Suspended Life Game

Chapter 109: surprise


"That's right!" Lin Zhiqiu took the yellow bead, squinted his eyes and stared at the light for a while, "That's why I said it was a gem, but I didn't expect it." Lin Zhiqiu didn't doubt that Du Yan Er The man lied about the material of the stone, and put the yellow bead back into his pocket, "I can follow me from one game to another, I guess it's not because it looks good."

"It's getting late," Du Xiulin looked at the clock, "There are still 13 minutes, if there is no problem, let's go back to the room, we don't know the situation inside the room yet."

"That's right... no, wait a minute!" Lin Zhiqiu frowned suddenly, as if he was thinking about something, but he didn't remember it for a while, but subconsciously stopped, "Wait..."

Du Xiulin: "?"

"No!" Lin Zhiqiu yelled out suddenly, staring at Du Xiulin with an unfriendly expression, "You didn't say anything at all! You just described the scene at that time, but it's not intelligence at all! I don't need to tell you Exchange, I can ask the cute sister No. 5!" Lin Zhiqiu looked at Du Xiulin dissatisfied, and asked a series of questions again: "Why did your round suddenly stop? What is the red authority? Who enforced it? What should I do? Execution? Well... If the red permission can stop a game, then!"

Lin Zhiqiu's breath became short of breath: "Is there any way to stop the whole hanging game!! Yes, there must be?!" Although Lin Zhiqiu was asking, he didn't want to wait for anyone's answer, he said to himself, " ... Yes, since there is the authority to suspend a game, why is there no authority to suspend the entire game... Impossible! This speculation is reasonable!"

"Also!" Lin Zhiqiu said suddenly, "Why didn't other people's games be interrupted, but your game? There must be something special about your game, and the person using the red authority must be from your game." Player!"

Shen Mu: "How do you know that other people's games are not interrupted? How many games do you know?"

Lin Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, his face was uncertain, but he didn't insist: "Okay, even if you are not a special case, you must have something unique! We don't rule out other possibilities, but since the system detected red authority in your round, The 90% possibility is that someone in your game did something!"

Speaking of this, Lin Zhiqiu's eyes flicked back and forth among the remaining four people.

The remaining four people: You look at me, I look at you. Jpg

"In that case," Shen Mu frowned and pondered, "it is impossible for the player who used the authority to be out of the game before, and this person did not use it when the form was not yet determined..." Shen Mu's eyes gradually became clearer, "That is to say , there was no need to use it before, but if you don't use it on the third day, it may be too late..." Shen Mu slowly turned his gaze to Du Xiulin.

"It makes sense." Yan Yuze nodded slightly, and gave Du Xiulin a meaningful look.

Lin Zhiqiu suddenly realized, and Luo Bingdi also gradually understood.

Du Xiulin: "...???"

"Ah, but... there's no need to hide this kind of thing, right? The game can be stopped, and everyone can clear the level, isn't it very..." Luo Bingdi's voice suddenly dropped.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of Du Xiulin's lips.

"Hee hee, sister figured it out?" Lin Zhiqiu smiled and stood up and patted Luo Bingdi on the shoulder. Luo Bingdi seemed to tremble instinctively. If you don’t, you won’t be rewarded for customs clearance,” Lin Zhiqiu said in a seductive tone deliberately, “any wish that the system can realize~ I see the ability of this system, life and death, human flesh and bones, making a legal one billions of dollars It's nothing to worry about...doesn't sister want anything?"

Luo Bingdi's eyes flashed brightly for a moment.

"It's not easy to survive to the tenth round in a row. Besides, the system hasn't let us go back now. It's not known whether we can go back after the tenth round. Why are people still thinking about it?" Yan Yuze sneered, "What kind of wish do you want to make. "

Luo Bingdi's face suddenly turned pale.

"Because not everyone is like Yan Shao, who is smooth sailing and has no desires." An equally mocking voice sounded coldly.

"So, Mr. Du will not stop the game no matter what, even if he knows something, he will choose to keep winning, right?" Shen Mu said suddenly.

"Where?" Du Xiulin smiled, "I know everything I say, and I know everything I say. Now that I have exchanged with Brother Lin, I have indeed said everything I know about the sudden termination of the first game and the red authority. , no matter what, I would not lie to a 10-year-old child, I believe Brother An is the same."

