Suspended Life Game

Chapter 219: season finale


Xie Xuan put his hand on An Yu's shoulder, just about to say something, he accidentally glanced at another chassis not far behind An Yu, his eyes moved, that is... ? !

"Honey, you can play here for a while." Xie Xuan patted An Yu's shoulder, got up and walked towards the chassis not far away, but felt a piece of resistance from the corner of his clothes. Looking back, An Yu's The right hand was pulling the corner of his clothes, looking at him innocently.

Xie Xuan sighed softly, turned around and took out the things in his pocket, a mobile phone and a black bead. Xie Xuan held up the bead and took another photo at the non-existent light source. Looking back, he found that An Yu was also looking at this bead. Zhu Zi couldn't help but smiled: "I can't give you this, come on, let's play with this for you!" As he spoke, he handed the phone to him.

An Yu held the phone innocently and in a daze.

Xie Xuan walked forward for a short distance, and the small part of the exposed part of the case not far away just now gradually became clear. Sure enough, it was a part of the exposed leg.

As the distance approached and the angle of view became clearer, Xie Xuan's expression became more and more serious, this figure...!

When he came to the back of the case, Xie Xuan's pupils shrank suddenly, and a familiar person came into view. Sure enough, the person who fell on the ground was Lin Xiaopang, whom he had just met not long ago! And now his eyes are wide open, the eyeballs are protruding and red, but the eyelids are motionless, his mouth is slightly open, his tongue is sticking out, he is obviously dead.

Xie Xuan took two steps forward, leaned down, and inspected Lin Tianrui's body with a solemn expression. The young boy's touch was still warm, and his body was not stiff yet, but his breathing had completely stopped. Obviously, he died not long ago.

Xie Xuan checked his pockets and belongings, his eyes were dimmed—the phone was still in Xiaopang's pocket. That is to say, what the other party is looking for is not a mobile phone... But thinking about it, Xiaopang didn't die for a long time, and he should have died after the restart. He has already experienced the restart, so the "mobile phone life-saving theory" that was circulated before should be broken without attacking.

... It's hard to say, if the person who survived happened to grab a lot of mobile phones before, wouldn't he think that the mobile phone saved his life even more. But Xiaopang's mobile phone is still there, so it is certain that the murderer is obviously not in this situation.

Since it wasn't for the mobile phone, why would he kill someone at this time... Xie Xuan's eyes narrowed, somewhat puzzled.

"...Huh?" Letting go of Xiaopang's arm, Xie Xuan noticed that at some point there was a sticky feeling on his hand, and it was a bit cool when it touched the air. Xie Xuan's heart tightened. , What catches the eye is an extremely deep red.

is blood.

Since Xiaopang was strangled to death, why was there blood

Xie Xuan immediately turned him over and found the source of the bleeding—Xiao Pang was stabbed by some sharp object from his waist to his left shoulder, and the blood flowed out from here. The light here was too dark, and Xiaopang was facing upwards, so he didn't notice it immediately.


Xie Xuan checked Xiaopang's wound. The wound was small in size but deep, as if stabbed by something the width of a finger. Where did this thing come from in this place... Xie Xuan frowned, but suddenly remembered the woman who was holding an unknown round stick-shaped object that she met before, and she knew something in her heart - although the reason is unknown, there is no doubt that there are some strange materials here They may have been scattered parts or walls, but at this moment they can obviously be used as weapons.

Let go of Xiaopang again and still have a warm body, warm...

"!" Xie Xuan shuddered suddenly, realized something, and quickly turned towards An Yu's direction. The scene in front of him made Xie Xuan's pupils shrink sharply, and his heartbeat also stopped.

At some point, a person appeared quietly, and An Yu, who was supposed to be playing with his mobile phone, was being strangled by the other party at this time, his eyes were closed tightly, and he passed out unconsciously at some point.

Seeing Xie Xuan turn around, in the darkness, the other party seemed to smile: "Long time no see, this...what's your name? This Mr. No. 5?"

Grabbing An Yu with one hand, and holding a round stick with a finger width and a length of ten feet in the other hand, no, a sharp stick, the person who is pointing it at An Yu's neck at the moment is the mysterious Yan Mo in the Infernal Affairs .

"... What are you arresting him for? When is it? If you have something to say, talk about it." Xie Xuan took two steps forward and stopped immediately.

Yan Mo didn't say anything, just pressed the weapon in his hand to An Yu's neck calmly, and when he saw Xie Xuan stopped, he tilted his head at Xie Xuan.

Looking at An Yu who was completely unconscious and Yan Mo who seemed to have lost his mind, Xie Xuan had a series of thoughts in his mind for a moment, but finally his eyes fell on An Yu.

Yu was fine just now (although it wasn't), and was able to run and jump (not at all), why did it suddenly become silent... If Yan Mo did something, it couldn't be that there was no movement at all, there are strange "parts" here Forget it, it would be nonsense to say that there is a drug that can make people unconscious. The only possibility is that An Yu had already fainted before Yan Mo made a move, but this faintness was silent...

