Suspended Life Game

Chapter 35: Day 1 Speech


The interface of the mobile phone of the player who has not been policed has changed, and the "identity enforcement" interface has become a voting mode. But the only ones who can be selected are five players who are still in the police force. No. 12 Tang Youchen, who was once in the police force and retired, is not eligible to vote.

A minute passed.

The sheriff vote is completed, and the mobile phone screen shows today's voting results.

Vote for No. 2 Shen Mu: No. 7 Red-haired Lion Head, No. 11 Su Yingxing;

Vote for No. 6 Yan Yuze: No. 8 Bai Lin;

Vote for No. 10: No. 9 Shen Xin;

Players who abstained: No. 1 short-haired girl suspected of being autistic;

No. 2 Shen Mu was elected sheriff and has 15 voting rights. At this time, there was an exquisite police badge next to the number 2 on Shen Mu's chest.

The sheriff's election was over, but the lights in front of No. 5 Lin Huiru's next position, No. 6, were not on. It was time to speak. No number was lit up in the audience, and everyone looked at each other for a while.

Immediately, someone responded: "The last words."

Turn on the phone, and there is a new icon on the phone—last words. After clicking on it, I saw a line of words on the screen:

'First Night, Number 5: Doubt Number 2, Number 3, Number 9 Are Wolves'

woc, Shen Mu couldn't help cursing in his heart, this is poisonous!

For a while, Shen Mu couldn't laugh or cry, felt his right eyelid twitch, and used his middle finger to untie the strands. At this moment, Shen Mu suddenly thought of a possibility that had been ignored just now: Lin Huiru could not be the prophet.

Of course, it is impossible for a prophet to check the identities of three people at once. Besides, two of these three people must be good people. The reason why Lin Huiru pointed out herself, her younger sister, and her junior is actually very thoughtful: she and her younger sister were fierce in the last game. He calculated her ruthlessly, and besides, she always thought that she was not pleasing to the eye. Junior girl... Shen Mu glanced at Su Yingxing out of the corner of his eye, alas, disaster happened.

But it still doesn't rule out that Lin Huiru may be a prophet. She may have agreed to one of the three people, and found out that it was a wolf. Out of selfishness, she also reported the other two people

wrong. The corners of Shen Mu's eyes twitched. If Lin Huiru was a prophet, she would definitely say that she was a prophet in her last words... I really... Seeing that all members of her party were named out, she was a little dazed for a while.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, Shen Mu did not ignore the vote type just now, his younger sister Shen Xin did not vote for herself, but voted for number 10. Although she was awarded the Golden Water on the 10th, she also said that she would test her. Logically speaking, it is reasonable for her to vote for anyone. Therefore, the reason why she didn't vote for herself could only be that No. 9 and No. 10 are the twin wolves, the wolf team! They discussed it at night, and the 10th jumped violently, and the 9th will definitely vote for her.

Although the younger sister's heart belongs to a third party, this matter cannot be known to the wolf team, so the reasonable work arranged by the wolf team must be done, otherwise the couple will reveal their secrets. It is very difficult for a third party to win, and the biggest advantage The reason is that no one on the field knows whether there is a third party and who the third party is. The identity of a couple who is a pair of life and death must not be revealed.

So now it is certain that No. 10 is the real little she-wolf.

So what about prophets...

No. 7 voted for himself, it should not be the wolf team, but a good person. Su Yingxing voted for himself... What a good person!

Su Yingxing: "Ah Choo!"... Is someone scolding me

At this time, the light in front of No. 6 suddenly turned green, and it seemed that the system had only about a minute for everyone to check the last words.

Yan Yuze made a speech on the 6th.

Yan Yuze frowned, as if dissatisfied with the order of the speeches, and said coldly: "Wolf likes to kill the people around him, but fortunately the last place belongs to the vote."

After hearing this, everyone on the field couldn't help looking at No. 4 Du Xiulin. Du Xiulin's face remained the same, unmoved at all, and even had his usual faint smile on his face.

Dissatisfied with Du Xiulin's attitude, Yan Yuze's contempt deepened, and he snorted softly, and then said: "The last words of No. 5, I ordered three people, No. 2, No. 3, No. 9. No. 3 is No. 2's Jinshui, and said that I It is a magic card. Listen to what she said later. It may be the team of No. 2. No. 9 is Jinshui of No. 10. If 9 and 10 are twin wolves, then No. 9 and 2 and 3 cannot be in the same plane. If No. 10 is a wolf , No. 9 is a good person, so the last word of No. 5 is even more untenable. If 2 and 3 are wolf teams, and 9 and 10 are good people, this last word is also nonsense. It is absolutely impossible for 2, 3, and 9 to be wolves at the same time. Do you guys know No. 5?" Yan Yuze frowned, obviously thinking that Lin Huiru's last words were logically unreasonable, that is... due to personal grievances.

