Suspended Life Game

Chapter 65: maple leaf


"It's okay brother, you can help me with my math homework! Numbers are easy to imitate." The younger sister immediately helped the boy "come up with a good idea".

After speaking, as if the boy was expected to agree, the little girl ran to the dark brown plated cabinet next to the TV, and opened the drawer on the second floor. The drawer slid open with a smooth roller, wearing denim The little girl in the skirt took out a lovely bowknot hairpin, with a bright yellow ribbon paired with a little light purple and silver-white spun yarn, very delicate.

The little girl put the hairpin on her head in front of the mirror, then took out a blue hairpin of the same style from the drawer, and made gestures on her head twice, but instead of putting it on, she held it in her hand . As if thinking of something beautiful, the little girl smiled sweetly.

...Shen Mu opened his eyes in the darkness, picked up his phone and looked, 3:39... It's not yet four o'clock.

The dream was gone the moment I opened my eyes, but the stories in the dream were not forgotten when I woke up.

So did I help her with her homework in the end

Although he couldn't see the faces of the boy and the girl clearly in the dream, Shen Mu could feel that the boy in the dream was himself, at least in this dream, he existed as this boy.

Thinking of his sister's cuteness, Shen Mu couldn't help laughing. Are these beautiful pasts really a dream? Could it be something that happened in the past, and what he "dreams" is actually a deep subconscious memory

Smiling for a while in a relaxed mood, Shen Mu also realized that this is indeed not a memory, but a dream—the living room in the dream is obviously not the living room of his own home, and his sister is still in elementary school, and he is already in college. It's impossible to still be in junior high school.

Besides, aside from these things—maybe she has moved or there are other messy reasons, my younger sister Shen Xin is a little girl who is not very frank, not so lively.

At that time, my sister was full of uneasiness because she didn't dissuade her father from sending her to Professor Niu's network center. When her brother's life and death were uncertain, she suddenly came to such a completely unknown dangerous situation. , My younger sister really wanted to apologize and ask for help, but she was very dishonest. She didn't want her elder brother to know her intentions. She was a little arrogant girl.

And... I'm afraid I didn't care enough about my sister before, and judging from her attitude when I first met my sister, it's unlikely that she would act like a baby to me.

And the little sister in the dream is obviously a little girl who "plays straight balls". If she likes the friend named Bell, she will use her best metaphor to express her liking. She also has a good relationship with her brother. Intimacy and trust are visible to the naked eye, and... Shen Mu couldn't help laughing again, and would "cry and commit murder"—where she was really crying, she was clearly acting like a baby.

As expected, the dreams are all reversed, Shen Mu sighed.

I don't know how my sister is doing now, but suddenly dreaming about her sister made Shen Mu miss Shen Xin, but at the same time, he also felt a little bit worried in his heart.

It was still early, and Shen Mu gradually fell asleep again.

Am I dreaming again

Open your eyes, it seems to be a corridor of a hotel, with dark red bristle carpets, dim glass lamps, walls that are white or gray, and continuous doors with number plates, 202, 203, 204…

Sometimes people will know that they are dreaming in their dreams, but they may not be completely clear. Maybe at a certain time period, a certain episode, or even a certain moment, they suddenly realize that they are dreaming, and then gradually fall into a dream. Among them, forgetting that you are dreaming.

Shen Mu now knew that he was dreaming, but soon his attention was attracted by the dream.

The corridors are somewhat dated, like a remote area or a product of many years ago. In the center of the shot is a little boy wearing black short sleeves, who seems to be about eight or nine years old, about the same age as the little girl in the previous dream.

The little boy was sweating profusely, bouncing forward in the corridor, as if he had just returned from playing happily somewhere, then stopped at the door of a room and knocked on the door.

"It's fun!" The little boy rushed into the room, happily picked up the watermelon, and ate two pieces in almost two seconds, then wiped his mouth, and had the time to speak, "Meet a lot of children, let's go Climbing trees in the suburbs to pick fruits! But... the fruits are too sour, mom's watermelon is delicious!"

