Suspended Life Game

Chapter 88: Wolf and Hunt


An Yu fell into memory: "There were 10 people in that round..."

"Wait a minute," Shen Mu had a question at the beginning, "Is 10 people common? I've only played the version with 12 people."

"12 players are the most. It's normal to be assigned to the 12-person version, and it's also normal to be assigned to other versions." An Yu said, "But there are very few people who have always played 12-person games. You are only the third game. Now it doesn't look like anything."

Shen Mu smiled: "There are very few people who can win all the time.

"That's right." An Yu also smiled, feeling like the ice and snow were melting.

Then An Yu and Shen Mu talked about the general setting of that round.

characters: ten;

Identity roles: hunter, seven; wolf, three;

The rule is that no one will be killed on the first night, and everyone will gather to discuss—when refreshing, everyone will appear together, in a dark and dense forest.

Then—from 5:00 to 6:00 in the morning, during this time, it is stipulated that all people cannot be together, and those who violate it will be directly out of the game.

"That is to say, all players are forced to separate at this point." Shen Mu nodded thoughtfully, and then said, "And then vote one person out at nine o'clock every day? Since they are all forced to separate, it will not be immediately if you think about it." It's now a mandatory gathering, so, until the end of the game, whether all players can meet each other depends entirely on luck."

Shen Mu already knew what the prototype of this rule was.

In the real world, there is a similar rule on a werewolf killing APP that I can’t remember clearly. There are 3 wolves and 7 hunters. The wolves cannot kill on the first night. Of course the wolf is good. If it is a hunter, then the hunter can shoot and take away the next player. If the player is a wolf, it is good. If it is a hunter, he can also shoot and take the next player away until one player is all out .

It is worth mentioning that this rule is that after the player is out of the game, he will show his identity by flopping cards.

Of course, the rules of the game APP stop here, and there will be no more strange personal tasks.

Shen Mu told An Yu of his own understanding, and got a positive answer—from the moment they separated, whether or not they can meet depends entirely on fate, and due to the existence of personal tasks and the change of the game format, this game allows players to interact with each other. Attacking, including, killing each other.

And there is no longer any restriction on players not being able to tell others their identities. Of course, it is still expressly forbidden to show others their identity cards. It depends on your ability if the other party believes it or not. In short, after the fifth game, the rules are still based on reasoning games like werewolf killing and killing games, but the game method is very different from the current board games.

"Every night, the Wolves can kill one person at two o'clock in the morning, and operate it through a mobile phone. It's not a mobile phone, it's very thin, it's more like a card. If you are a wolf, at two o'clock, the card will show The number of surviving players, you can choose to kill any one of them, or not to choose, it is the same when everyone votes during the day, and it can be used as a light at other times, there is nothing on it, the advantage is, "An Yu said I stopped here for a while, "It is light and convenient to carry."

Shen Mu: "How much money was given to you by that card, I will give you twice as much as my mobile phone!"

An Yu pursed his lips and smiled, and continued: "Every night, if the wolf kills the hunter, or votes for the hunter during the day, the hunter can shoot when he is out, of course, he can also choose not to shoot. And this There is no flop in a game, that is, if we don't shoot, we can't tell whether the person who is out is a wolf or a hunter. However, usually it will be played." An Yu's voice was faintly tinged with excitement.

Shen Mu agreed.

This board tends to proceed very quickly, and the game may be over as soon as the eyes are opened and closed. Although I am afraid of bringing good people, but who doesn't want to bring them to the wolf smoothly, maybe they are right! Moreover, it can't be because I fired the wrong shot, so the good guy lost, with this mentality. Few people would choose black guns (that is, not shoot). What's more, if you don't shoot, you can't prove your identity, and it will also affect other people's judgment.

"In short, the rules are probably like this, don't pay too much attention to my rules." An Yu said, "Because the biggest feature after the fifth game is that the rules of each game are completely different, maybe next time Shen Mu you Getting this board is another modification based on the basic rules, and everything is subject to the game rules announced by the system at the beginning of the game.”

