Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 88: Am I Chen Chao? !


On October 15, it was overcast.

The mirror on the sink shattered.

On October 16, it was overcast.

I have been getting angry these days, my face is getting acne, my skin is a little itchy, I always want to scratch.

On October 17, it was overcast.

My face was still very itchy. I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that my skin might be allergic and prescribed some medicine to apply on my face.


I went to the Fourth Hospital and had a meal with Xu Nanyi at noon. She looked a little tired with deep bags under her eyes.

Preparing for the wedding should be very tiring. She seems to be worried. This is normal. I have received some people who are preparing for the wedding and finally come for psychological consultation. The story in the middle can be compiled into 100 family ethics dramas.

Yes, I have always believed that marriage is the social scene of a large-scale family ethics drama.

In this regard, it is difficult for me to ask and persuade Xu Nanyi.

On October 21, it was fine.

After applying the ointment for a few days, the dead skin appeared on my face, which was torn off by me, and the whole person was immediately refreshed.

And maybe it is the reason of the psychological tension. I have been dreaming of a stranger's face in my dream these days.

This is really a terrible nightmare!

On October 22, it was overcast.

Xu Nanyi came to my counseling room, she came alone, her mental state was very bad.

She seems to be insane, or the memory in her mind is out of order.

She told me that she didn't recognize Zhang Shouli, and she didn't have the impression of the man who was going to marry herself.

How can this be!

I have eaten with them, two meals, I remember very clearly.

I suggested that she go to the brain department to take a film and check it. In fact, I went with her. The film showed that there was a shadow the size of a fingernail in her brain.

Unlike a tumor, it should be a blood clot from a ruptured and coagulated blood vessel oppressing the hippocampus, which may cause some memory damage, but the effect is not significant.

The only strange thing is that her memories of other things are complete, but the memory of Zhang Shouli seems to have been removed as a whole.

This is painful news for Zhang Shouli.

Xu Nanyi was a little suspicious, she told me not to tell Zhang Shouli, and I agreed to him.

October 23, sunny.

I contacted Zhang Shouli privately, and Xu Nanyi's situation must be told to him.

Zhang Shouli came to the counseling room.

He was very grateful for my notification. He was very calm and apparently found out about the situation.

It's just that when he left, the look in my eyes was a little strange, and he asked me a very strange question.

The original sentence is: "I suddenly can't remember your name. Is it Chen Zhuo or Chen Chaolai?"

I came back and said my name is Chen Zhuo.

He looked in a daze, and asked suspiciously: "Are you sure?"

Of course I am sure of my own name!

I didn't blame Zhang Shouli, it should be Xu Nanyi's thing that made him absent-minded.

On October 25, it was overcast.

In my sleep, I dreamed of that face again, and he was standing on the side of my bed. I couldn't move, as if I was crushed by a ghost.

He was squeezing my cheek with his hands, and there was an inexplicable smile in his mouth. I saw a black-handed pen in his hand, and the sharp tip of the pen was pierced into my ear.


This dream is too real. I woke up from shock. I touched my face, and countless fine goose bumps appeared on it.

I lit a cigarette and sat on the edge of the bed, not daring to fall asleep for a long time.

Obviously it was just a dream, but like a hallucination, the rustling voice kept returning in my mind.

It seems that this nightmare has not gone far, but has just begun.

This voice seems to be a bit similar to what the patient said some time ago. It should be that this case impressed me so deeply that I actually felt similar in my dream.

Someone was using a pen to engrave in my brain, and more detailed details appeared, the pen tip was pierced in from the ear.

October 27.

One day later, I had repeated nightmares at night, and I began to realize that it was wrong.

I may be too nervous and anxious.

The voice grew stronger and stronger, as if it was about to burst out of my head.

I began to experience the feeling of tinnitus. The voices from all over the world seemed to be blocked, and only the "rusty" chanting repeated in my mind like crazy.

October 28.

The nightmare is still repeating.

October 29.

Still repeating the nightmare.

It's not only the night, not just the hearing, but hallucinations seem to begin to appear before my eyes.

I looked in the mirror, as if seeing another weird face reflected in the mirror, no, that face was covering my face.

The skin was festering, and the flesh of the other face was growing under the fester, growing out with a triumphant smile.


I smashed the newly replaced mirror.

I took a calming medicine for myself, and the situation was under control.

Chen Chao was flipping through the diary, and the writing on it went from being hard and powerful at the beginning to becoming more sloppy and messy at the back.

Even from this day on, the diaries after that didn’t even have the date. It was just pieces of events piled up together, but they didn’t mark the time of occurrence.

And there is no empty segment in the middle of the record, making it impossible to tell which things happened on the same day.

This is recorded in the notebook:

Xu Nanyi came again and left.

The sky was raining heavily, and the dark sky over the city seemed to reflect a face peeking at everything.

The patient came for a follow-up visit, and he told me that the voice in my mind could be eliminated, as long as I paint with him on the wall.

I did so if I was so messed up.

The sound disappeared!

Everything is back to normal.

Xu Nanyi was burned to death because of an accidental fire caused by a gas leak.

Her family did not show up, Zhang Shouli did not show up, and everyone seemed to be lost.

The body was finally taken away by the hospital.

Xu Nanyi's family was found and encountered a mud-rock landslide in a ravine in a scenic spot.

All died, only Zhang Shouli was found seriously injured and received treatment in the hospital.

Zhang Shouli was discharged from the hospital, but lost his sight in one eye and replaced it with a fake eyeball.

On the cemetery.

Zhang Shouli told me that Xu Nanyi was pregnant and firmly believed that the fire was not an accident but man-made.

Because he said that on the night of the fire, Xu Nanyi called and said that he saw a sticking face outside the window looking in.

Xu Nanyi lives on the 9th floor. There is no place to step on the foot outside. I didn't believe it.

Zhang Shouli left. He was going to find the murderer. I tried to persuade him to come to the counseling room for treatment.

he left.

Before leaving, stared at me with that cold fake eye and asked me that question again.

It's strange, how can he always remember my name.

I answered him: My name is Chen Chao!

He asked me: Are you sure

I answered him: I'm sure!

Who can't remember his name...