If a person falls directly to the ground, there should be some noise, right? There was no movement, it could only be a slow fall...

so? … But…

That's the best guess, but if things don't turn out the way you think...

"I'm talking nicely." Yan Mo said at this moment, "Why, are you surprised to see me? I have so many questions to ask... who do I ask? You? Or should I ask..." Yan Mo put Turning his eyes back to An Yu's face, "Where is your 'friend'?"

"What did you do to him?!"

Yan Mo raised his eyes: "I didn't do anything to him, but if you don't cooperate with this attitude, what will happen to him, I don't know."

"What do you want me to cooperate with, what do you say??"

Yan Mo smiled, and the smile was quite clear under the dim light. At this time, Yan Mo slightly moved his right hand holding the sharp stick, and Xie Xuan noticed that there was something in his hand, which was...

"!" Xie Xuan took the opportunity to take two steps forward, "This is..."

In Yan Mo's hand was also a bead the size of a glass ball. The light was dim, but it could still be seen that it wasn't any colorful color, and it wasn't even black.

"Stop!" Seeing that Xie Xuan had successfully noticed what was in his hand, Yan Mo returned to the previous posture and raised the sharp stick in his hand again, "I heard from the little fat man just now that these beads are of great significance. I heard you have a black one on your hand?"

Xie Xuan asked coldly: "You killed Lin Xiaopang?"

Yan Mo was noncommittal: "Time is tight, he refuses to give me this white bead, should I still talk nonsense with him?" Then he smiled, "Then you, do you want to give it to me? Or refuse?"

Xie Xuan's thoughts telegraphed: "What do you want it for? Do you know how to use it?"

Logically speaking, at this time, everyone’s interests should be the same. No one wants the system to be formatted or other unexpected problems occur. Does it really matter who holds the beads? Is there anyone who doesn't want to live

—The premise is that the person has to be a normal person.

No matter how you look at it, this Yan Mo is not normal. Could it be that he... has a dual personality

Although it is nonsense, sometimes all the impossible is ruled out, and the rest, no matter how inconceivable, is...

The original mystery still lingers in my heart. It is important to save An Yu, but what is really important is to save the real An Yu, the An Yu who was with me in front of the coffee shop in reality, and other people. If you miss the key props, it may really harm everyone.

"You don't have to worry about that." Yan Mo said softly.

"If there is a way to leave here, I don't have to keep the beads in my own hands." Xie Xuan said calmly, "Don't I want to leave here? We can cooperate, why do you..."

Xie Xuan didn't say the rest, because the end of the sharp stick in Yan Mo's hand was dyed red.

"Okay! I'll give it to you!" Xie Xuan said immediately, "If you let him go, I'll roll the beads over immediately!"

"You throw the beads over first." Yan Mo smiled.

What should I do, should I give it to him? Although he was hesitating, Xie Xuan still squatted down slowly, and the hand holding the beads couldn't help but loosen. Thinking of the guess just now, Xie Xuan finally made a decision, and just as he was letting go, at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the person behind Yan Mo. A case, Xie Xuan's heart skipped a beat!

Number 12? ! when did he come !

Xie Xuan made a quick decision, and immediately changed his mind. He grasped the hand that was about to let go, and suddenly smiled at Yan Mo: "Brother Yan, do you think who is behind you?"

Yan Mo sneered, thinking of something, his face suddenly changed, and he hesitated to turn around, at this time, a new incident happened.

'Di-didi-system restart failed, the system will be formatted in one minute'

'Drip—59, 58...'

Hearing this voice suddenly, both Xie Xuan and Yan Mo were stunned, but the scene did not stop there. A box not far away suddenly began to flash red light, while other boxes gradually lit up with glistening white light. , but the light is obviously not as bright as the red one. At the same time, two soft footsteps sounded from behind Yan Mo, maybe it was because they were very close, maybe it was because the other party didn't try to hide his footsteps, or maybe it was another reason, Yan Mo noticed something, Subconsciously, she turned her head and looked at No. 12's bottomless eyes.

As if he never expected to see the person in his memory here and now, Yan Mo was completely stunned.

At the same time, An Yu, who had been in a coma, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear and bright, not at all like the ignorant look when he was facing Xie Xuan just now, and it was too late, but An Yu took the opportunity to break away from Yan Mo and knock him out Beads in hand.

'Boom! Not only did the white beads fall, but Yan Mo seemed to be completely out of shape, and the sharp stick in his hand also fell off. An Yu glanced at the stick on the ground, and kicked the beads to Xie Xuan: "Hurry up! Leave them alone." Already!"

Xie Xuan immediately picked up the white pearl that was coming at high speed, met his gaze from afar, met his crystal clear eyes, and couldn't understand, a huge alpaca galloped past in his heart: grass! No matter what time, there is leisure and leisure!