"The fruit of this season is not yet ripe, and we have to wait another month or two. What kind of fruit did you pick, tell your mother?" The gentle woman couldn't help laughing.

While talking with her son, the woman stood at the door and kept looking at the corridor. After waiting for a while, the corridor was still empty. The mother couldn't help frowning slightly, and her tone became worried: "Baby, why is it only you?" Are you back? Where's your sister?"

The little boy's movement of eating melon froze immediately: "Sister, sister, she has been back a long time ago!"

Seeing that the mother's face changed, the little boy's face also changed: "Before we went to pick the fruit, we sent my sister back, because the place to pick the fruit was too far away, and my sister felt tired, so I agreed to help her." Pick, send her back first."

"Did you bring your sister back? Did you send it to the room? What time is it?" The mother still asked her son softly, but there was an unconcealable anxiety in her eyes.

"It was delivered to the door of the hotel. An uncle waiter happened to be at the door. He said that he would help bring my sister up, so I..." The little boy's voice gradually weakened, "Let him help bring my sister back to the room. At that time, I looked at my watch, it was already 4:30, mom, you said you would be back at 4 o’clock, I thought you were in the house, so I didn’t follow, Xiaopang and the others were waiting for me, so I just went to play …”

"I see. Mom is now going to the manager to inquire about this matter. Maybe the waiter sent my sister to the wrong room. You just wait here obediently. Mom will be back in a while." After speaking, the young woman left the room.

After his mother left, how could the little boy still eat? Although his mother told him not to worry, the little boy understood that he might have lost his sister because of his playfulness. If the younger sister is lost... the boy dare not think about it, maybe like what his mother said, it's just that the uncle waiter sent the wrong room. After all, the uncle waiter in the hotel has no reason not to take good care of his sister who is a customer.

The little boy who had no intention of eating melons turned his head, as if he wanted to divert his attention. At this moment, the little boy noticed the newspaper on the table, and he, who had already known a lot of words, was attracted by this newspaper.

"City A Daily..." City A is the small city where they are now. After reading the headline on the front page of the daily,

The little boy's face turned pale in an instant.

'Recently, many young children have disappeared in several areas around District X. The missing children range in age from 1 to 10 years old. At present, it is suspected that a gang committed the crime. According to the police investigation, the gang may have flowed into City A, City C and other cities. Three places in M city, please local residents...'

The daily date is... today.

... Could it be that the man just now, the man who took his sister away, wasn't the waiter of the hotel? ! The little boy's face immediately turned pale.

The little boy rushed out of the room immediately, ran in the corridor, and soon met two waiters at the corner, a man and a woman. After seeing their clothes clearly. , the little boy's face completely lost all color.

It's different... It's definitely different from the one who took my sister away!

The clothes of the waiters in this hotel are all white and black trousers, while the man before him was wearing gray and black trousers. Why...why didn't I notice this before! Why am I so playful? !

…No, maybe that person is just a waiter without uniform. After all, his attitude is so friendly, he doesn’t look like a bad person… And maybe my sister ran out to play again later? Ah, if this is the case, it must be very dangerous for my sister to be alone on the street now! After all, traffickers have already flowed into City A!

In an instant, the little boy had made up his mind.

Maybe my sister is on the street right now. If my sister gets lost and can't find her way home, she must be very anxious. I'm going to find her!

Scene transition.

When Shen Mu became conscious again, the old hotel was no longer in front of him. It seemed that what happened just now had never happened. There was no little boy, no mother, and no little girl. Shen Mu wanted to recall, but was unconsciously attracted by the scene in front of him.

In front of you is a forest of bright red maple leaves.

The red maple leaves cover the sky, and as a breeze blows through the pieces, the golden afterglow sprinkles through the gaps of the red leaves.

Even in a dream, Shen Mu could almost immediately feel that this place... I have definitely been here before!

