Suspended Life Game

Chapter 36: Day 1 Wolf Pit


The little girl No. 9 finished her speech with red eyes, and the green light in front of No. 10 turned on.

The atmosphere on the field changed for a moment. Yan Yuze's back straightened slightly, No. 7 Zhao Xu looked nervously at No. 10, and No. 8 Bai Lin's expression was calm, but her fingertips trembled slightly. But No. 1, who abstained from the sheriff vote, lowered his head silently at this time, neither speaking nor making eye contact with others.

The face of No. 10 is not very good-looking: "I checked the information on Werewolf Killer before, and some people said that the prophet is a card of 1 against 11, I still don't believe it... Forget it, I was careless, I am the prophet, this pot I'll recite it, and I apologize to everyone!" Number 10 was obviously upset, but he suppressed the negative emotions in his heart and started to analyze for everyone again, "You said that Number 2's speech was good, what's so good about his speech? Sophistry, can't you see the essence of the matter through your speech?! The 2nd said he was a prophet, who did he check? It was the 3rd, he said that the 3rd is a good person, who is the 3rd? He is the first person in the police to say that he is a god card! No. 3 has already said that she is a god, but don’t you know what identity to give to her? You all use your brains, is he on the 2nd? Lie to you with sweet words! Think again, what is the police badge he left behind? It is the person I checked last night and the person I will check next! His police badge is the same as mine, he is completely in Follow my steps to investigate people, why? Because he is not a prophet at all, he does not have the ability to examine people, he does not have his own ideas, how would he know who to investigate!"

Speaking of this, No. 10 took a deep breath, and then let out a long breath: "Think about it, if you were prophets, would you follow the same people as you are looking for!" Speechless, blushing, "Okay, I won't say No. 2, you just say me, what am I not like a prophet? If I am not a real prophet, would I choose to check a little girl like No. 9? It is precisely because I am a true prophet, so the identities of each position are the same to me! I need to check everyone’s identities and give everyone an explanation! If I am really a wolf, I will just check a high-profile player and give it to me. Wouldn’t it be good for him to give out gold water to pull his ticket? Isn’t it good?! Wolves are unscrupulous, they only have victory in their eyes, and I want to protect everyone, so I choose to check from the weak No. 9 around me. Not much to say, think about it for yourself, if you were prophets, would you follow the police badge of the wolf that jumped with you to investigate people? Is this a prophet’s perspective?” No. 10 looked down Glancing at the phone, he noticed that the time was about to pass, and added with a bad face, "I don't have a police badge anymore, but I will still check number 4 first today."

End of speech on the 10th, speech on the 11th.

"It's just a police badge vote. If you vote wrong, you can tear it up." Unlike the anxiety of the 10th, Su Yingxing's attitude on the 11th is very gentle. It doesn’t make much sense. If you vote wrong, you must vote for the prophet if you tear it up, so I will definitely vote for one of No. 2 and No. 10, and I will not vote for No. 6. Why would I vote for No. 2? Of course Because No. 2’s speech on Inoue is better than No. 10. Werewolf kills me. I don’t play much, but the prophet has also taken it a few times. Whenever I get the prophet, I am full of thoughts about how to pass the information I have verified to others. Everyone, let everyone believe in your own inspection. When you spoke at the police on the 10th, the first thing you said was that you must have a police badge, and the police badge cannot be given to others. The thing you care about most is to get the police badge , instead of passing on the information about people’s testing.” Looking at the red corners of No. 10’s eyes, Su Yingxing said, “Of course it doesn’t mean that you must be an iron wolf, and he must be a prophet. Your turn."

Speaking of this, Su Yingxing seemed to be thinking about something in his heart, and suddenly his eyes narrowed, as if he had made a decision, but the topic changed: "But even judging from the statement of the police officer, I still don't believe that you are a prophet on the 10th " After finishing speaking, he looked away, and regardless of the worsening of No. 10's face, he continued, "No. 10's speech can't be said to be bad, but it's really not good. The whole article is talking about No. 2's speech What's wrong, but I didn't say anything about my own mental journey. In fact, when the prophet card is misunderstood and wronged by good people, I will definitely want to tell everyone what I think. On the 10th, you didn't say anything at all, you What did you think about on the first night, what arrangements did you have, and the reason why you checked No. 9 seems to be prepared. These are actually not the most important. I can accept different thinking between people. But the most The important thing is, where is the wolf you are looking for?"

"If No. 2 is a wolf, who is his companion? Did No. 7 and I vote for him? You didn't talk about me and No. 7 at all, why didn't you dare to talk? Are you afraid that I or No. 7 have an identity? If you really It's a prophet, and the three wolves are all together, shouldn't you be happy, why are you so angry?"

Su Yingxing sighed in an inaudible way: "I didn't want to treat a girl like this on the first day. But... a prophet, he doesn't report for inspection, he has a bad mentality, and he dare not look for a wolf when the wolves are in front of him." , I can’t recognize this prophet no matter what, I will believe in No. 2 this round. On the 10th, you can directly put me into No. 2’s wolf team, so that your wolf pit will be filled. As for Whether I am a god, you can think about it slowly."

End of speech on the 11th, speech on the 12th.

"Papa papa." Tang Youchen applauded.

