Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 59: The new house number is 313


The bank card is thin and light, but the weight it carries is incalculable. You can only check it in the ATM cash machine.

Chen Chaomo touched the bank card, and his ghostly thoughts clamored in his mind: "Xia Nannan’s favorability towards me is currently unknown and cannot be queried, and my favorability for Xia Nannan depends on the deposit balance in this bank card. Hey~"

[Below 50,000, favorability 30! 】

[5-10 million, goodwill degree 40! 】

[100,000 to 200,000, the favorability has risen to the 40-60 range! 】

[≥200,000, there is no need for favorability, this year's best outstanding employees can basically be pre-determined in advance! 】

For the first time in his life, he received a bank card from someone else, and the other person was still a woman. This kind of taste is completely different from the pleasure of writing a book. Chen Chao feels that he is a little airy~

Chen Chaoxin had even figured out how to spend the money in each section.

"First, at the next restaurant, make up for the amount of missing body meat, and then replace a mobile phone..."

With the effort of putting the bank card in his pocket, Chen Chao has already made a list of shopping lists in seconds.

He turned his head and carried all the boxes from the back of the car into the elevator door, waiting for the elevator to fall down.

The elevator door hasn't opened yet!

There was a fierce quarrel from inside, the voices of two men, one of them leaked hoarsely like a broken throat: "Who allows you to change the door lock without my consent, you must pay me compensation, don't you know?"

"The lock core of the thief in the house was broken, so I had to change it." The other voice was familiar.

"I won't listen to you to explain. Anyway, I didn't intend to renew the lease of this house to you anyway. As soon as it expires at the end of this month, you will quickly clean up and move away with your girlfriend." The broken throat voice was abnormally irritable. .

"Impossible. At the beginning, we said it was a long-term lease, so I rented the house and redecorated it." The familiar voice suddenly became furious.

Behind is the roar of quarrel, as the elevator descends into the corridor, the decibels are soaring sharply.

The elevator door opens!

The quarrel stopped abruptly, and a slender middle-aged man walked out with a gloomy face. His face was long, with deep furrows on both sides of his nose, and his wrinkled eyes glanced at Chen Chao who was carrying the box.

The other person in the elevator was Wang Kang. He saw Chen Chao at the same time, his face was slightly stiff, and then he showed a look of shame and anger, and leaped out from the elevator entrance sideways, and chased after the man in front of him.

As he passed by, Chen Chao saw Wang Kang's crumpled clothes on the neckline, and there were a few red fingerprints on the skin of his neck. It seems that there was a physical conflict in the elevator just now~

Everyone nowadays is like a gunpowder keg, how come they don’t know how to be courteous at all!

Door 904

The key was inserted into the lock core to make a spring "gada" sound, and the corner of the door frame was a little deformed. It had to be pulled hard, and the door frame and wall made a harsh scratching sound before the door was opened!

Putting the boxes one by one in the living room, Chen Chao walked out of the house again and glanced at the house number on the outer eaves.

The smoked blackened house number, the three numbers are a bit deformed and convex, like a few hairy corpses stuck on it.

It's not that Chen Chao likes "artistic style". The three numbers "904" sound like "dying", and it's not very pleasant. Relatively speaking, the rusty house number he holds in his hand is much more cordial.

Two layers of double-sided tape were added to the house number, and the 313 was covered on the 904 with two gestures, and Chen Chao glued it on.

After looking at the door for a while, Chen Chao was very satisfied with the changed house number. After thinking about it, he took out a fruit knife from the house, cut off the hideous cat's eye, stuffed the prepared glass beads into the cat's eye hole, and then reopened the cat's eye. Buckle.

The hideous and distorted cat's eye shell, with weird glass beads hidden in it, is as if a terrifying eye is actually nailed to the door, peeping straight out.


Chen Chao praised his artistic bacteria. This is the artistic style he likes-the details are hidden behind the hideous and abrupt, which is also his consistent writing style.

Behind the seemingly eye-catching scenery, there is actually another layer of reflection that is easily overlooked. This is the different world that ordinary people and lunatics see.

Turning his head and glanced at 901 behind him, the world behind the door was still very attractive to him, but he was a person who didn't like to change plans at will!

Exploring 901, it's better to leave it to the late-night codewords to do aftertaste programs.

Back to House 313

Open the boxes and place the belongings, put everything in the master bedroom, and the second bedroom will be shared by Xia Nannan and the bottle cap.

Xia Nannan didn't have much interest in visiting the house, but the bottle cap was quite interested in leaving its small footprints in the full house. Unfortunately, it had no confidence to squeak with its belly pinched and was brought back to the house by Xia Nannan.

The three-and-a-half-year-old bottle cap began to taste the hardships of survival! ! !

Under the same roof, the bedroom door is closed and locked, which is to isolate the enclosed space. No one knows what you have done hiding in the house!

Chen Chao piled his books in the corner.

Most of the books are popular bestsellers, as well as some useful reference books, which are mixed with several duplicate books!

The dirt on the front page of the cover is a dead-end book published by Chen Chao at his own expense, but unfortunately, he didn't send out a few copies in the end. It could only be placed in the most eye-catching position at the top of the book as a facade decoration.

"Gloom"-a suspenseful novel that looks at the name and introduction, and you can't tell what you're writing.

Chen Chao put the books neatly one after the other, and there were also a few worn-out notebooks, which he used to write outlines.

There were black footprints on the notebook, and Coke** penetrated into the paper, blurring some of himself. Chen Chao could only spread the notebook out on the floor to air dry.

Then he took out two brightly colored impurities from the books and placed them on the bedside table for bedtime reading.

After fixing the items with the largest number of boxes, the next thing is some changes of clothes and odds and ends, all of which were quickly placed and sorted by him.

The clothes were piled up in the closet, the shoes were hung up in the bathroom, and a towel was brought back and began to carefully wipe the computer screen and keyboard.

A wooden board embedded in the wall is used as a computer desk at the base of the wall in the master bedroom. Chen Chao quickly reassembled it and plugged it in.

The homeowner originally planned to act as a wedding room, so the quality of the home improvement is very good, and even the Internet has been connected early.

Turn on, connect to the Internet, log in to the terminal network, click on the writer backstage, and enter the account password!

Ding Dong!

There is a short notice in the background message!