Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 90: People who never existed


In the courtyard of a self-built house.

Deng Bin also stood outside the iron-barred window, looking at the face print printed on the window, frowning in thought.

A dog's corpse was found in the room.

The gas tank in the kitchen is new, and there are rotten food residues on the coffee table.

Everything is basically consistent with their speculation.

The murderer who killed the old grandson at the ventilation station entered this room, changed the gas, killed a dog, and ate a meal in the room.

Then he slowly returned to the gas station with the empty gas tank, and finally left.

The murderer's psychological quality is very good, it can be said to be almost morbid, but the motive of the murder is not clear. In addition, Chen Zhuo's body was not found in the house.

It is unreasonable to die a dog but not see the dead!

And the strangest thing is that they called up the monitoring at the door of the self-built house before the day, and kept going forward to check.

But from beginning to end, he didn't see Chen Zhuo's shadow.

Whether it was the day of the murder, or a week or even a month before the reverse, Chen Zhuo was never seen during surveillance.

It is as if this self-built house is an empty house, and the owner has never come back to live.

However, from the confessions of visiting neighbors, some people can prove that before the murder, the self-built building was lit every night and there were people living in it.

There are even neighbors who have the impression that they have seen Chen Zhuo come back to live, but when they talk about looks, they are all ambiguous, and they seem to be ambiguous and can't remember his looks.

This is weird!

The surrounding neighbors can prove that the owner of the house will come back to live every night.

However, even a ghost shadow was not photographed on the surveillance video!

And with so many neighbors, no one can describe his looks clearly!

Is it collective face blindness

Or is it collective amnesia

If there is someone in the room, why hasn't the surveillance video been taken, and why doesn't anyone remember his appearance

If the house is an empty house, how would the confession testimony of these neighbors explain

Also, is there a murderer who spends so much time trying to kill a dog

"What clues did you find?" Deng Bin asked Hook.

"It's very strange that there is nothing in the house that can prove the owner's information, and the search department did not find a fingerprint or a strand of hair in the house. The whole house, except for the dead dog, no other creatures were found. Traces of existence."

The murderer did not leave fingerprints and hair, which can be explained, but why the owner living in the house did not leave any traces, which is unbelievable.

It is impossible for a house that has been occupied for a long time without leaving traces, unless the people who live in the house do nothing every day and are busy cleaning up their traces.

"In other words, this is an empty house where no one lives!"

Compared to human confessions, Hook is more willing to trust the eyes of machines, because human eyes sometimes deceive themselves, and the surveillance probe will only stare at the truth coldly and ruthlessly.

"How do you explain the neighbor's confession?" Deng Bin asked, while thinking about the "disappeared corpse" in another self-built building in Lenovo, and this self-built house is a "lost living person"!

It is difficult for him not to connect these two things in tandem, and they both disappear strangely. Will there be similarities in the hidden modus operandi behind this

"hard to explain!"

This is the most puzzling part of the case. Hooker replied: "The only thing that can be thought of is that someone deliberately created the illusion that someone lives in the house and deceived the neighbor's eyes in some way."

"As for how he did it, I still can't think of it." Hook tended to be an empty house.

Using this as a keynote to infer,

"The purpose of creating the illusion is to cover people's eyes and eyes, perhaps to deceive the murderer recorded in the surveillance. Chen Zhuo knew that he was in danger and that someone might want to kill himself, so he deceived the murderer and hid himself. ."

Although there are still many doubts, this kind of "logic" is woven in Hook's mind.

Deng Bin didn't say a word. His inner opinion was exactly the opposite of Hook's. He preferred to believe that people's confessions were not surveillance recorded videos.

The truth seen by the machine can be tampered with, but the human eye sees it closer to the "truth."

Inferring from this tone is a chaotic blank, and no logic can be inferred.


Deng Bin knew from whom he might be able to get the answer.

"Chen Chao also lives in this community!"

Deng Bin quickly walked out of the self-built house and came to another self-built house. The landlord’s aunt was standing at the door, steaming buns.

Seeing the policeman in uniform from a long distance, he cursed badly in his heart.

Knowing from the landlord's aunt that Chen Chao has already checked out and where his whereabouts are unknown, Deng Bin's brows furrowed tighter.

Hook carried a cage of steamed buns in his hand, took a bite and swallowed it, and said suspiciously, "Who is Chen Chao and is it related to this case?"

"Let's go to Yuhua Tower. The owner Chen Zhuo has a psychological consultation room there."

Deng Bin replied: "I will explain other things to you slowly in the car."

The police have just begun to investigate Chen Zhuo's related information. You even know where he works. Now the police at the police station are so powerful!

Hook looked at Deng Bin's eyes more and more weird, but he just chewed on the buns and drove patiently.

In the police car.

"This is roughly the case, so I suspect that there is a connection between the two cases. The novelist Chen Chao has a great suspicion, and he does not even rule out that he designed and arranged all of this."

Deng Bin explained in the car that after thinking about it, there is no evidence, and then rigorously added:

"Even if he is not directly related to the murder, he is at least a hidden insider. I suspect he knew in advance that the murder would happen."

Wang Yan, the gangster nodded like a chicken pecking rice, and agreed with Deng Bin's analysis.

In their hearts, the novelist Chen Chao has gradually become a criminal with a high IQ behind the scenes.

Hook sorted out the case in his mind while listening, "The body that disappeared from the self-built building, the old man Sun who was killed at the gas station, the disappeared Chen Zhuo and a dead dog, this involved three murders, and one of them was one by one. It's weird!"


The phone vibrated.

Hook lowered his head and glanced at the message sent on the phone, his expression even more weird: "In the news from the bureau, in the household registration system, no person can be found that matches Chen Zhuo's information, in other words, there is no Chen Zhuo. this person."

"This is a pseudonym. This person hasn't existed since the beginning!"

The car is deadly quiet!

Wang Yan swallowed and spit, feeling a bit cold in her back. His head went blank, and the last two hairs on top of Deng Bin's head were pulled off by him...