Suspended Life Game

Chapter 45: Cut off · stop · start


Zhao Xu finished speaking on the 7th, and Shen Xin spoke on the 9th.

"I have something to say!" The little girl seemed to be waiting for a long time, and she was very emotional, "On the 2nd day, when he spoke on the first day, he changed my speech! He said I was the team's 10th for no reason , Actually it's not, it's not like that at all!" Shen Xin's voice was crying, her eyes were faintly bloodshot, as if she hadn't slept well all night. Her red eyes stared straight at Shen Mu, "I believe No. 10, not because she sent me gold water, I believe her, but because I am a good person! As No. 10 said, if she It's a wolf, giving me gold water for a commoner without any function is of no benefit, and I'm not good at speaking..." At this point, Shen Xin couldn't help sobbing, and her voice became choked, "So, so number 10 said this , she said that she sent me gold water, so I believed her... I don't necessarily think that number 10 must be a true prophet, but, but I checked before I came! Civilians must stand in line, if civilians don't Stand in line, wolves will stand in line! So even if the civilians are on the wrong team, they must stand firmly in line, so I believe in number 10! Is it wrong for the common people to stand bravely in line!"

"Later everyone said that No. 2 is a real prophet and No. 10 is a wolf. I was so scared. I didn't believe that No. 2 was a true prophet, because, because he didn't want to test me! Indeed, I believed No. 10, But, but can't I be a good person who was deceived by No. 10 and stood on the wrong side? Not everyone is a card with open eyes." At this point, Shen Xin couldn't help crying, "But, No. 2, he doesn't care at all. Think about it, is it possible that I am a good person card, and only the sister on the 3rd can speak for me, but don’t think about it, if the good person is pushed out in this game, won’t the wolf win? I am not good at speaking, I also want to speak well, but I was suddenly pulled into this game, and I only have a day or two of learning time, how could I suddenly be able to play! I also have to consider the situation that I really don’t know how to play. Stay, isn't there any good and powerful players on the wolf side?"

Shen Xin broke down in tears: "These things, before sister No. 3 spoke, I have been wanting to say these two days... But sister No. 3 said that although No. 2 is a real prophet, she has already joined forces with a third party, so I understand a little bit. Oh, why does he seem to be very organized in his speech, but he doesn’t consider the fact that I’m not a wolf at all, because he’s not a good person for a long time! It’s really, really scary, wolf jump prophet, everyone can find out, prophet Who knows if he jumps into a prophet, he is no longer a prophet of good people?"

Shen Xin finished her speech with sobs. The little girl's shoulders were still shaking physiologically, and she couldn't stop from the aftertaste of crying for a moment. Although her speech was messy, everyone understood her meaning.

This kind of speech can actually be said to be face-to-face off the court. When the outside world is playing ordinary werewolf killing games, this kind of behavior is prohibited. If everyone is crying, cursing and swearing, what game is there to play? But here, obviously, no one will blame her, because this is not a normal game of logic and status, but a test of life and death.

Even though Shen Mu knew the truth, seeing Shen Xin crying and questioning like this, he couldn't help but start to assume the role of a true prophet: Did she really find the wrong wolf? She should be tested instead of directly confirming that she is Wolf…

On the 9th, Shen Xin finished speaking, and the next one was Su Yingxing's speech on the 11th.

Seeing the young girl crying uncontrollably, Su Yingxing sighed silently in his heart, his heart softened, and after thinking about it, he spoke softly: "It doesn't matter whether this little sister on the 9th is a wolf or not, today is not your turn." So don't cry anymore, wipe your tears, if you survive, you will encounter many such things in the future, you can't give up on yourself every game, there is still a long way to go."