"Understood." Shen Mu smiled and gave him a high-five, and then thought of another question, "There won't be any sudden change of tasks in the middle, right?"

"I haven't encountered it before." An Yu thought for a while and said, "But there are missions that have multiple hypotheses at the beginning, for example, at the end of the game, if the prophet is alive, then what will you do; If the prophet is dead, then what you have to do is another condition."

"I see." Shen Mu nodded clearly, and said suddenly, "Actually, I quite like this board."

"Because it's fast? An Yu received it casually.

Shen Mu blinked his eyes, was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face gradually widened: "How do you know?"

Shen Mu thought he would say, "The biggest feature of this board is that it is fast."

But An Yu looked at him and said with a smile: "Because we are destined lovers, we have a good understanding."

If the smile just now was melting ice and snow, then this smile is like a spring breeze.

——How does it feel to have a lover whose brain waves are compatible with you and who can play with you, who looks like your heartbeat, and whose every frown and smile are your favorite

Shen Mu's mind suddenly went blank for a moment, and by accident, he grabbed An Yu's hand and said, "Honey, when we finish this battle, let's go back to our hometown and get married!"

"Go back to your hometown to get married, do you still remember where your hometown is?" An Yu reminded.

"Isn't it Qingcheng?" Shen Mu blurted out casually, and after he realized what he said, he was stunned.

An Yu also froze, and the scene was silent.

After a while, Shen Mu secretly broke the silence: "Qingcheng... So what is Qingcheng? No, where is Qingcheng?"

"Qingcheng..." An Yu seemed to be caught in some memories, "It's a small southwest city with beautiful mountains and rivers."

"Southwest?" Shen Mu's voice was a little confused.

... ? ?

The weekend before Shen Mu came here, he chatted with his younger sister at home, and learned that his parents were both locals, and their hometowns were also from Baiyan. Baiyan can be regarded as a big city in the northwest, and

The small town in the southwest really has nothing to do with it.

"Don't think about it." Seeing that Shen Mu's brows were gradually frowning, An Yu interrupted him, "Thinking about things outside now is useless except to increase your troubles. Think about it slowly after you go out."

"You're right." Shen Mu stopped being entangled, he just wanted An Yu to continue talking about his personal mission, which was the part Shen Mu was most interested in, when An Yu suddenly looked at him with a slightly sympathetic look. He glanced.

"Speaking of troubles after going out, Shen Mu, you..."

Shen Mu also became nervous: "I..."

"Have you seen our tutorial? How are you preparing for the midterm exam? We're going to have the midterm exam soon, you know?"

... nest grass.

Shen Mu forgot all about it. As for the tutorials, I read them... The basic courses are not bad, but the professional courses are really... forgot all about it.

By the way, have I really studied this major? What a professional term is impressive!

Shen Mu immediately hugged An Yu's arm: "Thigh! I know you can do it! It's up to you!"

The sympathy in An Yu's eyes deepened: "Poor senior, you even forgot our school's exam seating standards. We are arranged according to the student number, senior, if you repeat a grade, the student number is different from our entire class. It's either first or last, and my student number is in the middle, you know."

"No, I don't understand." Shen Mu said firmly, and then quickly deleted the matter of the midterm exam from his mind, "Well, come on dear, let's continue talking about the personal task!"

"Okay," An Yu followed suit, "You know my mission, to protect your players. If you have less than three players, you will die, even if we win; if your players survive less than five, if you win , I also want to replay the sixth round; if all the players on my side survive, then I can directly play the eighth round after the game is over."

Shen Mu took a deep breath, listened to An Yu's personal mission for the second time, and found a blind spot that he hadn't noticed before: "This version can't guarantee that all the members are alive before the wolf is found! If a wolf is thrown out, the wolf will definitely kill the next night. Even if the hunter who is killed is killed and the one who shoots the right one is another wolf, and another wolf is thrown out in the morning and day, at least one hunter will definitely be killed. "

In the flash of calcium carbide, Shen Mu suddenly understood another meaning of this mission, and said softly: "... Unless, before the second night comes, before the wolves can kill, all three wolves are eliminated."

