Suspended Life Game

Chapter 119: third place


In this case, there is no need to hesitate any longer...

Thinking of this, No. 1 took a deep breath, and her slender eyelashes trembled accordingly. When her finger touched the cool card surface, No. 1 closed her eyes and twitched violently.


It's a guard card.

Number 1 breathed a sigh of relief, and then fell into intense anxiety.

It's already the third round, and some players have already left! The player with the most remaining cards is also at the level of 6 cards, and No. 1 currently... still has 8 cards!

No. 1's temples are wet with sweat: Be steady, don't panic... As long as the wolf card is not with me, I will definitely be able to leave... Only the wolf card can't leave! ... However, if this drags on, the probability of the wolf card getting into my hand is getting higher and higher...

Looking at the 8 cards in his hand, No. 1 became more and more anxious. The eight cards are not the same...

"Ah, it's the guard!" No. 2's untimely voice sounded from the side.

No. 1 felt an unknown fire in his heart, and he choked out directly: "That's better than being unable to get out of the wolf card in someone's hand!" And metaphor.

"Alas..." Shen Mu sighed.

"Ding~" Shen Mu drew the third card from the left from the remaining 6 cards on number 3.

A familiar golden shield in the center of the card seems to be shining with divine light.

Shen Mu: "...???" Big brother, your brother just left? …

After sending away a guard, another came again, Shen Mu looked at the same four cards, and sighed for a while. Witches, prophets, guards, hunters... the god cards that come standard in the Bureau of Standards.

"Ding~" Player 3 acted.

"Ha!" No. 3 threw out two cards in satisfaction. The fuzzy cards fell onto the table and became clear—two hunters.

Shen Mu's eyes turned dark.

There are no hunters here on the 3rd. When everyone played cards before, someone also played a pair of hunters. Now the last remaining hunter is still... No, wait.

If the count is not wrong, the lady in front of me, player 1 should have 8 cards left in her hand, regardless of the abnormal situation that she has a pair of cards that cannot be played and the extreme situation that the wolf card is in her hand, then in the end A hunter should be in her hand, not only that, but also many cards that other players want are in her hand!

How lucky... Shen Mu glanced at the slender figure in the mist. From the next round onwards, the probability of No. 1 getting empty cards in each round is almost zero. On the contrary, other players who were originally doing well may fall into a stalemate , so No. 1 actually doesn't need to worry at all. After two more rounds, the situation on the field will be completely different.

Unless... the wolf card is really in the hands of No. 1, all her performances are a cover-up to hide the information about the wolf card.

In this way, it seems that there is one person who only played two cards in the first round... Shen Mu rubbed his temples. There were so many people that he couldn't remember clearly for a while, but he only remembered that it was probably in the opposite direction... No. 6 had already left, Who is it, number 7? number 8? …

Player 3's action is over. As of the third round, player 3 still has four cards.

The fourth round of the game begins.

Player 4 draws cards.

Seeing the cards in his hand clearly, No. 4 frowned, and pressed the number ④ in front of him without saying a word. Player No. 4 remained the same as the previous round, and there were still five cards in this round.

"Ding~" Player No. 5's turn.

Player No. 5 glanced at No. 7 in the mist: It was the first time to draw a card from No. 7, and the European Emperor No. 6 had already left the field...

No. 5 suppressed the sour feeling in his heart. Judging from No. 7's height and body shape, he was quite similar to himself, but this kid is very special... It seems that he has only played a total of two cards so far? No. 5 frowned unconsciously, don't infect me with non-qi...

No. 5 subconsciously grabs a card from No. 7 with his middle finger and index finger, and draws it out, reducing physical contact with No. 7.

The former number 5 did not believe in luck.

In the real world, No. 5 is a top student. Whenever various exams are over, there will always be chatter in the classroom: "I got a D on this question!"

"Then you are cold, I ruled out D first, and I couldn't rule out the last two, so I got C, either B or C!"

"Three longs and one short are the shortest, and three shorts and one long are the longest!"

At this time, No. 5 is full of disgust and pride: the weak need to rely on luck to get the correct answer!

But now, people are under the eaves, so they have to... No, even a strong dragon is afraid of a local snake! Why compete with something as illusory as luck? There was a vague smile on Number 5's mouth.