After saying that, Su Yingxing withdrew his gaze, his tone became calm, and he said lightly: "I agree with the No. 2 today. Regardless of whether he was splashed with dirty water by the wolf, the wolf deliberately let us vote him out during the day, and today he will be No. 2." If No. 2 doesn’t have a couple, is a single prophet, lives for three days, and gives us enough information, he can also leave the stage after becoming famous. After you go out, leave the police badge to your Jinshui No. 3, no problem, right? ?Does not rule out the possibility that No. 2 was splashed with dirty water. After all, I am not a wolf. I don’t know what the wolf thinks. But the possibility of No. 2 connecting with three parties is too high. You didn’t lose your cards last night. Gotta go out, that's the game, I think the game will be over today with number 2 out."

Su Yingxing thought for a while: "If number 2 is out today, the game is not over... um... no, number 2 must be double dead, and number 2 cannot go out alone. If number 2 is out, it is really single out..." Su Yingxing said I don't want to make this assumption, "It means that the third party is still on the field, and the couple must be there, because there is no double death, and Cupid... Cupid I don't know, but if Cupid is there, what is waiting for us tomorrow is kidnapping, So No. 2 must be one of the third-party lovers."

Shen Mu: ... ? ?

"If No. 2 brings the couple out, the game is not over yet. We'll get up and find Cupid tomorrow." Although his tone was firm, it could be seen that Su Yingxing was still a little hesitant. Instead of pressing the end button, he continued to frown and think, and said softly He said: "If No. 2 is really single and the couple is still on the field... Actually, I have been thinking about a question since just now. If No. 2 is one of the couples, who could be the Cupid card... Forget it, No. 2 , although I will definitely vote for you today, but I will also listen carefully to your speech, so that's it, pass."

Su Yingxing was about to press the pass button, but he seemed to remember something, and added: "As for my identity, I think it's better to say it. After all, I spoke for No. 2 two days ago. If it is reversed as his companion , I am afraid that it will be difficult to wash clean, I am an idiot card, of course it cannot be a wolf card or a Cupid card, so I am definitely not a third party. As for the couple on the 2nd, those who have already spoken, the 3rd, 4th and 9th They are all determined to be No. 2. At this time, it is impossible to resolutely choose their own lovers. The No. 12 who did not speak, I think he is a good man. After all, the performance on the first day of the 12th cannot be a wolf, let alone It can't be a wolf connected to three sides, otherwise, wouldn't it be self-inflicted? Although it may be counter-logic, but the state of No. 12 is not like acting, he can only be a civilian card that is really stress-free. Therefore, 2 It’s very simple who the couple of No. 2 is, they are No. 7 who has been voting with No. 2, and has been hesitant until now. However, No. 2 is still voted today, so please don’t divide your votes.”

idiot card? Is Su Yingxing an idiot... To be honest, Shen Mu originally thought that the person who took the idiot card was Tang Youchen. However, Tang Youchen is a commoner, so it makes sense to deliberately pretend to be an idiot... Or, Tang is actually an idiot, and Su is the commoner who covers for him. It's not difficult, but it doesn't matter.

The third party's victory rule is to massacre the city... Thinking of this, Shen Mu didn't indulge his thoughts any longer. An Yu, younger sister, and A Yu's younger sister Xie Youxue... There are too many close people involved in this game. However, there is only one wish that the winner can realize. Shen Mu didn't take chances, thinking that he could make a wish and bring all the losers back. Don't dare to take chances, all important people can successfully win the game.

Even people who have good feelings and want to be friends cannot be friends.

But halfway through the speech, Shen Muyuan's firm plan was a little shaken. Originally, after hearing Xie You's speech, there was a high probability that he would be out today. But after listening all the way, Du Xiulin would definitely vote for himself. Although Zhao Xu also said that he would vote for himself, his attitude was not very firm and could be swayed. Although Su Yingxing believes that he is a prophet who has a couple, but he is a closed-eyed player after all, and he is still a little afraid of making a wrong judgment. Although Xie You and Shen Xinle firmly said that they would vote themselves out, if there is a possibility that they will not be out, if they give them a message, it is not clear whether the school girl will have other plans, but the sister will definitely vote with him, This was agreed long ago.

