Suspended Life Game

Chapter 15: Afterimage


"Yesterday I checked number 5, and number 5 is the killer. In fact, there is no need to check it anymore. I believe that the people who voted for me are all good people, not to mention that I checked her on number 2. She is really a good person." Shen Mu nodded to Jiang Shuyi Jiang Shuyi turned even paler.

"Little sister, too." Shen Mu turned to Shen Xin again, "Think about it, if I were a killer, it wouldn't do any good to help a good guy analyze the rules on the first day. The reason why I said that was entirely because I was from the perspective of the police. I am obliged to give good people a clearer perspective. I doubted his identity when Young didn’t flip his cards on the first night. He is a killer. How could he help us analyze the rules? Be sober! Yesterday Young was himself Don’t say that the killer’s own sword is useless, now that all of you believe in him, isn’t it obvious what the use of the sword is?”

"Don't forget," Shen Mu said in a deep voice, "as long as the killer side wins the final victory, it doesn't matter whether they are out or not. Yang Ge saved his two teammates through his own death and pushed me out of the game. It’s a sure thing! I’m not afraid to tell the truth, No. 8 is indeed my last teammate, and Younger has already guessed it. If I’m out, the police team can’t do anything anymore. Younger himself The act of the knife seems absurd, but in fact it kills two birds with one stone, pushed me out of the game, and made the police force useless."

Shen Mu finally managed to win: "If this is an ordinary game, I really want to say that it doesn't matter if you vote me out today, because your logic will be proved wrong immediately, and you will continue to kill people on the night of the 5th. But It is a life-threatening game, and no one knows what will be waiting for us if we fail, so I implore everyone to calm down and think about it. Younger's formation has been blown out. If he doesn't draw his salary from the bottom, the killer team will have nothing to lose. The odds are right! Don’t forget, as long as the killer team wins in the end, it doesn’t matter if they were eliminated before! Of course, his lie will be self-defeating tonight, because No. 8 and I are not killers at all. Maybe you will think, even if If you voted me out today, the number of votes is still enough. If you really die tonight, you just need to vote for No. 5 and No. 1. Then what are the chances of Younger winning? This question has also troubled me before."

"However," Shen Mu took a deep breath, "eliminate all the impossible, and the rest is the truth. Yang Ge is the iron killer who jumped against me, and No. 5 Sun Jieqing is my killer, so No. 1 is not the killer. , It’s really a mob, which is also in line with my teammate Song Yue’s analysis at the beginning, No. 1 and No. 4 can’t make a killer team. By doing this, Yang Ge can not only tie up a ticket for No. 1, but also hide A killer companion, wait until No. 5 and No. 1 are out..." Before Shen Mu finished speaking, the green number in front of him suddenly went out, and the remaining words were cut off in his throat.

The third day of voting has begun.

Shen Mu, Sun Jieqing, and Li Xuesong pressed the voting option without hesitation, Lin Huiru and Kexin hesitated, Jiang Shuyi looked pained, and Liu Bo gritted his teeth and pressed down after hesitation.

The third round of voting is over.

Vote for No. 3 Shen Mu: No. 1 Lin Huiru, No. 5 Sun Jieqing, No. 11 Li Xuesong, No. 9 Liu Bo;

Vote for No. 5 Sun Jieqing: No. 2 Jiang Shuyi, No. 3 Shen Mu;

Players who abstained: Kexin No. 8 and No. 10;

As soon as the voting results came out, Sun Jieqing, Li Xuesong, and Liu Bo breathed a sigh of relief. Jiang Shuyi's face turned white. Shen Mu looked at the voting results with a trace of sadness on his face. He shook his head, said nothing, and went "boom" Fell down on the table.

Li Xuesong looked at No. 8 with a complicated expression, then at Jiang Shuyi, and finally at Liu Bo, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing Shen Mu fall down so suddenly, Shen Xin was startled. Even though it was expected, her heart beat faster and she couldn't stay here anymore! Once shocked to this point, revealing any flaws would not be worth the loss, so Shen Xin decided to retreat.

By the way, Brother No. 8... Thinking of No. 8, Shen Xin regained composure and looked back to check No. 8's situation. She was shocked when she saw No. 8. No. 8 was staring blankly at Shen Mu who had fallen on the table, with an expression of Seems to be solidified, not quite right...

Seeing that there was no light and it turned green again, No. 8 knew that Shen Mu would take him to eat delicious food soon, so he couldn't help smiling. At this moment, Shen Mu suddenly smiled to himself, although it was a smile, No. 8 felt that he was very sad, and then Shen Mu fell straight in front of him.

For a moment, No. 8's heartbeat stopped.

A familiar yet unfamiliar feeling instantly filled No. 8's whole body. No. 8 didn't understand what happened, but his body reacted first, pulling away the stool and rushing straight towards Shen Mu.

"Hello? Are you okay?" There seemed to be a strange and immature female voice in my ears, as well as other messy human voices.

No. 8 threw himself in front of Shen Mu, embraced Shen Mu, and searched for his breath instinctively. Although the body in his arms was warm, the cold breath from his fingertips made No. 8 suddenly feel boundless fear, which he still didn't quite understand. What happened, subconsciously fell into the boundless darkness.

he died.

