Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent

Chapter 79: The spiritual path of life


As Luo Feng stretched out his hand, strands of world beast power appeared and quickly combined, soon forming a seemingly perfect structure.

Morosa looked at him in surprise. "Huh?"

Morosa had long known that the master's divine power could also be transformed into the power of a world beast. However, he only achieved a breakthrough in this physical training after he had entered the Chaos Realm for a long time.

"They look similar on the surface, but they are somewhat different inside." Morosa said after careful observation.

"A slight mistake can lead to a huge error." Luo Feng nodded. "I am not as advanced as you in terms of the origin of destruction, so I cannot imitate you perfectly. One must thoroughly understand the composition of a substance before being able to change it perfectly. Otherwise, you can only disguise the surface at best. For example, if you have seen a God King in person, he can disguise himself very similarly on the surface, but his inner self is a million miles away. And he also lacks the 'realm'. The 'realm' in the body is the core of the body refining method and the key to having such a strong body."

Luo Feng shook his head. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't create a new world.

Luo Feng looked at the structure of the Beast Power floating above his palm: "It looks perfect, but in fact it is unstable and will collapse at any time."

Morosa watched from the side.

He can't help his master. He grows up naturally by eating and drinking. The thought of studying secret methods makes him feel headache.

"Go and do your thing." Luo Feng waved his hand and sent Morosa away. Luo Feng was alone, silently looking at the floating structure of the power of the world beast in front of him.

So beautiful! Morosa, the darling of the origin of destruction, has mastered a body-refining method... ... I'm afraid that he is among the best at the same level in the entire Origin Continent.


Luo Feng stretched out his hand to disperse the power structure of the beast and began to construct it with divine power.

The divine power formed exactly the same structure, but it looked so strange.

"No, that's totally wrong." Luo Feng shook his head.

Luo Feng was alone in the Star Tower, trying to modify, simplify and incorporate his own ideas, and tried his best but failed to figure out a stable divine power structure.

"Your realm is not high enough. It is wishful thinking to research a set of body refining methods just by imitating." Luo Feng smiled lightly and dispersed the remaining divine power structure in the air.

"You still need to accumulate enough realm, and then slowly explore."

Luo Feng looked into the distance.

In the corner of this layer of space, there is a small space sealed off, where five chaos layer creatures are flying happily. As long as they are fed with a certain amount of chaos items, they can live a carefree life.

Before, Luo Feng often observed creatures in the Chaos Layer, but after breaking through to the Chaos Realm, the laws of the Chaos Layer creatures became materialized, and they seemed to be alive.

"As if it's alive and possesses spiritual laws of chaos?" Luo Feng's face changed slightly.

In the hometown area of the original universe, Luo Feng's divine power incarnated and headed straight for the original universe. The original universe's origin, the core.

The origin of life.

Luo Feng came here again, looking up at the Avenue of the Origin of Life.

It has different phases and looks different when viewed from different angles. After Luo Feng mastered the law of chaos, he felt that the origin of life was not that difficult to understand.

"My realm was too weak before, and I actually thought that the silver water drop creatures only complied with the complete law of chaos. I was wrong, wrong." When Luo Feng faced the vast avenue of the origin of life, he knew he was wrong.

This endlessly winding dragon before your eyes can be viewed from different angles, and you can even see a dragon skeleton connecting the entire thing.

The information contained in this winding dragon bone made Luo Feng suddenly see flowers blooming.

The furry creature broke out of its shell.

An ancient tree that had lived for who knows how many years suddenly developed a spirit one day and became a plant life.

The Spirit of Life is the magic point of life.

With a little gift of the spirit of life, even a stubborn stone can come alive and become a rock-like creature.

"Silver water drop creatures don't have a clear consciousness, can't think, and can't communicate, but their life essence is very high." Luo Feng thought, "Even their most basic life structure - a drop of silver water - contains life spirits. Like humans and many animals, blood, bones, muscles, etc., they don't have life spirits. Only when the soul is integrated into the body can it be considered life."

Even the True God, the Void True God, and the Eternal True God are all like this; the soul is the root!

“Some plant life, the whole plant, breeds a little spirituality.”

"As for the silver water drop creatures, each drop of them contains life spirit, making the life formed by the final fusion extremely powerful."

"I thought it was just complete chaos law at its core."

"I only now realize that its core is the law of chaos and is integrated with the spirit of life, but its spirituality is not very high." Luo Feng looked at the dragon skeleton of the endless winding dragon in front of him and faced the origin of life. Luo Feng understood how terrifying it would be if the spirituality of life was strong enough.

A little spirituality can make a stubborn stone come alive.

How terrifying would it be if every drop of divine power contained spirituality

If it contains powerful spirituality, every bit of divine power will seem alive, its essence will transform, and the strength, speed, and toughness of the divine body will soar rapidly, and its own divine body will become incomparable. Luo Feng thought, "Even if I want, my own divine power can generate independent consciousness and give birth to a new life."

A drop of your own blood, under your own intentional guidance, can form another powerful and vibrant life.

These living lives are limited by how much power one bestows upon them! The more divine power one bestows upon them, the greater this independent life will be.

"If the God King differentiates his own flesh and blood, he may be able to differentiate into thousands of Chaos Realm incarnations." Luo Feng thought, "The differentiated flesh and blood is part of his divine body. If it is differentiated out, he will also become weak."

The spiritual path of living beings.

The so-called enlightenment of life and the creation of powerful incarnations are all auxiliary purposes. For those who follow this path to become God Kings, their divine bodies are the most terrifying.

Their divine bodies are upgraded versions of the silver light water drop creatures!

Some of their flesh and blood can be condensed into weapons! Destroying them is as difficult as destroying a god-level secret weapon!

"My realm is low, and I can only see part of the spiritual path of life." Luo Feng looked at the endless winding dragon in front of him, "Maybe there are other terrifying places."

The ancestor of the Snow Realm mastered one of the branches of the origin of life, and his ability to preserve his life reached an incredible level. He committed heinous crimes, but he is still alive to this day.

The origin of life has many branches. The more branches you master, the more terrifying it is. If you can integrate many branches into one, you can master the complete origin of life. Luo Feng looked up at the endless winding dragon in front of him.

The existence that masters the complete origin of life is like this endless dragon, and is the embodiment of the concept of life.

"Life spirituality." Luo Feng sat cross-legged, carefully observing the vast avenue of origin and studying the dragon bone of the endless winding dragon.

Luo Feng knew that his realm was shallow, and he only studied some information similar to the spirituality of the silver light water drop creature. When he could perfectly transform the silver light water drop creature, it would mean that he had made a small achievement in the path of "life spirituality".

Time goes by day by day.

In Luo Feng's eyes, there was only that dragon bone containing endless spiritual information. Luo Feng continued to absorb the information. The more he learned, the deeper his understanding of the spirituality of the silver light water droplet creature became. He didn't know how long it had been.

"I should be able to transform." After Luo Feng's understanding of the spirituality of life accumulated to a certain level, he naturally gained confidence.