Suspended Life Game

Chapter 106: Know everything


Being robbed twice, even if the opponent is a kid, No. 6's face is very ugly: "Little bastard, take care of yourself, you..."

"When, when, when..." The bell rang eight times, the sound was deafening, and after the bell stopped, there was still a lingering sound in the quiet small hall.

"What the hell is this clock! MD is sick, it's so loud, it's scary!" No. 6, who was startled by the sudden interruption, scolded a few mothers, and after being interrupted, he did not continue to attack The little boy at number 4, instead, seemed about to say something else.

Shen Mu's heart suddenly moved, and he turned on the phone.

The location where the time should have been on the screen of the mobile phone is now blank.

Shen Mu's face changed slightly, and Du Xiulin, who was next to him, noticed Shen Mu's actions, and also looked at the phone, his eyes froze, then he stood up suddenly, walked a little to the side, and walked to the position facing the clock to watch the clock . The face of the clock faces the gap between numbers 1 and 7.

Seeing Du Xiulin approaching suddenly, Yan Yuze glanced at him indifferently, his expression and figure didn't change much.

Du Xiulin looked at the clock: "It's 8 o'clock in the evening."

"Oh? Is it morning or night written on the clock?" The clear voice of the little boy No. 4 resounded in the small hall. He jumped off the stool with a thud, rushed over, and pushed Du Xiulin away from the clock. In front of seat No. 1, "Wow, really! There is a little moon next to it, doesn't that mean there is still an hour to start?"

Hearing this, the remaining three, 5, and 6 also felt that something was wrong, and they took out their phones one after another, and their expressions changed slightly.

"Fuck. There's no time! Shall we judge the time by this broken clock?" No. 6's hoarse voice sounded dissatisfied again.

"Isn't it pretty good?" Yan Yuze's expression still didn't change much, "You just thought the clock was loud, so it just happened to be an alarm clock."

"Brother is right," the little boy pulled his head away from the clock, "but who knows how the sound insulation is here? Maybe it's in the room..." The little boy giggled, turned his head and pointed to the sound on the wall. of the seven doors.

"Who knows if you can still hear it when you enter the room! Could it be that we have to stay outside and guard it all the time?" No. 6 said loudly dissatisfied.

"It won't block the sound of the alarm clock." Du Xiulin sat back on his seat and pushed his glasses, "Everyone must go back to the room at night when the door is locked. The Suspended Life game is not a game of blind killing. There is no point in isolating them all.”

"Huh." No. 6 sneered, and was about to say something more, when his face suddenly changed, "I have nothing to say to you!" Then he stood up straight away, brought the stool down with a squeak, and walked directly to the person behind him. In front of the door of room No. 6, push open the door, walk into the room, and then slam the door shut with a "bang".

For the remaining six people, you look at me and I look at you. jpg

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Shen Mu felt that the complexion of No. 3 next to him was uglier than before, and just about to ask, the clear voice of the little boy sounded again: "He, it's a drug addiction attack."

Shen Mu looked fiercely at the talking boy No. 4.

"Eh?" Luo Bingdi exclaimed, "Then isn't he... the onset of drug addiction is a very uncomfortable thing..." No. Said, she became uneasy again, "I saw the interview on TV, and I heard... It seemed like countless ants were biting my body... There are no drugs here..." Shen Mu noticed the complexion on No. 3's face. What can be seen becomes harder to see, this time Shen Mu can be sure that it is not an illusion.

Could it be

Shen Mu continued to listen calmly.

"Isn't this better?" Du Xiulin said suddenly, "There are no drugs, so you must quit."

Yan Yuze: "Isn't it possible to get a healthy body if you go back alive? It's just suffering for nothing at this stage. What's the point?"

"It makes sense," Shen Mu said, "It shows that he is a strong-willed person."

While talking casually, Shen Mu noticed that when Yan Yuze spoke, No. 3's face looked a lot better, and when he spoke, his face became obviously ugly again, and the guess in his heart became more and more certain.

"Sister, don't worry about him," the little boy No. 4 said to Luo Bingdi, waving his hands. "He has been in a drug rehabilitation center for a long time, and his physical drug addiction has been treated long ago. Now the attack is just a mental addiction. .”

"This..." Luo Bingdi obviously didn't understand this aspect.

"So there is nothing worthy of sympathy for this kind of person." Although the little boy's voice was still clear, the strong irony in his tone could not be concealed.

This look... It didn't seem like he was speaking to No. 6 who had already entered the room, but rather as if he was speaking to someone present.

"How do you know he went to a drug rehabilitation center?" The little boy's words aroused Yan Yuze's interest.

"Because I know everything." The little boy shook his chubby hand with a smug expression on his face.

"Know everything," Yan Yuze smiled, "Are you a sophomore in middle school this year? That's a bit short."

"I'm in the sixth grade! I'm not short! I just haven't started growing!"

"Okay, okay," Yan Yuze also waved his hand, "Great" and "don't bother with him", "Why don't you call yourself a know-it-all? Know-it-all, you only know a hundred things... tsk, not domineering enough."

