Suspended Life Game

Chapter 80: Day two · Hearty


Now there are 10 people here, all of whom have already played clearly. They must cast a killer during the day, otherwise they will be preempted by the killer team in the round, and it will be really dangerous.

In fact, what Xie You said was also Shen Mu's doubt yesterday, why did No. 5 send a golden water to No. 9? If she is a killer, such an action may make herself more dangerous if there is no one behind her to cooperate—you must know that there are only Tang Youchen and Shen Mu behind No. 5, and they are not No. 5's killer companions, so it is impossible to speak for her.

No. 5 doesn't look like someone who doesn't understand these things, and besides jumping off the police, No. 5 doesn't behave like a good person. She has a very similar identity to Shen Mu for other people, so Shen Mu has never figured this out. . But unlike Xie You, a commoner, Shen Mu knew that No. 5 was not a policeman, so his perspective was naturally different, plus the most important point — No. 1 specifically mentioned No. 5, 6, and 7 in his speech! Shen Mu knew that No. 6 and No. 7 were the police, so No. 5 was completely more suspicious than the others, so Shen Mu firmly believed yesterday that No. 4 and No. 5 were double killers.

Looking at it now, Liu Hai may just be inconvenient to point directly to 6 and 7 yesterday—this is too obvious (although it is also obvious now), and No. 5 is needed as a cover, so it is said to be "5, 6, 7" in the last position.

And No. 5 gave the junior girl golden water... Shen Mu's eyes flashed, if the junior girl's feeling is true, No. 5 Esme is indeed her old childhood friend Lu Yuling who died ten years ago, then she gave the junior girl golden water This move is not only related to the game itself.

To be honest, Shen Mu was more worried about "police teammate" No. 3 than Civilian No. 5. Shen Mu glanced at No. 3. At this time, Lu Ni was thinking hard, not knowing where her mind was going. But... Shen Mu's eyes turned to No. 5. If No. 5 could understand, maybe she could persuade No. 3. It can be seen that No. 3's attitude towards No. 5 is not just pure fear, but also the hidden...expectation under the fear. Number 3 is wary of Number 5, but she also trusts Number 5.

After Xie You finished speaking, the green light around Shen Mu turned on.

An Yu and Xie You put the words to their lips, and Shen Mu already had a good reason to change yesterday's "firm stand": "Well... I am indeed a commoner. I also confirmed my thoughts from yesterday - No. 4 and No. 5 are double killers, otherwise it would be No. 12 and not No. 5 who died, but now it seems that my perspective is indeed limited."

"After the 11th, I'm still quite confused. It's not that it's wrong, it's just that I didn't straighten it out for a while, but like what the 9th said, the reaction of the 10th—" Shen Mu raised his eyebrows, turned sideways slightly, and looked at the 10th. No., "Anyone can see that the chat is hot. No. 10 can't be a good person. This side reflects that what No. 11 said is true. Although what No. 11 said exceeded my expectations, his perspective It's very clear, like a policeman's perspective, and I'm willing to believe No. 11 now."

Shen Mu continued: "Again, on number 10, I felt that she had a bad identity yesterday. You may not feel too deeply about this, but from my point of view, I am a good person. I was checked by a mob on the 8th." Kill—From my point of view, if No. 8 is a killer and commits suicide, there is no benefit. Even if it is to defile me, I am a commoner and I have no value of being defiled, so No. 8 is a mob. This is gradually becoming clear to everyone today. It's more certain."

Shen Mu paused: "On the 8th, a mob sent me a wrong killing, and the civilians would believe the last words of the 'Death Police' as a matter of course, but on the 10th, the 9th in front of her has already said that there are many possibilities for this round, This is what a good person thinks. No matter what, to determine my identity, I should at least listen to my speech first, because our purpose is not to push a few people out at random, not to push ourselves, but to analyze various It is possible to find a killer. If it is a casual game, it doesn’t matter if you follow the trend or just play casually. I would also prefer that number 10 is just a commoner, because the mentality is different. But now it is a game of life and death, and number 10 wants to come up with my The will is too strong, will the civilians be so firm when no one else speaks? Isn't the perspective too clear?"

"Of course, it's not enough to say that she is a killer. If this is the case, I would be a mob, but yesterday I really felt that her status was not good enough. Today's performance on the 10th can't be a good person. This is different from what I did yesterday. The guesses are consistent, so No. 11 said that No. 10 is a traitor among the police, and I believe it.” The head of No. 10 was really good, even if other people couldn’t figure out An Yu’s logic, they couldn’t fail to see that No. 10 The number is definitely not a good person.

As Shen Mu thought about it, she glanced away from the corner of her eye, only to see No. 3 rock girl Lu Ni was looking confused, her pupils dilated slightly, as if... she didn't understand at all.

Shen Mu: "..." There was a moment of silence.

Forget it, let it be, the more you tell her about some people, the more she thinks that there must be a conspiracy in your eagerness to "brainwash" her, but if you don't push her so hard, she may figure it out by herself.

