Suspended Life Game

Chapter 33: Day one. Torrent


Du Xiulin pushed his glasses: "I don't know if number 3 is a god, because I am not a god, I am a civilian card, if you are in the police, tell me which card you are, I may believe you, and even quit. Water makes the magic card take the sheriff, but your statement is ambiguous and seems reasonable, but in fact it is just delaying time. Three days, sometimes enough to end a game, the statement on the 3rd seems to be calm, but in fact it is completely It may be the Wolves' plan to slow down the troops. But I am not a magic card, and I will not talk about your identity for the time being, but the police badge must not be given to you. It is a common way to give the police badge to the prophet, but that is on the premise that 12 people are familiar with the process rules , Some players who don’t understand Werewolf at all may not know that they must go to the police if they take the Prophet. The identity of a prophet, pretending to be a min card!"

As soon as Du Xiulin said this, the expressions of many people changed. The purple-haired man No. 6 was full of disdain, and the red-haired lion head No. 7 seemed a little stunned, as if he hadn't thought much about this situation. No. 8 Bai Lin lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly, while No. 10 ponytail woman's face remained unchanged, even with her usual smile on her face.

But everyone's expressions were quickly put away, and Du Xiulin didn't care. He pushed his glasses and said, "This is a board with cupids and thieves. Let's not talk about whether we can find the real seer, even if the police badge is given to the real one." Prophet," Du Xiulin's tone slowed down, and said meaningfully, "—is the good person detected by the prophet necessarily a good person? Everyone has read the rules. The prophet can only find out whether a player is a good person or a werewolf, but the Without knowing his specific identity, if there is a third party on the field, and the prophet checks that Cupid and one of the lovers are also good people, do you dare to believe that the good people detected must be good people?"

Having said that, Du Xiulin lowered his head slightly and paused for a moment. When he raised his head again, his eyes were pierced with a sharp light, sweeping through the glasses and sweeping the audience: "So throwing the police badge to the prophet is not very useful. The emblem is for a good person who has the ability to lead the team. Here, I implore everyone to vote for me! First of all, I must be a good person. If I were a werewolf, I would not jump on a civilian to canvass for myself, at least I will also jump a god position to win everyone's trust. But, I am a good person, a real commoner. In this game, good people should not lie! Originally, wolves were lying to deceive everyone. If you close your eyes, the information of good people is already confused. Good people No matter how smart you are, reporting false information will only deceive good people—because the Wolves are open-eyed, they can see the situation clearly and know who their companions are, and lying by good people will only confuse other good people! I say that I am a Civilian, because I got the commoner card, I will not lie to everyone that I am a god card, but I have the ability to get the police badge! I hope everyone will vote for me for the police badge, good people can only win if they unite!"

It was time for Du Xiulin to speak, and the green light in front of him went out.

...Du Xiulin's speech... Shen Mu rested his forehead with his middle finger, lowered his head in thought: Du Xiulin's speech, if he is not a very high-end deep water wolf, he is probably a good person. He was telling the truth. The good guy team can say less, at least initially, but it's better not to lie.

Wolves are a team and can communicate. The actions between them are eye-opening, planned, and scripted. And good people are independent individuals, and most good people have their eyes closed and don't have any information. Good people lie to each other, everyone writes a set of scripts, and other people are not roundworms in your stomach, this will only make the good people with closed eyes more confused, and the wolves with open eyes will definitely reveal the truth before the good people with closed eyes , the good guy will gg.

Of course, if Du Xiulin was a wolf, he might pretend to be like this on purpose, and do the opposite, deliberately saying that he is a commoner to make good people believe him. But Shen Mu felt that this was the first round, so it might not be that complicated. Now most people are still equipped with ordinary players. With Du Xiulin's level, he can directly jump to the prophet, and then make up a set of rhetoric, or jump to the strong god, maybe the effect will be simpler and clearer. However, it is not ruled out that Du Xiulin is a person who likes to do a full set of acting.

And... Shen Mu looked at Du Xiulin's calm face, as if he wasn't the emotional person just now.

He may be a good guy, but he really doesn't have to be a commoner.

Shen Mu remembered what a great master x said when he and his sister were watching the werewolf killing video:

In the game Werewolf Killing, there is a misunderstanding for the good people—players who play good people always think that their task is to tell the truth, tell the truth, and as long as they explain things clearly, they can win people's trust. But in fact, the important thing is not to have perfect logic, not to tell the truth, not to speak face-to-face, and to swear to win, but to find a way to make others believe in you and follow your rhythm, because some players let them think for themselves and will only follow wolves Go or abstain.

