Suspended Life Game

Chapter 63: unexpected person


While talking, the two walked to the door of Room 6. Shen Mu was about to leave, but Tang Youchen suddenly said, "By the way, Shen Mu, I'm asking you for someone, do you know him?"

Shen Mu stopped the approaching footsteps, a little confused: "Who is it?"... Ah, is it Xie You Xuemei

But Tang Youchen said: "It's number 11 in the game we played before, do you know him?" When he was speaking, Tang Youchen showed a thoughtful expression on his face, then looked at Shen Mu, "Do you know him?"

On the 11th, Su Yingxing

The person Tang Youchen inquired about turned out to be Su Yingxing. Shen Mu really didn't expect it, so he couldn't help being stunned: "You mean Su Yingxing?"

"You really know him!" Tang Youchen's eyes lit up, "I felt like you all knew each other before, and sister Shen You, a few people were flirting at the table, do you think I'm blind?!"

"..." Really thought you didn't know, Shen Mu felt guilty again, "I'm sorry. But the three of us don't flirt with each other... right?"

At that time, he was obviously paying attention when eating, and he didn't say a word of extraneous words to Su Yingxing and Xie You, and he didn't wink at each other. Did Tang Youchen already flirt with each other!

"It's not as simple as not talking to people you know. You're not serious about pretending!" Tang Youchen showed a look of disgust, "You have to do a full set of acting, or else you shouldn't do it."

You are right. People who know each other pretend not to know each other. It’s not enough not to talk, but to treat each other as a stranger. When the four of them had dinner together, they really didn’t act. They were just “pretending not to know each other.” …

... However, Shen Mu thought about it again, and it really wasn't so obvious! ... So Tang Youchen is really a very sensitive person.

Seeing Shen Mu's thoughtful look, Tang Youchen thought he was still a little confused, and continued: "Actually, you pretend you don't know me, and I understand. Once a few acquaintances come up and hug each other, it's easy to become the target of public criticism. When necessary, we can work together to win by surprise. However, everything has two sides, and it is very suspicious to be exposed. After all, no matter what the facts are, the reasons for the attack are ready-made: 'If you are not guilty, why pretend you don't know?'”

"That's right." Tang Youchen chuckled, "There is no plowed land, only exhausted cows." Then the topic changed, and the previous topic was brought back: "So how much do you know about Su Yingxing?"

Shen Mu: "... ???"

... Do you want to say that there is no problem that cannot be solved, only people who cannot solve the problem? Shen Mu turned this sentence around his throat, and then pressed it back: "Actually, I don't know him very well, I just met him on the university campus. We are from the same university, and so is Shen You. But if you ask him What are you doing?"

"Oh," Tang Youchen looked at the starry sky outside the window, his eyes stayed outside the window and did not look back, "He saved me in the last round, and when I return to reality, I want to make him a friend and have a chance to repay him. "

Shen Mu: "... I saved you too!"

Tang Youchen immediately replied: "You're right, then what school are you, Shen Mu? When we return to reality, I'll go to your school to find you!... Well, don't look at me like that, and I will save you next time." you!"

Shen Mu couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and told Tang Youchen about the school: "It's Baiyan University."

"Hey, are you in Baiyan?" Tang Youchen clapped his hands and said happily, "I have been to Baiyan! It was only three years ago. At that time, my friend was in college there, and I went there for a week. , a good place, but it’s too cold in winter.”

"Do you have friends in Baiyan?" Shen Mu was a little surprised when he heard that, "You speak with an accent, are you from the south?"

"Well," Tang Youchen nodded, "I went to elementary school in the north, and my hometown is in the south. After junior high school, I went back to my hometown to go to school. But my friend is not in Baiyan now, he has gone abroad, so it's time to seek refuge with you! "

It was getting late, and the two went back to their respective rooms after saying goodbye.

After Shen Mu returned to the room, it was already 10:18 in the evening, 12 minutes before the police team ended their activities.

