Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent

Chapter 5: One-sided


"The source of the law he masters should be the law containing a deadly poison." Luo Feng guessed that the Eternal True Gods native to the Origin Continent collected the essence of the blood of exotic beasts to practice, so they often possessed some very special talents, and even mastered some rare sources of laws.

Nineteen spikes bombarded from all directions, and Luo Feng could not help but stagger and look quite embarrassed. He also had many wounds on his body, but the wounds healed instantly. The speed of divine power consumption was not as fast as the speed of divine power replenishment of a small universe with a diameter of 100 billion light years.

“After being poisoned by my law, you can still resist my black water cone?” The black-robed figure was secretly shocked when he saw this scene.

Hei Duomo was best at two methods, one of which was the poison of law! This poison of law was strange and unpredictable, destroying the divine body and corroding consciousness. The weak ones were killed on the spot, and the strong ones would also be weakened.

But he didn't know.

Luo Feng's perfect divine body was corroded by the poison of the law, and it couldn't shake his divine body at all. As for the impact on the soul consciousness

Luo Feng has the Star Tower to protect the Heart of the True God, and he also has a soul will that has reached the peak of the Chaos Level, which cannot be shaken by this little bit of law poison.

"Is that all you have to do to poison someone?" Luo Feng smiled, and a knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

It was the blade of the God-King-level weapon, the 'Blood Shadow Blade'. The blade was dim with a hint of blood light. The moment Luo Feng grasped the blade, the source of the law of life and death was naturally activated. Countless gray blade lights appeared from nothingness, naturally sweeping in all directions and forcing back all those spikes.

The Life and Death Sword from "Nine Swords to Break the World"!

When Luo Feng was breaking through the reincarnation channel, he obtained a massive amount of inheritance from the two lineages, so naturally he had to choose the inheritance that suited him.

In addition to the two core inheritances of "Duanmie" and "Donghua" of the Duandonghe lineage, Luo Feng also chose a body-refining secret method "Chaos Power Diagram" because he himself possessed a perfect divine body, as well as the main swordsmanship "Nine Swords of Breaking the Realm", and also selected "Nine Nightmare Realms" for the original ancestor.

However, due to the short time, the extremely difficult "Duanmie" and "Donghua" as well as the Eternal True God level part of the "Chaos Power Diagram" which requires a lot of resources have not been practiced yet.

He has only comprehended one of the Nine Boundary-Breaking Swords, and it is the sword of life and death that best matches the 'Source of Life and Death' that he has mastered!

“You’ve been poisoned by my laws, yet you still dare to act so arrogant?” The black-robed figure laughed loudly. His figure twisted and grew larger. In the blink of an eye, he became as majestic as a mountain.

He was now covered in scales, like a monster standing upright, with four thick thighs, a sturdy body, eight dark blue arms, and three heads that resembled lizard heads.

Black Domo had three heads and eight arms, each of his claws holding a black spear. Poisonous gas spread out from his three heads with every breath he took. The poisonous gas spread over an area of thousands of miles, withering a large amount of vegetation.

The three huge heads, towering like mountains, stared at Luo Feng at the same time and growled, "Why don't you reveal your true identity?"

"Just you?" Luo Feng held the knife in one hand and looked up at the huge monster.

The eternal true gods of the Origin Continent usually maintain a humanoid form, and their height is generally about one blade. One blade is a basic unit of length in the Origin Continent. According to the information Luo Feng has learned, the "element" most respected by the ancient beings in the Origin Continent is the humanoid form, so the existences at the level of the God King usually maintain a humanoid form.

Following the example of their superiors, all cultivators from all races in the entire Origin Continent, no matter which race they are from, even the mechanical race, the metal life race, and the plant race, are accustomed to the human form.

But once in battle, one must fully exert his strength and his true form will be revealed!

Only when they see their real bodies can they fully display their strength!

“Maintaining a too small size will restrict their strength, so they have to reveal their true form. Generally, an infinite divine body can be of any size. Even with a small size, one can still exert their strength perfectly.” Luo Feng understood this, and so did he. No matter how big or small his body was, his strength would not be affected.

"Then prepare to die!" The three heads of Heidomo were extremely ferocious. He took huge steps across the clouds and mist and was close in one step. Eight spears covered the sky and the earth and attacked Luo Feng.

Luo Feng's entire body had transformed into a gray blade light.

One was a towering and huge body, the other was a tiny body, and the two collided with each other in an instant.


The sword light contained the mystery of the source of life and death, and it also carried the power of a god-king-level sword embryo, and was infused with the majestic power contained in Luo Feng's perfect divine body. Even though Luo Feng had just become an eternal true god, the power of such a sword was already terrifying.

The spear's power is equally terrifying. Hei Duomo has been the Eternal True God for a long time. He has practiced secret techniques and consumed a lot of resources to elevate himself to the eighth level of eternity. This spear shows his profound background.

The sword and the spear collided.