Almost subconsciously, Shen Mu walked towards the depths of the forest.

Another gust of wind blew past, layers of red leaves fell one after another, Shen Mu's vision was a little blurred for a while, and after the red leaves fell, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at the back, Shen Mu felt a little familiar, as if he heard someone coming, and that person turned around.

In an instant, Shen Mu's breathing stopped.

Dimly opened his eyes, and later... Shen Mu couldn't remember what happened afterwards, but only remembered the shock left in the dream.

I had three dreams in a row in one night, it felt like I was driving a car... Shen Mu was a little concerned about the content of the dream, and he couldn't explain why. While recalling the three dreams of last night, Shen Mu turned on the phone and glanced at the time , the whole person suddenly became ill.

8:13? !

8:30 is the time to start the daytime discussion on the first day. In the Suspense game, it is a violation of the rules not to be present during the daytime game discussion! If I sleep more than ten minutes, I will be cold.

This is when Shen Mu came to his senses. If he hadn't arrived in ten minutes, Ah Yu would definitely come back to find me. Other teammates, regardless of others, Tang Youchen wouldn't just die. But... don't let them come!

Although it is completely possible to use "I am worried that No. 7 will oversleep, I don't know what No. 7 is, and I don't want No. 7 to be eliminated for this reason" as a reason to find someone, but when no one else mentions it, you bring it up. Things, would have attracted a certain degree of attention. An Yu is an undercover agent, and Youchen is a teammate, they cannot be suspected for such a nonsense reason!

After simple tidying up, Shen Mu immediately rushed out of the house, checking last night's information on the phone while running.

The person who died yesterday was... number 8!

Is number 8 so unlucky? ! Shen Mu thought while running.

Yesterday, the police chose to check the identity of No. 8, and the killer team also chose to execute No. 8. The identity of No. 8 is a good guy, he is not in the police team, he is just a civilian, it is really unlucky to be checked first on the first page...

So the killer team chose to attack No. 8, did they choose randomly like us, or was it based on the position? I didn't see other players on the first night, and there was no other information to use except for the killer's distribution of his position.

In the first game before, when Shen Mu took Cupid, the 12 players on the player interface not only had numbers, but also had corresponding avatars. Except for that round, in the preparatory round, the second round of the line kill, and now the third round, the player interface only had 12 bare numbers. Therefore, in the first night, when a ranked player uses the function, he has no information about other players at all. I don't know why the first game is different, is it the benefit of the first game? Or is it related to the rules of the game, for example, because it is a game with Cupid, which is special

I am No. 7, and Youchen is No. 6, so according to the position, the killer may be between No. 9 and No. 10. Killing No. 8 can get the return ticket... It’s not right, the first day should be clockwise Speaking, I belong to the voting seat...!

... Is it me? !

When I came here, I was a little surprised, how did the killer cut it so well... ah! Ah Yu.

I see.

Shen Mu was stunned, and didn't know how An Yu did it, but in the end the killer team chose to kill No. 8 on the homepage. The one who died was a civilian, and he was the voter. This was very beneficial to the good team.

While thinking, Shen Mu had already run to the door of the game hall.

Good catch, yay.

Pushing open the door, different eyes looked over one after another. Except for Shen Mu, the other 11 players were already seated, forming a circle.

Shen Mu closed the door and sat down on his own No. 7 seat, and only then carefully looked at the other players in this round.

No. 1 is Liu Hai's young man, and Shen Mu still doesn't know his name... Cough, this is not good, although Liu Hai should not suddenly ask Shen Mu what his name is, it doesn't matter if he asks, but Shen Mu still has a kind The feeling that the enemy is dark and we are clear.

Number 2... is a very beautiful man. It's not the kind of delicate or gorgeous good-looking, but the kind of beauty that is very eye-catching, but not feminine at all. Sitting there, such a person will undoubtedly attract everyone's attention even in such an environment.

Number 3, who should be a rock girl from an ordinary policeman, seems to be looking at... Number 5