Tang Youchen's mentality is so good, so relaxed, he doesn't look like an undercover agent...

Shen Mu could tell that Tang Youchen's appearance was not fake, and moreover, if he pretended to be relaxed, he wouldn't chat with Shen Mu for such a long time and increase the risk of exposure.

Shen Mu fell into his own thoughts again, he didn't know what to think of, and he couldn't help showing an unconcealable smile on his face. What a wonderful night tonight.

"Boom, boom..."

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Shen Mu didn't think much about it, thinking that Tang Youchen had forgotten something—except for the police team at this time, it could not be anyone else, so he opened the door directly, but was stunned when he saw the people outside.


The smiling person outside the door was the young man with bangs. He stroked his bangs and said with a smile, "After thinking about it for a while, I decided to come to you. Didn't it scare you?" The young man with bangs kept staring at Shen Mu's expression, " Why, are you surprised to see me? Who do you think?"

"Of course I thought it was No. 6." Shen Mu blinked, "After all, according to the location of the room, you are relatively close to No. 3, so you should go to the other party first if you have anything to do."

"No. 3..." Young Liu Hai mentioned No. 3, smiled meaningfully, and said no more, "Letting me stand outside all the time, this is not the way to treat guests."

Seeing that Shen Mu still didn't want to let the door open, the young man Liu Hai lowered his head and chuckled lightly, a little like self-deprecating, and then he said something that really shocked Shen Mu: "If you're so introverted, do you suspect that I'm an undercover agent? Or you Do you think I was the one who reported you before? Shen Mu, I didn't report you."

… … … who are you? !

Young people with bangs turned out to be a

Shen Mu really didn't think of a person he knew at all. He didn't know the relationship with Liu Haiyoun, and he didn't know how to answer this sentence for a moment.

After waking up, although he lost his memory, he was involved in the Suspense game almost immediately, minimizing the impact of the amnesia that might have had a great impact on his life. Although he has lost his memory, he has already seen relatives who are connected by blood, and has a lover who is connected with each other. Shen Mu doesn't feel so confused. In addition, the game of Suspended Life consumes a lot of brainpower, so Shen Mu has no time to think about the past. thing.

At this time, the words of the young man Liu Hai I knew in the past seemed to open a certain floodgate, and those things that were far away from me, but actually happened, were reconnected with the present at this moment.

"Report"... Shen Mu keenly caught the word, and immediately remembered the reason for his amnesia: Professor Niu's "electric shock therapy".

The doubts that had been left behind came to mind again at this time, but the answer gradually became clear.

When I first came here, I was 'cured' by Professor Niu's education, and as Liu Bo said, Professor Niu has not paid attention to me for a long time, but I don't know why I was suddenly targeted by Professor Niu again, and even Professor Niu was very angry I "deceived him"... Why was he suddenly caught typical? Shen Mu didn't think that he would be so stupid as to advertise that he was gay in Professor Niu's research institute.

So there is only one possibility: Someone reported himself as gay to Professor Niu.

With some guesses about the situation, Shen Mu looked at the young man Liu Hai again, looked at him with a half-smile and didn't speak for a few seconds. Time passed bit by bit, Liu Hai youth came to find Shen Mu at this time, of course he didn't come to be in a daze with him.

Seeing that Shen Mu's eyes became unfriendly after he mentioned the report, the young man Liu Hai had a clue in his heart: Sure enough, he suspected that I reported him. Thinking about how to explain it in his mind, the young man Liu Hai said sincerely: "Shen Mu, it seems that you really misunderstood me, we are roommates, we agreed to leave Professor Niu's hell together, how could we betray you? "

It turned out to be a roommate from the past. Seeing the sincerity of the young man Liu Hai, Shen Mu really couldn't trust him much, but his eyes flickered a little, as if hesitant because of the young man Liu Hai's words: "It's not you, it's not you. anyone?"