After picking up the bead, Xie Xuan immediately ran towards the distinctive chassis at the fastest speed, feeling a kind of unspeakable great joy and excitement accompanied by tension in his heart.

At this time, you still have leisure time to play role-playing, as expected of you.

'23, 22, 21...'

When I came to the special case, there were only a dozen seconds left, and I didn’t have time to think about anything else. Sure enough, the light of this unique mainframe was not emitted by the case, but had a huge display screen, red The flash of is exactly the countdown on the display.

'14, 13...'

where, where...

Xie Xuan's eyes quickly glanced around the screen back and forth, and it was too late to let out the gas in his chest. If there is, there must be...!


Right below the screen, it is not difficult to notice that a round hole the size of a bead is quietly staying there. From this angle, it looks like a computer switch.


However, there is only one hole.

Xie Xuan spread out his palms, looked at the two beads of the same size, same luster, but diametrically opposite colors, his fingertips trembled slightly, there was only one choice, black or white

As for colors other than black and white, it doesn't make sense to think about it, black... or white

'5, 4...'

Black and white, is there any rule? ... From the perspective of external laws, does black mean that there are more stops? Do you choose black

'3, 2...'

At the last second, Xie Xuan's heart broke, and he pressed a bead in his hand.

In an instant, there was silence around my ears.

This was followed by a more lingering system sound.


'The Suspended Life game system is suspended—'

! !

Did you make it? still…

'The system is suspended. Except for players who were killed due to violations, all players stop the game and send back to the real world. The progress of the game is invalid. These players lose their status as gamers and no longer play the game. They also lose the opportunity to make a wish. Players start to be sent back...'

As soon as the sound fell, Xie Xuan suddenly felt dizzy, and his consciousness began to blur. Xie Xuan supported the case next to him, turned around and looked in An Yu's direction, but his sight was blocked by heavy cases.

'Snapped! 'The three people on the other side also heard the system sound, An Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and was woken up by Xie Xuan after the restart failed this time, stupid is pretending to be stupid, dizzy is really dizzy, otherwise there is no need...

The two people who cast their eyes on the other side also heard the system announcement, but the two people who were originally stalemate turned a deaf ear to it, still staring at each other's eyes.

"Do you have anything else to say?" No. 12's body shook slightly, and she also felt dizzy, and looked at Yan Mo more deeply.

"You're still alive..." Yan Mo stared blankly at him with the same deep but completely different eyes, as if waking up from a dream, "I..."

It was too late to say it, and then it was fast, No. 12 took two steps forward, picked up the sharp stick that An Yu knocked down just now, and stabbed at Yan Mo's heart, but maybe the consciousness began to be affected, No. 12's The figure flickered, the stab was missed after all, No. 12 pulled out the sharp stick without any hesitation, and stabbed at Yan Mo again.

"Wait, I..." Yan Mo reluctantly opened his mouth.

No. 12 fell on deaf ears. It just missed the second time.

Yan Mo suddenly smiled coldly, and understood: "You want to kill me, you want me to die, you are betting that the dead cannot go back, you..." Yan Mo coughed softly, bringing out a stream of blood flower.

An Yu: "..."

never mind.

An Yu: "Hey, that number 12, do you know that the mixed blood card can become the mixed target in the later map?"

This sentence was like a spell, and the picture in front of An Yu's eyes seemed to be frozen for a moment.

In the next second, An Yu's eyes darkened.

It seems like a long time has passed, and it seems like only a moment.

An Yu opened his eyes, and saw the familiar warm lights in front of him, the aroma of mocha that had not dissipated in the air, mixed with other coffee aromas, and the unique smell of winter seemed to come through the thick walls of the cafe.

A slender hand silently stretched out in front of him, and the owner of the hand smiled softly on the other side.

An Yu smiled and held that hand: "I'm back."

Xie Xuan: "Welcome back."


The author has something to say:

The full text is over! Thank you for your support this year! (bow)

There are still many shortcomings in writing a book for the first time, and I will work hard to write better in the future!

The next volume will be the follow-up article "My Opponent Turned Out to Be My White Moonlight", a sweet and bloody love story, and it will be updated in early November! Lovely ones can click on the author's column to bookmark it! This time it will be well documented! I won't be naked anymore QwQ

The previous pre-acquisition "Every Copy Is Constantly Reading Files" has been moved to the back, because it is a copy-style brain-burning text like "Suspended Life", the author has to take it easy first, the hair is a bit short... will written! Lovely ones who want to see it don't worry!

I plan to write a forum article for the episode of "Hanging Life", cuties, what else do you want to see, you can leave a message in the comment area, if you have inspiration, you will pick one or two to write! Since the format of the forum is not suitable for updating in the VIP chapter, so when the time comes to update, I will directly write short stories happily. Lovers can bookmark the author's column and receive update notifications in time~

Or follow the author's Weibo @谢香花喵, and we will also post any latest announcements on Weibo~

The extra episode will be updated at the end of the month!

Thanks again little cuties! thank you all! Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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