Shen Mu smiled lightly, but did not speak.

"Hee hee," Lin Zhiqiu giggled when he heard this, "Whether any of you have evil intentions or not, anyway, if I have the chance, I will definitely stop the game completely, wish or something, I have no ability, even if an angel reaches out I can't save you, I have strength, do I still need to rely on these illusory things? If I can make any wish, then I just make a wish and let this system that destroys the normal life order disappear!"

Lin Zhiqiu's expression and tone were full of childish jokes, Shen Mu faintly felt that his words meant something, glanced at No. 3's closed door, and was curious about the story of No. 3 and Lin Zhiqiu's sister for a while.

But... Shen Mu glanced at Luo Bingdi, the only girl who doesn't gossip, I don't gossip like this, it's not good, not good ().

"Click, click..." The hour hand of the clock continued to move, and it was only 5 minutes before 9:00 in the evening, and the remaining 5 players did not stay any longer.

Shen Mu pushed open the wooden door marked Ⅱ, walked into the room, let go of his hand, and the door closed slowly.

The room has a light-colored wooden floor. There is a piece of bread and a bottle of water on a small dark red chestnut wood table. The walls are light maroon. There is no window in the whole room. Door. Shen Mu opened the small door, and there was indeed a bathroom inside. The bathroom was very small and had no bathing facilities.

"Dang, Dang, Dang..." Suddenly there was a loud bell ringing outside the door, a total of 9 rings.

Shen Mu clicked on the phone.

'Player No. 2 Shen Mu, your identity in this game is a civilian'

Shen Mu: ...

Shen Mu turned off the phone, closed his eyes for three seconds, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

Turn on the phone again, and click Identity extraction again.

It was clearly written on the screen: 'Player No. 2 Shen Mu, your identity in this game is a civilian'

Shen Mu: ...

Well, sometimes life has to happen, and I finally... got a civilian. Shen Mu sighed for a while.

All the strategies I thought about before went into the trash can.

I'm a commoner, so weak and delicate, it's not easy to take on monsters anymore... Shen Mu had thought about it before, but Shen Mu really never thought that he would get the commoner by himself, just, I don't think it's such a coincidence...

I got the wolf with the children, and then asked about the beads at night, and it was a waste of time.

Now... Shen Mu finished sighing and sat down on the edge of the bed. Since what I got is Min, let's sleep happily tonight! let's talk tomorrow!

... Of course it is impossible to just fall asleep like this.

Although the "Last Civilian" board has not been played before, it is easy to analyze. In this board, the characters who are usually dangerous and easy to be killed, such as prophets, witches, and guards, are not the targets of wolves in this round.

... Then how about dancing a prophet! Anyway, no matter who I send to kill, I will not send it to the people. If I send it right, I will cast the wolf out. If I send it wrong, the wolf will know that I am a fake prophet, and it should think that I want to give it to the people. Let the prophet block the sword! In this way, you will not be able to guess that I am a commoner. After all, such a precious commoner has nothing to do to block the knife of the prophet!

...Forget it, if the post is correct, and it happens to be sent to the White Wolf King, then the White Wolf King will directly blew himself up and took me away, wouldn't it be cool? And what if the real prophet recognizes that I am a wolf and must pack up with me and get out? ... However, Shen Mu rubbed the space between his eyebrows. If the White Wolf King had already blew himself up and led others, and if the order of speeches allowed, then maybe... he could really catch the last wolf.

The person who most wants to pack our two prophets out must be a wolf! ... Not necessarily, it's not impossible for a good person to think that it is impossible for the people to dance to the prophet... and... two prophets dance against each other, and it really looks like a prophet and a wolf.

Thinking about it this way, the perspective of ordinary people should be to pack up and get out! After all, who would have thought that the people would dance with the prophet... What the hell was I thinking just now...

Forget it, don't engage in such coquettish operations, usually play outside, you can do whatever you want, let's follow the most normal routine for this round.

Shen Mu regretfully gave up the plan to jump the prophet.