Shen Mu's expression looked anxious and unbearable, but he was calmly calculating in his heart: If there is still a chance today, find a suitable scapegoat and successfully push him out of the game... Another one will be killed at night, and he will be directly kidnapped when he wakes up tomorrow. Let the school girls work hard to act.

Of course this approach has risks. If the canvassing fails today, the ticket types of the school girls and younger sisters will be directly exposed, and the third party will be directly exposed on the field. Although one person can be killed at night, if you fail to make a ticket today, you will be out during the day. Tomorrow, the couple will get 25 votes to three votes, and the game will still be over.

Is it decisive to rush the ticket, or let the school girl continue to lurk? The risks of both methods are not small. Although the identity of the school girl is infinitely high today, it is strange that the witch has not fallen after she is out as a prophet... Although a witch who has lost her double medicine is no different from a commoner, the school girl may It can be used to confuse people. For example, the 6th was out and did not shoot. The Wolves guessed that he was not a hunter and planned to slaughter people. Or for the third party, anyway, if they want to massacre the people, there is no difference between killing the witch who has no medicine first and killing others first. But in the end there are risks.

While Shen Mu was thinking about it, Tang Youchen on the 12th began to speak.

"Well, first of all, I am not a couple. Although I believed in No. 2 before, well, of course I also believe that you are a prophet now. But the companion of No. 2 is indeed not me, because I cannot be a wolf card, let alone Lian. The three-party wolf card, otherwise I will make myself a focus card? Am I mentally handicapped? I am so innocent, I must be a commoner!" Tang Youchen's tone was still a little cheerful, and the serious atmosphere was not too serious for him. big impact.

"I'm a commoner, so of course I can't be the lover of a prophet." Tang Youchen said helplessly to Shen Mu, "Brother, it's not that I don't believe you, I believe that you are a real prophet! But look at the scene Up. The couple and Cupid haven’t come out, so there must be three parties. Besides you and No. 7, who else can afford the couple? Others will kill you if they take the couple, after all, there is a wolf in the couple Brother! Oh, don’t be too pessimistic, you’re just starting over from the beginning, and you’ll be a good man again a year later!”

"But speaking of it, why didn't the wolf kill you? Although couples will also be out, but if you don't kill you, you will definitely be suspected... So, is Cupid gone? If Cupid is here... Oh, it's not right, if Cupid is here , actually couples can’t commit suicide. The prophet and the third party are really dead in the later stage... However, if Cupid is not out, then your third party is very good, and now the Wolves are gone, and the third party is still alone. They didn’t leave. Alas, I can’t blame you. The third party is really difficult to play, and the difficulty is not equal. The other Wolves are slaughtering the side, and you are slaughtering the city. The couple’s goal is so big. How can you hide it? You A good prophet suddenly becomes a chain, it's a disaster." As he spoke, Tang Youchen felt sorry for Shen Mu.

Shen Mu was moved and sad for a moment.

If only there was a way to keep everyone alive.

but now…

The light in front of No. 2 turned on, and it was Shen Mu's turn to speak.

There are now three options to choose from.

Plan A: Send Du Xiulin an investigation and kill him to be the last wolf. Based on Du Xiulin's own suspiciousness, let everyone talk individually. Zhao Xu, Su Yingxing, and Tang Youchen should be able to get one person's vote and vote for Du Still doable...but...

Although Du Xiulin never said that he was a hunter, Shen Mu couldn't let go of the fact that Yan Yuze was out and didn't shoot. Du Xiulin also specifically explained that Yan Yuze may have fallen asleep. Although it is true and reasonable, but... I always feel that he said this on purpose-deliberately explained it clearly for us, so that we no longer doubt that the hunter is out. If you insist on bringing the votes today and vote Du Xiulin out, what awaits you is likely to be a flop shot.

It didn't matter if I was shot at myself, I left the police badge to the school girl, and they killed another person at night, and they got up 25 to 2 votes tomorrow, and they could still win. But when speaking today, the school girl was extremely determined to vote herself out, and the sister was the same. As a result, when they voted, they changed their votes. With Du Xiulin's level, it is impossible not to detect something tricky. sister or younger sister. And if he can shoot, he will naturally prove his identity, and his identity as a "prophet" will also be exposed, and his true identity as Cupid will no longer be difficult to guess. There is no power to recover.

