Suspended Life Game

Chapter 13: remember


Three months ago, that is, on the eve of the summer vacation, as Lin Huiru said before, Shen Mu publicly confessed his love to Su Yingxing at a club gathering. This incident also caused quite a stir on the campus of Baiyan University. Shen Xin's classmate, Su Yingxing's younger sister, Su Huatong, blatantly said in class, "My brother is gay, and my sister is also gay. Playing with her will also get you infected." Shen Xin, who was originally popular and had excellent grades, was isolated.

"At that time, I looked it up on the Internet..." Shen Xin twisted the corner of her clothes uncomfortably, "Someone said that if there is a homosexual in my relatives, the possibility of me being gay will also increase... I felt very scared, and even began to feel as if I When I played with Lulu and the others, I really had ulterior motives... But I really regard them as friends."

"During that time, brother, you skipped classes every day. You either went to the Internet cafe to play games, or drank outside. When you got home, you closed the door and played games and drank in the house. At that time, I felt that my brother was so annoying. Everything was my brother's fault. Scared that I'm gay too and that I'll never be able to live a normal life again...”

While comforting her sister, Shen Mu was in a daze. I used to... like this person named Su Yingxing so much? Shen Mu tried hard to recall, trying to find out the memory fragments hidden in the depths of his mind, but there was nothing in the end.

Forget it, Shen Mu shook his head, he can't keep the day from yesterday, his life is still hanging in the balance...

"I wanted to tell the teacher at the time, but everyone looked at me with strange eyes. I was afraid that the teacher would know it too... I didn't tell the teacher. Then..." Shen Xin took a breath, "Brother, you have the final exam. You missed several exams, your counselor called the parents, and Dad found out."

"Did Dad know?" Shen Mu was a little puzzled, "Didn't I also be decadent at home for several days, isn't Dad at home?"

Shen Xin shook her head, remembering that Shen Mu didn't know anything, and added: "Dad is in business, he's always busy with work, and doesn't come home very often, and my mother left when I was 3 years old. The food and hygiene at home It’s all done by Aunt He, the nanny.”

Shen Mu nodded, signaling Shen Xin to continue.

Shen Xin went on to say: "Then Dad knew about it. It is estimated that the counselor also told you about the confession between you and Brother Su Huatong. Dad was super angry. He has a bad temper and traditional thinking. You are also very angry. , you two had a big fight, the conversation failed, brother, you close the door, and ignore what he says. Then Dad smashed a lot of things, even the crystal panda ashtray that Mom used to give Dad... Finally said ' I can't cure you yet!' and left angrily."

Speaking of this, Shen Xin was a little hesitant, but noticed the passage of time, and continued quickly: "After Dad left, you left too. The next day we had an exam in class, and I didn't do well in the exam. After returning home Dad was actually at home, saw me coming back, and knew that I did poorly in the exam, Dad was even more angry, and told me that he planned to send you to the famous 'Professor Niu Network Center' for medical treatment."

Shen Xin fell into memories: "That day..."

Shen Xin: "Professor Niu? But Shen Mu didn't like playing games before, it's just this time... he shouldn't be really addicted to games, right?"

"You don't understand, Professor Niu can cure not only Internet addiction!" Shen Yida said proudly.

Looking at Shen Yida's expression, Shen Xin suddenly understood a little bit, felt uneasy, and still hesitated to tell her own investigation: "But I have checked, and some sexual orientations are innate and cannot be changed..."

"Hey, Professor Niu has many successful cases! The crooked saplings should be snapped back! I was the one who neglected you before, and now it's not too late to teach you how to make up for it!"

Shen Xin couldn't help but think, even if it's not a disease for Shen Mu to like men, but men like women, if Shen Mu continues like this, there will be no good results, then if Professor Niu can really restore Shen Mu's sexual orientation to normal, isn't it? Is that good too? Isn't it better to like girls? Everyone will be better off...

Even though she thought so, Shen Xin still felt a little uneasy, and went back to the room and turned on the computer to search for information about Professor Niu. After reading some of the top webpages, all of them praised Professor Niu's ability and praised Professor Niu's public morality. Shen Xin nodded, silently agreeing with her father's thoughts.

At this time, Shen Xin noticed a forum, and the keywords on the search page displayed "Professor Niu's inside story". Shen Xin couldn't help frowning and clicked into this forum, but was shocked. Instead of using reasonable educational methods, they use brutal "electric shock therapy" to brainwash students and give them severe corporal punishment every day. Shen Xin was so frightened that she hugged her notebook and found Shen Yida who was about to go back to the company.

Shen Yida looked at the complaints on this forum, and then looked at other displays on the search page, and patted Shen Xin on the head with a smile: "Xinxin has a heart, you don't understand this! This is to pour dirty water on Professor Niu It seems that those Internet addicts did it, or they may be Professor Niu's competitors, so don't worry about it." Said Shen Yida and began to change clothes.

"But!" Shen Xin wanted to say something else.

