark sky was torn apart by the sun, like all the dark breeding soil, which was effectively sterilized and disinfected, and the air was filled with the smell of cooked mites...

Of course, just like this!

Silt remained in the potholes in the yard, and the sun pierced through the rusty skylight of the roof and shone diagonally, reflecting the black soles.

**Open the door and walk in.

The darkness in the corridor was dissipated by the sun, and the choking smoke mixed with the smell of vegetables fluttered in the cramped corridor, and the painted walls became more and more sticky by the oily smoke.

In the corridor, the shirtless man was snorting smoke in his mouth, and didn't know whether it was nicotine or vegetable oil smoke. The women cooking each stood in a corridor at the door, speaking in dialects, telling their neighbors. .

But I didn't see the children running around, about Mo was sent to school early to settle down.

"Let me tell you, there was a police car at the door late last night!"

"It's not late at night, it's almost dawn, and the police are all entering the building. I heard it calling for murder, what the corpse is... I don't know if it's real or fake!"

"Who knows, the painter and novelist who lived on the third floor were taken away anyway!"

"There must have been no murder, otherwise the landlord can clean upstairs so calmly, Ann, don't say any more, beware of the rent increase!"


The sound of the man's muffled cough interrupted the chatting of several old ladies, and he winked and reminded—

The policeman in a uniform appeared in the building!

The chatting voice was suddenly lowered, leaving only the sound of the wok and the wok turning.

The corridor without a range hood is like a steamer, smoky, and she walked over, stopped, and asked, "Did you hear anything in the corridor last night?"

"No, the corridor was very quiet last night, there was no sound at all, we slept very dead in the room."

The tenant who was asked about it answered carefully, roughly the same thing.

It's quiet and sleeps very hard.

**Frowning, only when they don't want to get into trouble for themselves, so they don't want to say more, but they don't realize that this is a truth, and it reveals a vital clue.

**Walking upstairs, I saw the landlord’s aunt greeted me within two steps. The other party was wearing an apron and holding a large iron basin in which some fresh and tender red meat was being stirred and marinated.

"Police officer, why are you here again?" The landlord's aunt was a little annoyed, and he could feel that the tenants in the building were quietly peeking here.

"I'll go to 313 to take a look again, and you will follow." ** said bluntly.

The landlord’s aunt was holding a meat bowl with sauce and gravy on her hands. Her face was always embarrassed, and she gritted her teeth to keep up.

313 in front of the door!

The iron-bar security door was closed, and the disassembled lock core fell on the floor, and the house was in a mess like a thief.

**Staring wide and looking at the dark footprints spreading all over the house, the whole house from the bedroom to the living room, whether it is the wall, ceiling or furniture surface, or even all kinds of debris scattered on the ground, all of which are the size of a fingernail Black foot prints.

The densely overlapping footprints are like a densely connected fishing net, seeping out from the ceiling, covering the entire house.

It was as if there was some terrifying ghost who had measured the whole house inch by inch with the soles of the feet.

Pure black footprints, some are shallow and some are deep, chaotic, but it can be roughly distinguished that they spread from the bedroom to the house, and the most strange thing is that these footprints all stay by the door, and there is no more down-to-earth. step.

It feels like a captive ghost, confined to the area of activity.

Dense footprints appeared on the retina, and she felt a little numb on her scalp, and her back was panicked.

"What's going on?" ** Look at the landlord's aunt.

The landlord's aunt looked at her in horror. When she left before, those footprints hadn't made it to the living room

"Dirty stuff, there is filthy stuff in this room!" The elderly aunt, who believed in some gods and Taoisms, plus a little guilty in her heart, would make her eyes turn white with fright.

"What's the dirty thing!"

** Rubbing his sore eyes vigorously, he was stunned for a while, and now his sanity has recovered, it is naturally impossible to think of ghosts and heresies.

"The shape of the foot print, the size of the fingernail, is this some kind of stamp for children's graffiti play?"

** Lie on the wall, carefully observing a small footprint.

"There are no ghosts in the world, and everything that seems evil is man-made!"

This is the truth that every policeman believes in, and ** is no exception. He just doesn't understand the meaning of such a "horror"

Is it a prank, or has another purpose? !

"By the way, how did the door lock be opened? What about the woman in the room?" She walked around the room, but found no one, only a bed of Coke bottles.

Outside the corridor.

Deng Bin rushed over. He first circled the corridor and found that the 3rd floor had been re-cleaned, some parts of the walls had been repainted, and the seams of the wooden boards had also been sprayed with dye.

The ground was clean and spotless, and the air still smelled of pungent freshener.

"This landlord can be considered broken for Chen Chao!"

There is no need to ask, Deng Bin has basically determined the truth of the matter.

He walked to 313 and glanced at the landlord who was sticking at the door like a sculpture, then his pupils suddenly shrank and his eyes fixed on the scene in the room.

"Who made these messy and weird little footprints in the room?"

Deng Bin immediately judged that this was stamped by something like a seal. The question is who did it, and is it to highlight or cover up

He first eliminated the suspicion of the landlord. The corridor cleaner was an expert, but he didn't have this imagination when he came up with these weird drawings.

"Master, Xia Nannan is not in the house."

**After investigating the room, I greeted Deng Bin, "Compared with when we left, apart from these footprints, there are more empty Coke bottles in the bedroom, signs of messing up in the living room, and refrigerators. The ground floor was evacuated."

"Oh, yes, the lock was also picked off." ** added, pointing to the broken lock cylinder on the ground.

"The meat in the refrigerator was emptied by someone else?"

Deng Bin was stunned. He looked suspiciously at the meat basin in the hands of the landlord and asked in a cold voice, "You moved the meat in the refrigerator. Did you pick this lock? When you pried the lock in, the house What's the situation here, what about Xia Nannan people?"

"Um, I don't know. I didn't pry the lock off. When I came up, it was like this in the house!" The landlord's mother clenched the meat basin and said hard: "I guess Chen Chao will have to move too. The meat in the refrigerator It's a shame to waste it, it just so happens that I won't charge him the rent anymore, so just..."

The landlady laughed twice.

Regarding lying, the landlord has the essence, this is the max skill she depends on to survive and sharpen!

In a sense, her existence is based on the confusing and confusing case, adding a layer of turbulent fog...