The winning opportunity of plan a is that it is relatively easier to persuade others to vote for Du Xiulin than to persuade others to vote for others.

There is also a bet that Du Xiulin is really just a commoner playing tricks, and he can't fire that shot.

Plan B, treat Du Xiulin as a hunter, and deal with him last, so that he can't fire that shot. When I was speaking today, I returned the vote to Zhao Xu, trying to find a way to get a vote from Su Yingxing or Tang Youchen. In fact, it is also possible to return the ticket, Su or Tang, pull Zhao Xu's ticket, which is simpler, because Zhao Xu is easier to persuade.

But now, it is not sure who is the idiot Su and Tang? If Tang Youchen was an idiot, and Su Yingxing was actually a commoner, he said that he had checked that Su Yingxing was a wolf, and he firmly asked Tang Youchen for his vote so that he would not be deceived. It should not be difficult to get his vote. But on the other hand, if Su Yingxing is really an idiot, and he said to Tang Youchen who is a commoner: "I know you are an idiot, Su is the wolf I checked, don't be fooled by him and vote with me", that is not Cast yourself to a dead end? Although their speeches have ended, it is easy to see whether their expressions agree or disagree with their speech.

As for Su and Tang, who is an idiot, it is temporarily impossible to judge, which means that it is impossible to decide who to attack when they decide to speak. It was relatively safe to attack Zhao Xu because he must be a civilian. But the question was how to get a vote for Zhao Xu.

Compared with plan a, this plan has the same drawback, that is, once Zhao Xu is not voted out, the votes of his younger sister and junior will be exposed. But it's not as risky as plan a, because Zhao Xu must not be a hunter, and it's impossible for him to shoot and take away the couple after he's out. Although the change of votes may make the junior girl and the younger sister's couple suspicious, but as long as they are not taken away by a wave of hunters and the junior girl is given a chance to speak, there is still room for retaliation. If the canvassing fails, I will be out today and leave the police badge to the school girl. When I get up tomorrow, although it is 25 to 3 votes, when I speak today, I will have a good conversation with the "own Jinshui" school girl, and the school girl will talk about it tomorrow. Talking about the mental journey of being moved again, it is not impossible to get another vote.

Plan C has the least relative risk, no, to be precise, it has the least relative pressure on myself. plan c, is to say something affectionately today, telling the disappointment and discouragement of a prophet who works hard for the sake of good people, but is splashed with dirty water by wolves. Just recognize it on your own, let yourself out without a couple, and before you are out, transfer the suspicion of the couple to other people-if you are single out today, then the person you ordered tomorrow will inevitably be suspected.

But in this way... Although I was out of the game today, it was tantamount to transferring all the pressure of victory to the school girl.

Besides, if it can be solved today, why put it off until tomorrow? If it is safe to wait until tomorrow, it is certainly worth waiting, but it is only relatively reducing the risk, and there may be new changes tomorrow.

That's all... Shen Mu closed his eyes, three plans flashed through his mind, and he had already made a decision.

Finally it was Shen Mu's turn to speak. He who had been agitated all this time seemed to have calmed down, showing a helpless wry smile: "I really hope that here is like the outside world. There is a speech mechanism for the police chief to rush to answer. Looking at you Having said so much from the beginning to the end, it's really..." The wry smile on Shen Mu's face deepened, "I found out the last wolf last night, and it was killed on the 7th."

"I didn't intend to check number 7 at first. My police badge flow the next day was number 8, and I also planned to check number 8 as planned. You may not believe me when I tell you," Shen Mu laughed himself, but there was nothing in that smile. It’s a bit bitter and self-deprecating, “I was so nervous when I checked people last night—I thought I was the one who died, and I accidentally clicked on the number 7 next to me with a trembling hand. I really didn’t expect it to be a picture Kill."

