Swallowed Star

Chapter 12: Five hearts to heaven


"En." Luo Feng nodded excitedly.

The chief instructor Wu Tong beside the nerve response testing machine said with a smile: "Okay, next one, Bai Yang."

Luo Feng walked up to Yang Wu, Yang Wu looked surprised, and lowered his voice, "Madman, congratulations, you are now a quasi warrior. Once you pass the actual combat assessment, you will be a warrior!" Luo Feng also lowered his voice. Said in a low voice: "Brother Yang, you must pass the nerve response test without any problem. Then we will conduct the actual combat assessment together."

"En." Yang Wu was also looking forward to it.

Then Luo Feng and Yang Wu focused their attention on the people who were being assessed.

Soon, two people tested one after another, one succeeded and the other failed.

"The last one, Yang Wu!" Chief Instructor Wu Tong shouted.

Yang Wu took a deep breath. He had waited too long for this day, and he had been stopped in the speed test all the time. Now he is finally qualified to take the nerve reaction test in the Extreme Clubhouse.

"Come on." Luo Feng shouted encouragingly.

"rest assured."

Yang Wu strode directly into the range of the red circle. As the chief instructor Wu Tong pressed the start button, the muzzle of the nerve response testing machine immediately began to rotate, and soon reached an extremely fast rotation speed. Dozens of guns inside the muzzle The mouth instantly shot out rubber bullets one by one, covering the red circle.

I saw Yang Wu moving quickly, within the range of one step forward, backward, left, and right, very concise.

"Huh?" Luo Feng watched Brother Yang's evasive movement, secretly surprised, "Brother Yang's movement seems to be a little stiff. It's not as flexible and fast as mine, but Brother Yang's movement seems to be very efficient. The range of evasion was not large, he didn't use the 3.6 meters diameter of the red circle at all, but only moved within one step forward, backward, left, and right."

Yang Wu's movement range is small, but his evasion efficiency is very high.

"This kind of movement technique is indeed very useful in actual combat. However, it needs to be very finely controlled in combat. Otherwise, if there is a slight error, the monster's sharp claws may tear the warrior's body!" Luo Feng commented secretly, at least In Luo Feng's view, this kind of movement method is highly efficient, but it is also very dangerous.

It's like dancing on a knife's edge.

"Woo~~" Soon, a minute passed, and the muzzle of the nerve response testing machine stopped rotating.

"60 seconds, was hit 52 times, did not touch the red light, qualified. Passed!" Chief Instructor Wu Tong said.

Yang Wu in the red circle clenched his fists excitedly, his arms were full of veins, and tears were faintly in his eyes. He had waited too long for this day. Finally, he realized his dream, and he was only one step away from the legendary title of warrior.

"Yang Wu." Chief Instructor Wu Tong frowned and shouted, "Your movement to evade attacks belongs to the 'delicate' level of evasion. In the life-and-death fight with monsters, through small body movements, the monster's attack Passing by the body, you can't hurt yourself! Because the body movement is small, naturally you can make more dodges in the same time, and the efficiency is extremely high."

"However, this movement method is extremely difficult. Once there is a slight error, the monster's sharp claws in your calculations are two centimeters away from your body, and it cannot hurt you. However, if there is an error... the monster's sharp claws may scratch Go through your body. Rip you open! In fighting monsters, if you make a mistake, you're likely to die. So—”

"I advise you, when fighting monsters in the future, when dodging, try to dodge as far away as possible. Let yourself have room for maneuver." The chief instructor Wu Tong said solemnly, "Your current strength, it is best to use basic body skills Good training. The effect is even better."

Yang Wu was startled, then Zheng nodded emphatically: "Yes, chief instructor."

"Yang Wu, you have to keep in mind the words of the chief instructor. On the way of martial arts, you must not be greedy for merit. The body skills at the micro level are very powerful. But if you don't have the strength to use this level of body skills, if you force them to use them, you will only imitate them and let them go in vain. It's a joke." Instructor Jiang Nian earnestly asked.

Chief Instructor Wu Tong said with a smile: "Okay, this quasi-warrior assessment, a total of three people passed the test, namely Luo Feng, Bai Yang, and Yang Wu."

Luo Feng, Yang Wu, and Bai Yang all had suppressed joy in their eyes.

If it wasn't for a group of senior warriors around, I'm afraid they would have shouted excitedly.

"Everyone, the next thing, and the signing of the actual combat assessment contract, etc., you can help me." Said, the chief instructor Wu Tong looked at a silver-haired black-robed man who had been standing on the edge, and said with a smile, "Captain , let you wait so long, sorry, let's go, let's go out."

team leader

Luo Feng and the other three were taken aback. The chief instructor is the chief of the Xtreme Martial Arts School in the entire Yangzhou city, with a very high status. He called 'Captain', so what is the identity of this silver-haired man in black robe

The silver-haired black-robed man glanced at Luo Feng and the three of them. For a moment, Luo Feng felt that the silver-haired black-robed man's eyes were like the boundless starry sky, and his whole body sank into it in an instant. Jiling, the whole person wakes up. "What's going on?" Luo Feng suddenly noticed that the expressions of Yang Wu and Bai Yang beside him became dull.