"No. 5 can't be a prophet, and her last words don't have much reference value." Yan Yuze came to a conclusion, and then analyzed, "Police No. 12 jumps up to the prophet and retreats. He can't prove his identity and is directly out of the game. Now No. 2 , No. 10 recognizes the prophet, that is, one wolf and one true prophet. Now I take the sheriff on the 2nd, and I believe him more. He speaks with a prophetic mentality and courage. But today is not the round of the two of you. Listen to a round of speeches, and listen to the thoughts of No. 7 and No. 11 who voted for No. 2, and No. 9 who voted for No. 10. If No. 2, the wolf you are looking for is similar to what I think in my heart. Recognize you, the prophet."

"As for who will come out today, the 12th can't tell the identity, so I will directly name the 12th. If the 12th says it's a civilian, then the 12th and the 4th will compete! Two civilians go to the police, one insists on a police badge, and the other cheats their identity. They are not good people! Whoever speaks worse will be out first. That's it, didn't the two prophets test gold water today? Then start from the 4th and 12th. You can recognize my identity as a hunter, right? , Today I am here to return the votes in advance! Sheriff, I now believe that you are a prophet, but if you split the votes," Yan Yuze's eyes turned cold, "then your identity is questionable."

Yan Yuze on the 6th finished his speech, followed by No. 7, the red-haired lion head.

"Hi everyone, I'm No. 7, and my name is Zhao Xu." Contrary to his cool appearance, No. 7 Zhao Xu's personality seems a bit shy.

"Well, I'm not a hunter. I believe No. 6 is a hunter. Werewolf kills me. I haven't played it before. I was pulled into the Suspense game before and played a round of that. Please close your eyes when it gets dark. After you come down, check these games I am still dizzy with the rules, but I will work hard!"

"What you said makes sense. I'm so dizzy now. Number 4 said he is a very good player. If you want the police chief, I think he is really good. But number 3 said that she is a god, so she also wants to be a police officer." Long... The rules I checked also said that the police badge must be given to the prophet... No. 6 is a hunter, and the sheriff is also... Of course I believe that No. 6 is a hunter!" Zhao Xu quickly added, smiling at Yan Yuze next to him.

Yan Yuze seemed a little helpless, and his eyes signaled him to get to the point.

"Well, why did I vote for No. 2 for the police badge? It's because I think he is a good man and a prophet. What he said is very reasonable. There are only three people in the wolf team. They dare not pack up and go out, but No. 2 He dares, I believe he is a prophet. I voted for him! Although I don’t know how to play, but I didn’t check and kill today, and number 6 must be an iron hunter, so I will follow number 6 when I vote today , Vote in No. 4 and No. 12."

On the 7th, Zhao Xu finished his speech, and on the 8th, Bai Lin spoke.

"Let me first explain why I voted for No. 6 for the police badge." Bai Lin said softly, "I think both prophets have good and bad speeches. No. 10's speech is not good. The problem is that she didn't apply for inspection quickly, which is very bad. I thought she was a wolf. But she said that she would test No. 4 again, instead of directly calling him a wolf. I think this is like a wolf Good mentality. Although it is not ruled out that No. 4 and No. 10 are the wolf team, I always feel that No. 4 is not a wolf. If he is a wolf, he will directly jump to the prophet. Well, the speech of No. 2 is very good. But... He said that the wolf team did not dare to pack up with him. This is a good man's mentality, but there were three musicians on the police at the time. Could it be that it was not two wolves and a prophet, but a third party? What about being there? After all, this game is a game with Cupid! But I’m not saying that No. 2’s speech has logical loopholes, because what he said is actually quite good. In his eyes, it may really be two wolves and him. Jump, the wolf sent him a killing, and he was very angry. So now I am not sure who is the real prophet, so I voted for the police badge to No. 6, who must be a good person."

Bai Lin's mental journey is very detailed. After explaining this, she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and her tone was a little slower, "Well, I don't think number 4 is a wolf. Well, I don't know about number 12. Let's listen to what he said first." Right. If I don’t know who to vote for, I will abstain from voting, and I won’t vote indiscriminately.”

Bai Lin's speech focused on expressing water, and she quickly ended her speech after expressing water.

On the 9th, the lights in front of Shen Xin turned on. Since coming to this round, Shen Xin has not had a chance to talk to her brother, and she has been wondering whether Cupid, who has linked herself as one of the lovers, is her brother.

"Well, sister No. 10 tested me as a good person, and she was willing to test me to prove that I am a good person. I think she is also a good person, so I voted for her." Shen Xin said with some fear, "Well, because I She is a good person, um, and not very good at playing. If sister No. 10 is really a wolf, even if she wants to canvass, she will give money to those who are more powerful and playful, so she said that I am a good person. I believe she is a true prophet."

After talking about why she voted for No. 10, Shen Xin seemed at a loss. She didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, she continued, "I don't know why No. 5 would call me a wolf after she died! No. 2 might be Wolf, no, if sister No. 10 is a real prophet, then No. 2 must be a wolf! But, sister No. 3, she said she is a god card, and if she is a god, she is not a wolf. I am also a good person, and only No. 2 is alone. It's a wolf, No. 5's last words are not allowed, I really don't know why she called me a wolf! I'm really not a wolf..." At the end, Shen Xin couldn't help crying.