Suspended Life Game

Chapter 3: number 8


A girl with two small fresh fishbone braids appeared at the door, her pretty face was still pitiful even though she had lost all her blood.

Her eyes swept over the people present one by one, and she was obviously taken aback when she saw Yang Ge, her pupils suddenly enlarged, and she ran to Yang Ge's side in quick small steps: "Yang Ge! Oh my god, you, you are here too ?!"

When Yang Ge saw this beautiful girl, he couldn't hide his surprise: "You are... Lin Huiru?! God, I didn't expect to see my old classmate here!"

Yang Ge appeased Lin Huiru, and then introduced to everyone: "This is my high school classmate, her name is Lin Huiru, and she is the flower of our class!" Yang Ge smiled and glanced at Lin Huiru, and Lin Huiru's pale cheeks also had a tinge of blood.

"I sat at the front desk in high school, and then my family moved to Lin Province in my freshman year. Since then, this is the first time I have met my old classmates. Unexpectedly, it is in such a place." In the end, Yang Ge There was a bit of self-deprecation in his voice.

Only then did Lin Huiru turn her eyes to the other people on the field. She didn't say hello immediately, but first looked at everyone one by one. When her eyes fell on Shen Mu, her expression immediately changed: "Shen Mu?! What are you doing? Here too! Are you still alive? How could I participate in the preliminaries with someone like you?! You scum!"

As soon as Lin Huiru finished speaking, all the people present showed different expressions.

Li Fengmei looked at Lin Huiru and Shen Mu with interest, but Li Xuesong didn't show any expression, Yang Ge looked at Shen Mu with a little more scrutiny, and slightly moved forward to half-shield Lin Huiru behind him. Jiang Shuyi opened her mouth slightly, unable to recover. Liu Bo remained expressionless, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Alarm bells rang in Shen Mu's heart!

It can now be seen that the players in this preparatory round are obviously not students of Professor Niu's network management institute, and it seems that many of them have one or two acquaintances. Everyone is not a professional player. At the beginning of the game, there are no clues. The players don't know who to vote for, but they have to vote for one person. At this time, the most "special" person will become the target of public criticism!

For example, when no one else has amnesia, and only you have amnesia, everyone will pay attention to you subconsciously. Although it is only a weak attention, you may get sympathy if you explain the reason of Professor Niu clearly, but who will be sympathetic at the moment of life and death? Increase your own danger? What's more, now that Lin Huiru is aggressive, saying that she has amnesia at this time is tantamount to guilt and escape. Even with Liu Bo's testimony, it may be difficult to gain the trust and advantage of others in the game.

It is clear to understand, but Shen Mu has no idea what Lin Huiru is talking about. Time passed by second by second, and the scene was a little quiet for a while.

Can't go on like this! Shen Mu acted decisively, and got her words out first!

Although it must not be a good word, but judging by Lin Huiru's appearance, no matter how Shen Mu reacts, he will not let this matter go, it is better to act first!

Just as Shen Mu was about to speak, Zhang Ji suddenly took a few steps forward: "It's almost six o'clock, and there are only two hours left before the game. There are only a few people here. I'll go find others! Anyone want to go with me? "

Zhang Ji's opening broke the tense atmosphere, and everyone's attention was diverted from Shen Mu. Yang Ge hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I'll stay here and wait for others. This is the game hall. Anyone who has read the rules will want to come here to confirm."

Shen Mu also said: "Brother Zhang and I went to find other people."

Li Fengmei tugged at Li Xuesong's sleeve: "My brother and I stay here and wait for someone."

Jiang Shuyi looked at Zhang Ji, then at Shen Mu, as if she wanted to go, but finally looked at Lin Huiru, but she still didn't speak.

Seeing that no one spoke anymore, Shen Mu and Zhang Ji walked out of the hall.

After Shen Mu and Zhang Ji left, Jiang Shuyi suddenly stood up from the sofa: "I, shall I go? This villa has three floors, and my bedroom is on the third floor. You can go to the third floor to have a look. Three, three Individuals are also found faster."

Seeing this, Li Xuesong said softly, "You're a girl, you should stay here, I'll go up and have a look."

But Li Fengmei grabbed Li Xuesong, smiled at Jiang Shuyi and said, "Sister Shuyi, this sister Lin Huiru hasn't finished talking yet."

Li Fengmei resumed the topic that Zhang Ji interrupted just now, and Jiang Shuyi hesitated to sit back on the sofa.

Yang Ge said to Lin Huiru: "Huiru, you just said that Shen Mu is a scum, and why is he still alive? What does this mean?"

Lin Huiru already had deep opinions on Shen Mu, and it was Yang Ge who asked again. She immediately sat on the soft sofa and began to talk about Shen Mu's "brilliant deeds".

On the other side, Shen Mu and Zhang Ji walked on the corridor on the first floor. The direction from the innermost stairs to the game hall on the first floor is Li Fengmei's room at No. 7, Zhang Ji's room at No. 12, room No. 5, and room 4. No. Younger's room. The two stood in front of the door of No. 5, knocking on the door and talking.

"Brother Zhang, aren't you curious about what Lin Huiru said?" Shen Mu asked.

Zhang Ji didn't pay much attention to this matter: "Hey, what could be the matter? You are an adult too. If something happened, you would have been in prison long ago. How could you be here..." Halfway through the words, Zhang Ji Ji himself also realized that with the power of the life-sustaining game, no matter where in the world you are, I am afraid there is a way for you to appear here.