"It's terrible, one look makes us completely dumbfounded." Luo Feng was shocked.

This strength is too terrifying.

For example, if two people are fighting, before they have fought, the other party's eyes will make him unconscious. I am afraid that when he wakes up, he will have been pierced by the other party's knife in the heart.

The silver-haired man in black robe smiled slightly, and looked at Luo Feng in surprise.

"Little guy, you have good talent, work hard." The silver-haired man in black robe smiled at Luo Feng.

"Hey, the willpower is not bad, tsk tsk." The chief instructor Wu Tong also nodded in satisfaction.

Immediately, the chief instructor Wu Tong and the silver-haired man in black robe left here directly.

"What's the matter, what happened just now?"

"What's wrong with me?"

Only now did Yang Wu and Bai Yang wake up, they looked at each other and then recalled the previous events, they couldn't help but sweat coldly from fright. Whether it's Yang Wu, Bai Yang, or Luo Feng... Now that they have grown up, the silver-haired man in black robe just now is indeed the scariest person.

"This silver-haired black-robed man has been watching our test from the sidelines. However, from the beginning to just now, I didn't notice his existence at all." Luo Feng was shocked in his heart, "If you don't make a sound, it's as if there is no such thing in the space. Human. Incredible. No…”

When Luo Feng tried hard to recall the appearance of the silver-haired black-robed man, he was shocked to find that—

I only remember the pair of eyes that make people sink in, but I can't remember what that person looks like at all.

"You three come here."

Instructor Jiang Nian and a group of warriors looked at the three of them with a smile, "Come to the martial arts hall."

From the nerve reaction test room, he entered the spacious martial arts hall.

"These are three contracts for the actual combat assessment of warriors." One of the obese old men took out three contracts from the corner of the martial arts training hall, "Once you participate in the actual combat assessment of warriors, if you are killed by a monster during the process, it has nothing to do with my extreme martial arts gym." !Of course, the death rate of warriors in actual combat assessment is very low."

Luo Feng, Yang Wu, and Bai Yang all accepted the contract and looked through the contents.

"The death rate is low, but the disability rate is not low." A bald man said in a low voice, "The actual combat assessment of warriors is to fight monsters to the death! Of course, this is the most basic fight. When you really go to the dangerous area alone in the future The danger of hunting monsters is much more terrifying than the actual combat assessment of this warrior. If you can't even pass this level, you are not qualified to be a warrior."

Luo Feng, Yang Wu and Bai Yang looked at each other.

The contract is very simple, the main point is that Xtreme Martial Arts will not be responsible for any death or disability during the actual combat assessment.

Without hesitation, the three of them took the pen next to them and signed their names.


The instructor next to him, Jiang Nian, smiled and said, "Okay, today is July 1st, and there is one month before the actual combat assessment. During this month, you have to prepare well. That's right." Said the instructor Jiang Nian walked to the keyboard next to him, Quickly pressing some buttons, a huge transparent screen appeared on the wall of the martial arts hall, and an article appeared on the screen.

It's called "Gene Energy Training Method".

"Huh?" Luo Feng couldn't help holding his breath.

The reason why the warriors are so powerful is that some of the top warriors can move faster than the speed of sound! One knife can split a steel plate several meters thick! Of course, the current strength of Luo Feng and the others is far behind the legendary powerhouses.

Why are warriors so powerful

Relying on the original energy of genes!

"Back then, during the Great Nirvana period. Humans were infected with the RR virus and produced antibodies, which led to natural changes and optimization of the body's genes." Instructor Jiang Nian said with a smile, "When the genes are optimized to a certain extent, they will be able to absorb the energy of the universe and integrate into it." Every cell in the body! During this process, genetic optimization, bones, cells, blood, internal organs, skin, etc. will undergo continuous evolution and improvement!"

"Your bones can become ten times and a hundred times harder than diamonds, and your internal organs are so powerful that you can hold your breath in water for half an hour or even longer!"

"All of this depends on you absorbing the energy of the universe, integrating it into every cell, and becoming your own energy. That is—genetic energy!"

Instructor Jiang Nian pointed to the article on the screen: "This is the method of cultivating genetic primordial energy—five hearts to heaven cultivation method! It is also the only method of cultivating genetic primordial energy on the entire earth."

Luo Feng immediately read this article carefully.

The original energy of genes, the optimization of human genes, the reliance of evolution!

"So that's how it is." Luo Feng took a closer look and understood.

Ordinary people cannot cultivate, because the degree of genetic optimization is not enough. Generally, the boxing force reaches 900 kilograms, the speed is 25 meters per second, and the nerve reaction speed is on the qualified line of quasi-warrior. When this level is reached, the degree of genetic optimization has almost reached the passing line. Ninety percent of the quasi-martialists can start to practice genetic primordial energy!

"You guys can start to try to practice genetic primordial energy this month." Instructor Jiang Nian said with a smile, "As for the most precious 'guidance technique', you can wait until you become warriors, join my extreme martial arts gym or the army, etc. acquired."

There is only one method of cultivating genetic energy in the whole world.

However, there are tens of millions of Daoyin techniques in the world. Practicing different Daoyin techniques can make the speed of cultivating genetic primordial energy very different. Even the difference is dozens of times. Daoyin is the most precious of all forces.