After Shen Yida changed his clothes, he took his daughter and the computer: "Look, there are several regular newspapers that have visited Professor Niu, conducted field investigations, and interviewed students and teachers. Anyone can register in the forum and say anything, but if you believe what others say, then you are too stupid."

After finishing speaking, Shen Yida went out for a meeting.

Although Shen Xin still couldn't let it go, no matter how she thought about it, she felt that what her father said was actually reasonable.

When Shen Mu came home the next day, Shen Yida was already waiting at home, and said kindly that he would take Shen Mu out for an outing. Both father and son calmed down and had a good talk frankly. Although Shen Mu felt surprised, but also wanted to speak clearly with his father, no doubt he got into the car.

The next time Shen Xin saw Shen Mu was more than three months later, at the end of October, in the Intensive Care Unit of the Municipal People's Hospital.

"I'm sorry! Brother! I thought about telling you secretly that day...but I didn't say..." Shen Xin broke down in tears.

Shen Mu patted her distressedly: "How could this be your fault? The fault is Professor Niu and the media that doesn't distinguish between black and white. You have done a good job."

Shen Xin shook her head desperately: "No, brother, you don't know! We started school more than a month ago, and we had to rearrange the seats. The classmates who were assigned to me didn't want to sit at the same table with me. Teacher Zhang knew about it." The reason, teacher, the teacher was very angry, she scolded the other students severely."

Shen Xin sobbed and said: "The teacher said that there is no right or wrong sexual orientation, homosexuality should be respected just like heterosexuality, and homosexuality is not just a classmate who likes it when they see it, no one likes to be self-satisfied, insult others, and be complacent The teacher said a lot of things, and they, as well as me, realized that our previous ideas were wrong! Lulu and the others apologized to me, and I regretted it very much at that time. If I told the teacher earlier, I would I won't quarrel with you..."

"I asked Dad to take you back, but Dad didn't agree. He also blamed Teacher Zhang for teaching bad children since he was a child. He said that he must find me a good class when I was in junior high school! I had a fight with him. He saw that I kept making trouble. So I called Professor Niu, and after I hung up, I said that if you pass the performance, you will come out naturally, and parents who are not qualified will not be able to answer. If you are really not sick, you will come out naturally..." Shen Xin continued, "How can I Said that my father didn't listen, and I still have to ask Teacher Zhang to settle accounts. Professor Niu said that if you behave well, you can come out in three months. I think it's only one month. When you come out, brother, all this will be over... "

"I'm sorry bro, if it wasn't because I was afraid, I would have communicated with the teacher earlier! If I had said it at the end of last semester, at least I would have tipped you off when Dad was sending you to Professor Niu during the holidays, woo …”

"Don't be afraid, Kexin, brother is fine... It's all brother's fault, brother will definitely take you out." Shen Mu hugged his sister, feeling uncomfortable. She is still so young, her father is a middle-aged man with traditional thinking, he is busy with his career, he can't educate his little daughter, and he is an incompetent brother. Kexin is a kind and simple girl with a little sensitive mind, but you treat her well In fact, I remember you very well. Shen Mu didn't forget that when she first met Shen Xin, her attitude towards her elder brother was not friendly. One can imagine how bad the brother-sister relationship was before.

As an adult, no matter how frustrated I am in love, it’s okay to avoid my own studies and exams, and I still quarrel with my young sister. Do I still think it’s her fault that my sister doesn’t understand me? ! An unknown fire burned in Shen Mu's heart, and he hugged his sister even tighter.

Shen Xin finally said what had been on her mind for a long time. Although her body's sobbing reaction hadn't stopped, she had regained her spirits, her red eyes shone with light, and her tone of voice returned to Shen Mu's familiar liveliness and smallness. Poisonous tongue: "Brother, you are about to be eliminated according to the script, so let me take you out! Don't worry, I will definitely not lose to you!"

Shen Mu also smiled: "That's up to you, Kexin."

Shen Mu came to the third floor and completed the third night's kill target, No. 4 Yang Ge.

On the third day, at six o'clock in the morning, Young's death information was announced.

At 9:00, in the game hall, the number of people on the big round table has decreased by one-third.

The discussion time on the third day officially started.

The author has something to say:

---------------Current Survival Status of Preliminaries----------

---------------Current·Day 3------------------------

1 Lin Huiru (surviving, identity unknown);

2 Jiang Shuyi (surviving, identity unknown);

3 Shen Mu (Survive, Identity Killer, Jumping the Police);

4 Younger (death, the killer died on the third night, suspected of being a policeman);

5 Sun Jieqing (surviving, identity unknown);

6 Song Yue (dead, died the second night by the killer, identity unknown);

7 Li Fengmei (died, died by the killer on the first night, identity unknown);

8? ? ? (Survive, Identity Killer);

9 Liu Bo (surviving, identity unknown);

10 little girl (survival, identity killer);

11 Li Xuesong (surviving, identity unknown);

12 Zhang Ji (dead, died on the first day of referendum, identity unknown);