Suspended Life Game

Chapter 58: White Wolf Girl New Guard


'Player 10 chooses to activate the skill and take away player 2'

Seeing this line of words, the smile on the face of Yan Yichang, the smiling No. 2 girl in the seaside hut, froze.

How could number 10... ? ! How is it possible, isn't Hunter No. 8? If number 10 is a hunter, what is number 8? !

Although it was unbelievable, the facts were right in front of him, and Yan Yichang also vaguely guessed the identity of No. 8, maybe he was a commoner.

A few hours ago, after Yan Yuze left, Yan Yichang had been sitting quietly in the hut.

Teenagers and girls are generally full of energy and even feel a little restless, but Yan Yichang sat quietly on the chair, with his arms gently placed on the table, and the sweat on his body had already followed the meditation. subsided completely.

The girl sat there quietly, as if she was not in a dangerous playground, but in a holiday cottage by the sea. Her eyes followed her mother's, that beautiful and dangerous woman, her dark pupils were like black gemstones, calm and graceful. Although she has changed out of the costumes of the Republic of China era, and is wearing a youthful green forest ranger cool spring and summer suit, Yan Yichang still looks like a girl from the Republic of China who walked out of a painting, calm and elegant.

She sat quietly like this for several hours, as if she was thinking or not thinking about anything, she just sat quietly.

Until tens of minutes ago, the second round of the game finally started. Flipping over the identity card, Yan Yichang's calm expression also became alive at this moment, and his pupils shrank slightly: it turned out to be... the White Wolf King!

In the short 2 minutes that the Wolves could discuss that night, Yan Yichang and the other two teammates quickly formulated a temporary plan:

Two wolves, No. Ordinary Wolf Uncle and No. 2 White Wolf King, will go to the police. According to the situation of the police, it will be decided who will jump into the prophet. Of course, it is best to go to No. 2 who took the White Wolf King. , so that even if the dance is not good, you can also take away the true prophets on the field, and even the double medicine witch or guard.

On the first night, no one knew the identities of the other players, and the wolf team didn't know who to kill blindly. At this time, a wolf teammate took the lead in calling the number "9", and typed resolutely: "Kill number 9!" '

Another wolf companion asked: 'Why? No. 9 has an identity? '

The wolf teammate who chose to kill number 9 replied immediately: 'I hate the number 9'

Seeing this sentence, Yan Yichang felt a chill, her birthday is September 9th... Almost an instinctive reaction without hesitation, Yan Yichang immediately thought of the woman he met in the last round , his half-sister, Yan Yachang.

Yan Yichang shivered, as if returning to the previous game, Yan Yachang and the man from the Ye family, Ye Erxuan Ye Xuyao stood together. Although the two had outstanding looks, they looked like a pair of demons - in their eyes , The victory of the highest state is not the victory of one's own camp, but the expression of pain and even despair when seeing other people are under his control. For them, this is far more exciting and joyful than simply winning.

Yan Yichang's eyes are lowered, but they are just two people who have been spoiled by a little power in reality. They left the family's protection. Do they really think that in this virtual world, they are the heart of the world

So in this round, I became teammates with Yan Yachang again... Yan Yichang unconsciously felt a drop of sweat slipping down the side of his cheek, and couldn't help but take a deep breath to calm himself down, but another emotion flooded his heart: it was a sad emotion.

This teammate did not help him find his "brother" Yan Yuze where the game was played.

For this elder brother, Yan Yichang is completely unfamiliar, and for the entire Yan family, Yan Yichang is not familiar with, even the father she knows best is almost half a stranger, she is full of complicated feelings for them—no What a positive emotion.

Thinking about it carefully, I haven't met this half-brother a few times, but Yan Yichang now finds that she clearly remembers every meeting with him. The one that left the deepest impression on me was last winter's Ye family party. At that party, I met another person, a man with a similar life experience as myself...

Gently shaking her head, in such a highly competitive environment, Yan Yichang was really shocked to be willing to give up the game place she had already found. But she, who has been living with doubts and calculations for a long time, has a faint doubt in her heart, especially for those who also flow from the Yan family's blood: Does Yan Yuze have other conspiracy? ...Give her hope first, and then let her die in pain? Like Yan Yachang and Ye Xuyao.

On the day of the police, number 5 was the first to speak, wolf number 2 was the second to speak, and behind the number were unknown numbers 8 and 1 and his wolf companion number 2.

Seeing this structure of going to the police, Uncle No. 1 decisively chose to send the killing to No. 8 behind him, and there is a 1/2 probability that it will be sent to the true prophet! However, if a true prophet takes off after being sent to kill, it will not be easy to gain the trust of good people. It seems that they are forced to take off after being checked and killed.

