Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 67: Crazy psychiatrist?


【Ming Dynasty Psychological Counseling Room】

【Chen Zhuo Psychological Counseling Room】

If there is a difference of half the word [month], who will make it up, and what is the purpose

The raised needles and threads sewn on the light box feel like herpes infected with the skin. They are densely stacked on the word "month", making the pupils who look at it a needle-pricked horror.

"Did Chen Chao do it?"

The appearance of Chen Chao flashed in Deng Bin's mind. He couldn't think of anyone besides Chen Chao who would do such a weird "prank"!

It was the thread Chen Chao left on the paper that seduce them here, and the eye-catching light box can obviously only be from Chen Chao's handwriting!

So, what is he planning for all this deliberately here

"There seems to be something in the light box!"

Wang Yan pointed to the base of the light box, where there was a backlit shadow, under the reflection of graffiti faces, like a sly smiling human head hidden.

It's like the cloth being torn, and it's like the sound of human skin tearing from the muscles.

Deng Bin pulled away the white cloth wrapped around the refrigerator, and he saw a round object at the base!

It feels cold and smooth, and it is a gray wine jar.

Deng Bin shook his heart, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart!

Opening the wine jar, it was filled with white powder dregs. Deng Bin stretched out his index finger and drew in, rubbing the texture with his fingertips.

It feels rough and rough, not like white flour or drugs, but more like a jar of freshly cremated ashes.

"Is that the corpse that disappeared in the self-built building?"

** Without thinking about it, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely: "Chen Chao wanted to tell me that he didn't kill and hide the corpse, but directly cremated the corpse. It's too arrogant!"

"Killing, hiding the corpse, transferring, cremating, and placing the altar here, it all took less than a day!"

Wang Yan swallowed pale and spit. If all of this is a plot carefully planned by Chen Chao, then the rhythm is advancing too fast.

Deng Bin gently rubbed the ashes on his fingertips. He looked at the densely clinging grimace on the wall, and felt that the overlapping cheeks gradually merged into Chen Chao's gloomy and sick face, laughing at himself unscrupulously.

The corpse you can't find!

I put it in front of you now, what can you do

Deng Bin said with a sullen face, and handed the ashes altar to the **, "Is it ashes? I have to take it back to the bureau for testing."

This is out of caution. In fact, the ** family Deng Binjia + ** + Wang Yan has basically determined that the jar is filled with ashes.

Deng Bin twisted the door handle of the consultation room, but failed to unscrew it. It was locked.

"I remember you said that in the afternoon, it seemed that you found the phone in this building on the Internet. It was a psychological consultation room?" Deng Bin asked Wang Yan when he looked at it.

"On the Internet, there are only registered psychological consultation rooms, but it should be this one."

Wang Yan took out his mobile phone and redialed the number. Within two seconds, the landline rang from the door.

The gloomy and quiet corridor suddenly heard the phone ringing, and the sound was very loud across the door.

No one answered, there should be no one in the room.

Wang Yan hung up the phone, "There is only one landline number registered on the network, and no mobile phone number is left!"

The ashes were found in the light box at the entrance of the psychological counseling room. It was reasonable and reasonable. They all asked the owner of the room for questioning.

Well, the psychological counselor should be Chen Zhuo!


The voice came from the back of the corridor.

The three of Deng Bin suddenly turned their heads and looked at the time, and then saw a face half exposed, staring straight at them.

"Who is hiding there?" ** exclaimed coldly.

The old face looks like dry folds of tree bark covered with age spots, and the two eyes are dim and muddy. It is the uncle of the security guard on duty downstairs.

He walked out slowly, his stature crooked and thin like a skinny, holding the old-fashioned radio in his hand.

"You broke that advertising light box?" The voice was dry and hoarse, and the black cloth shoes made a "crunchy" sound when they stepped on the ground.

"We are the police!"

Seeing the visitor clearly, ** asked calmly: "There may be something wrong in the building, let's come and take a look."

"What's wrong in the building?"

The left and right eyes of the security guard seemed a little asymmetrical, one eye was full of bloodshot eyes, and the other was "rusty" stiff.

The distance was close, and I was able to see the gully on that withered face clearly. When speaking, the skin was loose as if it had broken away from the muscles and was hanging on the outer layer.

"Uncle, your last name, how long have you been on duty here?"

**I can even smell the unique body odor of the elderly, which is the decay of a corpse stepping into the coffin.

"That was a long time, not long after this office building was built, I was on night shift here!"

The uncle paused, showing a look of memory: "My name is Ge, Ge Sanmu!"

Ge Sanmu looked at the ashes in the hands of his wife, and grabbed it with his thin claws: "What is this holding?"

"This can't be touched, this is..." ** avoided taking a step back.

The conversation was interrupted by Deng Bin. He walked out and looked at Ge Sanmu and asked, "Are you alone in this building on the night shift?"

"That's not possible. There is also a young guy on duty here. He was just in front of him. I squinted for a while and people didn't know where to go."

Ge Sanmu grinned, and the wrinkled skin pulled the corners of his mouth to reveal a row of yellowed teeth: "Young people are frizzy and can't sit still at work. Maybe they are looking for a place to be lazy."

Deng Bin nodded, and then asked, "Is the grimace painted on the wall a long time ago or is it?"

"I can't remember the exact time, it must be two or three months."

Ge Sanmu glanced at the torn light box, "It was a patient who came to this psychological consultation. He was not in good spirits and painted on the wall; it is strange to say that the patient painted on the wall at first. Later, the psychiatrist also seemed to be infected, and followed by painting on the wall."

Deng Bin was stunned and repeated suspiciously: "You mean that the person who came to see the doctor was a madman, and the psychiatrist who treated him was also crazy in the end?"

"I don't know if I'm crazy or not. Anyway, two people painted the wall together. The patient painted on the wall in the distance, and the doctor painted right in front of the door."

Ge Sanmu pointed to the door frame and light box and said: "The grimace around here is all drawn by the doctor!"

"Wait, the grimace on the light box was also painted by the doctor himself?"

Deng Bin's expression changed. He pulled over the light box and pointed at the black line protruding above and asked, "Is this also the doctor's sewing?"

Looking at the wrinkled old face in front of him nodding, Deng Bin's throat became dry, and suddenly he felt a gloomy chill on the soles of his feet rushing up his back.

at the same time.

A doll that fell from a high-altitude window sill fluttered in the wind and fell to the door of the office building. With a shy belly rolling a few times, he entered the office building without knowing it...