Cough, in short, before the White Wolf King is out, the wolves must not be aware that they are civilians. After the White Wolf is out, they can jump their identities. If they didn't jump their identities before, the guards generally couldn't guard me. After the White Wolf King is out, he will definitely take away one player, so there are at most five players on the field at that time. If everyone jumps out their identities, the only identity that the remaining ordinary wolf can choose is to jump guard and Jumper, if the opponent jumps the guard first, then there is already two guards on the field, so there is no need for him to jump to reveal his identity. These two guards must be the focus of this round. Of course, if everyone else dances, Silence will definitely be suspected, and you have to dance something to cover it up, otherwise, if you make a wrong cast during the day, it will probably be clicked at night...

If the other party jumps first, they must show their identity, and they must not let the wolf wear Min's clothes! I'm afraid, you have to cast out the other party on the same day, if you don't vote for both, and save it for the night to see who dies, that's courting death. Even if the witch poisons the wolf at night, the good guy loses.

When Shen Mu was looking at the rules before, he paid special attention to one: "The night wolf knife is before the witch's poison/medicine. If the witch's poison is correct, the last wolf has also completed the slaughter, and the wolf wins."

In short, after the White Wolf King is out, there are two possibilities: either, as I said just now, after the White Wolf King is out, everyone starts to jump identities. At this time, if everyone else jumps

Identity, I also voted for Min, and there is another person who just claims to be a god, does not say anything about his identity, and is vague, then he must be voted. Wolf wouldn't be so stupid, he probably wanted to grab his identity, if he wanted to grab his identity, he could only grab guards and civilians, we'll see the details tomorrow.

Or, everyone is as quiet as a chicken, everyone's identity is vague, and they claim to be gods. In this case, the logic flow is not as easy to use as the state flow. Perhaps the most suspicious person to be found out by feeling is the wolf!

And the status flow is not as easy to use as the luck flow... Shen Mu sighed again, luck is really more important than anything else in this round, or... let's pray tonight!

And if the White Wolf King doesn't blew himself up...

In fact, there are two possibilities. One is that both wolves were there, and the White Wolf King didn't blow himself up because he wanted to take away the civilians and had been observing secretly. However, this possibility is actually very small, because with both wolves present, it is impossible for the White Wolf King not to blow himself up all the time—there are only seven people in total, and the Wolves only have five people in their eyes. One or two people, there are only one or two left, what else is there to blow yourself up? So it's fine if the White Wolf King didn't blow himself up two days ago, if he doesn't expose himself all the time, then it's only possible that the ordinary wolf has already been thrown out, so the White Wolf King can't blow himself up.

If there is only the White Wolf King on the field, it is not allowed for the White Wolf King to blow himself up and take away the civilians—the White Wolf King died first, and once the White Wolf King dies, there will be no one in the wolf team, and he can't take away people , so the good guy wins.

So the white wolf has never blew himself up, so he is no longer the white wolf king, just treat him as an ordinary wolf. If the White Wolf King blew himself up early, if he brought it right... I don’t have to think about it anymore (); if he brought it wrong, it would be the two situations I thought about before.

And before the White Wolf King blew himself up, that is, a day or two before the game started... Shen Mu thought about the people he met today, and estimated the field configuration for this round. , Let the people get their identity. At the beginning, everyone will blur their identities. The White Wolf King wants to lead people, that is, at most exclude the prophet. Among the remaining four people, the White Wolf King can only rely on luck.

... So let's pray tonight!

For some reason, Shen Mu suddenly remembered that after returning to reality, the midterm exam would be coming soon. Immediately, I became more determined to worship.

If I pass the customs smoothly, everyone around me is safe and sound, and if I can really make a wish, then I will simply make a wish and become a top intellectual! Know it all, encyclopedia! Knowledge is power and a better future!

Thinking about it makes me feel happy.

So some people don't want to terminate the game, and even prevent the suspension of the game, that's really understandable. After all, things that cannot be obtained by devoting one's life's efforts, such as money, power, and status... only need one wish to obtain. In their view, the Suspense Game is probably not a nightmare, but a symbol of being selected, an opportunity bestowed by God.

Moreover, in such an environment, the longer time passes, the more nervous people will be, and at the same time, the more psychological hints they will give themselves, the more they will dig into the dead end.

Some people may not be very obsessive at first, but as the number of rounds won increases, the greed in their hearts will gradually increase-a person's wish in the second round may be to go home safely, if this person is lucky enough to survive By the eighth round, that is, the last two rounds, he could die at any time. With only two rounds left, he could get everything he wanted. Would he still want to stop here