Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 70: Who do you think I am?


Rickety walked into the office building.

The shutter doors closing on both sides were pulled to the middle, and the slowly closing seams narrowed. The face standing behind the door seemed to be squeezed and shrunk a little bit, and finally closed together with the door seams!

At the last moment when the door is closed!

Chen Chaoyou saw that the corner of the face behind the door opened with an exaggerated grin to the base of his ears, because the skin on his cheeks was torn apart with red blood lines because of too much force.

"He is looking at me!"

Opening the door of the convenience store, Chen Chao held the glasses frame without changing the color: "One and the other like to grin, is this style popular now?"

Chen Chao curled his mouth, opened the easy pull ring, drank half a cup of Coke and was shocked. His old and ugly face, coupled with a row of rhubarb teeth, can really make the beef noodles stored in the stomach re-stir and roll, causing physiological problems. Discomfort.

Even the male hormones that are restless at night have been killed!

Ge Sanmu didn't know that his horrifying and horrible look and painting style that he deliberately presented had caused visual discomfort to street writers.

He put the squeezed and deformed radio on the front desk, and then walked towards the safe passage with his hands behind his back, humming a little song.

Pushing the door open, the wall of the building turned upward was two series of small black footprints back and forth. He stretched out his finger to scrape a piece off the wall, and then held it in his mouth and sucked twice.

Then, instead of going upstairs, he walked towards the garage on the ground floor.

Go into the garage and turn right for 20 meters to the office monitoring room.

A fist-sized iron lock hung on the door.


The lock core bounced off, and the lock buckle with the iron chain hit the floor tiles, and a sound of violent death came out in the empty garage.

Opening the door, a stench like a corpse rushed towards him, and there was also a fresh smell of urine.

There was a corpse lying on the floor of the threshold, the whole face was rotten, the torn muscles were bloody exposed to the air, and only the roots of the ears were stuck with some skin fragments.

The position of the left eye was a black hole with clotted blood, and white swollen maggots crawled in and out.

Ge Sanmu stepped over the corpse, and the heel of his cloth shoes stepped on the corpse's face, his eyes caved in, bursting with black and white pus.

The monitoring room is a screen divided into dozens of pictures. In front of the screen is an iron chair that has fallen to the ground, and a person is tied to the chair!

People, alive!

His whole body was tied to a chair, his mouth was gagged, and the whole person fell to the ground with the chair, and his body was crawling against the ground desperately.

There was a pool of transparent yellow stains on the ground immersed in his security suit. He stared in horror at Ge Sanmu who opened the door and made a whimper in his mouth.

Ge Sanmu walked to the surveillance screen, backed up the surveillance video, and saw a group of pitch-black shadows sneaking into the safe passage from the lobby on the first floor.

The picture flashed by, but slowing down still made it clear that it was a dyed puppet doll.

The bottle cap was very obedient and didn't allow people to see it, but the ability to evade the monitoring probe was not skilled enough, and his feet appeared in the picture.

"It's really uncomfortable, how can this kind of scene be monitored and recorded~"

Ge Sanmu shook his head and sighed, and deleted the surveillance video completely.

Ge Sanmu carefully re-checked it twice again, confirming that the scenes that shouldn't have appeared have been deleted, and he slowly tilted his head, grinning strangely with a stiff face.

"Jianning, why did he break his head so carelessly? My face must be protected~"

Zhang Jianing's whole body was stiff, and his horrified eyes protruded outward as if he was about to fall out of his eye sockets. The body linked the chair frantically on the ground and moved backwards. The blood vessels in his neck and cheeks were fierce, and his mouth kept whimpering.

Ge Sanmu squatted on the ground, his skinny paws gently stroked the opponent's cheeks, his voice became kind and vicissitudes: "This man, once his mouth is blocked, he will not make a sound, so everyone is struggling to want Tell the world that you are a living person!"

The voice paused for a while, and suddenly became grim and cold: "You, Uncle Ge, I have just recently learned how to communicate with this world!"

Zhang Jianing couldn't understand the deep meaning of Ge Sanmu's words. He shook his head desperately, and the chair and the ground made a scratching sound.

Tear it!

The tape stuck to the mouth was torn off, and the socks held in the mouth were spit out.

Zhang Jianing's teeth bumped and trembled, "You~~You are not~~Uncle Ge, you are, what kind of monster are you!"

"What nonsense are you talking about, don't you even know Uncle Ge?"

Ge Sanmu rubbed his wrinkled cheeks, his sharp voice was full of vicious anger: "It's this face, what's wrong?"

Zhang Jianing's throat was dry, the root of his tongue trembled in his mouth, and his heart seemed to stop beating as he listened to the face close at hand.

It's the face of Uncle Ge.

That's right!

How did I recognize that the person in front of me was a monster!

Oh, right!

Uncle Ge's body is at the door, and I saw him tear off Uncle Ge's face and stick it on his face!

However, with this logic, Zhang Jianing couldn't utter a word. He swallowed fiercely, and tremblingly said, "No, there is nothing wrong, you are Uncle Ge!"

"You are lying, your eyes tell me that you don't think so!" Ge Sanmu said grimly, "It's because this face is not perfect!"

Meeting Ge Sanmu's cold eyeballs, Zhang Jianing felt that his face was pierced by a needle, and the skin was covered with dense goose bumps, like a sinking ice cave.

"Yes, I am not Ge Sanmu, who am I, I am also looking for the answer to this question."

Ge Sanmu muttered to himself, his fingers pierced along Zhang Jianing's face suddenly, and his nails were cut out along the edge of the face like a scalpel.

There were screams and sounds like teeth chewing in the room.


phone vibration!

Ge Sanmu took out his mobile phone from Zhang Jianing's pocket, and the caller ID was Zhang Apple.

"It feels so good to have loved ones. This is a living proof."

He snapped Zhang Jianing's throat, his vocal cords were pulled out, and the blood spit out with a leaking sound.

"Apple, your brother is not on duty today. He has already left. His cell phone has left me here. He is home. Tell him..."

The phone hangs up.

The blood-stained cell phone was stuffed into his pocket by Ge Sanmu, and Zhang Jianing fell into a pool of blood. He looked at the face spread by Ge Sanmu in his palm, his eyes begging desperately.

He saw the face that covered Ge Sanmu's face, like a mask applied, and the outline of the facial features began to outline the texture of the mask little by little.

That is a familiar and unfamiliar face!

That is his face!

Ge Sanmu rubbed his brand-new face and his body was stretched and stretched. He looked down at Zhang Jianing, who had no face, with a bright smile on his face and a clean and friendly voice: "Now, who do you think I am now?"