Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 84: Strange murderer


Maguxiang community.

The property drew out the monitoring probes near the ventilation station.

"The ventilation station is close to the entrance and exit of Zone A, and there is a monitoring probe along the street and inside each, which can basically be seen."

The security guard in charge of monitoring told the police.

Basically, modern people don't leave their mobile phones, let alone the boss who runs the ventilation station alone.

If the cell phone was not found at the scene of the crime, it can be roughly determined that the murderer took the cell phone and inferred that it was a "homicide" case.

"Forensic doctors judged that the time of death is 3~7 days, then we should take a little insurance and push the day before, and watch surveillance video from eight days ago."

Hook said to the security guard.

Deng Bin stood behind and watched the surveillance video together.

On the eighth day, it can be confirmed that Sun Silei is still alive and has a video certificate of entering and leaving the ventilation station.

The playback rate is played at 6 times speed, and the time in the upper right corner of the video crosses another day to 21:27 in the evening six days ago.

During the surveillance, a rickety person wearing a black raincoat appeared at the door of the ventilation station and pushed the door and walked in.

It was not Sun Silei. After Sun Silei went out at night to send a gas tank back, he did not go out again.

"Who is this?"

Hook quickly pressed pause and began to play back at a normal speed. This was the first time in the surveillance video in two days that a person other than the deceased entered the ventilation station.

Continue to press the double speed key.

At 21:45, this man came out pushing a bicycle with a gas tank tied to the back seat of the bicycle.

This bicycle is confirmed to belong to Sun Silei, who usually uses this bicycle to deliver gas tanks to the residents in the community.

This was also the first time in two days of surveillance video that someone came to pick up a gas tank instead of calling Sun Silei to deliver it.

Deng Bin and Hook frowned at the same time and noticed something was wrong.

The video is played forward at double speed.

At 23:30, Sun Silei did not come out during this process, and the rider came back again, with a gas hanger tied to the back seat of the car, and he was dropped into the ventilation station with one hand, and the bicycle was then pushed. Went in.

After 2 minutes.

At 23:32, people walked out, closed the door of the ventilation station, and left.

"It's not right~" Hook glanced at Deng Bin, then pressed the double speed button to fast forward.

One night passed, and then at noon on the second day, and then continued until the door of the ventilation station was closed the next night. Sun Silei did not appear in the surveillance again.

This proves that Sun Silei has stayed in the house for a full 24 hours from last night to now.

Are the dead people in the house? Or is it a living person

Continue to fast-forward, and then play quickly, the door of the ventilation station has never been opened, until this morning a thief sneaked in at the door and opened the door, and then ran out in a panic and vomited at the door.


"The time of death, 6 days ago, between 21:27 and 23:32. There are two periods in between. It is the segment of the person entering and exiting twice. I personally prefer the previous one, which is 21:27. ~21:45 At this time, Sun Silei has been killed in the house by this person."

This surveillance video is enough to explain the truth. Sun Silei died six days ago, and the person who went in and out in the video was naturally the murderer.

Hook made a judgment on the video, and the police officer next to him took a pen to record all the time nodes that appeared in the video.

Deng Bin basically agreed with Hook's judgment. What puzzled him was the murderer's actions after the murder.

"The first time I went in and stayed for 18 minutes. These 18 minutes should be the time for the murderer to kill, but after he killed someone, what did he do?"

Deng Bin frowned. In the video, the man didn't run away in a panic, nor did he find a way to bury the body. Instead, he pushed a bicycle with a gas tank, went out and stayed for more than an hour, and then returned.

After returning the bicycle and gas tank, stay for another 2 minutes before leaving the complex completely.

"Isn't it going to send gas?" Hook asked suspiciously.

The air is silent abruptly!

This answer is too weird, but it seems to be the only possibility that can be explained at present.

"Locking this person temporarily is the murderer. Let's see why he's there. Another person from the technical department is asked to come over, copy the video, and take it back to process the image quality."

The resolution of the surveillance video was not clear enough. In addition, it was night and it was raining. The person crouched and bowed his head all the way, and he couldn't see his face clearly during surveillance.

Hooker ordered the police officer next to him, and at the same time he tuned in surveillance video along the way to see where the murderer on his bicycle had gone.

Finally, the clue is fixed in Blind Corner Alley in the deepest part of Magu Lane, house number 4 and 13.

You can see in the surveillance video:

In the dim night rain, the wheel of the car stepped on the bumpy puddle, and the heavy gas tank tied with hemp rope on the back seat of the car swayed slightly as the car swayed.

In front of the self-built building on No. 4 and 13.

The bicycle stopped, his rickety body untied the entangled rope, and dragged the gas tank into the yard. The dangling bicycle fell to the ground, and the wheels of the bicycle were idling, splashing raindrops on the plastic bag.


This person did not come here straight, but bought a bag of instant noodles in barrels while passing the convenience store halfway through.

He bent down and dragged the gas tank into the yard. This time was 21:53.

After 23:27, he walked out with a gas tank, pushed and supported the bicycle to re-tie the gas tank, got on the bicycle and left along the road back to the Ventilation Maguxiang Station, returned the bicycle and the gas tank, and left the community.

"The gas tank I dragged in was full, and the one I put forward was empty. The instant noodles I bought were not brought out in the plastic bag."

Hook said before and after contrasting his eyes.

Deng Bin frowned, thinking.

This person stayed at the ventilation station for 18 minutes before a murder occurred.

Then he stayed on the 4th and 13th for 1 hour and 34 minutes, what else did he do

"Is that the murderer's residence? Did I go home to eat when I bought instant noodles?"

Hook and Deng Bin looked at each other, they were probably only half of their guesses right.

Then the property fell out of the system and the information registered by the owner showed that "The owner of No. 4, Magu Lane, 13 is Chen Zhuo, a male, with a contact number of 166xxxxxxxx, living alone and not renting out."

"What is the name of the owner of No. 4 and 13?"

Deng Bin’s pupils suddenly shrank into pinholes, and he dangled two hairs inadvertently. His back climbed into a deep chill.

"Originally thought that the murder case at the ventilation station was isolated, but finally it had nothing to do with Chen Chao. In the end, it just turned a corner and seemed to be hooked with Chen Chaoneng again."


The man in the surveillance video is not Chen Chao!

Although the appearance is not clear, but the body shape is not Chen Chao, the age seems to be older.

Who could it be

The psychiatrist Chen Zhuo and Chen Chao should be connected, so what is the connection between this murderer and them

Also, is Chen Zhuo still alive