Of course, for some people, if you tell her sincerely, maybe she will choose to believe you in the end even though she is dubious.

Shen Mu got stuck because of No. 3, and simply took advantage of the situation and made a look of being lost in thought: "There is no doubt that No. 10 is the killer, so is it possible that No. 10 and No. 11 are double killers?..." This I don’t mention it now, there is a high probability that No. 1 or No. 2 will be mentioned when the ticket seats are returned later. Why don’t you just take advantage of the situation? Even though they have time to think about other words, this position is really unfavorable. , "... this should be impossible."

"No. 11 just said that No. 5 and No. 6 are his teammates. This must be true, because your speeches on No. 5 and No. 6 are both behind No. 11. If No. 11 lied on this point, it will definitely be exposed. If number 10 is the killer teammate of number 11, then the killer team is 5, 6, 10, 11? This is definitely wrong, because if number 5 is the killer, number 4 must be the killer. I said the logic of double killers yesterday, everyone Maybe I can’t remember clearly, and I don’t have enough time now, so I won’t repeat it. The fundamental reason for not repeating it is because this logic is wrong. If number 5 is the killer, then the killer team can only be 5, 6, 10, 11 Now, the policeman is No. 4? But No. 4 can’t afford the police, because she has no police companions, and there are only so many people on the field. I am Min, and No. 9 is Min. On the 12th, No. 2 sent a search and kill, and on the 8th, I sent a search and kill. No. 4 and them are not on the same side, and No. 2," Shen Mu glanced at No. 2, and the two eyes met for a moment. Before No. 2 could read the emotion in his eyes, Shen Mu looked away and stopped looking at him.

"No. 2 was killed by No. 12. If No. 2 is a policeman, how can he say that he is a civilian?"

Shen Mu sneered slightly, "You are a policeman, you were ordered to be killed by a killer, and you still didn't get up and have sex with him, and you still called yourself a civilian?!"

These words seem to be in line with No. 3's intentions. Lu Ni's eyes flickered for a moment, obviously thinking that if this killing is sent to her head, she must roll up her sleeves and do it with him!

But then Lu Ni's gaze became uncertain again, and Shen Mu read her thoughts from her for no reason: Aren't you a policeman on the 7th? On the first day on the 8th, I sent you a killing, and you also said that you are a civilian, so according to this logic, you are not a good person? Shen Mu sighed in his heart, alas.

"If No. 4 is a policeman, no one on the field can be her teammate. This is obviously impossible, and No. 3 cannot be No. 4's teammate. You see, when No. 11 mentioned No. 3 just now, No. 3 No. 1 is a bit confused. It can be seen that she has indeed seen No. 4 and No. 10 talking secretly, and she doesn't know them. Excluding the killer undercover, there are still two people in the police force. Yesterday was a Christmas day, and No. 4 has no police teammate. , there is only one possibility, she lied, she is not a policeman, so she has no teammates!" Time was running out, and Shen Mu also entered the concluding speech, "So the purpose of No. Assassin teammate No. 2, by the way, follow No. 3's words and pour No. 5 dirty water to achieve the goal of winning No. 3's votes and pushing No. 5. The assassins are 2 and 4, and the undercover assassin is 10. The identities of the others are mine. If you can recognize it, then the last killer is No. 1 left by the elimination method, let's go out, listen to the No. 11 policeman, first come out with 4, then come out with 2!"

After the concluding speech, Shen Mu felt a little relaxed after finishing his speech, but he became more nervous in his heart. Don't count on the next speeches 1, 2, 3, and 4. The next speeches on No. 6 and No. 5 can be said to be life-threatening up.

Brother Tang recognizes my identity, so naturally he can also recognize the good identity of Ah Yu I recognized. Tang Youchen and Shen Mu are not very worried. After the conversation last night, Shen Mu also knew that the other party had already guessed that he was the head of the police. I believe he would know what to do after listening to his speech.

Shen Mu has no doubts about how An Yu determined that No. 6 Tang Youchen is a policeman. He has also pushed the identity of the killer and even the audience all over the place. It is normal for Ayu to see that Tang Youchen is a policeman. but.

After all, our Ah Yu is also a high-end player who has played too many rounds... Shen Mu felt a little emotional for a while. It is well known that No. 12 is an old player who has played no less than 10 rounds, and the level that An Yu has reached in the past... Shen Mu has a feeling , An Yu's past progress will not be less than No. 12.

Thinking of this, Shen Mu had mixed feelings in his heart for a moment, his eyes fell on An Yu's perfect side face, his heart was inexplicably sour but he wanted to laugh.

Before... why do I feel that no one speaks for me today

I have the best teammate in the world, he is the best person in the world, so I...whether it's in the same game, assigned to a different game, in the same camp or against the camp... I Never alone.

Shen Mu had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and in reality, the time was only a moment. At this time, the light representing number 7 went out, the green light beside number 6 turned on, and player number 6 started to speak.