This smile froze completely after he saw the cards he had drawn from his new neighbor.

What was painted on the card was a ferocious wolf head baring its teeth.

No, how is this possible? ! This is impossible!

hateful! ! ! I knew that No. 7 only played two cards in two rounds, so there must be something wrong! Damn it! Why is it this round? If the No. 6 round is still there, I won't be the one who draws the wolf card! Why is there such a big difference between people? Number 6 is just good luck, why can he get all the cards in three rounds with number 6! Why? ! Even if he stays for one more round...

After a while of dizziness, No. 5 calmed down a little: Even if No. 6 is still there, only he will draw cards from No. 6's hand. If No. 6 has played all the other cards, the wolf card will still be reserved for himself. When there is only one card left in the number, it is impossible not to draw a card...

Forget it, forget it! After regaining his composure, No. 5 calmly tapped the number ⑤ in front of him.

But how did the wolf card end up in No. 7's hand? … By the way, the abnormally relaxed state of the 10th at the beginning! Three rounds... No. 9... No. 8... No. 7... The wolf card is in No. 10's hand from the beginning, so it makes perfect sense! No. 2 and No. 3... are they doing nothing to relax? ... No, it shouldn't be that busy, maybe they know each other, and their inexplicable interactions have meanings that we don't know! …

Of course, No. 5 doesn't know that his mental journey is exactly the same as that of his new neighbor No. 7 in the previous round.

Number 7, whose wolf card was taken away, was already dancing the four little swans in his heart. He was so excited that he played a card from No. 8, and his smile almost overflowed—it was a card that could be played!

In the fourth round, player No. 7 played two cards, and there are currently four cards left.

"Ding~" Player No. 8 didn't play any cards this round.

"Ding~" Player No. 9 played two cards this round.

Shen Mu thoughtfully: "..." After a while, Shen Mu looked away from No. 9, vaguely recalling

The situation in the previous few rounds of the opposite lap.

If I remember correctly... There should be no one who had the same eight cards as of the last round. Except for No. 1, the most powerful card seems to be No. 8. He played two cards in the first round, and he played in the third round. Two cards were drawn, and now there are six cards left in the fourth round.

Number 7... is it four or six? ... There should be only two cards for number 9, and the two cards are decremented every round very regularly. Number 10... how many cards are there for number 10? Number 11... There should be two more... Ah, no, Number 11, shouldn't the cards be played out already? Everyone has ten cards, and the progress of number 11 should be similar to that of number 6, but number 11...

Shen Mu looked at No. 11 who was sitting there motionless. Brother, why are you still here

Well... "11", is that the number 11, the one with 11 cards? … so number 11 should now have one more card. As for number 12…

Suddenly, a group of lively images appeared in my mind at this moment. A group of young people in their 20s were playing cards carnivally in a circle. The youthful breath and bright smile seemed to flow in the air. Almost at the same time, Shen Mu felt a throbbing pain in his brain, and subconsciously covered his temples.

A few seconds—maybe longer, after Shen Mu cleared his mind, the labor pain gradually disappeared, the chaotic picture in front of him also gradually dissipated, and his field of vision returned to the foggy game environment again.

This is... At the beginning of recollection, Shen Mu's brain felt a dull pain again.

... It's all counting wrong! Forget it! So what if I figure out who has my cards? I can't go over and grab it...

"Ding~" Player 10's turn, player 10's current round of cards, there are currently 6 cards left.

"Ding~" It's the 11th round.

All eyes are on No. 11, No. 11, will he be the second person to leave here after No. 6

'Player No. 11 wins with the 2nd pick'

With the disappearance of the voice in the mind, No. 11 also disappeared directly from the seat, and the other players flashed in front of their eyes, and the layout of the table changed again—the position of No. 11 had disappeared, and No. 10 and No. 12 were connected together.

"He hasn't drawn cards yet?!" No. 12, who was next to No. 11, subconsciously clenched the cards in his hand and called out.

No. 10, who was connected to No. 12, sneered: "Hmph, should you leave without counting the last round?"

No. 12's eyes flickered slightly. She didn't turn the corner just now, and it wasn't that she didn't really understand. At this moment, after a little thought, she came to her senses: "Brother 11 and the number 11 are really destined. Life is good, even if If you get one more card than others, you should be the second to go, or the second to go."