After No. 8 spoke, the calm attitude of No. 8 did not scare him away. After all, the uncle is a man who has experienced years and hardships, and he will not be easily scared off by empty plans.

It's just that after No. 1 finished speaking, the uncle felt a little uncertain. No. 8's reaction didn't look like a real prophet, and neither did No. 1's reaction. Could it be that the prophet really didn't go to the police? Is No. 8 really a powerful card for the police

At this time, teammate No. 2, the White Wolf King also chose to take off in tacit understanding.

Is it new? Looking at No. 2's speech, the uncle shook his head and nodded again. The uncle didn't think it was a clever strategy, but it could indeed be used. Since this is the case, then I will make a card to deceive my identity! So in the process of withdrawing from the police, the uncle chose to let go.

The 9th was out that day, claiming to be a guard, and the Wolves were very happy. But Yan Yichang didn't dare to be really happy—on the first day, he guarded blindly, and the guards didn't guard themselves. Is there really such a good thing? But the guard was kicked out on the first day. The temptation of this matter was too great. Even Yan Yichang, who was full of doubts in his bones, couldn't help but hope that No. 9 was really a guard and was really out. A team of good people without guards is like an eagle with a broken wing, unable to fly anymore.

This feeling of anticipation turned into excitement when I saw No. 10's speech. After reading No. 10's speech, Yan Yichang immediately concluded that No. 9 was not a real guard—No. 10 was the real guard!

The first day's speech gradually passed, Yan Yichang felt uneasy again, why no one came out to dance the prophet? You know, the two prophets on the police are both wolves, she is the white wolf king, and she is an ordinary wolf, so the prophet is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death

That's nothing to be afraid of! Since there are two prophets on the police, from the perspective of a good person, there must be one wolf and one true prophet. The act of choosing to be a prophet first and then withdrawing from the election will inevitably arouse suspicion. , chose to reveal his identity, which plunged the good guy team into even greater confusion.

That night, the Wolf team finally chose to kill No. 5. The reason is that No. 5's analysis looks chaotic, but the chaos has logic, and he dares to say it boldly. Yan Yichang and the other wolves felt that No. 5 was most likely the witch.

Waking up the next day was Christmas Eve. On this day, due to the determination of the identity of the wolf, the only other prophet left on the field, his identity has been confirmed, and no one doubts his identity as a prophet anymore.

Then it's time to eradicate dissidents! When the illusion of peace is finally broken, put players who are difficult to be deceived into the wolf pit, win votes from foolish people who can be deceived, and do a good job!

On that day, Yan Yichang chose to attack No. 10, guarding cards that cannot prove his identity, and No. 10's speech was ridiculous. It is very appropriate to send him, a naive, self-confident stupid player, into the wolf pit .

'Player 10 chooses to activate the skill and takes away player 2'

Looking at the information announced on the screen, Yan Yichang was already covered in sweat unconsciously at this time. It turned out that I was the stupid and confident person...

'Player No. 10 activates the skill successfully, and players No. 10 and No. 2 are out. '

'Because there are two players out at the same time tonight, there is only one last word, so the last word is invalid, there is no last word in this round, and the remaining number of last words in this round is: 0'

'Player No. 2 dies and chooses to hand over the police badge, and Player No. 2 leaves the badge to Player No.'

The information on the website finally stopped beating and entered the speech link.

Shen Mu also came back to his senses from the amount of information in front of him, it turned out to be like this... Then the current identity can basically be confirmed.

No. 1: civilians who were wronged to death;

No. 2: Jumping Wolf Prophet;

No. 3: The golden water issued by the Prophet of the Wolf Jumping Wolf, which is suspected of being a wolf or a white wolf or a knife-blocker;

No. 4: Players who speak poorly on the first day and can speak well on the second day, suspected of being wolves or civilians;

No. 5: Brother Zhao, guard;

No. 6: Zhao Xu, commoner or deep water wolf;

No. 7: self-destruct wolf;

No. 8: A commoner in hunter clothes;

No. 9: The player who died on the first night, suspected to be a prophet in the pit of God;

10: Poor and helpless Hunter Feather;

No. 11: Abstaining from voting without poisoning, probably a bit dizzy witch;

No. 12: Suspected wolf or mob;

Since two players died last night, when the number of dead players is the majority, speak from the sheriff's side, and speak clockwise on the next day.

The first to speak was player 4 of the new sheriff's lower position.

Player No. 4 stopped for more than 0 seconds and did not send a message, as if he was shocked by the plot in front of him.

