Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 68: Two lunatics and another?


The chubby little belly slid against the ground, slid and slid against the root of the wall, "click" to stop.

This is a set of operations that conform to Newtonian mechanics. The puppets lying on the ground pretending to be dead are hidden in the shadows in the corners, conforming to the law of objects that remain stationary under the action of no external force, and then... Darwin's coffin board was pried open ! ! !

A doll made up of cotton wool and silk thread climbed up silently from the shadows, its short legs propped on the ground, and its round body slowly stood upright like an "arch bridge".

The lid of the bottle shook his head dizzy, and there was inexplicable excitement remaining in his "slurry" head.

This is the three-and-a-half-year-old bottle cap, the first experience of "parachuting" in his life, although it was passively thrown out of the window by Chen Chao.

However, the feeling of "the sky is high and the birds fly" makes the bottle cap intoxicated!

For a moment, Bottle Gai thought of escape and escape, but unfortunately, the dark little black room that immediately appeared in his mind, poking his body cane, Chen Chao smiled and drank Coke's face.

Although his body is made of silk thread, the bottle cap realizes that there is another invisible silk thread that entangles him, like a kite thread, and the other end extends towards Chen Chao's little finger.

The imagination of freedom was ruthlessly extinguished from the very beginning!

The small mouth of the bottle cap was deflated, and the coil eyes slid around, observing the gloomy dark office building, and the corners of the mouth unconsciously re-curved.

This is the first time in the life of Ping Gai'er to have a mission~

If you do well, can you get a bottle of Coke as a reward

The lid of the bottle touched the glass beads inlaid on its belly, and his grinning mouth burped alcohol. Its body turned strangely into black, as if it merged with the surrounding darkness.

No one in the lobby on the first floor!

The cold night breeze poured in from the door and returned to the empty office building.

The bottle cap remembered Chen Chao's instructions so that he could not find that he was alive. Therefore, it followed the shadow on the wall and crawled into the building.

The lights in the elevator are on, and the safe passage is dark and gloomy. The bottle cap turns into the stairs without hesitation. The little foot is stepping on the wall, like a gecko climbing the wall and swimming, the wall is "dah da da da" A light-colored black footprint was left on it.

There is a problem with the bottle cap, that is, once you make your body black, actively change color or be soaked in Coke, then your little feet will be like peeing on your pants, leaving traces of "urinary marks" everywhere.

There was no one in the passageway of the stairs. A series of black footprints climbed up the wall, and the swaying glass beads reflected the scene in the corridor and reflected them into Chen Chao's lenses.

The live broadcast image shook steadily. Obviously, the bottle cap loves running like a girl, rather than simply acting as a cameraman.

"More exercise is needed**!"

Chen Chao remembered in his heart that he had another study course for Ping Guai'er.

The screen flashed quickly, and there was no abnormality in the stairwell.

Then, the bottle cap stopped and hung upside down on the top of the door on the 4th floor. He quietly pushed open a bit of the door gap, and squeezed in from the upper edge of the door frame.

In an instant, the grimace painted on the wall was reflected in the live broadcast, and Chen Chao's pupils contracted unnaturally.

Chen Chao immediately thought of the "madman" in the task prompt, and immediately realized that these aestheticless art should be the work of that madman.

"The grimace on the wall, as well as the face printed on the window just now, are just drawing faces, or does the face have any special meaning in this task?"

"When a madman draws, he doesn’t randomly choose an object, especially so many overlapping faces. It’s not simply to set off the atmosphere of horror. It must be a special hobby or obsession with faces. !"

Chen Chaonaobu analyzed.

Bottle Gai'er was only responsible for the live broadcast, and the little head turned 360 degrees in place, and his eyes fixed on the other side of the corridor, the few people who were stuck in the door of the psychological consultation room.

It stood upside down on the ceiling and walked two steps, a circle of silk threads spread out from the soles of its feet, penetrated into the shadows, weaved into a spreading spider web, and invaded in the far direction.

【Muppet’s skill weaving: Weave a web of silk thread into the shadows, which can detect hostile units. 】

The bottle cap, which has been beaten up by reality one after another, has grown up, and it has learned to be humble and cautious.

The cobwebs that melt into the shadows are like ink that has soaked into the darkness, and the cover that is hard to see with the naked eye reaches the top of everyone's head, quietly blending in from the scalp layer.

Three of the spider webs are pure black shadows, penetrating the cortex without hindrance, penetrating into the muscle texture, making a whole body "x" perspective and finally dispersing in the shadow.

But when a spider web infiltrated the skin strangely, it suddenly shattered into countless grids, just like a spider web, cut into countless pieces, and penetrated into the skin separately, without even being scattered in the shadows. Inside, it was dismembered into countless "fine pieces" within the body, and was swallowed by the body.

Bottle cap: "..."

The bottle cap's brain wasn't enough, but she was really frightened, and she habitually squinted her teeth and pretended to be fierce, while quietly retreating behind the door.

It hid back in the stairwell, turned around and was about to flee. Then, its feet froze again, thinking of the possible consequences of the mission not being completed, its face turned pale with horror.

1 minute later!

The bottle cap stretched out his hand to dig out his own glass bead, the wire loop wrapped around half of it, and then controlled the silk thread and glass ball to wriggle toward the depths of the corridor, like a one-eyed mollusk crawling on the ground.

The three-and-a-half-year-old bottle cap was finally witty. This may be the reason why the person near Zhu is red and the person near Mo is black.

Deng Bin had a chill in his back. This story sounds like the evil nature of Jiao Kai's confession!

"According to Uncle Security, these grimacing faces were created jointly by the psychologist and the patient, and then, this half of the character [月] was sewed on by the psychologist Chen Zhuo himself!"

"There are only two lunatics in the whole story, and there is no shadow of Chen Chao at all. The only thing that can be connected is the name, but it is not Chen Chao Sewing, but Chen Zhuo Sewing!"

"why is that?"

"The psychiatrist wants to change his name? Then why is it the name Chen Chao!"

"Isn't it a coincidence? No, it's impossible!"

"That is the psychiatrist who knew Chen Chao himself. What role did Chen Chao play in this story?"

Two lunatics appeared directly in this story, but in fact, there may be a third lunatic.

If the corpse-hidden case in the self-built building is regarded as the first horror story, then only one lunatic appears in it; and this time, three lunatics are likely to be involved.

"The lunatic patient, the psychologist Chen Zhuo, and the writer Chen Chao, what connection will these three lunatics have?"

Deng Bin felt his lungs breathe a little suffocated, and the successive mysteries seemed like thick ink covering his eyes, and there was no light-transmitting gap.