Survival Guide for Suspense Authors

Chapter 91: I played myself?


There has always been a person in the story, but there is no one who shows his face. Now tell me directly that this person does not exist!

This is terrifying!

Who is this person? Ghost

The psychiatrist in the mouth of the uncle Security, the owner of the empty house, the names registered in the property information, and the living people whose neighbors can't remember their appearance... How do you explain these

All information has been tampered with? Fake

So who created this false name and replaced it in reality, and for what purpose

"This is a fictitious pseudonym, so who is the real person behind this pseudonym?"

"What is the purpose behind this series of actions?"

"A non-existent person, an empty house where no one lives, what the hell did the murderer who killed the old grandson go in? Really, just had a meal and changed the gas?"

Too many doubts surfaced in his mind instantly, and there is no explanation. This is definitely the most bizarre case they have seen since the police, the brain cells and the shed hair are necrotic together.

For a long while!

Quiet is broken!

"If Chen Zhuo is a false name, then who is playing him?"

Deng Bin muttered to himself.


This question probably does not need to be answered,

The people in the police car glanced at each other in unison, and the same name appeared in their hearts in a very tacit understanding! ! !

**In the side pocket of the buttocks, a glass bead was squeezed and leaked out, lying quietly on the seat...

Inside a fast-moving taxi.

Chen Chao held up his glasses frame, his face was as gloomy as if he had eaten flies' shit, it was a big shit basin that was buttoned on his face again.

The quiet and strange atmosphere in the police car was simultaneously broadcast live in his mind. They didn't need a window, and Chen Chao gritted his teeth and said his name.

"Chen Chao!"

"Is I playing Chen Zhuo?"

Chen Chao is seriously thinking about this possibility. Perhaps the missing piece of memory in his mind is doing this

if it is like this,

"Then the content in this diary was written by myself, and then returned to my own hands by accident, and showed it to myself!"

Chen Chao felt that it was not completely impossible to analyze it from a rational and objective perspective.

A person, if there is a problem with the memory in his mind, it is possible no matter what he has done!

For patients with amnesia, the first target person to suspect should be themselves~

Chen Chao was terrified by the thoughts that came to his mind, "Am I really just an ordinary novelist? Am I really a good law-abiding citizen? Am I really who I think I am?"

Think carefully!

Chen Chao is not so sure!

"I may need to do some brain examination or mental appraisal!"

Chen Chao tears his eyes, he finally upgraded from writing novels to simply turning his life into a suspenseful thriller!

"If this is the case, then my inexplicable sense of familiarity can be explained, because this diary records myself~"

"The reason why Zhang Shouli in the diary asked Chen Zhuo's name was not because Zhang Shouli had a problem, but because there was a problem with my identity!"

"I once played two roles in my life alone, one is the novelist Chen Chao and the other is the psychologist Chen Zhuo?"

"So, I, the missing memory in my mind, is the part about playing Chen Zhuo?"

"Is tm a psychosis with split personality?"

Chen Chao's face was pale, and he was shocked by his own brain. The biggest fear in life was not to face death, but to live for 27 years. He suddenly discovered that I might never know myself!

A person is alive with a mask on his face. After wearing it for a long time, it sticks to the skin and cannot be taken off!

Chen Chao's throat was dry, and this possible truth made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

"It turns out that the tool man in the custody doesn't need to act as a pervert at all, because I am probably an unknown pervert in the first place!!!"

Chen Chao rubbed his diary, read it again, and examined it word by word. He suddenly felt that the style of writing in the diary was exactly the same as the style of writing his novels.


"So, what those policemen actually guessed in a crooked beating is the truth?"

Chen Chao felt like he was going crazy,

"If Chen Chao really is myself, it means that I may have written the diary by myself, and I may have cut out the photos by myself, but!!!"

Chen Chao thought about it carefully. He didn't want to admit that he was such a pervert. He needed to find unexplainable contradictions.

"Who is the murderer who killed the old grandson?"

"There is no one living in that self-built house. What is he doing in the house?"

"He knows my past, or does he know the other side of me that no one knows?"

"Does he want to remind me of everything in this way, or does he have other purposes?"

"Who would he be?"

"If he knows me so well, better than myself, he doesn't need to spend a lot of time, just show up in front of me directly, so why bother to take a life."

Chen Chao couldn't understand this question. He felt that the truth seemed to be emerging, but it seemed to sink deeper.

"The most inexplicable question is the old grandson's phone call!"

Earlier, Chen Chao didn't pay attention, but now he thinks about this call as weird.

"The last call was not from the old grandson, but from someone with Chen Zhuo as a note!"

"My memory from a few months ago is a bit missing, but my memory from a week ago is very clear. I didn't make this call!"

"Who is it?"

"And the murderer at that point in time, he obviously knew that there would be such a call, so he could accurately appear at the ventilation station at that point in time and killed the old grandson!"

"What is the purpose of this link?"

"Why did you deliberately make such a phone call?"

"In this continuous incident, this link seems to be too much, it is completely unnecessary!"

"The old grandson is completely an innocent implicated person, and there is no need at all. Even without this link, the following things can also develop to the present situation!"

Chen Chao carefully calculated in his mind and found that this murder case seemed to be a completely redundant scene, like a story scene that was forcibly added.

"This is impossible!"

"This is not writing a novel, let alone a water plot. In reality, it is impossible for anyone to add a plot boringly with human lives!"

"This, seemingly redundant link, must have a deeper meaning!"

Chen Chao feels that the whole story is carefully arranged and designed. There is no redundancy in the whole story. Only in the "death of the old grandson" there is an abrupt and even rigid design.

There can be no useless work behind this, it must be a pursuit of some kind of perfection!

Chen Chao has an intuition. If he can explain why this redundant link appears, he will be able to pull out the thread to unravel the truth...