Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 81: Last call


On the top of the tin canopy, there was a rusty palm-sized hole, and a doll stepped on the convex edge, shyly hanging a glass ball down its belly.

The bottle cap on the second mission has made a lot of progress compared with the first time, and the movements are quite skilled. The hanging glass ball is steady in the air, watching everything.

At an unremarkable corner of the road, a stalled taxi stopped.

Xia Nannan held the steering wheel, yawning in her mouth, as if she was not awake too much.

Chen Chao was sitting in the back row, holding a cell phone with a broken screen in his hand. This was the bottle cap that was brought out from the scene of the crime.

After stealing the ashes, Bottle Gaier sneaked back to the phone without knowing it.

Muppets have a strong subjective initiative, and Chen Chao feels that this habit can be maintained and it is worth going back and commending another bottle of Coke.

The general situation of the matter is as follows:

As the taxi drove towards Magu Lane, he heard a scream of horror, and then saw a young man with a pale face running out of the ventilation station, standing in the doorway and vomiting.


A puppet flew out from the lowered window of the car and landed firmly on the tin shed. Without a blink of an eye, the scene in the room was reflected on Chen Chao's lenses.

Then, upholding the fine tradition of bottle caps, he brought back the phone beside the deceased's face to Chen Chao.

Therefore, Bottle Gaier was the first to enter the scene of the crime, and the thief did not even step into the threshold, so he turned back and ran out to be embarrassing.

The three-and-a-half-year-old bottle cap was not afraid of the corpse, and this time it was careful not to leave footprints in it.

"No doubt he will kill!"

Chen Chao's judgment on the scene was consistent with Hook's, but it was not because the phone was lost, but because the phone was tightly attached to the right cheek of the deceased.

The posture of the corpse at the time showed that the deceased's right elbow was pressed under the gas tank, showing obvious signs of sprain and dislocation, and it was impossible to hold the phone with his right hand.

So there can only be another person next to him at the time.

Chen Chao was even able to restore the picture at the time:

Under the dim light, there were two rows of gas tanks neatly placed in a corner of the dilapidated warehouse. The old grandson was lying on the ground, his hands hugged the gas tanks pressed against his chest from below, struggling hard.

A heavy gas tank was pressed against his chest, making him breathless. He looked at the figure squatting in front of him, his eyes full of begging and fear.

The latter stared at him indifferently, and stuck the phone that dialed the phone to the old grandson's ear.

Old Sun's head and chest looked like a pulled bellows, panting heavily. When he finished the last call, the man in front of him hung up the phone and placed it next to his face, then stood up and waved his arm abruptly.

The swinging arm slammed on the gas tank like a whip, the arm that was struggling to support was smashed to the ground, the fragile chest ribs shattered and collapsed, and several pieces of white broken bone stubble pierced the flesh.

The whole corpse seemed to be crushed into two pieces from the middle, visceral fragments and blood spurted from the open mouth, splashed on the gas tank, and the weak head hit the phone screen, smashing the screen to a corner.

This is probably the scene of the scene at the time, anyway, in Chen Chao's novel, he would write it like this.

There are a bunch of missed caller IDs on the phone, but the dead cannot answer them, so the time of death is easy to judge.

The last call connected was 6 days ago, at 21:43 in the afternoon, and the call lasted 17 seconds.

The caller noted "13 Chen, No. 4, Magu Alley".

This remark means that the person surnamed Chen, who lives at house number 13 in Magu Lane, made a call.

In old shanty towns like this, no gas pipelines are laid. Every household uses gas tanks. This kind of remark is in the old grandson's address book.

"Six days ago, the last name happened to be Chen again!"

The psychiatrist was absent from work for exactly one week, and the crime scene was again in Magu Lane.

Chen Chaoshen let out a sigh. He felt that the last call came from the psychiatrist Chen Zhuobo.

In order to avoid some unnecessary misunderstandings, the taxi stopped at the corner of the road. Chen Chao and Xia Nannan got off the bus and walked into Magu Lane from an entrance farther from the air exchange station.

10 minutes later.

4 Magu Lane 13.

It was a blind alley near the deepest part of the shanty town, next to an abandoned toilet.

The self-built houses in the innermost corners of the alleys are relatively dilapidated, and they are basically not rented out, and they cannot be rented out. They have never been popular.

The cracked brick wall house was covered with a canopy, and the rusty iron door was half hidden.


Carrying a backpack and changing into sneakers when getting out of the car, Chen Chao wore a mask on her face. Standing side by side, Xia Nuan habitually wore a black raincoat with the bottle cap hidden in the big pocket of the raincoat. Exposed a small half of his head and looked outside curiously.

I don't know if it is due to the influence of logical ghosts or the sequelae of tool man possessing. Chen Chao feels that his courage has obviously grown a little bit, and some crazy ideas will come to mind from time to time.

"Guess that there might be dead people in the house. Before, I couldn't take the initiative to go in and explore. I would only hide myself in the quilt. Now, I actually plan to avoid the police and check it in. I must be crazy. !"

Chen Chao took a deep breath and glanced left and right without seeing anyone. He pushed open the painted iron door.

The door and the ground were scratching harshly, and there were piles of discarded radiators in the yard, with a metal dog chain tied to one end, and an overturned dog basin on the ground.

Did not see the dog!

Chen Chao concealed the iron door again, and there was a broken lock hanging on the door. This scene seemed familiar.

The iron frame structure of the stairs loops in the courtyard, and the doors leading to the second floor and the roof are all locked with iron chains. They should be abandoned. Only the windows on the first floor are reinforced with iron bars to prevent theft.

The surface of the window has not been scrubbed for a long time, and it is covered with a thick layer of dust with a face mark on it.

It's as if there was a face once stuck outside the window, and then peeked into the house.

Chen Chao was frightened with palpitations,

"There is an anti-theft fence outside the window, and the gap is the size of the arm left, how can a person's head be able to get in!"

Chen Chao tugged on the iron fence. It was very firm. There were fine goose bumps on his back. He leaned his face against the fence and looked into the room, looking at everything through the window ash and the curtains in the room. Unclear.

Relaxing his breath, Chen Chao went over and knocked on the door.

As he expected, no one answered the door quietly in the room.

He squeezed the doorknob, and there was a layer of sticky transparent sticking to the doorknob. He looked down and saw that there were also traces of mucus flowing and solidified in the door lock cylinder.

Chen Chao couldn't recognize something like glue or egg white liquid.

He turned the doorknob, the door was locked...

ps: It will be on shelves tomorrow at 12 noon! The testimonials on the shelves are at the back.