Death is the opposite of life, utter annihilation and despair.

"Hey, hello! Are you okay!" Sun Jieqing who was next to him was also frightened, and reached out to pat No. 8's back, but he seemed to be cut off from this world, without any reaction.

"Hey..." Someone seemed to be talking in the ear, but more voices sounded in the ear of No. 8, and broken scenes flashed in front of him...

Delayed birthday greetings, torrential downpour overnight, unreachable mobile phone, girl crying on the phone, strings of raindrops on the glass, white hospital, red lights... finally frozen under the snow-white sheets, the A face that had completely lost color and breath.

The picture became clearer and blurred, and the noise at that time and the present in the ear gradually merged. In the end, there was only the body that had completely lost its life on the hospital bed in front of me, and the sound that seemed far away in the sky but was close to my ears. Bian's system voice: "The tenth game of Suspenseful Life begins now."

Number 8 suddenly fainted on the ground and completely lost consciousness.

"Wo Cao!" Sun Jieqing, who was a little dazed after voting, woke up completely, and hurried over to check Tan No. 8's breath, "Wo Cao scared me to death, and thought he died for love... This, this is true love!"

"Is this fainting?" Li Xuesong was also a little surprised, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Wow..." Shen Xin burst into tears, "I don't want them to be killers, they are good people, right..."

"You won't really wrong the good people..." Sun Jieqing was a little stupid for a while, then suddenly remembered his identity and the rules of the game, and quickly recovered, "Don't answer me, let's drag them back first. "Speaking of carrying No. 8, he is not tall and strong, and he can run quite fast with an adult on his shoulders.

Li Xuesong sighed, carried Shen Mu on his back, looked at the three girls and said, "I'll send Shen Mu back, everyone should go back if there is nothing to do."

Liu Bo thought of something, his face was a little ugly, he watched Li Xuesong walking out of the hall with Shen Mu on his back, and he didn't ask for help.

Sun Jieqing finally dragged No. 8 to the bed: "Phew... I'm so exhausted, I look thin and heavy." After speaking, he twisted his sore arm, and was about to close the door and retreat.

"Wait!" A little girl ran over from the stairs, "Brother sleep, wait a minute!"

"What's the matter, little sister, why don't you eat?" Sun Jieqing was a little puzzled.

"I just thought," the little girl who was running in a hurry gasped, "If Brother Sleeping closes the door, he will be in a coma on the 8th. How will he come out tomorrow? If he can't come out, won't it be a violation of the rules?"

Sun Jieqing suddenly said: "Oh! That's it! You're right." Sun Jieqing, who was about to close the door, only closed it halfway, looked at Shen Xin and smiled at her and said, "You are a good boy."

Shen Xin also smiled at Sun Jieqing: "Thank you brother."

The fourth day, 6:00 in the morning.

The remaining half of the players turned on their phones nervously, but the Christmas Eve that was expected did not happen. On the fourth day, there were still players who died, and the person who was eliminated was No. 5, Sun Jieqing.

At 9:00, the remaining 6 players started the game discussion on the fourth day. To be precise, there are 5 players, No. 8 has been in a coma, No. 2 Jiang Shuyi and No. 11 Li Xuesong took him to his seat in the lobby.

This time speaking counterclockwise, No. 2 Jiang Shuyi was the first to speak.

"I, I really don't know..." Jiang Shuyi frowned, almost crying, "I believed in Shen Mu at first, thinking he was like a policeman, Yang Ge died yesterday, and I also felt that Shen Mu was not Maybe Shen Mu is the killer... But in the end, Shen Mu said that everyone has believed in Yang Ge, and Yang Ge's goal has been achieved, I think that's it... "

"But," Jiang Shuyi finally couldn't help crying, "It was Yang Ge's companion who died today. If he is really a killer, it is impossible for him to kill himself again. How could there be a team of killers who kill themselves twice? No It's possible... woo... I voted wrong, but I, I'm really a good person, don't vote for me... I'm really a commoner..." Jiang Shuyi burst into tears.

Jiang Shuyi cried sadly, but Lin Huiru, who spoke next, dismissed it: "If you cry again, it will affect my speech!"

Jiang Shuyi was startled suddenly, the sobs she didn't make seemed to be cut off, but her body was still sobbing instinctively, unable to stop for a while, Jiang Shuyi desperately bit her sleeve to prevent herself from making a sound, but the tears still lingered Can't stop shedding.

Jiang Shuyi cried pitifully, but Lin Huiru showed no sympathy at all. Instead, she sneered and said, "Looking at the appearance of No. 8, it doesn't look like a fake, then the killer is really someone else. If someone cries like this, isn't it because you are afraid?" After all, Yang Ge died yesterday, who would vote for Shen Mu, and only his teammates would vote for Sun Jieqing with him!"

The author has something to say:

Regarding the voice of "the tenth round of the hanging game" in Xiao 8's ear, it is in the past tense, not in the present continuous tense. There may be ambiguity in this place, so I need to explain >_