Suspended Life Game

Chapter 10: second night


Three minutes passed quickly, and everyone was staring at their phones nervously. Lin Huiru and Jiang Shuyi's faces were snow-white, and Zhang Ji's body was trembling.

The phone screen suddenly changed, and the ticket type and result came out.

Those who voted for No. 1 Lin Huiru were: No. 9 Liu Bo;

Voters for No. 2 Jiang Shuyi: No. 6 Song Yue;

Those who voted for No. 4 Younger were: No. 12 Zhang Ji;

Those who voted for No. 12 Zhang Ji were: No. 1 Lin Huiru, No. 3 Shen Mu, No. 4 Yang Ge, No. 5 Sun Jieqing, and No. 11 Li Xuesong;

Those who abstained are: No. 2 Jiang Shuyi, No. 8 and No. 10 Ke Xin;

Zhang Ji on the 12th is out.

The silver embossed 12 in front of Zhang Ji dimmed instantly, and quickly turned into deep black. Zhang Ji also fell on the table at this moment.

The first round is over.

For a while, the scene was a little quiet. At this time Song Yue stood up and even stretched her waist: "You guys stay here, I'm going to eat." After finishing speaking, Song Yue smiled at Jiang Shuyi, as if the person who voted for Jiang Shuyi just now was not herself . Then, ignoring Jiang Shuyi's pale face and everyone's reaction, she left in a hurry.

"Let's not get together here." Shen Mu was the second to break the silence, "The rules of the game prohibit any form of off-site. When we got together, we talked too much and accidentally revealed our own information, which was judged as an off-site by the game." It's getting cold outside." Shen Mu looked at the drowsy No. 8, carried Zhang Ji on his back and said, "I'll send him back to his room first."

"I'll help you." Young said immediately.

After the two helped Zhang Ji back to the room and put him in the room, Shen Mu returned to the game hall. No. 8, who was dozing off, was the only one in the hall. Shen Mu walked to his side, quietly looked at his sleeping profile for a while, then patted his shoulder lightly: "Little 8, get up."

No. 8 opened his eyes reluctantly, and sat up in confusion.

"Aren't you hungry? Let's go, let's go eat."

The two came to the restaurant on the second floor, and sure enough, the table was filled with all kinds of food. I wonder if Shen Mu's words played a role, and no one was eating in the restaurant. Shen Mu also took some food, and was about to drag No. 8 back to the room to eat, but found that No. 8 had stretched his paw towards a piece of blueberry cream cake.

"Wait..." Shen Mu hurried over to rescue him, but it was too late. No. 8 successfully grabbed a hand of cream, stared at his hand, seemed a little confused, then licked his fingers, his eyes lit up, as if very I like the taste, and the cream rubs my face.

"Let's go, take your cake, let's go back and eat!" Shen Mu quickly filled a plate, picked the biggest cake and waved it in front of No. 8, and then dragged him back to the room of No. 8 on the third floor .

No. 8, who was full of wine and food, seemed to be more lively, and Shen Mu was also in a relaxed mood. Suddenly, a look of pain appeared on No. 8's face, and he covered his stomach with his hands, looking very uncomfortable.

"What's the matter baby?" Shen Mu was startled, and then realized that when a person is full, he would want to go to the bathroom.

"Little 8, do you know how to use that?" Shen Mu pointed to the equipment in the bathroom.

"Hmm..." No. 8 clutched his stomach, let out an uncomfortable hum, and didn't respond to Shen Mu's question.

Shen Mu blushed: "Come on, let brother teach you."

The second night came.

Room No. 8 at 2:00 am.

"When I was in the restaurant this afternoon, I met Song Yue." Ke Xin seemed to be worried, and did not argue with Shen Mu, "She asked me if I was afraid, and also asked me what I think about today's voting results?"

Shen Mu's heart shuddered, this Song Yue...

"I ran away in fear and ignored her. Shen Mu, isn't the rule that you can't go off the court? Isn't it against the rules to talk about the game outside of the discussion?" Ke Xin couldn't figure it out.

"If you don't answer her, it's not considered off-site." Shen Mu frowned slightly, "'Discussion of game content outside the discussion meeting time is prohibited', but 'discussion' itself requires at least two people, if you answer her, you constitutes a 'discussion'."

Ke Xin also frowned, as if thinking about this sentence.

Shen Mu said again: "The question about the ticket itself did not reveal her identity, he did not count as revealing information, so she was not erased."

"But..." Kexin frowned, but still couldn't figure it out, "Then if I accidentally answered her, wouldn't it be the end of the two of us?"

"She won't let you answer. If you really answer, she will stop you."

Ke Xin still didn't understand: "Then is there any use for her to ask this question? Besides increasing the danger, what's the use?"

"This is the same as her voting for Jiang Shuyi today." Shen Mu said, "Jiang Shuyi will definitely not be out of the game in today's situation. Song Yue's vote for Jiang Shuyi seems to be a waste vote, but Jiang Shuyi's speech is not good. She is actually I am putting pressure on Jiang Shuyi and testing Jiang Shuyi's reaction."

"Then, is she also suspicious of me!" Kexin was a little anxious.