Of course, this is also a hell-level problem, who knows who the wolf is! If you get rid of your own people by mistake, wouldn't you be looking for your own death

Shen Mu felt that An Yu's task should not be the most difficult one. Although it is almost impossible to complete the S-level standard, it is still very possible to complete the minimum standard, and of course it is not easy.

But this is An Yu's sixth game, there shouldn't be any missions that cannot be completed, and even if there is, it should be in the ninth or tenth game.

Seeing Shen Mu's unpredictable expression, An Yu knew what he was thinking, after all, it was also his own mental journey: "For players who have cleared this round, after the system is over, they can learn about other people's missions. The rounds are not announced, the basic rule is that the higher the front, the more likely it will be announced, but there is no absolute."

"What is the mission of those three wolves?" Shen Mu was most curious about this.

"That's it," An Yu's eyes twitched, "Wolf A's task is to 'cannot speak in this game'."

"This is very tragic." Shen Mu could have predicted the fate of Wolf A who couldn't open his mouth to defend:

If you don't have a prophet and you don't know who to vote for on the first day, then vote for the one who can't speak! Staying on the field doesn't help either.

"Wolf B's task is to 'kill the first person you see after 6:00 am on the first day'," An Yu added, "it's not when the killing function is performed at night, nor is it necessary to vote in the morning. To cast him, but…”

Shen Mu cooperated with a gesture of wiping his neck.

"As for the task of Wolf C, it is to 'protect the first companion you see after 6:00 on the first morning', that is, the first Wolves teammate you see."

Speaking of this, An Yu remembered something: "I told you before, within an hour of the start of the game, two good guys died, and two wolves died, not the one who just arrived in the game Within hours, it refers to after 6:00 in the morning of the first day, after all, there are mandatory regulations before, and you cannot hurt other players."

Hearing this, Shen Mu still didn't understand: "So, the first person Wolf B saw was his teammate Wolf C, and the first person Wolf C met happened to be his companion Wolf B, Wolf B thought To kill a wolf by surprise, wolf C receives a protection task, so he will not be wary of wolf B, but he cannot allow himself to be killed by wolf B. Of course, it is impossible for wolf B to rush forward when encountering wolf C. Killing him, after all, the chance of winning is too small, so it should be that wolf B and wolf C walked together, wanting to take advantage of his surprise, and during this period, two good players may die at the hands of wolves, Maybe at the hands of someone else with a special personal mission. In the end, Wolf B and Wolf C, they died together."

An Yu nodded and recalled: "At that time, the death time of wolf B and wolf C were very close to the death time of the second good man. I guess it might be that the two wolves wanted to attack the good man, and finally they happened In this melee, at least one person should have died, and the remaining survivors may have been snapped off by other people passing by."

"At that time, before 7:00, I had received four death notices, and my heart was cold. Although everyone was discussing the first night, everyone insisted that they were hunters, and everyone watched suspiciously. Others, you look at me, I look at you, in fact, there are no useful clues to judge the identity, so I don't know that the two wolves are dead. Wait until nine o'clock, the rest of us cast the silent person, the game suddenly It's over." Speaking of this, An Yu himself laughed.

"I'm dying of laughter." Hearing this, Shen Mu couldn't help laughing, "By the way, will you be notified when other players die?"

"Well, this round is sent, other rounds..."

"It depends on the specific rules and arrangements at the beginning!" Shen Mu followed up with kindness, and then asked curiously, "Then what about the remaining missions for the good people?"

An Yu thought about it for a while: "I remember that there were two missions but no missions."

"Is there such a thing? This is luck, you just need to complete the group task."

"Yes, I have them in every game I've played, and there is another game where half of the players don't have personal missions," An Yu said, "...but I haven't drawn one once."

"You are so wrong." Shen Mu said involuntarily.

"... You're right." An Yu couldn't refute, looked at Shen Mu's playful face, and suddenly smiled, "So the European spirit of the first half of my life was probably used to meet you."