Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 75: Countdown 2 hours


[If the last two hours of life are left, what will you do? 】

[For the answer, see this chapter! 】

Chen Chao put the pots and bowls in the sink and cleaned them carefully. For him, washing the dishes is also an experience that he should have while alive.

Drain the water and put it neatly on the table. Chen Chao returned to the bedroom with the wine glass, cheese and liquor bottle.

After a while, the sound of nails knocking came from the bedroom.

Opposite the large double bed was a plain plain wall. Chen Chao hammered a nail on it and hung the pendulum again.

Flicking the finger gently, the pendulum of broken stubble began to swing back and forth again, as if it could swing endlessly to the end of time as time passed.

Chen Chao hoped that he would wake up every morning, open his eyes and get up to see the swinging clock at first sight!

According to the original plan, Chen Chao should use the night to visit his neighbors, but now, Chen Chaoxing is lacking.

Doing this kind of thing is superfluous, and it can't extend the "on the machine" time!

The tool man has begun to slow down his work, do you dare to believe it

Should this issue be complained about [Fear Converter] or [Logical Ghost]

Instead of doing this kind of thankless thing, it's better to do something meaningful.

"If the plan is successful, everyone is happy!"

"If it fails, the corpse lying on the ground in the morning is an incapable body!"

"This is the last gift left by me as a tool man to the world!"

So, just a corpse? ! !

The brave heart will stop beating, the ghost mind will stop working, and only a puffy and useless body will be left, and a head emptied by insects.

This picture is terrible!

Chen Chao touched the scum on his face and looked down at the belly meat. Although this is the standard for mature men, it really does not conform to his aesthetics, nor does it conform to the portrait.

Chen Courageous Chao's aesthetics should be a strong body, thin and rigid cheeks, and sharp and sharp eyes, the kind of tough guy style that can be seen at a glance.

In the final countdown of his life, Chen Chao felt that the most important thing was to take care of his legacy!

Although it was a borrowed body, Chen Chao hoped that his appearance before death would freeze his current self!

Go to the bathroom to wash and take a shower, and shave the stubble on his face. Chen Chao stood in front of the mirror, the water vapor steaming into fog, he looked at the familiar but unfamiliar face in the mirror in a daze.

According to his artistic bacteria, the top tough guy must be a bald head. A bald head is a powerful symbol and the courage to go retrograde in the crowd.

"But not everyone can control a bald head. At least for the moment this puffy figure is paired with a bald head, it will only make people think of kidney deficiency and death!"

"It won't make people feel brave and sturdy, but it will only make people feel funny and weird, and even weak**!"

"Bald and light, the difference between one word, the world is far apart!"

Chen Chao thought with regret that he could only reluctantly give up the plan to shave his head, but cut the sloppy hair like a "mother" into a short and dry hair, fully exposing the eyes that he was used to covering.

The sideburns and eyebrows exposed by the shaved hair are sharp and angular, the narrow and long eyes reveal arrogant sharpness, the shaved beard reveals the lines of the face, and the skin on the side of the cheeks scraped by the razor leaves little finger-long blood marks.

There was shredded hair falling on the ground, dripping blood fell on the washbasin, Chen Chao looked at the face in the mirror that looked like two people just now, his thin lips curled up, and the wings of his nose were floating. Calm and deep.

If you simply separate the body that is dragging your legs, take care of this face, and then pair it with the overflowing talent + courage, the value of the face can still be beaten~

Today I showed my face with this face for a day, and until now, Chen Chao feels that this face belongs to him!

Time [03:04! 】

Countdown to bravery with blood: 56 minutes!

The bathroom was flushed cleanly, Chen Chao went back to the bedroom to put on a new change of clothes, looked at the swollen bugs, mixed the remaining liquor and Sprite, and swallowed.

Alcohol and carbon dioxide need time to ferment in the body, and the blood flow will rush into every cell of the body. For novelists who do not like to drink, this feeling is especially rapid.

The throat and throat are hot, the esophagus is tingling like a knife scraping, the stomach and intestines are also burning like a tumbling, the brain starts to excite, the brain starts to swell and pain after a few minutes, the face becomes flushed, and the exhaled air is full The sour smell of alcohol.

[44 minutes remaining! 】

The blue light from the computer screen was refracted on Chen Chao's face, and his eyes became darker and deeper with the cold light.

Chen Chao lowered his head and fiddled with his mobile phone in silence, jokingly: "Although I haven't figured out the origin of the mobile phone's mutation, I am very happy, otherwise, there will be no birth of me!"

"So, compared to the original body, my frequency may be more suitable for you. You have to pray that everything will develop according to my hope~"

In the room, Chen Chao was talking to himself, there was no echo from the mobile phone, or the mobile phone was in a daze!

Chen Chao boringly refreshed the writer's backstage.

Title of work: "Suspense Author Survival Guide"

Words: 7774

Collection: 104

Chen Chao squinted his eyes and said, "Within 7774 characters in 3 chapters, the focused angle of view is still on Xia Nannan, but I haven't shown my face yet?"

"If I killed myself with this one, wouldn't it mean that in my own novel, I didn't even finish the appearance ceremony and didn't live a chapter!!!"

Chen Chao felt that this was a major misstep. He needed to remedy it immediately, and it was not necessary and impossible to complete the story, but at least, in this novel he created, he must be a well-deserved protagonist, with a gorgeous appearance.

[33 minutes remaining! 】

Fortunately, the "drafts" of the first story are all in the mobile phone, and Chen Chao only needs to cut and modify them to copy them into the text.

"This part of hiding in the quilt and shaking, can be deleted. Well, it can be deleted from the original scene!"

Chen Chao did not hesitate to cut the "draft". He felt that he could focus on his own perspective and start from the moment he woke up when he opened his eyes. There is no need to go into details in the previous pictures, which would only discredit himself. Image.

The crackling keyboard hits back in the room, Chen Chaohua turned into a tentacle monster, and his copy and paste ability was used to its limit. It took 20 minutes to finalize the two chapters and upload them immediately.

[13 minutes remaining! 】

At this time, the alcohol has almost fermented to its peak in his body. Chen Chao exhaled a sigh of alcohol, picked up the swollen bugs with two fingers, and repeatedly applied lubrication on the cheese...