Suspended Life Game

Chapter 38: red beads


3 minutes passed quickly, Shen Mu finished voting, noticed that the number 1 next to her didn't dial the phone, just sat with her head down, she couldn't help wondering if this little girl had social phobia, and sighed silently in her heart in one breath. Although it is unfair for people of different levels to be put into the same battlefield, once they are on the battlefield, there is no way out. Even if there are gods, if they want to give you a hand, at least they must reach out first .

But many mental and physical diseases cannot be overcome by trying to overcome them. The sufferers have to endure great pain. It is difficult for healthy people to empathize with them. They are either unable to do it or weak. It's just... The Suspense game is not a one-time game. If you want to leave, you must win at least 10 games in a row. The only way to end the Suspense game is to win... Others and teammates may help a few times, but every time you encounter reliable and kind people Teammates are impossible, and the only person who can save himself is himself. Even if it is extremely painful, walking on the tip of the knife, the broken bones must move forward.

The phone screen suddenly changed, and the ticket type and result came out.

Those who voted for No. 2 Shen Mu were: No. 9 Shen Xin, and No. 10, a woman with a ponytail suspected of jumping wolf;

Voters for No. 10 ponytail girl are: No. 2 Shen Mu, No. 3 Xie You, No. 4 Du Xiulin, No. 6 Yan Yuze, No. 7 Zhao Xu, No. 11 Su Yingxing, and No. 12 Tang Youchen;

Those who abstained from voting are: No. 1 and No. 8 Bai Lin;

10 out.

The light in front of No. 10 immediately dimmed, but it didn't go out completely, but the brightness was obviously weakened, and at the same time, the color changed to green that could speak.

It's time for the last words.

"I..." No. 10 just said a word, and suddenly covered his heart, his body bent into a bow shape, and the pain on his face was clearly visible. Everyone was stunned by the change in front of them.

rule… ! !

'This game is in the last words mode, the number of last words is equal to the number of wolves, there are three last words, that is, the first three players who are out of the game can leave their last words, and the last words will be displayed on the mobile phone'

Shen Mu suddenly remembered the rules of the game, and broke out in a cold sweat. Last words cannot be said, but must be entered with a mobile phone! It's against the rules of the game to speak when you shouldn't!

It was so painful... No. 10 clutched his chest tightly and lay down on the table in pain. She, who has always been strong and aggressive, couldn't hold back anymore and shed tears. Am I dying? no, do not want… ! How can I die here? !

She has a nice name, Qu Weishuang. Qu Weishuang is the eldest daughter of the family. There are two younger sisters and one younger brother. Qu Weishuang's father is a businessman, and her mother used to be a guzheng teacher, and became a housewife after marriage. The mother is a very demure and elegant woman, and the father is the main financial source of the family. Qu Weishuang's family conditions are good, at least she has not been wronged materially. The education she has received since she was a child is that girls should be quiet and elegant, and they don't need to have excellent grades or show their faces. The important thing is to be a good wife and mother. Qu Weishuang loves her mother very much, but she has been uncomfortable with her parents' concept since she was a child. She doesn't like to be with delicate girls, but prefers to climb trees and fight with boys.

As she grew older, Qu Weishuang was educated countless times by her parents, and gradually understood the difference between men and women in society. My inner self-awareness is also becoming clearer—why should I be a woman? Unwilling to admit defeat, she has excellent grades since she was a child, but in the eyes of her parents, she only has an ordinary and outstanding younger brother, who give him the best resource education and look forward to his future career. Of course, it's not that they don't love Qu Weishuang, they also sent her to learn dance and vocal music, hoping to cultivate her into a demure and mature woman like Mrs. Qu.

But Qu Weishuang didn't like those. She wants to make a career and stand upright like her father. Qu Weishuang became more and more unwilling to admit defeat, and her grades were never lower than the top three in her major during school. But why do parents still feel that they should end their studies early, marry a man, and be his inner helper? From childhood to adulthood, the younger brother has never defeated himself, why do parents only place their expectations on the younger brother

Qu Weishuang didn't like playing games before he was selected into the game of Suspenseful Life, and he had only heard of board games like Werewolf Killing, please close your eyes when it gets dark. After winning the first game, Qu Weishuang spent two days sleeping and forgetting to understand this field. It doesn't matter if you haven't played it before, it's just 10 games, and you will definitely win the game. Qu Weishuang has already realized in her heart that this game is full of betrayal and use, even if it has to pay the price, sacrifice other people, even the so-called teammates, she will not hesitate.

The burning sensation in her chest gradually eased, and Qu Weishuang was surprised to find that she was still alive.

Maybe just uttering one word isn't really a violation. Qu Weishuang had no doubts, if she continued to speak just now, she would have been burned to ashes by now.

I don't know how much time is left in one minute...

Under the sympathetic, pity, and shocking eyes of everyone, she tremblingly picked up the phone and typed out her last words.

It's too late... This was Qu Weishuang's last thought, she fell down on the table again, but this time she didn't struggle, but stopped breathing.

One minute is up.

The scene was silent for a while, and no one dared to speak.

Shen Mu picked up the phone.

'wolves are 1, 4, 7'

Another minute passed, and Bai Lin writhed uncomfortably on the stool, her gaze swept among the others, as if she hoped that someone would speak to break the deadlock.

