Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 7: The characters in my writing


[The life shaped by words is like a puppet manipulated by the writer, and even the sound of breathing can't be revealed in the suffocation of suppressed numbness!

In the final analysis, the flesh and blood shaped by words is false. Even if the soul can be born, it will eventually be locked in a prison bound by words, and will never be able to make its own voice!

Because the nature of words is silent and silent! 】

—Chen Chao once thought so until...

Fine scum spilled from the gap between the fingers, two shocking blood holes on the door where the blood coagulated, a bloody strip of flesh was thrown in along the door hole, and fell to the ground with a "click".

Another strip of flesh came in, like two skinned dead snakes stacked softly together, reflected in Chen Chao's eyes, bright and dazzling.

That's the tendon cut from his leg! ! ! (′Д`)y-~


His voice was dumb and dry, and his wording was unusually vague and laborious, as if a person who hadn't spoken for a long time had already forgotten the ability to speak.

Chen Chao looked down at the flesh in the pool of blood, his face reflected in the pool of blood, the stacked strips of flesh separated his facial features like twisted cracks. It was still his own face, but it gave him a strange and strange sense of horror.

Pause for two deep breaths!

Chen Chao flicked the two broken nails over, and it was considered a thank you for returning the meat: "Very few women dye their nails black, but they are not evenly dyed, and the surface is covered with a layer of grainy bumps. , Is it cinder?"

Depressed breathing~


"... ..Hate!"

"Coal... slag~"

Intermittent characters burst out from between the teeth, and the last byte's ending sound was deformed and prolonged, as if resentful weeping and crazy laughter were intertwined, turning into a rusty mottled blade and piercing Chen Chao's mind fiercely.

Do not!

Not like it!

Instead, there is really a rotten and rusty crutch reflected in Chen Chao’s eyes. The iron crutch is stuck with rotten flesh and broken cinders, but like a living thing growing out of the palm of the flesh, it passes through the door deformed and deformed. The hole on the...

"A piece of crutches grew out of the crack in the palm!"

The weird picture occupies the entire focal length of the field of vision. Chen Chao’s pupils suddenly shrank into pinholes, and his body suddenly fell backwards. The cold wind brushed against his forehead. The greasy scalp was shaved off with his hair, and the blood blew his forehead. Stain red.

While leaning back and falling to the ground, Chen Chao kept staring intently at the crutches that grew out of his hands, "I first distinguished the sound of footsteps in the corridor. That strange sound turned out to be the touch of the crutches. The impact of the ground!"

"Moreover, although the material of this crutch is different, but..."

Chen Chao wiped his forehead, and his blood-stained eyeballs clearly reflected the whole picture of the crutches. "It has the same style and shape as the crutches in the dream. Therefore, under the raincoat outside the door is the baby girl!!!"

The crutch pulled back, dripping blood and cut hair spilled on the ground, crooked along in a line, the raincoat outside the door stood up and stretched out the clothes, the crutch lightly knocked on the iron fence and made a dull crash.



About Mo is the countdown to the death knell ringing!

"Catch....hide....ah~ah~" The raincoat’s cheeks were pressed to the iron bars, his head tilted to reveal the face that overlaps with the dream, and his immature and astringent facial features were stained. The soot face, two dry and pale tears hanging under the eyes, and the black and desperate eyes: "You~will~ play with me?"

The eyes should have been sincere and clear, but what they revealed was the coldness of freezing breathing, the soul eroded by confusion and despair, just like the coal mountain shrouded in darkness.

Monotonous, numb, dead...

Cruelly, even a touch of warm color was not left to her!

The suffocation rushing on the face is like drowning. Every pore is blocked by the cold. The more the heart beats, the more uncomfortable breathing becomes. The depression and suffocation cannot even be driven away by courage.

In the struggle and depression, some fragmented memories that have long been abandoned emerge from the depths of my mind. It is a character setting that has been altered several times, and it is also a scrapped manuscript discarded in a waste paper basket. Storyline.


