Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 51: Dirty rental house



The elevator door opens!

There is a burning smell of burnt smoke on the face!

The wall in front of me was infiltrated with black, and it was burning black smoke entering the wall, but it seemed like a terrible monster was about to crawl out of the wall with its teeth and claws.

From the elevator, there are 901 and 904 on the left and 902 and 903 on the right.

902 and 903 have not yet been renovated and moved in, but the surroundings of the anti-theft door body were blackened, and the protective film on the door was burnt and turned into black spots on the door.

It's okay!

Guan Wang took Chen Chao to the left, and at the same time took out a bunch of keys from his briefcase and inserted them into the keyhole of 904.

"This house was originally a wedding room bought by the man to prepare for the marriage. As a result, it burned to death right after the renovation!"

"The woman felt unlucky, so she went to another place to buy a new house. The house was left vacant and let out by our agency."

"The furniture inside is almost ready, you can move in directly, and all the conditions are in line with your requirements, and the rent is much cheaper than the normal price of this community. The only problem may be a little bad luck. Some people believe this. According to me, what’s wrong with this? It’s the right door to burn people to death, and it’s not that there’s a problem in this room."

Guan Wang said, pulling the door lock vigorously, and did not open the security door for a long time. He turned to face Chen Chao embarrassedly: "After all, it is facing 901. The high-temperature smoked door frame is a little deformed. Take some effort."

Chen Chao stood sideways in the corridor, Yu Guang glanced at the closing and unlocking movements.

As Guan Wang said, the door body of 904 was slightly deformed, and the paint on the door was melted away, as if black tears were hanging on the door's face.

The cat's eyes also bulged out, distorted like dead eyeballs, deformed and swollen extremely horribly.

As far as the shape of the door is concerned, most people will be scared to death when they come back at night, not to mention that they have to stay close to the door for a while to open and enter the house.

What's more, with his back facing 901—the grilled and deformed door that was violently dismantled, it was half hung on the wall and couldn't close, concealing a black gap.

It was like a shadow extending from hell, and the sound of the wind passing through it was like the sobs of a female ghost, surrounding it along the stairwell... This is a normal person, and I don't dare to live here.


The lock cylinder turned, the anti-theft door and the wall made a collision sound, Guan Wang finally opened the door of 904.

Most of Chen Chao's interest was attracted by 901, but he lacked interest in 904. Of course, he didn't show it at all.

Follow Guan Wang and walk into 904.

The room is about 80 square meters of practical area, simple decoration style, the tiles are white engraved with marble-like stripes, the wallpaper is gray, and the furniture, tables and chairs are contrasted with black.

It is a two-bedroom room with all the basic furniture and appliances, especially the living room has a bright floor-to-ceiling window, which can catch the office building opposite.

After shopping around every room, Chen Chao is naturally satisfied. Compared with the rental house he originally lived in, this house can slightly match the identity of the "novelist".

What's more, the location of this house is excellent. You can see the scenery of Yuhua Tower and observe the situation of Secret 901 from a close range. Chen Chao is definitely going to rent this house.

"Mr. Chen, do you think this house is still satisfactory? The rent can still be discounted."

Guan Wang looked at Chen Chao standing next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. He couldn't see too many emotional fluctuations on his face. He gritted his teeth to prepare for another wave of rent reduction.

He had already visited the house with 4 waves of customers. Among them, three groups of customers turned away without even entering. The remaining group of female guests asked for a trial night.

As a result, when he signed the rental contract in the morning of the second day, he opened the door and saw the female tenant hiding behind the door like a puddle of mud, her eyes filled with scarred blood.

Since then, the house has been labelled as "unclean", and the rent has dropped again and again, but it has never been rented out.

Finally ran into another tenant this time, and the strange request happened to fit the house. Guan Wang made up his mind that he must rent the house to Chen Chao.

"Can the rent be lowered again?" Chen Chao looked down at the entrance and exit of the Yuhua seat, with an imperceptible arc in the corner of his mouth.

After a lot of bargaining, the original rent was reduced by 20%. This is the bottom line of concern, and if he lowers his list, it will be done in vain.

With Chen Chao’s IQ, it is natural to see that Guanwang had concealed some information about this house, but he didn’t care too much. Will definitely stay.

Even out of some secretive thoughts, the current Chen Chao hopes that there is something wrong with this room.

I, Chen Chao, am a frightened novelist!

With the look of expectation, Chen Chao accepted the short-term rental (three-month) contract, glanced at it, and signed it.

"By the way, what did the person who died at the door do, do you know?" Chen Chao asked after signing the first word.

"I also heard about it. I'm not sure. It seems to be a female doctor in the Department of Otology at Haiguang Fourth Hospital. She is in her 30s and she has just married."

Seeing that Chen Chao had signed it, Guan Wang wanted to inform the other party of the gossip he heard: "But what is strange is that only a scorched corpse was brought out in the house at the time, and the woman's husband did not appear from beginning to end."

"The police couldn't contact the deceased's husband. What's even more strange is that the contact information of the woman's relatives was all unanswered. The body was unclaimed for a long time."

"Finally, I heard that the Fourth Hospital was taken back and put in the morgue. It has not been cremated."

Guan Wang told Chen Chao purely as if it were a story, and he himself didn't care about the weirdness in the story. After all, how much is true of the gossip from the hearsay

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Chen Chao expressionlessly remembered some strange points in the other party's narration in his heart.

"What's that woman's name?"

Chen Chao signed the contract and handed it over with the rent.

"I can't remember, it seems to be Xu!"

Guan Wang took the money and after the count was completed, he took down the house key and handed it to Chen Chao: "Mr. Chen, then this rental contract is now in effect. If you have any questions during the stay, you can also contact me with a leaflet. There is my contact information."

Chen Chao nodded, stretched out his hand and took out the phone, the sheepskin roll representing the taskbar in the upper right corner of the screen lit up in red.

When Guan Wang accepted the contract and went out, he turned his head and said politely: "By the way, I have forgotten to ask what occupation you are in?"

"Novelist!" Chen Chao answered while closing the door.

Outside the door, Guan Guan stared at the twisted and raised cat's eye on the closed security door, his back suddenly felt a little chilly, and said silently in his heart: "Then you may be able to write the story of the opposite door into the novel~"