Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 55: Impossible to know people


In the elevator room, the mirror on the back reflected that the back of Wang Kang's head was wet with sweat, his fingers clenched the plastic bag tightly, enduring the suffocating silence in the air.

Xia Nannan dragged off the puppet's head, the thread and cotton wool that had been taken off dripped out, and was pulled back and forth by the body and head in the air.

Chen Chao held the frame with his hand, the muscles on his face seemed to be stiff and necrotic, without emotional fluctuations.

In the enclosed elevator room, Wang Kang felt that he was consuming the oxygen he breathed every second. He felt that the blood in his body was frozen and the pores on the soles of his feet were blowing cold air out.

About 5 seconds!

Chen Chao returned to his senses, put down the hand supporting the frame, and a gentle and calm smile appeared on his face. He took the trash bag full of sweat in Wang Kang's hand and apologized: "Ah, you have a lot of sweat. Are you sick?"

Wang Kang swallowed and spit.

"You may catch a cold when you go out like this. I'll take out the garbage for you. Don't thank you. From now on, everyone will be neighbors. It's okay to help each other out!"

Chen Chao patted Wang Kang on the shoulder and turned and walked out of the elevator door. Xia Nannan stopped the puppet movement, glanced at Wang Kang blankly, and silently followed Chen Chao and left the elevator.

Wang Kang: "..."

Without the plastic bag, the palm of his hand was wet and empty until the elevator door was slowly closed again, and a pale stiff face appeared on the door.

Greasy fingers shivered and avoided the button on the 9th floor, touching to light up the 10th floor.

Accompanied by the sound of the chain stretching from above the elevator car, the elevator began to operate and climb up, and the monitoring probe at the oblique corner overlooked everything...

Across the street, looking up at the Yuhua Seat, the dim afterglow is spreading over the office building, and the grid-like windows reflect, as if shrouded in invisible air.

The air is invisible, but the light reflected between the glass can cause ripples in the air. It also seems to be cut into cracked spots and reflected on the transparent lens.

"The world mapped into the pupil through the lens is clearer than directly observing it with the naked eye!"

Chen Chao stood on the side of the road and waved, and a vehicle with the sign of Haiguang Taxi Co., Ltd. stopped.

A news broadcast is being broadcast in the taxi:

—Recently, an explosion occurred in the Haoze Life Research Institute in this city, resulting in 3 deaths and 7 injuries. The cause of the explosion has been found to be caused by a leak of the ignition pipeline in the research institute. Affected by this, the share price of Haoze Group continued to fall. …

—The Schmidt Republic and the Subang Empire launched a new round of military competition. The President of the Azure Federation called on...

-At around 3:47 pm yesterday, a broken body was found in a waste dump in a shanty town in the eastern suburbs. According to relevant sources, this is already the third broken body case, which may be related. This station will continue Follow and report...

The listening rate of the 312 radio channel has recently increased. In response to the feedback from the general public, the late-night column "Thriller Radio" will be rebroadcast every afternoon. For specific content previews, please pay attention to the mobile phone public account...

Xia Nannan was sitting in the back row of the taxi, her raincoat brim covered her head curtain and she couldn't see clearly, she was still bowing her head and struggling with the puppet's off-line head, and the silk thread wound around her neck made a weird rubbing sound.

Chen Chao sat in the front seat, fastened his seat belt, and gave the driver a place name.

The meter was pressed, the taxi started, the sound of the radio on the car gradually became muffled, and the faintly raised background music turned into a gloomy tune.

—The trembling broadcast!

—"... In this hospital where a group of lunatics are held, weird noises are always heard from the dean's office in the middle of the night, and the strange thing is that every time the door is opened, the sound disappears, and there is a person in the office. nothing… "

"The older head nurse will tell the new nurse in the middle of the night, don't just shake it in the corridor, don't pay attention to it even if you hear some strange noises, it may be something like cockroaches and rats getting into the house. Yes, just leave it alone..."

"But Wang Lan, a nurse assigned just after graduation, didn't think so. She could hear that voice. It was the sound of someone taking a pencil and reeling a tape. She had an old radio at home when she was young. She liked it very much. It is possible to play a favorite song on a tape over and over again, but the rewind button of the tape recorder is broken, so she always sits aside and spins the tape with a pencil, which comes from the dean’s office. That’s the voice, but it’s 2012 now, who still listens to the tape..."

"In the gloomy corridor, the old head nurse was dozing off in a chair, while Wang Lan quietly put his entire head on the door, and the voice from inside became clearer..."

The weird sound of the puppet’s head turning perfectly overlaps with the sound of the tape reeling on the radio, just like a weird echo floating quietly in a closed taxi.

The driver almost thought that the sound from the radio had drifted into reality, and the skin on his back seemed to have been cut away from the muscles by cold scissors, shaking and twitching in horror.

His eyes subconsciously glanced in the rearview mirror and looked in the back seat. The raincoat that couldn't see his face, the torn puppet, seemed to be excerpted into the "Thriller Broadcast" as the material for ghost stories. .

Suddenly, Xia Nannan felt the prying eyes, she suddenly raised her head, a pair of black and white stern eyes in her pale face looked at the taxi driver through the rearview mirror.

Cold sweat oozes from the tip of his nose, and the taxi driver's face becomes stiff, then his face is full of consternation and suspiciousness, and finally asks tentatively, uncertainly: "Xia Nannan?"

"Are you a new female colleague recruited by the company?"

The stiff voice was suspicious at first, but later the tone tended to be deterministic.

Xia Nannan stared at the taxi driver strangely. She had never seen this person, nor should she have seen this driver.

Chen Chao's pupils shrank awe-inspiringly into pitch-black small holes, the muscles at the bottom of his face were tightened, and a pair of eyes moved sharply, staring straight at the taxi driver.

"Have you seen her?"

Chen Chao reached out to turn off the radio channel, and the ordinary face of the taxi driver was reflected in his dark pupils, and the voice seemed to burst out of his teeth one by one.

What is going on with this weird tension

Do I recognize what happened to Xia Nannan

Isn't she a wanted criminal

"It must be because I have been listening to this shivering radio recently, which made my whole person nervous!"

The taxi driver dispelled the absurd thoughts in his mind. He withdrew his gaze from Xia Nannan, and then Yu Guang glanced at the customer in the front seat and explained: "Oh~ it's Xia Nannan, right? I haven't said anything, but They were all in a taxi company, and I was always impressed!"

"Taxi driver, is it the ghost of the employment contract in the file?... So, this legal identity is not just a written certificate, even the traces of the previous existence have been forged, this..."

Chen Chao glanced at Xia Nannan, who was in a sluggish state, and with an indifferent expression on his face, he glanced at the receding scenery outside the window, and inside his heart was a stormy sea...