Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent

Chapter 74: This night


Outside Menghua Tower.

"Brother Luo He, after all, the five major families rule the entire Huyang City. They will definitely have some tricks up their sleeves, so you must be careful." Zhu You advised.

"I know." Luo Feng nodded.

Zhu You smiled and nodded: "Then goodbye."

Then Zhu You and his men boarded a black flying boat and disappeared into the night sky.

Luo Feng watched them leave.

"Master, shall we go back now?" Morosa asked from the side.

"I have one more thing to do." Luo Feng instantly soared into the sky and flew high into the night sky. This scene made Morosa, Mo Yuqingyan a little confused.

Luo Feng flipped his hand, and a miniature city called "Sin City" appeared in his palm. Looking at the more than 100 million people densely packed in Sin City, Luo Feng shook his head slightly. There was only so much he could do.

"More than 180 million people have survived torture until now. Many of them have twisted minds, and many are confused and crazy." Luo Feng looked at the miniature city in his palm. "The five major families knew that Mei Wuqi was evil, but they always condoned him and helped him cover up. More than 180 million people, each of them is living evidence of his crime!"

Luo Feng knew very well that if hundreds of millions of people appeared somewhere in the wild, the five major families would probably wipe them out quietly.

But if hundreds of millions of people appeared in public in Huyang City, they would be discovered by a large number of people in Huyang City, and countless people would know about it, making it difficult to cover up. The five major families would have to handle this matter carefully and must do it perfectly.

"Come out." Luo Feng held the City of Sin and released the Hailiang people.

Wow wow wow~~~

I saw countless figures being swept out of the city of sin and landing in various places around it.

The area where Menghua Tower is located is a very prosperous area in Huyang City. There are many practitioners from all races who consume and enjoy themselves here. They all saw a large number of figures flying down in the night sky.

"What's going on? There's something wrong with these descending true gods." The practitioners of all races around could tell at a glance that the eyes and aura of the true gods descending from the sky were very abnormal.

Moreover, the space-time suppression of the Origin Continent is too strong, and the true gods cannot fly on their own. At this moment, hundreds of millions of true gods are descending from the sky, which naturally attracts attention.

More than 180 million people were left behind and scattered across a vast area around them.

"here it is?"

Hundreds of millions of people looked around blankly. This extremely prosperous city was so beautiful and peaceful, countless times more beautiful than "Sin City".

"I am Luo He! I have killed Mei Wuqi, the man you all hate so much." A voice was heard by all 180 million people, and even the practitioners of all races in the surrounding vast areas heard it. "Mei Wuqi slaughtered hundreds of millions of people, leaving only 180 million of you alive. As victims, I believe that the City Lord's Mansion will take care of you and make it up to you!"

Under the infusion of divine power, Luo Feng's voice had a wide impact, and practitioners from billions of races in the surrounding area could hear it clearly.

"Meiwuqi was killed? Hundreds of millions of people were slaughtered?"

"What happened?"

The true gods who were staying in their houses walked out of the house, looked towards the source of the sound, and saw the figure in the distant night sky.

The black-haired, pointed-horned figure was none other than Luo Feng!

This figure was firmly remembered by the hundreds of millions of remaining residents of Sin City and billions of practitioners from all races.

"A big event happened in Huyang City! There was a man named Mei Wuqi who slaughtered hundreds of millions of practitioners, and the remaining 180 million were rescued by Lord Luohe." These ordinary true gods were all stunned, and immediately contacted their friends through communication orders to spread the news and talk about the matter.

With billions of practitioners spreading the news, it won’t be long before the entire Huyang City will know about it.

Luo Feng was watching this scene in the night sky, looking at the many survivors who seemed a little crazy.

"The five major families of the City Lord's Mansion, when things can no longer be covered up, let's see how you solve it." Luo Feng said silently. Without the connivance of the five major families, Mei Wuqi could not do this.