"It's okay." Shen Mu said, "When the 10th is out, the first day is over. Don't discuss the content of the game anymore. If you want to eat and relax, or go back to your room to rest."

As soon as the words were finished, No. 1 jumped up from the stool, and quickly disappeared at the stairs, leaving only the sound of her hurried running.

"It's all gone, what are you still doing here?" Yan Yuze raised his eyebrows, and suddenly said to Bai Lin through Zhao Xu, "Let's go upstairs and have something to eat. Aren't you hypoglycemic?"

"Hmm!" A smile appeared on Bai Lin's face. The two stopped talking to others and walked towards the third floor one after the other.

"Do they know each other?" Shen Mu asked.

"I don't know you." It was the shy No. 7 Zhao Xu who spoke. He looked at Du Xiulin, and said to Shen Mu: "In the morning, you didn't come yet. There was a hypoglycemia attack on the 8th, Lie... En on the 6th!" Changed his words, "Number 6 just happened to meet her and she had an attack. It seems that they don't know each other." Because he almost said something wrong, and remembering the painful appearance of No. 10 just now, Zhao Xu didn't dare to stay in the crowd any longer, so he said They evacuated immediately.

The crowd gradually dispersed and went about their own business. After the baptism of the preparatory round, everyone is a little proficient at this time, and is no longer as confused and helpless as in the initial preparatory round.

Shen Mu returned to the room and washed his face first. There was no mirror here, so he was still a little uncomfortable for a while. After moving his body in the room, Shen Mu sat on the bed and rested for a few minutes, preparing to go to the third floor to see the food.

Shen Mu stood up and stretched, but it seemed that something had been moved, a round object fell from the head of the bed to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Huh?" Shen Mu leaned over to pick it up, thinking of this red bead.

In the woods before, Shen Mu saw the gray and white house, so Shen Mu rushed all the way to the game field. On the way here, he stepped on this red round bead, Shen Mu picked it up and looked at it carefully.

The red bead is about the size of the belly of a thumb, and the whole body is crystal clear and bright. When viewed in the sun, it looks like a delicate ruby, which is too beautiful to behold. The beads are standard spheres, which are incompatible with the sound of fallen leaves, insects, vegetation, dry rocks and soil in the surrounding environment. It is an unnatural product at first glance.

Apart from being beautiful, Shen Mu didn't see any clues at the moment, because he was in a hurry, he put it in his pocket and continued on his way. Later, when I came to the game field and changed my clothes, I found that the red bead was still in the pocket of my new clothes before going to bed, and it did not disappear with the disappearance of the old clothes. Shen Mu felt that this bead was not very similar, but he couldn't see anything, so he put it beside his pillow.

The memory is over. Shen Mu picked up the red bead again and let it spin slightly in the palm of his hand. I don't know what material this bead is made of, but it is still warm and cool in the palm of my hand for a long time, and it feels very comfortable.

Shen Mu watched it rolling in his hand, it was really beautiful. This piece of this bead can be brought to the real world, and it will definitely sell for a lot of money.

If you give it to someone, even those who are not interested in jewelry can't help but love it.

Thinking of something, Shen Mu couldn't help showing a smile on his face, put the beads in his pocket, and went to the restaurant on the third floor.

When I came to the restaurant on the third floor, there was a table of people eating. Seeing Shen Mu, Tang Youchen immediately waved happily: "Hey buddy! I told you why you left without eating, you still have to eat! Come on, even though it's leftovers, it doesn't taste too good!"

Shen Mu walked over, and it really looked like leftovers—actually it was not leftovers, it was a typical big pot of stewed vegetables, four dining tables, a big pot of stewed vegetables and a small pot of rice were placed in the middle of each table, a jug of water. Each table is equipped with four stools and four tableware.

Shen Mu looked at the combination of this table, Tang Youchen, Su Yingxing, Xie You. Looking at Su Yingxing, Su Yingxing met Shen Mu's gaze, and smiled at him gently, as if the two of them didn't know each other at all, like the friendship shown by a good person to another good person in the game.

"You are here on the 2nd, eat quickly, the food tastes good." Xie You was obviously more lively, but he also looked like we didn't know each other.

What kind of experience is it to get to know everyone here individually? Shen Mu wanted to laugh a little bit, and there was a smile in his eyes. He filled a bowl of rice and sat down to eat slowly.

"Come on, brothers, cheers!" Tang Youchen raised the boiled water in his hand, "To celebrate that we are destined to eat at the same table, cheers!"

"Pfft." Xie You also laughed, and raised his cup cooperatively, "Cheers, cheers!"

"Brother Tang, you have a really good attitude." Infected by Tang Youchen's atmosphere, Shen Mu's mood was really happy and relaxed, and he filled his water glass cooperatively.

The three looked at Su Yingxing who hadn't moved yet.

Su Yingxing: ...? ? ? Can I drink it

"That's right, don't frown!" Tang Youchen patted Su Yingxing's shoulder skillfully, "Think about it, even in the real world, no one knows what will happen tomorrow! Maybe you will be hit by a car tomorrow when you go out. It’s over, right! So living in the moment is the most important thing, every second you’re happy earns every second! Even if you’re unlucky and you’re really cold, being happy is more profitable than being sad!”