Shen Mu didn't answer and fell into thinking. Kexin twisted her body restlessly. After a pause, Shen Mu said, "Song Yue might be a policeman."

Shen Mu paused again, and then said: "Liu Bo and Lin Huiru are definitely not policemen. The possibility of Jiang Shuyi is also very small. Although Yang Ge denies that he is a policeman today, he may deliberately hide his identity. possible."

Ke Xin swallowed her saliva: "Then we... I think Song Yue is a policeman, she is so scary. I'm afraid she is the one who will investigate me tonight..."

Shen Mu nodded: "Song Yue is indeed very possible. If we kill Song Yue tonight, even if they really find one of us, they can disrupt their arrangement."

The two looked at each other and nodded, Kexin reached out to wake up No. 8 who was still sleeping, Shen Mu shook his head: "Let him sleep."

As he spoke, he skillfully pulled up No. 8 hand to help him complete the voting.

"Shen Mu..." Although he ate the dog food for tonight, Kexin was a little absent-minded today and didn't pay attention here, "I'm afraid... I don't know what to say tomorrow... If the police give me a kill, what should I do?" what to do… "

"Don't be afraid." Shen Mu comforted Kexin softly, "The person who died today is Song Yue, and the order of speeches will be counterclockwise starting from the 5th, and the order of speeches will be 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 11... If Yang Ge There are people jumping on the police with Sun Jieqing, I will dance against them."

Kexin opened his mouth, and Shen Mu went on to say: "Jiang Shuyi and Lin Huiru will not have a policeman. As for Li Xuesong, I am not sure, but he is really a policeman. The possibility of checking you is very small. Don't be afraid. What do you say today? It’s very good. Liu Bo is not like a policeman. If he really reported your killing at the last position, you should not be afraid, hold on, and show a very angry look. He may not be able to kill you. Throw it out."

Kexin nodded, a little excited: "I see." Then he hesitated, and finally asked: "Shen Mu... this round is just a preparatory round, right?"

Shen Mu nodded, Kexin glanced at Shen Mu, and then looked away: "Then if... in the next official match, we are no longer teammates but enemies, will you kill me... you are so good now, I don't know what to do if it was me alone...”

Shen Mu stood up and squatted in front of Kexin, looked into Kexin's eyes and said, "Kexin, I can't guarantee that we won't be divided together in the next round, maybe we will really become rivals, and the new game will There are new rules, even if you have new teammates Kexin, the only person you can trust is yourself."

Kexin nodded as he thought of the special rules about the punishment of the good guy in this game.

Shen Mu continued: "I can guarantee that I will never abandon you or give up on you when the rules allow. However, if we are not in the same game, or if we become enemies, then Kexin, you have to rely on yourself power to win the game."

Kexin nodded, but there was still confusion in her eyes.

Shen Mu patted her on the head lightly: "If there is time to breathe after the preliminaries, then we will train together, and I will teach you the logic and methods I know. If we are still teammates in the next round, we will be side by side Fight, and if we become rivals, we will fight on our own."

Kexin's eyes lit up, as if his fighting spirit had been aroused: "Okay! On the battlefield, you are a soldier. There are many battles in history where the weak defeated the strong. I, S... Kexin will never be a deserter!"

Seeing that the little girl regained her energy, Shen Mu also felt happy. If she is confident, she may not win, and if she gives up on herself, she will definitely be cold.

As soon as Ke Xin regained her energy, she immediately regained her childlike character, looked at No. 8 who was sleeping soundly, and teased Shen Mu, "Then what should No. 8 do?"

"What should I do..." Shen Mu smiled wryly, "You asked me..."

Seeing Shen Mu's expression, Kexin stopped joking, suddenly looked at Shen Mu, and said, "Don't worry, if I get together with Brother No. 8, I will protect him too!"

Shen Mu looked at her serious face, a warmth came from his heart, suppressed the smile on his lips, and said solemnly: "Okay, then we have a deal."

"By the way, Kexin," Shen Mu thought of something, and asked, "Do you know where my family lives? Which city do I live in, and where exactly do I live?"

"Lancheng Garden, Baiyan City, Building 13, Unit 2, the 3rd and 4th floors are your home, with stairs." Kexin said.

Shen Mu nodded, wrote down the address, and asked: "What about your home?"

"Hmm..." Kexin paused, then quickly said, "I live downstairs from you."

"That's really close." Shen Mu was a little surprised. Before Kexin said that she lived nearby, Shen Mu thought she lived in the same community, "I'm sorry, the previous incident made you suffer."

Ke Xin shook her head desperately: "It's not your fault!" It was completely different from the initial upset attitude on the first night.

"I should..." Kexin said something in a low voice, the voice was too low for Shen Mu to hear clearly, guessing that the little girl felt that she shouldn't follow others and dislike her own sexuality. When children are isolated by their friends, they will subconsciously feel that they are wrong, do not know what to do, and will blame the "culprit". Everyone has a growth process. It can be seen that Kexin is a kind and sensible girl by nature, and her personality is a bit dishonest Also very cute.

"It's okay, you are a good boy." Shen Mu smiled and patted her.

"I've been shot short by you." Kexin curled her lips, returning to her awkward personality, and it can be seen that there is no problem with her mental state.