Originally, Luo Feng was more inclined towards the City Lord's Mansion, but because of this incident, Luo Feng also developed a dislike for the five major families.

A bunch of dirty things!

“Hoo!” “Hoo!” “Hoo!” “Hoo!” “Hoo!” “Hoo!” “Hoo!”

In the night sky, I saw teams of Huyang Guards flying through the void. In the blink of an eye, millions of Huyang Guards arrived, and more were coming.

"Mei Wuqi secretly abducted hundreds of millions of people from Fangjiu City and massacred many of them. He was discovered by Lord Luohe and has been killed. Please rest assured, all the abducted people, the City Lord's Mansion will compensate each and every one of you! And the City Lord's Mansion will also hold the Mei Wu family accountable!" The commander of the Huyang Guards was in the sky, and his voice spread loudly.

The City Lord's Mansion monitored the entire city and had already locked onto every one of the more than 180 million people released by Luo Feng.

The Huyang guards took the initiative to welcome them.

"The City Lord's Mansion has arranged accommodation for you. Don't worry, you can live in Huyang City in the future, and the accommodation fee will be waived forever." The Huyang guards followed orders and took care of every citizen with great enthusiasm.

"Exempt from residence fees forever?" Those who survived were somewhat flattered.

Luo Feng looked at this scene and said, "Let's go back."

"Okay." Morosa's eyes lit up, the happy moment was about to come!

Mo Yu Qingyan followed behind him, trying to adjust his emotions: "The master I follow publicly killed the leader of Huyang Guards, Qian Yu Chong, and also killed the Eternal True God Mei Wuqi of the Five Major Families! The Black Nether Army watched from the sidelines and did not dare to stop it... Just now, hundreds of millions of True Gods in Sin City were released by the master, and the City Lord's Mansion pushed the blame on Mei Wuqi, not blaming the master at all?"

If he passes the test, he will have a chance to become my disciple.

"My father asked for the opportunity to become my disciple, but I don't quite understand my future master. I only know that he is very strong and he also sympathizes with the weak." At this moment, Mo Yu Qingyan admired Luo Feng even more in his heart.

A large number of Huyang guards arrived through the void, and they were all there to guide the survivors of the City of Sin.

Gao Wushui, one of the ten commanders of Huyang Guard, was naturally present as well.

"I can't do anything to Mei Wuqi, but this Lord Luohe openly tried to kill Mei Wuqi, and even the Black Nether Legion didn't dare to stop him." Gao Wushui was also quite stimulated at this moment.

He realized the importance of strength.

"With such powerful strength, even if he openly kills Mei Wuqi, the City Lord's Mansion will have to endure it."

"A newly promoted Eternal True God like me, who is weak in strength, needs Master's help to take the position of leader of Huyang Guard." Gao Wushui's joy at breaking through to become an Eternal True God has faded.

He realized that although they were both eternal true gods, the gap between them was ridiculously huge.

The people standing at the top of the entire Huyang City are Master Mo Lixiao, the leader of the Food Nation, Xueyun, and this Luohe Divine Lord...

"I'm still very weak, very weak." Gao Wushui turned his head and supervised the Huyang guards working below. There was no room for error in the resettlement of hundreds of millions of people in Sin City.


Within a short period of time, all major forces in Huyang City knew what had happened.

The top floor of Tianyun Building.

Chairman Zanyun looked down at the huge city looming in the clouds and mist, and took out a message order with a flip of his hand.

"Lord Blood Cloud." President Zanyun was also a little humble when he communicated.

On the surface, he was doing normal business and did not participate in any fighting, so the City Lord's Mansion could tolerate his existence. After all, as a large border trade city, it naturally had to tolerate the many chambers of commerce of the neighboring country "Food Country".

President Zanyun knew very well that the Marquis did not take a role like his seriously.

People with super strength like Lord Blood Cloud are the Marquis's confidants.