Luo Feng's tiny body and Hei Duomo's huge body were both shocked and retreated a little.

"No wonder you dare to fight for the rare treasure! You are indeed quite powerful!" Hei Duomo became more serious. The eight black spears coordinated with each other and besieged Luo Feng frantically.

In a head-on collision between the spear and Luo Feng's Life and Death Sword, it could only be considered as being on par with the other.

Now that the eight spears are working together perfectly, the threat has increased several times.

This set of weapon secrets is another of Heidomo's two major methods - "Black Sky Spear Method"! Heidomo has studied this secret method for tens of thousands of years and cultivated a suitable eight-arm divine body! In the form of eight arms, he can perform this terrifying spear method.

At this moment, this set of Black Sky Spear Technique was fully displayed, and Luo Feng only felt that the surroundings were covered with spears.

“My current powerful swordsmanship only has this one move—the Sword of Life and Death!” Luo Feng was quite embarrassed. After all, he came to the Origin Continent right after becoming the Eternal True God and had no time to study the inheritance.

Holding the Blood Shadow Knife, Luo Feng kept moving the Life-Extinguishing Knife back and forth, but was completely suppressed by the eight spear shadows that coordinated with each other in a mysterious way. Occasionally he would be stabbed by a spear, or hit by a chop, causing Luo Feng to fly backwards and fall into the ground!

"What's going on? He has refined his divine body to such a level, how come his swordsmanship is so ordinary?" Hei Duomo became even more cautious. When facing the enemy of the Eternal True God, he never dared to be careless.

How would he know

Luo Feng didn't have time to practice any body-refining secrets. His divine body was so strong because he had just become an eternal true god. His swordsmanship was pretty good, and he had mastered a very powerful swordsmanship.

"I'm afraid there is a conspiracy!" Hei Duomo believed in one thing. He would not easily believe the means displayed by the enemy on the surface.

"Burn the divine power!" Hei Duomo's aura suddenly surged, and his divine power burned up, and his strength, speed, and other aspects all surged. The mighty aura impacted all directions, which surprised Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also immediately burned his divine power: "Divine power burning!"

As one of the three unique skills of the Duan Donghe lineage, "Broken" is too profound! Luo Feng did not comprehend the method of burning divine power at the level of the Eternal True God in a short period of time. His method of burning divine power at this moment is naturally a bit crude, far inferior to the method mastered by Hei Duomo.

"After burning the divine power, his strength didn't increase much? Didn't he get the secret method of burning the divine power? Then where does he get the courage to steal the treasure?" A thought flashed through Hei Duomo's mind.

But in fact the action did not stop.

The eight spears became more and more terrifying.

“Boom boom boom~~~”

Although both sides were burning their divine powers at the same time, Luo Feng's situation was obviously worse. He was completely suppressed and bombarded by spears again and again, and his injuries were obviously more serious.

"Master, do you want me to take action?" A voice sounded in Luo Feng's mind. It was the world beast Morosa who was hiding his breath and watching the battle in the distance.

“I’m having a great time fighting, don’t interfere.” Although Luo Feng was hit again and again, he could withstand this injury with his perfect divine body and almost endless divine power. He fully enjoyed the fight at the level of Eternal True God.

Hei Duomo completely took the upper hand, but he just couldn't kill Luo Feng's divine body, which made him secretly shocked: "What a powerful body refining secret method!"

"Then let him see my killer move!"

"Black Sky Spear Technique: All Worlds Return to One!"

The burning divine power of Heidomo poured madly into the eight spears, and the surrounding heaven and earth twisted. Then Luo Feng saw a spear carrying the power of destroying the world coming in front of him, and it directly hit his head.


This force was much stronger than before, and Luo Feng was knocked down in an instant.

But as it fell, the second spear followed closely, and the third spear...

Almost in the blink of an eye, thousands of spears hit Luo Feng continuously, and each one was continuous. Luo Feng was unable to resist during the fall and could only use his body to withstand the spear attacks.

In less than a breath of time after falling from a high altitude, he was hit by thousands of spears.

Luo Feng was stunned, and felt an endless terrifying force constantly transmitted into his body, constantly annihilating his divine power. He was blasted into the ground, and the terrifying aftermath spread in all directions, causing trees to fall, rocks to collapse, and the strange beasts within a hundred million miles to be silent, all dormant.

Even though the land of the Origin Continent was stable, a huge basin was still blasted out, and Luo Feng was lying in the pit in the center of the entire basin.

"Woo." Luo Feng blinked and sat up straight in the pit.

"Master was beaten so badly." The world beast Morosa, who was watching the battle from a distance with restrained breath, couldn't help but cover his eyes and couldn't help but send a telepathic message, "Master, do you really not need me to take action?"

"No, I'm fine." Luo Feng replied telepathically, then looked up at the towering Black Duomo.

Hei Duomo lowered his head and looked down at the tiny Luo Feng. The three heads were all filled with astonishment: "He's not dead yet?"