"What everyone said is very exciting! Hahaha, let me also talk about my mental journey! I must be a good person. If I were a wolf, wouldn't I play like this to death? Think about it, I It's a wolf, police officer, no matter who you think is the prophet, these two people," Tang Youchen pointed to Shen Mu and No. 10, "one must be a real prophet, and the other must be my wolf companion. Ahhh! I mean one must be a true prophet and the other a wolf! I really made a slip of the tongue!"

Tang Youchen stared wide-eyed, looked at everyone's delicate expressions, and looked desperate: "You guys can't live like this! I'm such a wolf, would I make such a mistake?! This happened to show that I have a clear conscience, that I I'm in a relaxed state! I'm just a good guy! Can wolves be in such a relaxed state?!"

"Forget it, believe it or not! Go on," Tang Youchen suddenly relaxed again, "I missed a word just now, and I spoke too quickly. What I wanted to say was that if I were a wolf, I didn't mean that I was really a wolf. The most important thing is a wolf! If, if! If I were a wolf, then one of them must have my wolf partner. If number 10 is a wolf, she has already completed a series of jumps, and it is absolutely impossible for her to retreat into the water , how can I jump up and make trouble again, am I looking for death? I am really looking for death, and I will not drag the team down! Besides, if No. 2 is my wolf companion, I will send him a killing, am I sick? ?So one of the two of them must be a wolf, and I'm sure I'm not a companion to either of them, I'm sure I'm not a wolf, am I?"

"Pfft." Xie You couldn't help laughing, then hurriedly covered her mouth, looking very hard.

"So, I'm a good person, and I went to the police to promote the progress of the game. And I didn't make trouble there, I'm not retreating! Now," Tang Youchen suddenly patted Su Yingxing's shoulder next to him , "I think what Number 11 said makes sense, and she looks like a good person. I think we should just release Number 10 today. Since we have already confirmed that she is a wolf, why should we let the wolf stay for a round?" Or do you prefer No. 4 and No. 10 pk? In short, you can’t name me, I must not be in the same plane as No. 2 and No. 10, which means I don’t have a team.”

After Tang Youchen finished talking, Player 1 spoke.

"I'm not a wolf, I'm a villager." After No. 1 finished speaking, he immediately ended his speech. Several players frowned.

It was Shen Mu's turn to speak on the 2nd.

When everyone was speaking, Shen Mu kept thinking. Now it can be confirmed that the number 10 is a wolf, the younger sister is a wolf, and there is another wolf...

I am the third last to speak. Among those who have not yet spoken, the school girl is definitely not a wolf. You can listen to Du Xiulin's speech on the 4th.

Among the people who have already spoken, No. 6 Yan Yuze must be a hunter, and No. 7 Zhao Xu voted for himself, with a high probability of being a good person. No. 8 Bai Lin may not be sure, this girl is quite thoughtful. The reason why she voted for Yan Yuze with the police badge seems to be flawless, but her solitary mind is too obvious. The focus of her speech is all to explain why the police voted for Yan Yuze. It seems that as long as the focus of the field is not on her That's fine, don't care who the wolf is. Tang Youchen and Su Yingxing should both be good people. Tang Youchen was pushed into the anti-push position like this, and he didn't say his identity. Maybe he is really an idiot, or he may be a villager who wants to make himself an idiot, but it can't be others Divine card. No. 1... Not sure, but the last wolf must be among No. 1, No. 4 and No. 8. Perhaps No. 1, who is the most silent and does not attract everyone's attention, is the last wolf.

Shen Mu of the Wolves was not too worried. On the contrary, there are good people, witches, prophets, and idiots, and none of them can be sure until now. The school girl said that she is a magic card, let's listen to what she has to say later, if she is really a magic card. will bring about a crucial change in the situation. And No. 4 Du Xiulin, although he emphasized in the police that he is a strong citizen, but he may actually be a magic card, not a prophet, and the possibility of an idiot is not high, so he can only be a witch...

still have a question. Shen Mu's eyes flickered slightly. When my sister spoke just now, she chose to support No. 10. This is not a good choice. My sister's best choice is to say that she voted for the No. 10 police badge because the No. 10 gave her gold water, and don't say anything else. Now my sister expresses her support for No. 10. I shouldn't let her flow into the police badge anymore, but should push her directly and check No. 1. If you really are a prophet, this is what you should do.

But I definitely can't push my sister out...

The police badge cannot be changed, and I must give her the identity of a good person. Only Shuang Jinshui can continue to survive in the current situation of the younger sister. But if the police badge does not change, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of others. After all, from the perspective of a prophet, there is an unknown contestant. You said you wanted to test her, but she voted for her opponent, and she still firmly supported her opponent off the court. In the eyes of this prophet, this is an iron wolf!

Forget it, if you doubt it, doubt it, anyway, with the identity of a prophet, you are destined to not be able to survive on the court for too long. What's important is that Shen Mu's eyes moved slightly, in order to deceive the witch's antidote. Otherwise, good people may not doubt whether they are wolves, but in the eyes of wolves, they must be prophets. If they kill themselves at night, they will die immediately.

The time for speaking on the 1st was too short, and Shen Mu could no longer think about it. Shen Mu was about to go hard when suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, why not...

"I am the third from the bottom to speak now. The number 3 behind me is my Jinshui. She is definitely a good person and can be trusted. She said she is a god card, and I also believe it. I don't know the identity of the number 4, so I Just return the ticket here." Shen Mu looked around and smiled suddenly, "After listening around, wolf, I have almost found it."