"Huh?" No. 10 laughed outright, "What are you talking about? No. 11 has one more card than others, not a pair more than others! It doesn't matter what this card is at all—because I will be there next time. Let's draw away, let's have some snacks, big sister!"

The 12th and the 10th are still arguing.

Looking at the number 11 that disappeared, Shen Mu looked at the hunter in his hand again. The hunter I wanted might really be in the hand of number 1 with the most cards. But maybe... the cards in my hand happen to be what No. 1 wants.

Thinking of this, Shen Mu glanced at No. 3 again, and sighed: Actually, the card in No. 3's hand is basically what I want... If the guard hadn't been taken by No. 1... Shen Mu felt very distressed.

But Feng Shui turns this kind of thing... I demolished the magician of No. 3 in the first round, and now No. 1 demolished my own guard.

It is really a real-time interpretation of Feng Shui turns ().

The game is still going on. After the 10th and 12th fight each other for a few rounds, the pointer continues to turn.

"Ding~" Player No. 12 did not play a card this round.

"Ding~" Player No. 13 played two cards.

"Ding~" It's player 1's turn again.

Shen Mu arranged the four cards in his hand in exactly the same position as the previous round: "Please."

Hearing an exclamation from Shen Mu's mouth, No. 1 frowned, not knowing what he was thinking, and finally put his hand on the position where he drew the cards last time.

It is fate in reincarnation. JPG

Seeing the cards drawn clearly, No. 1 finally smiled, and then played the two guards. As of the fourth round, No. 1 still has six cards.

"Ding~" No. 2 Shen Mu drew a card.

A purple-clothed woman with a hat on and her head bowed so that she couldn't see her face appeared on the card. In the hands of the woman are two round bottom flasks, one red and one green.

It's a witch. Shen Mu also laughed.

But this witch... so the witch's medicine is red and green? ... No... The red and green, neither bottle looks like an antidote...

Logically speaking, if you stop at a red light and go on a green light, green should be the antidote, but... Shen Mu looked at the weird green on the card, this green looked more like poison than red! ()

I won’t be a witch in one round, and my personal task is to let me decide which bottle is the poison and which bottle is the antidote, and then feed it to others...

Shen Mu's stay caused No. 13's dissatisfaction. No. 13 obviously didn't like 2, 3, and 4: "Why, little brother, you're' drawn a wolf card again?"

"Why, isn't the wolf card on the opposite side?" Shen Mu said as he played out the two witch cards, and shook the only two cards left in his hand, "Maybe I can leave in the next round. "

"Hey? Don't you know that once you say something like this, you can't leave it anymore?" No. 3 interrupted suddenly with concern.

Shen Mu: ...

… it seems to be like this.

Shen Mu immediately became as quiet as a chicken.

No. 3 has not played a card in this round, and there are still 4 cards.

The fourth round of card drawing is over, and the fifth round of card drawing begins.

Player No. 4 was the first to draw a card. For some reason, she was absent-minded at this time, keeping her eyes on the one between No. 10 and No. 12, and drew a card at random.

After drawing the cards, No. 4 turned his eyes back from the opposite side and refocused on the cards in his hand.

A black and gray wolf head was smiling at her.

"Ah!" The unprepared No. 4 was taken aback and yelled out, immediately regretting it in his heart.

"What's your name! Did you get the wolf card?!" No. 3 was the first to quit.

Is the wolf card already this close? Shen Mu was also taken aback.

"Is the wolf card really in your hand?" No. 1 also asked immediately.

No 4:"… "

Number 13 also spoke: "Why don't you speak?! Say!"

"... so what if it's a wolf card?!" No. 4 was silent for a while, and suddenly burst into emotion, "I have the wolf card in my hand, so what can you do?! You... you think I will tell you where the wolf card is. The location? Haha, even if I tell you, do you dare to believe it?"

"The wolf card is in my hand, if you have the ability, let it stay in my hand forever!"

After saying this, No. 4 arranged the table vigorously with a "snap".

It startled No. 3 and No. 5 next to them.

In the fifth round, there are 5 cards on the 4th - one of which is a wolf card.

The explosion on the 4th made the scene quiet for a while, and the remaining 11 players had different thoughts.