"It doesn't matter if you vote for me today. Anyway, I will vote for No. 7. When I am single out and you know that I am a real prophet, you will naturally believe me and vote for No. 7 tomorrow." Shen Mu paused at this point. After a pause, "Although I really want to say that, I can't." At this point, Shen Mu's helpless voice changed back to the calmness of the previous speech, and the expression of the wry smile showed sharpness again. The momentum of the prophet.

"Now that the third-party couple is present, Cupid still doesn't know if he is out of the game. If Cupid is out, it's fine. But Cupid is probably not out-after I go out today, they will kill someone casually at night, and the third party will be out tomorrow. The ticket was directly kidnapped. So today," Shen Mu's tone became more serious, "the couple Wolf No. 7 must be voted out."

"Today Cupid will definitely vote me out, so who is Cupid? Everyone has not had time to discuss this issue in depth before, and now I have found it." Speaking of this, Shen Mu looked directly at Du Xiulin, although the other party still had a troubled face Not surprised, with a half smile but not a smile, as if he had expected Shen Mu to say this, his expression made others a little unpredictable, but Shen Mu was not affected by him at all, and said without hesitation: "No. The only one in the field who can hold the Cupid card."

"Think about it, what has No. 4 done since he became a police officer? First of all, he said that he is a strong citizen, but he insisted on a police badge. I would like to ask everyone at the civilian card, do you want a police badge?! 4 There is only one reason for asking for a police badge, that is, he is a third-party Cupid, and he wants to keep the police badge in the hands of a third party! But he dared not wear God's clothes indiscriminately, so he made up a It’s a pitiful excuse. After seeing that the police badge was hopeless, No. 4’s attitude immediately changed. Think about it, everyone, is No. 4, the police officer, extremely strong and wants the police badge? But after being released from the police, he Every time he speaks, he seems to be seriously analyzing, but in fact he is slowly pulling himself out of the center of contradictions, so that everyone will not pay attention to him. This is completely inconsistent with his performance in the police. If he is really a civilian, how can he Will it be disharmonious? Of course, we will help the good people find all the wolves and third parties as soon as possible! No. 4 is not a civilian, his only identity can only be Cupid, and only this can explain the difference between his two states of police and police. "

Having said that, Shen Mu took a deep breath.

In fact, this seems to be really reasonable, and I almost believed it myself... But I don't have much time, so let's quickly talk about the next point.

"Number 3, although you doubt my identity, I still want to talk to you because you are a good person." Looking at Xie You next to him, Shen Mu's voice was filled with helplessness and exhaustion, "I am a prophecy of being single. Home, I ask myself that I didn’t do anything wrong to a good person. As a witch, my Jinshui, who was originally someone I could rely on and stand by, was the first person who took the lead in doubting me. Of course, even No. 3 Not to mention, No. 4 will also bring a ticket in that position. But he is a third party, and you are my companion. On No. 3, think about it, all the reasons you doubt me are just because I didn’t die last night, Now it is No. 7, the deep-water barb wolf, I don't know why he didn't kill me, I am not him, I am a prophet, why should I be responsible for the behavior of the wolf?! To be honest, I didn't expect it at all The wolf is number 7." Regardless of Zhao Xu's confused and angry expression, Shen Mu said deeply, "I was completely deceived by him."