But the little boy shook his head, and said with a humble face: "I'm still young, and I don't know much. When I go to junior high school, I will be a master of all things. When I go to high school, I will naturally be a master of everything."

"Oh, little brother who knows everything, what's your name? Hearing this, Shen Mu couldn't help laughing, and couldn't help opening his mouth to tease him.

The know-it-all kid glanced at Shen Mu: "Shouldn't you state your own name before asking someone else's name?"

Shen Mu: ...

"Excuse me, An Mu, I don't know the name of Brother Gao?"

"Knowledgeable" waved his hand again: "Brother Bai! Young master, I will not change my surname or my name when I sit down, that's true for Lin Zhiqiu!"

Hearing this, Shen Mu couldn't help laughing again, and nodded to Lin Zhiqiu with a suppressed smile: "Okay, Brother Lin."

This kid is really interesting. In such an environment, being able to maintain an optimistic attitude is actually more important than anything else. This kid is about the same age as Xinxin, and if he can survive to the fourth round with such energy, maybe... he can really keep going! If my younger sister has such a good mentality like this child, my younger sister is inherently intelligent, and she will definitely do it in these life-threatening games.

better one!

Knowing everything, Lin Zhiqiu obviously misunderstood the smile on Shen Mu's face: "You don't believe my words?" Just send you another message for free!"

Free another 'one'

Shen Mu caught this word: "Do you want money for the rest of the news?"

Lin Zhiqiu glanced at Shen Mu with a look of 'how can you be so vulgar': "Let's save such cumbersome things for life!"

"If you want my information, trade it for it!"

"Okay." Shen Mu still nodded with a harmless smile, and said deliberately, "Didn't you want to give us one? Let's see if it's worth it first!"

"Hmph!" Lin Zhiqiu's complexion turned even worse when Shen Mu mentioned this matter, but it didn't look like he was targeting Shen Mu, "There are more than one scum like No. 6 who took drugs here! People who don't deserve to be saved at all!"

After Lin Zhiqiu finished speaking, he didn't look at anyone specifically, but the others turned their attention to No. 3 tacitly.

No. 3 was looked around like a rare animal, but he didn't seem to feel it. He stared at Lin Zhiqiu, and the expression on his face slowly changed. It was no longer empty and hopeless as before, but turned into a more complex emotion, with clear sadness. It can be seen: "I remember who you are, you are Zizai... right?"


Everyone tacitly cast strange eyes on Lin Zhiqiu.

"It's a nickname! It's the boy next to Shanren! Not the one with the prefix "Shanzi!" Lin Zhiqiu became a little annoyed, "I have nothing to do with him! What do you have? What are you? What right do you have to call me?" Nickname?" Lin Zhiqiu became even more angry when he shouted, he couldn't even speak clearly.

These two people undoubtedly know each other, and No. 3 and No. 6 both take drugs, and No. 4 Zaizi knows that No. 3 and No. 6 took drugs. It should have something to do with these two people. He and No. 6 probably knew each other.

But No. 3 has just recognized who Zaizai is, so the two of them will not be very familiar with each other. Thinking of this, Shen Mu had a little doubt. If they were two people who were completely unfamiliar, why did No. 4 treat No. 3 so badly? To No. 6 who also took drugs, No. 4 was not so extreme. He was too aggressive towards No. 3. Obvious.

And that "willing to fall" has a feeling of hating iron but not steel...

No. 3 looked at him blankly: "You, she... is she okay?"

Lin Zhiqiu sneered: "Without you, she couldn't be better, everything is the best!"

"Really? That's really great..." No. 3 said it was very good, but his face turned pale twice, and the already pale face was even more frighteningly white at this time. Shen Mu suspected that if he hadn't been sitting I'm afraid I won't be able to stand still if I don't stand.

The little boy Lin Zhiqiu didn't let go of his plan: "Why, didn't my sister send you an invitation? Didn't you receive it?"

"I received it, why didn't I receive it..." No. 3's voice was as light as a whisper, but in this quiet environment, Shen Mu who was sitting beside him could still hear it clearly.

"Oh, don't get me wrong. My sister sent you invitations for no other purpose. We are all classmates. Her marriage is not a secret. There is nothing to hide. You are her college classmate. I'll send you a copy, so you can save yourself from being sentimental!"

When Lin Zhiqiu said this, No. 3 seemed to be unable to hold on any longer: "Farewell."

Then No. 3 stumbled and opened the door behind him, isolating himself from the small hall.

Hearing this, Shen Mu probably already knew what was going on.

Lin Zhiqiu has always been aggressive, but No. 3 even looked him in the eye

I didn't even dare, obviously I have a guilty conscience, I just don't know exactly how No. 3 felt sorry for Lin Zhiqiu's sister.

The curious Shen Mu asked directly: "What did he do before?"

However, Lin Zhiqiu glanced at Shen Mu, and put on a shrewd smile again: "Do you want to know? Do you want to know what exactly happened? Want to know why I scolded him, he didn't even dare to fart? Get information in exchange !"

"Pfft." The number 1 beside him let out a chuckle.

Shen Mu: ...

"Okay, what do you want to know?"