Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 53: A deed of sale


Chen Chao took out a hand-written labor employment contract that he didn't know when it was ready, and handed it to Xia Nannan.

The scribbled and detailed handwriting seemed as if countless curled up earthworms were nailed to the white floor, and the pus splashed from the corpse was woven into a grid-like cage, imprisoning Xia Yannan in the air of reality.

"The terms and conditions are a bit more detailed, but you don't need to read them so carefully. In fact, most of the rules are just supplementary clauses. There are only a few central ideas. I will explain it to you!"

With a thick stack of contracts, Xia Nannan will review word by word. Isn't that embarrassing "primary school students"

Chen Chao has always advertised his intimate care for him. He turned over the first two pages of the contract and directly put the terms of "rights and obligations" on page 3 before Xia Nannan's eyes.

"First of all, let’s review the previous summary-I paid a high fee to save you from becoming a pool of melted ink. This is also the prerequisite for you to continue to stand in front of me. That part of the cost is I paid it for you, so you have the obligation to repay the debt to me!"

"And based on the extension of the previous situation, in order to allow you to stay in the current world legally with your identity as a smuggler, it cost a huge price to purchase your ID card for legal detention in the current world. This is also what you need to tell me There is no problem with the repayment of the additional debt, right?"

Xia Nannan: "..."

Seeing Xia Nannan's silence, Chen Chao only acquiesced in shame as the other party, and then showed a gentler smile: "The other thing is that I will provide you with board and lodging, as well as the cordial care like a spring breeze."

Chen Chao showed a cordial smile on his face and looked down at Xia Nannan, a cunning father who looked like a new year's money.

Xia Nannan stretched out and looked at the thick stack of contracts, the dense handwriting almost blinded her.

Xia Nannan, who had never frowned at the sharp blade facing her throat, was now facing the wriggling handwriting full of earthworms, with a rare trace of unconcealed horror in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, I'll explain to you, what you have to do is very simple."

Chen Chao continued to flip over the contract, pointing to the clauses related to Xia Nannan’s obligations, and said gently: “Don’t entangle those derivative rules and clauses. In fact, all you have to do to sum it up is one sentence.”

"I will do my best to protect my personal safety, faithfully perform all the tasks I have assigned, and turn all the profits generated during the execution to me, and I will make the final distribution, in order to repay this debt as soon as possible."

Chen Chao turned to the last page of the contract as soon as he said it. There was a period of time for signing the contract, which was a three-year short-term contract.

Chen Chao’s explanation was: “I roughly estimated the repayment period required for this debt. If you can implement it in accordance with the terms of the contract, three years should be enough for you to pay off the debt.”

"Of course, as long as you perform well in the middle of the process, show strong initiative in your work, or can set an example of outstanding employees for later employees, then I will not be stingy with rewards, and even replace you with one in advance. It’s not impossible to get more preferential employee contracts."

Chen Chao encouraged Xia Nannan and outlined a bright future full of prospects for her.

Xia Nannan swallowed and spit, and the flesh on the corners of her mouth was stiff.

This is actually an overlord clause that transforms the ownership of slavery into legal exploitation through words, called "in sheep's clothing" for short.

However, the situation is stronger than that of people, from the moment she was locked into the small black room.

Her body was branded with the signature of "Chen Chao", which was an ownership relationship similar to the ownership of property rights, and it was for life.

At least, the form of the contract is more tender than the direct branding, and the "three-year" period can barely be regarded as a pie? Isn't it? ! !

Although, in a great probability, this is a kind of self-deception, but is not a person alive to deceive himself

Guicai logic's control of human nature perfectly encloses Xia Nannan. After all, the characters created by the writers themselves, from the beginning of their birth, are difficult to break free from the shackles of their own thinking due to their innate talents.

What's more, Chen Chao didn't spend too much time in shaping the character of Xia Nannan, and at that time he didn't have the logical thinking like a ghost.

Chen Chao observed that the frequency of Xia Nannan's mouth was decreasing, and he could roughly figure out how much resistance was left in the opponent's inner resistance.

"It's time to add the last material!"

Chen Chao glanced at the fiercely grinning puppet in the phone, and the eyes behind the lenses showed a sharp cold light.

He took out a pen and handed it to Xia Nannan, and at the same time took out another contract from his arms, spreading it out in Xia Nannan's field of vision.

"Voluntary Selling Agreement on Muppet Bottle Caps!" 》

On the title page of the contract, the scarlet font is deliberately bold, as if dripping blood reveals indescribable malice.

It is three times thicker than the previous contract, and the harshness of the terms in it is turned over. This is no longer an employment contract, but a "sales agreement" as the title says!

And it is absolutely cheap, the kind that will never turn over!

"My puppet bottle cap, I hereby declare that I signed the agreement voluntarily, and since the day of signing the agreement, the entire body and soul have been bought by Chen Chao at a high price of 13 bottles of Coke..."

Xia Nannan looked at the last page of the agreement, and sure enough, the statute of limitations of the contract was lifelong.

"First sign your own contract, and then go and get the puppet to sign the agreement. This is your first business, and it must be clean and tidy~"

The devil's laughter echoed leisurely in the room.

Xia Nannan swallowed hard and spit, watching the puppets jumping up and down on the screen of the phone, with a trace of pity in her eyes, but there was an unstoppable sour whisper in her heart that was fermenting quietly.

Two seconds later!

Xia Nannan signed her name on the contract, and then held the first business contract tightly with her five fingers, exploding with awe-inspiring killing intent.

7 minutes later!

Xia Nannan handed a signed sales agreement to Chen Chao. On the last page of the signature column, there were two small black footprints soaked in the back of the paper.

And at the handle of Xia Nannan's cane, the puppet was tied with a rope, like a decorative ornament, swinging back and forth like a swing in the air.

The puppet’s belly was hung on the silk thread, his head was spinning, and he barked his teeth when he looked at Chen Chao.

Chen Chao was very satisfied with Xia Nannan's work efficiency. He put away all the contracts, lowered his head and smiled kindly at the bottle cap of Barking Teeth.

Bottle Gai'er didn't even know what he was forced to sign by Xia Nannan. In the contract that weighed more than itself, it didn't recognize a word!

It's only three and a half years old, it's too difficult!