Speaking of this, Shen Mu laughed at himself again, as if mocking Xie You beside him: "I admit that you are a very good player on the 3rd, but are your ideas really correct? You ignored me yesterday The police badge flow, just relying on your own judgment, blindly poisoned No. 8. Today, No. 8 died. Is the game over? Now, because of a one-sided logic, you have labeled me an iron wolf. I hope Don't be so conceited. I only talked to you like this because you are a good person. To be honest, I suspected that No. 9 was an iron wolf, but now that the three wolves have been found, it is true that I wronged No. 9's little sister. I will give you Sorry, it’s my fault. I hope you vote today without emotions. People make mistakes. As a prophet, I’m under a lot of pressure. I hope that when you vote, you don’t take personal emotions. Emotions, think about it, is there any truth to what I said? Is number 4 that Cupid? Number 11 and number 12... To be honest, number 9 and number 12 don’t look like that couple, after all, their behavior is too attractive Pay attention, No. 9 stood next to No. 10 on the first day, and No. 12 started his performance on the police station. So I suspect that No. 7's couple is No. 11." Speaking of this, Shen Mu himself felt emotionally, "If It wasn't pushed to the end, I really couldn't have imagined that the two people who voted for me on the first day would be a third-party couple." In the end, Shen Mu looked at the expression of the other people who still didn't fluctuate much, and concluded helplessly, "If I made a mistake on the 11th, I hope you don’t argue with me. I’m not sure that the 11th must be the couple of the 7th, but the 7th is the wolf, he was my killer last night. Think about another logic! If I really The three parties are connected, why should I send a killing to No. 7? After all, he is willing to trust me. Is it not good for me to send a killing to others to get his ticket? No. 9, No. 4, No. 12 have no doubts. , Why should I send a check to a card that believes in me, and use such a mentally retarded reason for calling the wrong card? Because he is really a wolf, I am a prophet, and I really found out that number 7 is a wolf. Number 4 must be Cupid, today is our last chance! If you and I play number 7, it must be double death. If we play number 4 tomorrow, the game will be over. Along the way, we have successfully cast the Wolves. , is it just because of their one-night plan to alienate themselves that they are going to destroy the Great Wall?"

The speaking time is up, and there is no way to continue lobbying. However, Shen Mu's words were full of emotions and logically consistent, and they still shocked others after all.

The shock on Number 7's face was of course completely different from that of the others. When it was time to vote, everyone was not as determined as they said at the beginning. On the contrary, Zhao Xu, who was hesitant at first, pressed the vote without hesitation. It was conceivable who he voted for.

Tang Youchen looked depressedly at the anger and shock on Zhao Xu's face, and at Shen Mu's tired seriousness and faint disappointment, for a moment he couldn't tell who was acting.

Wo Cao, don't do this. Tang Youchen couldn't help muttering in his heart.

After hesitating again and again, his fingers gradually pointed to a choice. But when he was about to touch the screen, he hesitated again, raised his head again, and his eyes fell on Shen Mu, who was somewhat absent-minded, and a strange feeling came to his heart again, and he thought of his old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Xie Xuan's words... can tell lies as if they were true. If it was Xie Xuan who made such a statement, no matter how sincere he was, Tang Youchen, who had been tricked (crossed out), would not believe a word.

But the one sitting here now is the new Shen Mu who also saved himself... Forget it, if he lied, it should be considered as repayment for saving his life. If what he said is true, just because of the wolf's conspiracy, he casts out the true prophet who has restored the truth, and then loses the game, and he will regret it for half his life.

Those who voted for No. 2 Shen Mu are: No. 4 Du Xiulin, No. 7 Zhao Xu, and No. 11 Su Yingxing;

Those who voted for No. 7 Zhao Xu were: No. 2 Shen Mu, No. 3 Xie You, No. 9 Shen Xin, and No. 12 Tang Youchen;

Voting is over.

Zhao Xu was eliminated on the third day.

With Zhao Xu's fall, the third day came to an end.

it's over. Shen Mu closed his eyes and sighed in his heart.

Zhao Xu appeared alone, which already explained a lot of problems. Shen Mu didn't say any more, and gave Tang Youchen a wry smile helplessly, and chose to leave here.

Now, from the perspective of the good side, they don’t know whether Cupid is out, so they feel that there is still a possibility of victory—in their eyes, they are one of the lovers, not Cupid. If Cupid is out, the good guys still have a chance to win tomorrow with 25 votes to 3.

However, both the school girl and the younger sister have changed their votes. Although I have persuaded them affectionately, some people should guess the truth to some extent, right

Even though he had won the game in a disguised form, Shen Mu couldn't quite laugh. Back in the room, I inadvertently felt the cold and round feeling in my pocket.

Shen Mu was slightly taken aback, and casually took out the red beads in his pocket.