Chen Chao swallowed and spit, and his throat was as dry as fire. He took out his phone and flipped back and forth to check the information in the app:

[The opening game CG! 】

—There are hints to abandoned manuscripts

[The initial character setting fits my authorship! 】

-The number of unfinished endings and the current number of kills are prompted in the character model

Reading back and forth three times, Chen Chao's eyes finally focused on the bloody last line of text—[Author, are you ready, come and relive your story! 】

The text twisted and squirmed, like a pile of rotten maggots crawling out of the world behind the page, following the constricted pupils into Chen Chao's brain...

"Relive the story I wrote~

"My story~"

"My story~"


Chen Chao hissed in a cold breath, his turning thoughts spliced and integrated the information prompting clues in the phone + the pictures in the dream + the forgotten memory fragments in the depths of his mind, as if countless fragmented lenses are re-adhesive along the gap. At the same time, a face hidden behind the mirror finally revealed its true face.

The face exposed under the raincoat, clinging to the gap in the railing, separated the broken hole in the door, blocking the fusion of light and darkness, that trance came across the endless corridor, from the abyss of darkness and death to despair. figure.

"Xia Nannan, female, 13 years old, with a congenital disability, was thrown in the garbage dump, and was picked up by the old man who picked it up and raised..."

After all, it is a novel that was unfinished a few years ago. The hard disk of the brain is arduously retrieving related stored memories. The detailed information has been forgotten, and only a vague and brief summary is left. Fortunately, it is enough for Chen Chao to recognize the truth of the raincoat. identity.

"A character created by me!"

Curious, bizarre, absurd... not enough to describe the complexity of Chen Chao’s heart at this moment. Using an inappropriate scene to compare, it is probably an irresponsible scumbag who is ruthless, and finally years later. One night in, I was stuck at the door of my house by a girl who fell from the sky with a knife... .┗( 0﹏0 )┛




Countless tastes are rolling on the apex of the heart, and the bitterness of the fusion from the mouth fills the mouth, and a hint of inexplicable... guilty conscience! !

"The soul is light~ For 27 years, I have been struggling to retain my chastity. How can I endure such slander? I am still a little fresh meat (virgin)~"

Chen Chao gritted his teeth, bit his scalp and met Xia Nannan's malicious eyes, and said grimly: "I just write a suspense novel, I can't afford the sin of creating human beings!!"

"To be reasonable, I will at best make up some stories to deceive readers into subscribing. At most, it can be regarded as providing some ink to the characters in the book. This is far from the fertilization process. Besides, you know how to cut reproductive isolation.... .. In short, I really couldn't bear to give birth to a big living person out of the book, so I will definitely not memorize this bad pot!"

Chen Chao racked his brains to organize sentences, but he felt darker and darker. He felt that the painting style at this moment was like an old father who hacked his daughter's new year's money. It was a shameless denial of death.


This analogy is too problematic!

Chen Chao was very frustrated, because he felt that he was doing the stupid thing of "there is no silver three hundred taels" at this moment, and his conscience became more and more guilty!

The mobile phone vibrates frequently, like the sand sculpture book friends who watched the whole process have long been unable to contain the inner mania, and the incompetent rage in the chapter review is now being stitched:

【—As the saying goes, good and evil will eventually repay, and the way of heaven is reincarnation; if you don’t believe me, look up, who do you ask God to spare? 】

[Please take every work you create seriously, just like treating your own children... Well, congratulations to the author for reaching the unfinished work! 】

[Repent! 】

Xia Nannan: "Heh~ writer!"

Chen Chao: "..."

ps: Which big guys are sending red envelopes every day, scaring me to death... I know you guys are looking at Aman's contract and can’t send it out, so you can help me out, but I got it with kindness and sent it before it’s on the shelf. Red envelopes greatly affect the real data of the book. It is easy to produce the illusion of data falsification, and then directly discontinue the recommendation, so... For the sake of the book's life, please stop issuing red envelopes or post them after they are on the shelves. Now, or, I really want to keep Aman this little cabbage, so I can save the rewards and encouragement after signing the contract, and make sure to pick up the guests in vain...