Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 42: Partnership crime + 4 hours


Broken lock cylinders, messy rooms, emptied refrigerators, black footprints all over the room, Coke bottles scattered around the bed, and Xia Nuan where people go to the empty house!

Excuse me: How to connect all these clues with one line

The other most important prerequisite is: Chen Chao, who is quietly staying in the detention room of the police station for nearly 4 hours at this moment!

In other words, Chen Chao has the most perfect alibi!

"So that's why Chen Chao asked to stay in the detention room, and to prove his alibi for this follow-up incident?"

Deng Bin racked his brains and thought. The thoughts in his mind seemed to be entangled in a mess by the case.

"If the whole event is divided into the first half of the night and the present, the first half of the night will be the first event, and the second half of the night will be the second event!"

"Then the main crux of the first incident is the disappearance of the corpse-does it exist or not!"

"It doesn't exist, what did Jiao Kai see? Or what did Chen Chao let him see? What is Chen Chao's purpose?"

"Exist, why can't the corpse be found!"

In the first incident, Deng Bin personally preferred that Jiao Kai did not speak drunkenly. The body did exist, but it was hidden or moved.

The first incident is complicated and confusing, it is difficult to sort out the context of the case, and now there is a second incident.

Deng Bin's head is as big as a fight: "The main crux of the second incident is that the messy pictures in this room are like pieces of jigsaw puzzle pieces. How to use a needle and thread to stitch them all together!"

"Especially the footprints full of the house are puzzling. How are the footprints drawn? Who did it? What is the purpose?"

"In addition, this also involves the landlord's aunt's rhetoric, whether it can be accepted as a disturbing factor!"

"The most puzzling thing is, what is the connection between the second event and the first event?"

Deng Bin did not believe that the two events existed in isolation, and the second event must have occurred as a continuation of the first event.

Chen Chao's detention in the detention room was definitely not just for an alibi, it must have a deeper, ulterior motive.

The two things are bound to be related, but there is no connection node at all, and the inner secret logic!

(ノ_;\(`ロ')/A mess!!

I am afraid that Deng Bin would be killed. He never expected that these were actually two separate incidents, and the culprit was not alone!

And an ulterior purpose! !

This is a "partnership case"!

Criminal 1: It was the landlord's aunt with an innocent scary face standing at the door, still kneading the marinated meat in her hands unconsciously.

Criminal 2: It was a drunk and tired puppet, who was sleeping under the seam of the bed with a Coke bottle in her arms.

Criminal 3: A novelist who voluntarily applied to be detained in a detention room and is about to complete the task of clocking in, accompanied by Xia Nannan who is also in the quiet little black room.

Deng Bin is really too difficult! ! !

He walked to the wall and looked at his footprints for a while, then pulled off a piece of wall covering intact and put it into the forensic bag.

"Take it back and check it out."

Deng Bin took the evidence to the police and turned to look at the landlord's aunt, "What is the relationship between the woman in this room yesterday and Chen Chao?"

The landlady stopped stirring the bacon. She didn't understand the police's point of view, so she moved to the woman again, but she was also blind when asked this question. She was also the first time she saw a female creature in Chen Chao's house.

"I don't know, I am the landlord and not his mother. Who is the person in his house? You don't need to report to me." The landlord aunt quickly cleared her ties.

"Then she has been here before?" Deng Bin thought for a while and wanted to ask a key question.

"Maybe I have been there, or I may not have been, oh, there are so many people coming in and out of this building every day, who remembers?" The landlord could not figure out Deng Bin’s thoughts. She had already been fooled once, and this time she answered The problem is more cautious and smooth.

"So conspicuously a legitimate loli, if she has ever been here, the landlord can't be damn impressed, so..."

Deng Bin keenly smelled a little loophole in his sleek answer, "So the probability of appearing for the first time is relatively high!"

Deng Bin made an inference in his heart, "Xia Nannan and Chen Chao are not lovers. Although the atmosphere between the two is not harmonious, it is impossible to be a stranger when they meet for the first time. Is it really the old man mentioned by Chen Chao? Friends reunion?"

Deng Bin grabbed the sparse hair on his head, then looked down at his watch and estimated the time. At this moment, Chen Chao should have been in the detention room for just 4 hours.

The phone in my trouser pocket is playing colorful ringtones.

Deng Bin frowned and answered the phone. It was Wang Yan who called and asked Chen Chao to ask to leave the detention room and ask whether he would be released.

The original sentence is-"Oh, it's been 4 hours, the clocking in and gathering is over, it's almost noon, I won't stay for dinner!"

"Sorry, I couldn't get any useful information from Chen Chao's mouth. Do I need to delay him for a while?" Wang Yan asked on the phone.

Deng Bin looked at the weird scene in the room and sighed, "Since Chen Chao cannot be filed for investigation, Chen Chao cannot be interrogated as a criminal suspect. It is his own request to enter the detention room. He is leaving now, and we too Follow his wishes the same."

hang up the phone.

Deng Bin said with a sullen face, watching the landlord's aunt who was eavesdropping next to him and warned: "I know all the abacus in your heart, and you better understand what you are doing!"

"I don't have any calculations, I just want the tenants in the building to be safe!" The landlord's aunt smiled, obviously overheard the content of the phone.

"Tenants in the building..." As soon as Deng Bin said what he said, he was interrupted by the landlord's aunt.

"I got up in the morning and asked from house to house. Every house is fine, no sick, no dead people, and no corpses." The landlord aunt knew what Deng Bin wanted to ask, so she categorically said: "It's safe in my self-built building. Very, nothing happened."

The iron fence door of the single room of the detention room was pushed open, and Chen Chao walked out with a thermos cup. On the lid of the cup were neatly placed grains of wolfberry berries filled with the fragrance of tea.

He poured all the medlars into his mouth and swallowed them slowly, then slowly tightened the lid of the cup, and handed it to Wang Yan with a smile: "Return the thermos cup to the policeman for me, and tell him by the way that the taste of the medlar foam is still good!"

Wang Yan took the thermos cup in silence, and decided in her heart that she would quietly refill the medlar in the tea, so she would not pass this sentence to Deng Bin.

"Paper and pen!" Wang Yan reached out.

"It's stingy, a few pieces of torn paper and pens have to be returned!" Chen Chao reluctantly returned the paper and pen to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan scanned the paper and saw some scribbles. She was overjoyed and planned to look at it later.

The criminals in the iron fence on the opposite side sat in rows, their faces stiff and expressionless, but their trembling eyes were always fixed on Chen Chao's back, watching quietly until the back disappeared in the corridor...