It's really beautiful, kind of like the color of blood. Lost for a moment, Hongzhu rolled down from the palm of her hand and rolled under the bed.

As the red beads rolled slowly into the bottom of the bed, Shen Mu came back to his senses, and subconsciously bent down under the bed to look for it. The light at the bottom of the bed was relatively dim, and after slightly adapting to the darkness in front of him, Shen Mu finally saw Yuanzhu, who was lying quietly in the corner of the bed. I climbed a little further and finally reached the bead. Shen Mu was about to withdraw from under the bed, but accidentally saw something on the wall in the corner.

The light was dim, and for a moment only what seemed to be a small shadow could be seen. Shen Mu subconsciously stretched out his hand and touched it. It turned out to be a small groove.

this size...

Shen Mu's heart moved, he thought for a while, and moved the ball in his palm to it.

Sure enough, they are the same size.

Faintly feeling that it was not a coincidence, Shen Mu hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand and put the ball into the groove.

It's as if nothing happened. Have you thought about it...

At this moment, something changed in front of his eyes. Shen Mu was in the dark environment, but he could clearly see that the beads disappeared from his eyes, and the entire wall became smooth again, as if the beads and grooves had never existed.

this… ? ! Suddenly, Shen Mu's eyes suddenly went dark, and a voice sounded in his ear, or in his brain, or...a piece of information.

'Red permission execution is detected, the system receives the command and interrupts the game. The first game of Suspense Game, Cupid Thief Version Werewolf Killer, a total of 12 players, 3 candidates, all of them passed the game'


This was Shen Mu's last thought, as if some great order had been triggered... Then Shen Mu's eyes went dark.

At this time, the extremely shocked Shen Mu didn't know that the entire system of the Xuanming game had gone abnormal. Of course, this has nothing to do with red permissions, but as the system itself ages, some problems have gradually been exposed. Just like a precision instrument, no matter how perfect it is at the beginning, after long-term use, bugs will eventually appear, until it is completely scrapped. At present, the core part of the game has not been affected-that is, every game, every instance still runs flawlessly. But outside of each game, in the part where the game is connected and transmitted, the problem arises.

This is an island that cannot be considered a desert island. The size of the island is not small. It takes an entire day for an adult to walk from one end of the island to the other without resting. The shape of the island is roughly... an irregular oval? In the middle of the island is a mountain, half of the island on one side is a forest, and on the other side of the mountain are rock formations and beaches. The mountain is not too high, but because it is a pure natural mountain, there are no artificial climbing steps and tools, it will take about half a day to completely climb the mountain.

You don't have to climb a mountain to cross the island—you can choose to bypass the mountain. It's just that the mountain is very fat, and only the edge of the island can barely pass. And the people who are on the island and can't see the whole picture don't know that the edge of the mountain can be passed, and they don't know how big the island is, so they may choose to climb the mountain.

At this moment, on the island that was supposed to be calm, different figures suddenly appeared in different locations, about 30 in total. Most of them are a group of people, some wearing the same clothes, some wearing different clothes, ranging in age from teenagers to thirties and forties, the similarity is that they all seem to be wearing uniforms. They fell to the ground, seeming to be asleep, their shallow breathing and floating chests seemed to indicate that they would wake up at any moment.

At this time, in the woods, near the edge of the island and the mountains, five or six people fainted there. Almost at the same time, they gradually woke up. Familiar and unfamiliar information appeared in the minds of the people who woke up. It was the system announcement of the game of Xuanming.

'Player xx enters the second round of Suspense Game'

'The system has detected that there are 25 officially promoted players in this game, and 5 re-challenged players! Now 30 players become prospective players in this game! The top 12 players who arrive at the 12 designated places on the island first will become the official players of this game, and the last 18 players will directly judge that the game has failed! Only one player can enter each location, once someone enters, other players will be invalid to enter again! '

'The rules of this game will be announced after 12 players arrive at the designated location! '

Volume 4, Game 2 Xiadao White Wolf King