Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 43: This is not a scientific question! !


Although the cold and boring atmosphere in the detention room is more likely to inspire creative inspiration and give the writer an immersive experience of substitution, the outside air is more free and comfortable, and the sun is warmer!

The most important thing is that when the shoes are stepped on the hot ground and exposed to the sun, the uppers soaked in sweat can finally be dried slowly.

Chen Chao slowly swayed out of the police station, gently supporting the lens with his index finger, and the indoor live broadcast of 313 kept feedback in his mind.

Chen Chao saw Deng Bin's performance completely and could only silently praised, "Excellent and interesting!"

Then there was only a silent silence. The other party's performance explained that a student with excellent grades had gone to the wrong place in the examination room.

Obviously, the derivation of each step of the answer is excellent, and there are no flaws in the answering process. Unfortunately, I did not expect that-the teacher who posted the test questions silently changed the attributes of the question in the middle!

Do you think the answer is a scientific question

No, this is actually a hidden paradox!

Deng Bin deduced according to the thinking of scientific questions. The more precise and accurate the deduction of the process, the further away from the correct result.

During the deduction process, his judgment of Jiao Kai was completely correct, the link of dead man + corpse was completely correct, and Chen Chao's ulterior motives were basically true.

However: the dead man is still alive, and he is still being locked up in a small black room at this moment!

Chen Chao felt heartbroken for Deng Bin. If the other party continued to investigate, he might soon be able to grab his thin hair.

Yes, Chen Chao discovered during the surveillance that Deng Bin had a bad habit of pulling his hair while thinking.

This is really a bad habit!

If you pull your hair like this, no matter how much wolfberry you eat, it won’t be nourishing.

Chen Chao walked in the direction of going home while pressing the road, while his mind diverged without margin, "Hey, this one will definitely pay attention to the novel I wrote after entering the venue. In order to express his apology, he was given a corresponding in the novel. His character has thick black hair, so, I think he should be able to feel the kindness I released!"

There are a lot of pedestrians on the road, and occasionally some passers-by will stop their eyes on Chen Chao, and Chen Chao does not care, just as someone who is rude and does not understand aesthetics.

What annoyed him a little was that there were too many people on the road, and there was no such concealed private place that he could receive the reward for completing [Task 3].

Chen Chao must beware, if a vortex of rewards suddenly surfaced in the air, wouldn't it be too shocking!

Temporarily suppressing the curiosity in his heart, Chen Chao's steps gradually accelerated. In addition, the pot of marinated and kneaded meat in the landlord's hand made Chen Chao anxious.

His walking posture is a bit strange, the center of gravity seems to be more on his left foot, and the pace of his legs is completely different.

It's like switching frequencies continuously. After the left foot takes a quick step, it instantly switches to low-frequency speed, and then the right foot lazily stretches out a step, and then suddenly switches back to high-frequency speed. The long straddle stepped out.

It was obviously a pair of legs, but it just got out of the effect of two people supporting each other.

The left leg is a sprinter who is charging up and charging, and the right leg is an 80-year-old lady from your home.

The sprinter dragged the old lady and ran forward, wheezing sweat from the palms of both feet, and Chen Chao felt that his crotch was about to be torn.

The look in his eyes by passers-by has changed from looking at him from looking at him to looking at a mentally ill patient with a sheep's epilepsy!

"Is it this kind of split feeling when running with a one-legged shoe? The cerebellum is completely unable to control coordinated movements like a crash. It is not so much that I move my legs in turn, it is better to say that I am jumping forward on one foot. run fast!"

Chen Chao didn't care about the dementia of passers-by. This picture is far from shocking the world. It can only be said that these passers-by have never seen the world, so it is rare and strange.

It is a pity that time is tight, otherwise Chen Chong will definitely stop and suggest that they go to "Suspense Author's Survival Guide". If they are baptized by the thriller fragments described in the book several times, their nerves and psychology can evolve to be more calm and tough.

"Normal pace walking can still be controlled, but once converted to a high-speed running rhythm, the frequency of the right foot swaying can't keep up at all."

Chen Chao calculated his pace in his heart, and felt the tearing sensation from the crotch. It was not painful, but there was a "quack" of fascia tearing.

"This scum-like body not only can't carry the brain cpu, it can't even carry the hard-to-buy equipment!"

Chen Chao stopped, he was not afraid of pain, but he still had to worry a little about that awkward position.

In fact, it is more than the fascia on the thigh root, and the fabric in the crotch position is slightly off the line.

When he mentioned his pants in place, Chen Chaoyou didn't give up. After all, it was a high-priced equipment purchased by the horror point of 100 yuan.

"Either, buy a pair of shoes, it depends on luck; or, improve physical fitness, it takes time; none of the above can be achieved in a short period of time, then you can only find a way to bear the life and carry it!!!"

Chen Chao quickly got the answer in his mind. He gritted his teeth, like a baby who has just learned to walk, carefully stepping forward with his left leg, shortening the stride of his left foot as much as possible.

As soon as you bend your knees to make a run, the sole stimulates the soles of your feet to burst out with a surging force, and the whole left leg is immediately light and weightless, driving the body forward; the corresponding right foot is as heavy as a lead-filled quilt. Dragged away.

"Short the left foot step distance and slow down the knee bending range, but it should not be too small. It will be judged by the shoes as walking. It is necessary to find the critical value of walking and running, and at the same time speed up the speed and step distance of the right foot. Balance the left and right sides of your body, so as not to fall apart and strike!"

In order to be able to move this body, Chen Chao's brain really broke his heart.

3 minutes later!

The instructions issued by the brain are executed by the body stumbling, and the left and right feet can barely complete the adaptation. This is probably an alternative and romantic "If life is just like the first sight!"

The left foot is short and the right foot is long. Chen Chao's running posture is still quite weird, like a staggering cripple sprinting at the Paralympic Games, but fortunately, he is more inspirational than mentally ill.

"The running speed is 1/3 of just now, but it is about 2.33 times faster than my usual running speed, and the physical energy consumption during running is greatly reduced. It only takes about 22 minutes to run back at this speed."

After 24 minutes!

Chen Chao appeared at the entrance of the self-built building a little embarrassed. The two minutes delayed came from being chased by a few wild dogs next to the garbage dump, which was delayed.

It is estimated that he was running in a weird posture, which caused the group of mad dogs to have the wrong association!

never mind!

This is not important, and the logic of ghosts cannot cross species boundaries and judge the thoughts of stupid dogs.

Chen Chao observed and found that there was no police patrol car parked at the door, indicating that Deng Bin and the others had left.

He immediately entered the building and went straight to the house of the landlord’s aunt on the second floor...

ps: The first copy and the buried lead are almost here. Do you have any thoughts, and what are your expectations for the next plot? In the chapter review, you don't say anything, I'm a little confused. . . . .

The second copy: Is it a ghost in the eastern suburbs? Or sign in? Or a new level

Characters: Deng Bin, **, Wang Yan, Xia Nannan, Muppets, whoever I like more, you can talk about it, so that you can give me a chance to find out. . . . . Don't read the book so indifferently, don't say anything!