In addition to No. 4, No. 10 was the most affected person. Why is the wolf card already in the hand of No. 4? ! How is this possible, not even one person walking so fast in one round! ... No, wait, if it's one round... No. 10's sweat drips on the table, if it's one round, No. 6 has left as early as the third game, really... It's time for No. 4 It's on!

But how is this possible? How could it be possible that the wolf card is just drawn by the next person in each round

"Hoo, hoo..." No. 10's breathing became heavy. In the future, he can no longer draw cards as freely as before! Be sure to choose carefully, I will never let the wolf card come back to my hand! !

No. 9 glanced at No. 10 next to him, and looked away again.

No. 5, whose wolf card was taken away, was completely relaxed at this moment: finally sent this great god away! Now it's all right, no matter what happens, the wolf card won't go around and come back to me!

Draw a card, not what I want, No. 5's high mood is a bit hit - it's already the fifth round, and I still have 6 cards in my hand... But anyway, the wolf card will not come back again, these 6 cards Also sooner or later can play out! ... In the final analysis, it was this new No. 7 who ruined my luck!

"Ding~" The red pointer points to No. 7. No. 7 doesn't know that No. 5 is complaining about himself, and he also feels that things are a little weird: why the wolf card has already reached No. 4, is this a magical wolf card? Will people be tempted to choose it

… No, it shouldn’t be. In this case, this qualifier is meaningless. At least I can be sure that the position of my cards is arranged by myself. When I draw cards from No. 8, it is completely up to me will. If it is said that even the will is manipulated, it is even more meaningless. Wouldn't the system just eliminate whoever it wants to be eliminated? And according to the rules of the previous games of Suspenseful Life, there shouldn't be such a thing, and it doesn't match the style of the Suspenseful Life game... So, it really is such a coincidence! …

No. 7 sighed, and did not draw the cards he wanted. By the end of the fifth round, No. 7 had 4 cards left.

"Ding~" Player No. 8's round. This round is the same as the previous round. No. 8 has not drawn the desired card. There are still 6 cards left.

"Ding~" Player No. 9's turn.

No. 9 took a look at the cards and put the newly drawn cards together with the old ones. The tense atmosphere seemed to have eased. It seemed that No. 9 didn't draw the cards he wanted this round.

"Crack." After the players with different thoughts breathed a sigh of relief, two foxes appeared on the table.

'Player No. 9 wins in third place'

The position of No. 9 has also disappeared, and No. 8 and No. 10 are connected together. The original 13-sided edge table has become a 10-sided edge table. In order to prevent the distance between players from being too large, the table seems to be smaller. lock up.

Shen Mu was a little sad: According to the magical rule of one person walking each round at our table, I won't be able to leave this round (). Ah... Then what should I do if the next round of wolf cards is in the hands of No. 3 ().

Player number 10 draws cards.

It was the first time to draw cards from No. 12's hand. No. 10 squinted his eyes and carefully selected for a long time. Although the wolf card is still with No. 4, the awareness of caution must be cultivated in advance.

The cautious No. 10 did not play any cards in this round, and kept the number of cards in the previous round, 6 cards.

Player 12 draws cards.

No. 12 kept frowning after No. 4 shouted that the wolf cards were in her hand: No matter what, you must play these five cards before the wolf cards come over! It's really unlucky, if it weren't for the fact that number 11 had an extra card and didn't draw a card when I left, I should only have 4 cards left now!

Luckily, No. 12 calmed down and drew a card, his face instantly collapsed.

On the 12th, there are no cards in this round, and there are still 5 cards.

"Ding~" The pointer turned to No. 13. With a gloomy face, No. 13 almost snatched a card from No. 1's hand. The face that was originally cloudy turned cloudy after seeing the card clearly.


Player 13 has two more cards this round.

"Ding~" Player 1 draws a card.

"Please." Shen Mu took the initiative to hand over the only remaining prophets and hunters to her.

"Liar." No. 1 snorted coldly, and No. 4's final outburst made her believe that the wolf card was in No. 4's hands, so this No. 2 was just fooling people from the beginning! The realization that he has been fooled makes number 1 angry for a while, but now is not the time to attack.

No. 1 draws the card on the right, feels better, and plays two hunter cards. By the fifth round, No. 1 still has 4 cards.