Number 4 finally moved: 'Isn't Number 8 a hunter? Number 10 is a hunter, then number 8 is a wolf! '

'However, why did No. 10 take the prophet with him? Go crazy, No. 8 wears your clothes, you don't take him away! Are you going to bring the only seer on the field? ! '

'You think No. 2 said you were a wolf yesterday, so you suspect him as a wolf, right? Or, he said you are a wolf, so you want her to die? ! But you didn't reveal your identity yourself! If you honestly say that you are a hunter, No. 2 will not be mistaken! '

'I want to ask a question now, how old are you on the 10th? If you don't want to live, please don't hurt others! No. 2 gave the police badge to the number, indicating that he was inspected yesterday, and No. 12 is a wolf, right? The remaining wolves on that field are No. 8 and No. 12, and the wolves who have already been eliminated are No. 1 and No. We voted for No. 8 today, and then voted for No. 12 tomorrow'

Shen Mu couldn't help laughing. Of course No. 8 couldn't be a wolf. If No. 8 was a wolf, it was absolutely impossible to split the votes to vote for No. 2 in yesterday's tense and exciting round of voting. Although he is not a hunter, yesterday's vote has verified that No. 8 is definitely a good man. Besides, apart from wearing hunter's clothes, what No. 8 does is in line with the perspective and behavior of a good man.

The statement made by No. 4 must be a wolf. Forget all the miraculous analyzes above. If No. 4 is really a good person and No. 2 is a prophet in his (her) eyes, how could he say that No. 8 will come out first, What about the 12th? No. 12 is the wolf card that he (she) recognizes as the "killing" of the prophet. Of course, in No. 2's plan, I originally wanted to give him (her) gold water, but he (she) was suddenly out of the game. No. 2 finally chose to give the police badge to No. 3. In just a few seconds, No. 2 passed by It is impossible to know what kind of mental journey.

So No. 4 not only exposed himself, but also exposed his (her) wolf companion No. 12, so the wolves are No. 4 and No. 12, and wolf police No. 2 deliberately left the police badge to No. 2, who always "holds tightly" Let him continue to serve the Wolves, and at the same time let the good people focus on the number with the police badge first, so that he can be pushed as a wolf.

Brother Zhao Si gave a speech on the 5th.

Brother Zhao is in a good mood today: 'The last two wolves are No. 8 and No. 12? Player No. 4, there is something wrong with your analysis! The two wolves who left before, according to what you said were No. 1 and No. 1, they were pushed out alive. If it is the White Wolf King, it is impossible not to blow themselves up! So it can only be an ordinary wolf, and the white wolf king is still present. If the remaining two wolves are really No. 8 and No. 12, according to your analysis, No. 2 is a prophet, it’s cold, and No. 10 is a hunter, it’s cold. No. 9 is the guard, it's cold, the only witch on the field, No. 11, is still a Ming witch, the White Wolf King directly takes away No. 11, isn't the game over? What is the wolf still doing here? '

'Look, even the wolves sb didn't think of it before, but now I've told them all, and no wolf blew itself up, which means that the wolf you're looking for is not right at all. You said, why didn't the White Wolf King blew himself up? There are only two possibilities. One is that he is still on the field, but he knows that there is absolutely no number of magic cards out. Even if he blew himself up and couldn't find the last magic card, the last teammate will be pushed out tomorrow, and the game will be over. . '

'Of course there is another possibility, the White Wolf King—is no longer present. You know, the White Wolf King can choose to self-destruct only when he is speaking, and he cannot self-destruct if he is taken away by the hunter! '

No. 12 can't be that white wolf, and the number can't be that white wolf, it might belong to the white wolf, only No. 2 and No. 4, and Shen Mu is more inclined to be the white wolf king who chooses to jump the prophet. So... Shen Mu's mouth raised an obvious smile, White Wolf King No. 2. Now single out.

'Number 12 is Iron Wolf. He has tried his best to kill the witch from the first day. If he is not a wolf, who is a wolf? No. 11 must be a witch, because the witch's poison has not yet been used. If No. 11 wears the identity of a witch, she should have been poisoned to death yesterday. The 11th did not open the poison yesterday, alas, although my fourth brother Zhao will not make such a mistake, I can understand you, after all, the 2nd said that he wants to check the identity of the 12th, but you think it is wrong, you don’t understand at all Why does No. 2 check the identity of No. 12, right? The speech yesterday on the 2nd, the good people present, the confused civilians! Use your brains, can you recognize it? '

The speed of typing cannot be compared with the speed of speaking. Shen Mu has no time to explain the whole situation with all the civilians in more detail. However, No. 8 has been proven not to be a hunter, so he will definitely try his best to explain it. Let Number 8 explain.

