Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 6: Unmovable body hardware


The slippers stepped on the rusty house number and squeezed the ground, and the sharp fruit knife pierced the cat's eyes straightly, piercing the peeping eyes.

The cat's eye pierced through the hole, the dimpled wooden stubble was broken, the broken wooden thorns plunged into the skin of the wrist, and the fist with the fruit knife slammed into the iron gate, and the blade from the railing pierced the dark air.

"Not stabbed!"

The touch of Kongkong **** reminded Chen Chao that he could not stab the target.

Goose bumps suddenly floated on the back of his hand, and there was a bit of cold from the wrist, as if it was entangled by something, the hole opened by the cat's eye was blocked by the wrist, Chen Chao couldn't see the scene in the corridor, but the exposed limbs The feedback from the touch quickly woven into the following picture in his mind.

The dark raincoat curled up on the ground to avoid the stabbing fruit knife, while a pale arm came out of the raincoat quietly. The soft and slender but cold and slippery snake was just running down the gap between the iron bars. On the cruising over, the fishy fangs opened in his mouth and bit his wrist fiercely.

The sense of touch captured by the body forms a neural signal, which is then meticulously processed by [Logical Ghosts], and finally input into the brain center to restore the dynamic picture. At the same time, a dozen countermeasures are simulated and deduced by lightning in my mind. Picking out the optimal solution, the whole process takes time.

The final instructions are output from the brain, transmitted to the active body parts, and form a counterattack action, which is enough to apply.

And in the process of musculoskeletal operation, countless redundant losses are accumulated at the rate of every millisecond, so that the decomposition of every frame of action is accelerating and distorting.

The coherent concrete external assumptions are:

Chen Chao's back muscles were stretched inch by inch, using the elbow joint as a bearing to perform a 60-degree rotation, linking the wrist flexion and extension to pull inward, and at the same time the wrist joint internally rotated at the same rate, driving the blade held by the five fingers to draw a perfect arc downward. The thread finally runs through the fangs of the incision snake.

The above logic draws on the scene of the big detective Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr. in the opening fight. At this moment, Chen Chao had a very strong sense of substitution.


The speed of elbow withdrawal and the speed of wrist rotation are not well coordinated, and because the amplitude of wrist rotation is too large, the fruit knife accidentally gets stuck in the seam of the iron fence during the downward stroke, followed by the reaction force of the impact. The wrist trembles, the action is completely disintegrated!

It was like a dead rat that had been knocked out and fell into the mouth of a poisonous snake. The smelly fangs of the latter were closed, and two black blood holes were bitten out from the lower mouth. Spilled between the wooden door and the iron fence!

[Blood gives bravery! 】

[The current blood loss is 54ml. In the state of continuous blood loss... the secretion of adrenaline is increased, and the muscle activity is increased by 10%! 】

A line of subtitle hints floated strangely on the retina!

Chen Chao's face turned dark, and he cursed his mother. He only felt that this line [Subtitle Tip] was extremely dazzling!

This is called a prompt

This is clearly Chi Guoguo's ridicule, he is scornfully insulting his proud IQ, all tm blames the body for not being strong!

The adrenaline rushed to the cerebral cortex. Chen Chao felt that his brain was full of anger and smoke. He was completely irritated. He roared and pulled his arm backward, while his left leg stood and supported. Mention it, straight up like a cannon!


Holes in the wooden door were blasted out by the bumps, and the shattered sawdust was splashed, and the knees were still rushed out, hitting an arm that could not be shaken, like a wooden stake under a farmer's hammer. A poisonous snake biting a mouse.


The slender arm was squeezed against the iron fence behind!

In the crackling sound, the joints in the middle of the arms cracked in the opposite direction, and the slipped bones bent and pierced the flesh. They were stuck by the flesh at a weird angle, hanging bloody and swaying in the air.

The sharp hissing sound was mixed with the sweet sound of broken muscles, the raincoat behind the door was going crazy, and another cold claw clasped Chen Chao's thigh like lightning, and immediately plunged into the flesh and blood, and the sharp nails were like tickling. The meat knife was struck down along the meridian of the flesh and blood, and the two strands of fresh red meat were cut off, which looked no different from the strips of meat sold by the butcher hanging on the iron hook.

The sound of blood spitting and splashing crashed between the two doors, flowing down the door panel, along the iron fence, along the hanging "Mouse and Snake", ticking...

The gap between the door and the floor was smeared with blood!

Chen Chao withdrew his arm and kicked his leg violently to drive the flying blood chips (a mixture of blood water and sawdust). The soles of his shoes slid out a series of prints in the pool of blood on the ground. On the floor, the eyes never blinked from beginning to end, staring at the two "cat eyes" that were broken and stained on the door.

Opposite the cat's eye, a soft arm on the iron fence fell down, and when it hit the gap of the iron fence, it made a crisp sound. I glanced over from Chen Chao's angle, but never saw anyone climbing up, as if the raincoat outside was curled up into a ball. , Lying on the ground suddenly stopped moving.

Across the door, the two fallen bodies silently "look at each other".jpg

It will take time for the two slivers of meat on the iron fence to dry, and the smell of blood is dotted with the stench. Fortunately, one is naturally accustomed to it, and the other is barely able to adapt with a gas mask!

The atmosphere fell into a brief silence!

It seems that both parties inside and outside the door need to take a breather to assess their own health conditions, and get to know each other again by the way!

The estimate outside the door did not expect a fat house writer to be so cruel; the estimate inside the door is also reflecting on how wasteful this body can be.

"Talk about it?"

While examining his injuries, Chen Chao took the lead in breaking the silence and proposed: "I have to deal with the lower leg injury, and you have to deal with the lower arm, anyway, I am idle!"

The proposal fell silent, but there was no response for a long time.

Chen Chao was not in a hurry. He looked down at the two slanted "blood grooves" from the thighs to the ankles, which could clearly reflect the bones. The trouser legs were also torn into cloth strips and stuck to the flesh, and the muscles trembled. The blood was trembling outside.

He tried to move the lower thigh, two muscles were missing, and the Achilles tendon at the ankle was slightly torn, the power transmission mechanism of the entire right leg muscle was damaged, and the movement was moderately restricted, and he could barely maintain a slow and rigid action.

Chen Chao tore off his trouser legs and tied them at the base of his thighs to stop the bleeding.

Although blood loss will bring the benefits of "epinephrine increase and muscle activity increase", excessive dependence can lead to blood loss and death. The most important thing is that he has two bleeding ports on his body. Maintaining a normal bleeding rate has a small opening. enough.

Chen Chao glanced at the two finger-sized blood holes on his wrists. Two sharp nails were embedded in the tight muscles. The nails were as dark as ink. He pulled it off and rubbed the fingertips to rub the flesh from the nails. The foam was mixed with fine black granular dross.

"This is... ... "

Chen Chao was suspicious, and licked his fingers unsurely, his face immediately became extremely exciting, and a strange and absurd idea came to his mind.