Good people also need layout, especially god cards. They need to be leaders who lead the common people. They need to let the common people and other people who can’t see clearly follow your train of thought. It is enough to make other people believe in you. It is a big taboo to simply say what you have seen, and then let the common people have their own ideas, and finally be led by the Wolves.

After Du Xiulin finished speaking, the third person to speak was purple-haired man No. 6 who was at odds with Du Xiulin.

After listening to Du Xiulin's high-spirited talk, he was obviously not convinced, and the disdain on his face became even stronger.

"The jump is pretty good. I've seen the prophets of the jump. It's the first time I've seen wolves welding and jumping on the police. Civilians want police badges! The broken speech on the 4th didn't make any sense. It exploded so badly It exploded. Werewolves killed me no more or less and played hundreds of games. It’s the first time I heard that police badges are not given to prophets, strong god cards, and a commoner card! Good people shouldn’t lie? You say good people don’t Should you lie, while declaring that you are a commoner card, is it to let the good people declare their identities clearly, so that you can go to the knife conveniently?"

"Good people don't need to report their identities, everyone is looking for wolves, that's enough! If they are really innocent and good people, their mental journeys will naturally be clean, everyone will talk about their thoughts, and their suspicions will be clear, and the Wolves will naturally There are no loopholes to take advantage of. The Wolves can’t take advantage of the loopholes, and their speeches will naturally reveal their flaws. If there are still people who hesitate for two days and can’t find a few wolves, it means that he is a wolf!"

Speaking of this, No. 6 glanced at Du Xiulin contemptuously: "And you want a police badge, and you don't even analyze the situation of a third party. Is this a good person's way of thinking? Let me clarify my identity, I am a hunter! I dare say, I am not afraid of you coming to stab me. Whoever stabs me in the Wolves team today, I will smash his dog's head with one shot! If you don't believe me, just come and try my marksmanship. See if I can aim correctly."

No. 6—After Yan Yuze finished speaking, he swept across the audience contemptuously, with evil spirits in the corners of his eyes. His body tilted slightly, with an air of disdain for the world: "I want this police badge today! Now there is one less in Shenkeng, but it's not full yet. The little girl on the 3rd, you can tell her identity on the third day. If you can’t tell on the third day, you will be out of the game! I’m talking to all the good people in the audience. I don’t threaten you with a gun. Yan Yuze’s gun is aimed at wolves. Good people, listen to my speech. Are you thinking of good people? Judge for yourself whether I am a good person or not? Please vote for me for today’s police badge, and I will lead everyone to victory.”

After Yan Yuze finished speaking, Shen Mu felt a little emotional for a moment. It's so hot, the configuration of the Good Guys team is good! This speech is really great, not just logic, but mainly state, this is a kind of sunshine and self-confidence from the heart, it is difficult for a werewolf to show such a high state. Yan Yuze must be a magic card.

Hunters generally don’t have good people to jump against. Yan Yuze probably is a real hunter. It’s no longer feasible to take the police badge from him, and then use “strong gods to lead everyone to victory” or “strong people will play and analyze the situation” .

The only way is - jump the prophet.

But now halfway through the speech, no one has jumped to the prophet... What about the wolf team? What about the prophet? There are 10th and 12th who haven't spoken yet, could it be the true prophet and the wolf who is ready to weld... Shen Mu always felt that things were not that simple.

In order to survive, the Wolves should send people to the police to jump. It can't be that the real prophet really doesn't plan to take off.

At present, Yan Yuze must be a good person, and he may get a police badge. Du Xiulin is more likely to be a good person. At least the Good Guys will not be in a state of disunity and no one to guide them.

The school girl's speech... To be honest, why can't she really tell whether she is a wolf or a good person

Shen Mu began to think about the prophet's speech in his mind.

Yan Yuze finished his speech on the 6th, and the next one was to speak on the 10th.

"Leave the police badge first, check number 4 from the police, and check number 1 from the police. There is a wolf who jumps directly behind me! I am a prophet, and I want a police badge."

It's coming, it's finally here.

Shen Mu immediately frowned, and looked at No. 10 solemnly. As a "true" prophet, it is absolutely impossible for someone to jump against you as if nothing happened.

"I don't care if you are hunters or other gods, or civilians, the police badge can only be effective if it is in the hands of a prophet! The role of the police badge is to keep the badge flow, so that the good team can finally win, not For the so-called 05 votes!" No. 10 was not afraid of No. 6 Hunter's strong speech.

But Shen Mu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and quickly pressed it down. Number 10 is not a prophet, but a little she-wolf. She has already made the biggest mistake of a jumping prophet, and there is nothing to be afraid of if she speaks well.