Just in case, Shen Mu took the time to add:

'It is impossible for a new prophet to perfectly avoid all the correct choices that are beneficial to good people, and to perfectly avoid all the correct choices. Every word is helping the wolf, so it can only be a wolf. Even if you can't recognize this truth for a while, that's right, yes, I don't know where the real prophet is, why don't you jump? I'm not a prophet, and I'm not a roundworm in his belly, but even if you think No. 2 is a prophet, No. 2 said yesterday that he checked No. 12 and didn't leave the police badge to No. 12, which is "killing". The number 12 should also be played first, how could it be possible to play other cards first? '

On the 5th, Brother Zhao's speech time is up, and on the 6th, Zhao Xu will speak.

'Eh, no, how could number 2 not be a prophet? I'm not a prophet. I don't think anyone else is a prophet except No. 2. It can't be No. 9, but if No. 9 is a prophet guard, who is it? Isn't number 10 a hunter? Could it be that No. 10 is a guard, No. 8 is a hunter, and the guard can also shoot? Or that the wrong card was dealt in this round, and two hunters were dealt, No. 8 and No. 10 were both hunters, and no guards were dealt? Or did not send a prophet? '

Zhao Xu was really confused. He began to doubt the rules of the game... and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt...

'I think this game, is it really a wrong card? Although No. 10 is a hunter, not a guard, but yesterday, No. 2's speech was really strange. Let the witch poison No. 12, and then test one of 4 and 6. This is indeed a reliable method, why bother? Verify the identity of No. 12 and do unnecessary things? So it’s not impossible for No. 2 to be a wolf. Think about it, since we can’t return to the real world after the first game, and I can still break the first game, why is it impossible to deal wrong cards in this broken game? '

Putting it this way... it seems reasonable, it can't be that the wrong card was really dealt... Shen Mu was a little shaken by him for a moment.

Shen Mu shook his head, suspecting that the rules of the game were not within the scope of consideration. Even if there is a problem with the rules of the game, it is not something that can be changed by oneself, and the game itself should be the core of the entire Suspended Life game system, Shen Mu thinks that it should not be so easy to go wrong.

I have played many simulated detective games before, and every time I see strange or seemingly contradictory clues, Shen Mu often wonders in the early stages, is it a game bug... ? What's wrong? Why is that wrong? But when the answer was finally revealed, it was discovered that nothing was a bug, all the clues were hidden, and everything connected together would point to the final answer, which is also the only truth.

Regardless of whether the game has bugs or not, just casually thinking that the game has a bug when encountering an abnormality is not what a player should have in the first place.

Shen Mu was stunned for a moment.

... I didn't think about it deliberately just now, but I can subconsciously feel that I have played many detective games before, and now I think about it carefully, but I can't remember anything.

Fragments of memory flashed across his mind quietly, and then plunged into the deeper subconscious in a blink of an eye.

'But well, I can also see that, well, No. 5 and No. 4 belong to the team, and the two opposite sides think that No. 12 is a wolf, so it must be true that No. 12 is a wolf! Vote for number 12 today! '

Player 6 finishes speaking, and player 8 speaks.

'I am not a hunter, I am a guard. '8 has put on new clothes again.

...Shen Mu suddenly thought of a person—the No. 6 who also claimed to be a hunter in the previous round, Yan Yuze.

At first Shen Mu didn't doubt his identity, until he was out without firing a shot, Shen Mu realized that he was a civilian wearing a hunter's clothes. Thinking about it this way, the way No. 8 speaks and the tone of his speech seem to be really similar to Yan Yuze...

Pfft, is this person a professional hunter

'Why is number 10 wearing my clothes and I don't expose him? It's very simple, because I judged that he is not a wolf. If a wolf jumps to the guard, its purpose is to find the real guard, and it will directly say that I am a guard, and No. 9 is a civilian who blocked the knife for me. No. 10's mentally handicapped jumping method, how could it be a wolf? Why didn't he take me when I wore a size 10? Simple, because he is not mentally retarded. '

'I don't have time to talk too much nonsense. Let me tell you the simplest truth. After listening to my speech every day, does your perspective become clear? Every sentence I say, am I doing things for good people, or am I arranging the work of prophets, guards, and witches every day? What is number 2 doing? Which sentence he said is not helping the wolf? Yesterday I proposed the most suitable strategy. If No. 2 is a true prophet, in this case, how can it be possible to fish for No. 12 and recognize No. 10 and No. 5 as wolves? No. 2 is undoubtedly Iron Wolf. '

'Who the true prophet is, I don't care to know. It's fine if it's number 9, as long as someone's still present'

The typing man's slender fingertips landed on the screen, but a provocative smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

'We can win without you as a prophet. You continue to dive below, hide and escape for your life. Witch, poisoned No. 4 today, the game will not end tomorrow, just tear off the police badge, the game is over. Now, with the presence of the guardian witch twin gods, I can still guard for one round tonight. '