"It's really not me!" Seeing that Shen Mu's attitude was a little loose, and there was not much time left, the youth Liu Hai made up his mind, and his tone was a little hasty, "Shen Mu, there is nothing wrong with you doubting me, but I really didn't do this thing Yes, and I know who it is, let me tell you, think about it carefully, if you believe me, come to me tomorrow night after the discussion!"

Shen Mu said calmly, "You speak first."

Liu Bo, is that him

Originally, it was just a cliché to cooperate with the bang youth—after all, even if the bang youth really said who reported it, Shen Mu didn't know who it was...

Unexpectedly, the young man Liu Hai said the only name Shen Mu knew.

Liu Bo was the first person Shen Mu saw after waking up, and he was also the first to tell Shen Mu about the past, allowing Shen Mu to have a preliminary understanding of the situation without knowing anything. Although he could feel that Liu Bo was not close to him, he was a somewhat introverted and even depressed person, but he promised Shen Mu not to tell about his amnesia, and he did not stab him in the back...

Seeing that Shen Mu's expression was full of hesitation, the young man Liu Hai knew that he didn't simply believe what he said, he sighed and shook his head, and then said: "It's not like you don't know the situation with Professor Niu..."

Shen Mu: I don't know.

"Students who report violations should be encouraged and rewarded. This reward is not just a verbal praise. Nine out of 10 of those who report successfully have successfully 'graduated' in this batch, while other students, three If you can't leave for a month, you will have to wait at least another month, and it is very likely that you will have to wait for another three months, and you will be subjected to physical and mental torture every day. Who would not want to leave if you have the opportunity?" Liu Hai said fiercely, falling into unhappiness again. Good memories made his face a bit gloomy.

"Then why didn't you report it?" Shen Mu was still not moved by Liu Hai's youth's emotions, "You are the most convenient and most wanting to leave, aren't you?"

Young man Liu Hai took a breath, and then slowly exhaled: "This is the third month I have been here, I believe that I will be released in half a month, even if I want to report, I will wait for confirmation." Report after 'repeat', why rush at this time? Besides, I knew it a week ago, why wait a week to report? The person who reports can only be someone who heard our conversation two days before the incident !"

... Assuming that Liu Haiyoun didn't lie in this paragraph, there is really no need to lie here again—Liu Haiyoun didn't know about Shen Mu's amnesia, and he wouldn't lie about things Shen Mu himself knew. Then the situation at that time should be that the young man Liu Hai learned of his sexual orientation a week before the incident, and two days before the incident, Shen Mu and the young man Liu Hai did not know where they were talking about it. .

If you report this issue, you can go smoothly. If you don’t report it, you can only hope that Professor Niu’s mercy will release you. What will happen in the next issue? Of course, Shen Mu didn't believe Liu Haiyoun's words, but there was a smile on his face: "What you said makes sense, I'll think about it first."

The result of passionate lobbying is still unknown X, Liu Hai youth did not show the slightest impatience: "Okay, I hope to see you tomorrow, Shen Mu, I can feel that you are not an undercover agent, the undercover agent must be on the 3rd and On the 6th, only the two of us trust each other to win! You can also think about my identity. When voting, whether it is night or day, your choice is very important, and it may even become a part of this round. key… "

After recovering, Shen Mu suddenly realized that he didn't seem to know what the name of Liu Hai's youth was...

The canvassing is so obvious, "You can also think about my identity for yourself" - the hint is also very imaginative, this is definitely not the behavior of ordinary police. If Shen Mu is really an ordinary policeman, he will still think about whether this former roommate is the head of the police...

Now... Shen Mu's eyes flickered, it was indeed a strategy to send No. 2 to kill, and Shen Mu's promise to take off before was not entirely a copable word...

But now, if the time and place are right, there is a suitable place to speak, whether it can be attached to people - find an opportunity, use the killer team's own knife to kill Liu Hai youth at night, let ordinary killers mistakenly think that the knife hit the "police leader" Woolen cloth