Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 74: Chen Chao's compelling number


It is said that there is a certain kind of fruit that can make people mutate when eaten. It is called a gift from the devil, but it tastes like bitter gall mixed with dung juice, which makes people eat it.

Chen Chao hadn't tasted the taste, and the food in the glass tube in front of him needed to be swallowed raw. Chen Chao could imagine that when the lumpy arthropods and hairy barbs crawled across the esophagus of the throat, that scene It's not too beautiful!

The swallowing diaphragm is preventing the tumbling gastric juice from pouring upward, and the saliva in the mouth is secreted uncontrollably, which is a bit bitter.

Chen Chao had no fear, but he swallowed such a thing in his mouth.

If there is a stress reaction in the stomach, the esophagus will vomit out!

In that way, Chen Chao would have to swallow it again with juice, and the picture might have to be painted with mosaics, I can't even think about it! !

Before eating, Chen Chao needed to do a little psychological construction, and also needed to do some food preparations.

Although the worm in the glass tube now looks like a soft popping dead and quiet, but the interpretation of the instructions can analyze that this thing needs to be fed with its own blood, and then it will come back to life, and it will be fierce if not sure. Sex!

Chen Chao is a thoughtful person, and he came up with countermeasures.

In the living room, Xia Nannan returned to her bedroom and locked the door, leaving her bottle cap to take a bath in the Coke cup alone, her round belly floating on it, her eyes narrowed in a rotating circle, and every time she spit out a bubble, she would hiccup. Inhaled like a sip of Coke.

Chen Chao went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was nothing except the smell of freon, which was the smell of condensed ice.

Chen Chao could only go downstairs to the 24-hour convenience supermarket downstairs, purchase a plastic bag, and walk directly into the kitchen.

Open the plastic bag, take out the disposable paper cup, a can of Sprite, a bottle of high-concentration liquor, a can of cheese, two bags of instant noodles, a few eggs and ham.

Sprite was ice, and was poured into a cup by Chen Chaoqi.

Liquor is the cheapest price. It is usually fake liquor blended with industrial alcohol. This kind of alcohol is especially high.

Chen Chao also unscrewed the bottle cap, only to smell it, and he felt the pungent and pungent smell rush to his head, and he poured it into the cup with satisfaction.

Sprite + white wine = (concentrated carbon dioxide + alcohol) mixed together can aggravate the depression of the respiratory center, aggravate brain hypoxia, and aggravate the symptoms of drunkenness.

Pour the "fake dead" puppet worm into the cup, and the bubbling mixture drilled into the "worm corpse" along the epidermal hole, and the shriveled worm seemed to become swollen and full.

Sending puppet insects: I'm already lethargic and slumped. Why is there still someone who wants to get me drunk? Human hearts are really dirtier than insects!

The ups and downs of the bugs were soaked in the wine water, and the hideous barbs were soaked softly, at least they didn't seem to scratch their throats.

Unscrew the gas stove, turn on the fire, take the pot, fill in water, cook the instant noodles, and put the eggs and ham inside.

Drinking on an empty stomach can easily stimulate gastrointestinal motility and nausea. Chen Chao needs to bribe his stomach with instant noodles. In addition, he is also trying his own craft. Maybe this is the last meal of his life.

Before the death penalty, there is still a decapitation meal, and the tool man also needs a sense of ritual. This supper is counted as his flag.

Chen Chao felt a little compelling about his own death behavior. After all, the puppet worm was developed for the purpose of using it for others.

Living people, or fresh corpses, should be the right objects to feed; however, what happens when you use it for yourself is not stated in the instructions.

It is estimated that the developers did not expect that there will be such a way of use, even if suicide is not so extravagant~

While sipping instant noodles, Chen Chao calculated the possible results in his mind:

"The first type: sudden death, there is nothing to explain! This possibility is about 10%."

"The second type: becoming a brainless puppet. This is a literary explanation. Translated into medical terms, it should be a paralyzed vegetative person!"

"According to the explanation of the instruction manual, it is inferred that under normal circumstances, it should be a living person parasitized by the puppet worm. The brain is occupied by the worm, and then it has contact with myself, so that I can manipulate this body, and now, this manipulated body The body becomes me, and my own brain is occupied. Can I still manipulate myself, or can I still have consciousness?"

Without changing the color, Chen Chao chewed the egg into pieces, then cut the ham sausage into the shape of a worm, and swallowed it directly into the noodle soup.

This is difficult, but the insects who want to recover will be more subjective.

"The probability of becoming a vegetative is the highest, accounting for 50% of the probability." Chen Chao almost choked himself, thinking in his heart: "If you change to an ordinary person, the probability is basically 90%, but if it is me, this probability will be reduced. To about 50%."

He was willing to take the above two risks, and Chen Chao was betting his life that there was another situation.

Anyway, the body was borrowed by him, and the use time limit was 2h11min. As a bargaining chip, Chen·Toolman·Chao said that he did not have any psychological burden.

"If the brain is compared to a storage hard drive, the original owner's consciousness is the data and algorithm system stored in the hard drive. The role of the puppet worm is equivalent to formatting the hard drive and reinstalling the system to implant a Trojan horse control program."

"[Fear Converter] is equivalent to modifying some of the original parameters of the hard disk and writing another algorithm system. When the original system is in standby and hibernation, it starts work. The time limit is 24 hours. This set of virtual systems is overlaid on the original system. The algorithm is the me who has been transformed!"

Chen Chao licked the oil stain on the edge of his lips:

"Normal people have only one system, while Chen Chao’s brain has two sets, while the puppet worm has only one. Then, it exists, it just swallows the dormant system in the original brain, and it can only swallow it. One thing happened!"

Chen Chao bit off the instant noodles, his teeth creaked and rubbed:

"Then, my virtual system covering the surface has the opportunity to become the only one left, completely rebelling against the object, and occupying this body and brain to become the real master!"

Logically, this possibility exists, but the probability is difficult to calculate, because there are countless links involved, which cannot be tested and verified.

There is only one puppet worm, and there is only one person who has two systems like Chen Chao.

Without the opportunity of experimental analysis, there will be no more detailed data to analyze and guarantee.

However, these are enough!

Chen·【Yong+Ghost】·How can Chao Ye be a person sitting and waiting to die? He drank the last sip of noodle soup, and the remaining time displayed on the phone was 2 hours...