"President Zanyun contacted me suddenly. Is there something?" Blood Cloud God responded.

"I visited Luo He before. He didn't care much about me, but he had a lot of interactions with the City Lord's Mansion." President Zan Yun said, "But what happened tonight shows that there is a rift between Lord Luo He and the City Lord's Mansion!"

Blood Cloud Lord sent a message: "This Luohe Lord is a loner, with no ties. Judging from his actions, he hates evil and will take action at any time. Judging from our style of action, he is also hostile to us."

President Zanyun was stunned.

Yes, the forces of the Food Kingdom will do anything to achieve their goals. In terms of the harm they have done, they are far more serious than Meiwuqi.

"Be patient and wait for the opportunity. The five major families will not just stand for it." Blood Cloud Divine Lord sent a message, "And judging from the current intelligence, Luo He Divine Lord is very strong, no less powerful than me! Once they start fighting, I guess neither of them will be able to do anything to the other."

"This Luo He is no less powerful than you, Lord Blood Cloud?" President Zanyun was quite surprised when he heard the message. He knew very well how powerful Lord Blood Cloud was.

In his opinion, in a one-on-one fight, Lord Blood Cloud should be even stronger than Mo Lixiao.

After all, Mo Lixiao commanded the army and had the help of Huyang City's formation, but they failed to capture the Blood Cloud God after several battles.

"Yes, he is very powerful." Blood Cloud Divine Lord responded, "It is not difficult to defeat the Purple Jade Hound. The difficult part is... one of his hands pierced through the Purple Jade Hound's body! The Purple Jade Hound is a legion-class mechanical secret treasure. Mo Lixiao should also be able to see the terrifying nature of this Luohe Divine Lord."

Flame Wind Hall.

"One hand pierced through the body of the Purple Jade Hound. What a strong strength." The Yanfeng Pavilion Master was quite looking forward to it. "I am now most looking forward to the outcome of the fight between Ying Cang and this Luohe Divine Lord."

A gray mist figure at the side exclaimed: "Ying Cang is well-known. He has killed many powerful people, even the children of the Lord of Chaos. He is still alive today. His strength is terrifying. This battle will definitely be exciting."

Master Yanfeng shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that I can't see the details of this battle."

At this moment, in the entire Huyang City, only the Yanfeng Guild Hall knew that Lord Luohe was about to be assassinated.

In the night sky outside Chaos A Cave No. 913, which was Luo Feng’s cave, a gray-robed figure was hidden.

Ying Cang is guarding here.

"He goes to Menghua Tower, and will eventually return to the cave. The moment he returns to the cave, his mind will be relaxed, and that's when I will take action." Ying Cang said silently.

Since they wanted to kill Luo Feng, they naturally reserved detailed information at the Yanfeng Hall.

Once Yanfeng Guild Hall knows the information about Luo Feng's every move, it will simultaneously provide it to Ying Cang.

The service was expensive, but Ying Cang didn't care.

"Luo He is quite compassionate to the weak. For those weak people who were slaughtered, he even turned against the five major families in Huyang City." Ying Cang looked at the information sent by Yanfeng Hall and found it very interesting. "Luo He and I have different personalities. I will kill the target quietly without leaving any traces. But he is rampant! He kills in public and does it in front of the Huyang Legion."

“One hand pierced through the body of the purple jade beast? It’s quite powerful. I wonder if it can withstand my sneak attack.” Ying Cang didn’t care. He didn’t even look at Hu Yangwei’s mechanical secret treasure.

He waited patiently.

Time is passing, and Ying Cang is very patient.


In the distance, a flying boat swooped down from the sky. When it got near the cave, the door of the cave opened automatically.

"We're back." After putting away the flying boat, Luo Feng, Morosa, Mo Yu Qingyan flew down together.

Thanks to the new leaders who gave rewards: OIOIIOIIOIO, Martell_1984, The Strongest Judgement in the Universe