Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 86: Who is the hidden third person?



The video was interrupted, followed by the rustling sound of snowflakes all over the screen. Chen Chao dragged the mouse back, leaving a full 21-minute snowflake screen.

"It's as if the following video was washed away by snowflakes!"

Chen Chao frowned and pulled down a little car window.

The yellow leaves on the trees fell with the wind, making a rustle; the sanitation workers in the morning cleaning the streets with big brooms made a rustle.

The sound of snowflakes, the sound of falling leaves, the sound of sweeping the floor...


The patient in the video does not use this description, but uses the "paper and pen like a knife to cut things into the brain" to explain it with a terrifying and bizarre imagination.

"Should it be said that it is really crazy thinking?"

Chen Chao pressed his ears with both hands. He had always suffered from neurotic tinnitus due to mental stress and insomnia, but he had never thought of using "lettering in his head" to associate tinnitus.

No novelist dared to make up like this~

"Why was the 21-minute video washed out? Was it shameless?"

This video, like the photos in the album, only shows a part of it, but cuts out the most critical link.

"The answer is hidden in the counseling room. Is the medical record mentioned in the task?"

Chen Chao can basically determine that the case he is looking for in the mission should be this patient named "Lu Yanfei".

To be honest, Chen Chao was not at all curious about the truth behind this. Unfortunately, what the tool man accepted was a special task with a punishment mechanism. He didn't even want to know what the punishment was for failing the task

"From this video alone, Dr. Chen in a white coat should be Chen Zhuo. At this time, he should still be a normal person in speech and behavior."

"Lu Yanfei, he should be the lunatic patient. At this time, it seems that he is on the verge of collapse, he will not be mad!"

Chen Chao habitually supports the glasses frame, he is thinking,

"The mention of Xu Nanyi in the video can prove that Lu Yanfei is the patient whom Xu Nanyi referred to Chen Zhuo."

Chen Chao himself suffers from tinnitus, so he is very clear that non-organic inductive tinnitus is not caused by organ damage, but mostly caused by mental stress and long-term nervous fatigue.

This is a worldwide intractable disease. Although it is not fatal, it is easy to drive people crazy at the beginning of the illness, so psychological counseling is generally used in treatment.

Chen Chao himself experienced this wave of treatments, so the otolaryngology doctor introduced the tinnitus patient to the psychologist. There was no problem with this wave of operation.

"So, was the 901 fire just an accident? Or is there something behind Xu Nanyi's death and this incident?"

Chen Chao couldn't judge this. After all, it was just a coincidence that he moved into 904. He learned the story of the fire from his neighbors, even before the [sign-in task] was triggered.

In the whole story, Xu Nanyi is more similar to the background board of a stroke.

Chen Chao suddenly thought of something, took out the album from his backpack again, and opened the first group photo.

In the middle of the photo is Chen Zhuo with his face cut off, with a man and a woman standing on the left and right sides, looking close.

"That man has an unfamiliar face, which is likely to be irrelevant to this story, and this woman, is it Xu Nanyi?"

Chen Chao took this face down carefully, although it should have been burnt to charcoal by now.

After all, in this story, the symbol of [face] appeared many times, the grimace painted on the wall, the face printed on the window, and the face that was cut out in the photo, it is sufficient to show that [face] must have a special Meaning will be a very important clue.

"On the contrary, in this video, there is not much emphasis on the face, but the center of gravity is shifted to the voice!"

Chen Chao played the video again and replayed Lu Yanfei's last performance over and over again. He carefully captured the true meaning that Lu Yanfei wanted to express.

"Yes, Lu Yanfei adjusted the word order for that sentence. The translation means that someone took a knife and carved something in his mind, like a pen and paper rustling crazy!"

Then, in this way of connecting together, boldly substituting the logic of a lunatic to imagine, can it be understood as:

"Someone treats his brain as white paper and writes on it with a knife like a pen!!!"

This answer is too scary and weird!

According to the scientific world view, this is purely fabricated and nonsense.

But what is even more strange is that

Chen Chao is indeed thinking deeply about the possibility of this happening, especially when he thinks of his current situation. He glanced at Xia Nannan who was sitting in the front seat and dozing off, and he was stuck on the window glass and looked out curiously. Of the puppets.

"I must be crazy. I actually think this inference is reasonable. If I continue to investigate, I am afraid it is not a logical ghost problem. My thinking will tend to be assimilated to a lunatic!"

Chen Chao shook his head vigorously.

"Then the question is, who is the person writing in Lu Yanfei's mind?"

Well, in the video of two people, a third hidden character is now derived.

Just as Deng Bin heard the story of the office building and felt that Chen Chao was the third party, Chen Chao now also feels that there is a key concealer in this video, and he is the source of everything.

"Who would he be?"

"Will it be the security master in that building?"

Chen Chao still had too few clues at hand. He realized that this [special task] was very complicated, and it was indeed a task that needed to be completed in stages.

What was exposed in front of him was probably only the tip of the iceberg, and the clues he got were just a few thread ends thrown out of the tip of the iceberg.

Moreover, this thread seems to be thrown into his hands deliberately by others.

In this comparison, the "game" played by the tool man and the police is at best a role-playing, or a juvenile drama; and the current [special game] is a real horror drama, or a series of "18 bans".

Everything seems to have been carefully choreographed, and I have fallen into the center not from now, but from earlier, and I am performing according to the script set by others.

What the novelist feels at this moment is a terrifying similarity to the character in the novel that he has portrayed and manipulated.

—I am walking on the road set by my destiny. Although I do not want to walk on this road, I have no choice but to walk on this road full of grief and indignation!

Chen Chao's throat was dry, and the biting chill seemed to be invading him like the invisible night.

The tool man in the [custodian] whose name has been changed is also watching everything outside through the eyes of the body, and his face is also extremely cold as if frozen by frost.

"Watch the next video!" He looked up at the skylight and said coldly.

Chen Chao couldn't hear it. In short, he also touched the mouse and clicked on the next video...