Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 87: The second video


The camera is in the same position as the first video, it's the same room, the white coat with the back facing the camera, and the patient sitting on the couch.

Chen Chao noticed a pendulum clock hanging on the beveled wall of the surveillance video this time.

This pendulum clock was not in the video last week. It should be a new one. The style is very similar to the stubble-breaking pendulum clock in his house.

It's just a furniture of the same style, but appearing in this video really makes Chen Chao feel uncomfortable.

Chen Chao watched the video and turned his attention back to Lu Yanfei. This man was also the only person in the video who was willing to show the whole picture.

This time, he was still sitting in the sofa chair.

The difference is that after a week, Lu Yanfei is still sitting there, his suit is ironed and his pen is quite clean, his messy hair has been taken care of, and the whole person regained his energy.

Everything seems to be normal. Normally, Chen Chao, who is watching the video, feels that this is not a conversation between two "mad men" at all, but rather like two normal people having a conversation.

The normal is a bit too much, the voices of the two people are very calm and not turbulent.

The second "meeting" only lasted 15 minutes, and in the entire 15-minute video, Lu Yanfei looked calm, with a faint smile on his face, and subjectively said that the symptoms of "tinnitus" had been controlled and relieved. He Has returned to normal life and work.

The white coat also nodded and recorded, as if he also thought that Lu Yanfei's condition was under control.

Only when Lu Yanfei was leaving, he handed the white coat a flimsy gift box.

Chen Chao paused the video, zoomed in and fixed the picture on the gift box, it turned out to be a white mask

"Mask, face?"

Chen Chao frowned.

The video continues:

The white lab coat took the gift, and the screen fell into the same snowflake screen as the first time.

The entire video seems very calm, calm and chilling, like a pre-arranged performance, two "mad men" playing normal people's dialogue and social interaction.

Chen Chao dragged the mouse back to observe Lu Yanfei in the video. He zoomed in on the screen in the video, focusing little by little on Lu Yanfei's face.

He saw the curvature of the corners of Lu Yanfei's lips and the creases of the fine lines squeezed out of his eyebrows, not to mention the changes from beginning to end, there was not even a slight tremor.

It was motionless like a stiff, dead face, as if a delicately retouched photo was embedded in the muscles of the face. It was obviously a gentle smile, but it gave people a creepy weirdness.

Chen Chao clicked the mouse and controlled the screen to play at a rate of 1/2, while staring at Lu Yanfei's wrist.

In the video, Lu Yanfei got up and left. When he pulled the doorknob open, a wrist was exposed from the cuff of his right hand. The wrist was reflected on the white smooth door, like a rough mirror reflecting a vague shadow.

The video was paused and the freeze frame was maximized. Chen Chao's eyes were almost on the display screen. Although the image was still blurry, Chen Chao still distinguished that the wrist was cut with scars.

Disorganized, staggered, shocking!

"Wrists, knife marks, these are the scars left by suicide by cutting the wrists, and the expressionless faces of four people. For the second time, this man has revealed an evil nature..."

Chen Chao's scalp was numb. This is not a mental illness in the traditional sense. It is more like a sane lunatic wearing a human face.

"This Lu Yanfei must have a problem!"

Chen Chao had an intuition in his heart that he would definitely run into this person in the next task, and this person must be a very dangerous role in this task.

Close the laptop.

Chen Chao let out a long breath, and finally drew out the diary, which was very thick.

The previous records were all insignificant things, and Chen Chao quickly flipped through them.

Then suddenly stopped:

On October 7, the sky was overcast and the air outside was damp, and the plume-filled clouds hovered in the headspace, suppressing the breathing air, as if accumulating and brewing the coming of a storm.

I came to the counseling room as usual, and my recent business has been very deserted.

I look down at the people walking on the street through floor-to-ceiling windows. I know that most of them have psychological problems, but few people are willing to admit it.

Most people wear hypocritical masks, and after wearing them for a long time, they will not be able to tell what their original faces look like.

What normal people say to psychiatrists has been covered up and modified, while mentally ill patients speak the purest truth.

Although they sometimes speak confusingly and upside down, I believe that this is their truest senses, and they did not hide themselves.

I have been thinking, lunatics and normal people, who sees the world is real.

Today, a patient named Lu Yanfei came to me to see a doctor, a tinnitus patient, his description of tinnitus surprised me.

What I care about is not the "rustle" in his head. What I am curious about is why he associates that sound with such strange associations.

Someone engraved in his head, what an absurd and weird idea.

He is on the verge of collapse and madness!

What will happen if I push him

Of course, I would not do this, I am an ethical psychologist.

Turn the page and continue to look down.

The diary is not continuous, the date is intermittent, it seems to be recorded entirely by the mood of the psychologist:

On October 11, it was fine.

I don't like days when the sun is shining brightly, the scorching sun is scorching the earth, which makes me feel like an ant that is scorched and scorched at any time.

The only advantage is that women in this kind of weather will spend a lot of time applying heavy base makeup on their faces, exposing their real faces.

I like the real look, even if the real is ugly.

On October 13, it rained.

The torrential rain was falling, washing the ground, an umbrella was held on the road, and the gloomy sky overlooked and looked like flowers floating in the Heihe River, as well as crowded heads.

Xu Nanyi sent me a wedding invitation. She is about to get married. I have had two meals with a man named Zhang Shouli, and we are not familiar with him.

She came with that man in a hurry, she could see that she was going to send wedding invitations to other people, and I didn't keep them for dinner.

It was rainy and overcast on October 14.

This is my favorite weather. The woven drizzle stretches in the air, like a pattered curtain, rebuilding the stage of the story in the world.

Today is the day that the tinnitus patient came to follow up.

He looks very good, his mental state is very calm, and it seems that the symptoms of tinnitus have been relieved.

But I always feel that something is wrong.

He gave me the feeling today, just like those normal people, with a mask that concealed his emotions on his face.

I know that he is telling lies, which makes me dislike it.

However, this may be proof of recovery. As a doctor, I should be happy for him.

Crazy = real exposure, normal people = hypocritical cover, who is the real life, and who is the patient in need of treatment

I have been thinking this way, but have never got the final answer.

Psychiatrist is such a contradictory profession.

Before leaving, he gave me a gift, a moisturizing mask. At night, I applied it to my face, and then I fell asleep, so much so that I forgot to take off the mask and fell asleep until the next morning...