The scene was a little awkward.

But Zhang Ji immediately laughed and said, "I'm a shop owner. How many students have I met? I still can't tell if you are a student? I've seen too many conflicts between students. Besides, that girl doesn't look like a girl. Good stubble, did you offend her somewhere and be hated?"

Shen Mu said nonsense helplessly: "It's all conflicts between classmates. It was really unpleasant at the time, but I haven't seen each other for a few months, so I thought it was all over."

While the two were talking, they knocked on the door of Room 5 for a long time, but no one opened it.

"Maybe I went out. The villa has three floors, and I don't necessarily go to the lobby when I go out." Zhang Ji said.

"This person's room is on the first floor, and it's quite close to the hall. Where can he go?" Shen Mu was a little surprised, but after knocking for a long time, there was no one in the room, "Forget it, Brother Zhang, let's go upstairs and have a look." Bar."

In order to save time, Zhang Ji checked the second floor, and Shen Mu went straight to the third floor.

There are also four player rooms on the third floor. Next to the stairs is No. 1 Lin Huiru's room, followed by No. 2 Jiang Shuyi's room, No. 6 room and No. 8 room. Shen Mu came up from the stairs and knocked on the doors of No. 6 and No. 8 for a long time, but there was no response.

The game hall on the 1st floor corresponds to the restaurant on the 2nd floor, but I don’t know what is on the 3rd floor. Shen Mu walked over slowly. When he approached the gate, there seemed to be a trace of dampness in the air. There was a faint sound of water in the door. Could it be a hot spring or a swimming pool

Pushing open the half-hidden door, a gust of water vapor rushed towards his face, Shen Mu couldn't help showing a smile, it really was a swimming pool.

Then the smile on Shen Mu's face disappeared - on the other side of the swimming pool, there was a person struggling in the water!

"Are you okay?!" Shen Mu immediately detoured from the door to the opposite side of the pond, "...classmate? Sir?"

When he got close, Shen Mu could see his face clearly. It was a young man struggling in the water. The corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and his smooth black hair was docile on his face. I don't know if he had soaked in the water for too long. The man His complexion was very pale, and his lips had almost completely lost their color.

Looking at this face, Shen Mu was stunned for a moment, and there was only one thought left in his mind.

he is so pretty...

The sound of water brought back Shen Mu's thoughts. At this time, Shen Mu noticed that the swimming pool was not big, and there was no distinction between depth and depth. The water level was about 1 meter. With the height of an adult, it was more than enough to climb ashore. Can climb, there is a ladder not far away!

But he... The player who fell into the water kept trying to climb directly to the shore, fell back into the water, struggled for a long time even if he stood up again, and then repeated-trying to climb to the shore, fell in the water clumsily, and struggled to stand up...

Something is wrong! Shen Mu immediately went into the water and pulled up the person who fell again from the water. At this moment, Shen Mu saw clearly his game number—a silver delicate "8".

Shen Mu's heart sank, he was really a player.

After standing up, Shen Mu found that he was about the same height as himself. Looking closely, there were still fine drops of water hanging on No. 8's eyelashes, shaking off with the blinking movements.

After No. 8 was pulled up, he seemed to have noticed Shen Mu's existence, and looked at Shen Mu intently, his eyes were clear but ignorant, Shen Mu's heart sank again: No. 8 obviously didn't look right.

"Are you okay?" Shen Mu asked softly, but No. 8 didn't respond, just continued to look at Shen Mu, like a well-behaved and innocent cat.

"Go, let's go up first!" Shen Mu brought number 8 to the side of the ladder, number 8 could not climb ladders, so Shen Mu went up first by himself, and pulled him up again.

After getting on the shore and away from the influence of the water, Shen Mu could feel that No. 8's hand was really extremely cold. Shen Mu pulled him to the door, and No. 8 followed obediently, without struggling or resisting. After walking a few steps, Shen Mu stopped and let go of No. 8's hand, and No. 8 didn't leave anymore. Looking at Shen Mu, he looked very obedient.

Shen Mu's heart suddenly became extremely sore, suppressed the turbulent thoughts in his heart, and pulled No. 8 again: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go, let's go back to the house first."

Room 8 was next to the swimming pool. Shen Mu tried to open the door when he came to room 8 on the 3rd floor. As before, players could not open other players' rooms. Shen Mu gently placed No. 8's hand on the doorknob, then held his hand and pressed it lightly—the door opened smoothly this time.

Shen Mu quickly led the people into the room and locked the door again.

First brought the person to the bed and sat down, Shen Mu opened the closet, and sure enough there was a change of clothes, and even a swimsuit, but each piece of clothing had a silver "8" on the chest, even if Shen Mu and No. The figure is about the same, and I can't wear it myself.

Helping No. 8 to dry the water droplets on the wet hair, "Can you change clothes by yourself?" Shen Mu asked without hope.

Sure enough, only innocent eyes responded to Shen Mu.

Shen Mu sighed slightly, and helped him change into clean clothes. After changing clothes, No. 8 seemed to be a little more lively, and took the initiative to rub on Shen Mu's body, looking very dependent.

It really looks like a cat... Shen Mu straightened his collar, but the inexplicable sourness in his heart only increased. This is the way animals express their closeness. Number 8 is a human being, and he should not express his closeness in this way.

It is now 6:37 pm, and there is still 1 hour and 23 minutes before the start of the Suspense game preliminaries.