Swallowed Star

Chapter 123: Leaderboard changes


In the trial room, Luo Feng turned on the lights.

Luo Feng lay on the sofa and picked up the blue helmet beside him. This consciousness sensor 'helmet' reflected a dazzling blue light under the light.

"The farther you can go, the better!" Luo Feng whispered, kissed the helmet, and then put it on directly.


On the endless silver land, the sky is the boundless universe starry sky.

The only building, the seven-story giant tower that wants to pierce the sky - the trial tower.

Luo Feng came to the main entrance of the trial tower familiarly, and a message about himself appeared on the left pillar of the trial tower.

"Name: Luo Feng

Sex: Male

Status: Official student of elite training camp

Trial tower level: 1.6"

Luo Feng smiled, and quickly changed into combat uniforms, weapons, shields, etc. under the reminder of the virtual space. Then step directly into the trial tower.

On the vast prairie, Luo Feng appeared out of thin air.

"Luo Feng." The electronic voice echoed throughout the prairie, "You have completed the first layer of the B-stage trial, and the next step is the C-stage trial. The goal is to kill 200 reckless bulls within 50 minutes. Among the bull monsters, there are 190 low-level generals and 10 medium-level generals, good luck!"

Luo Feng grinned, his gaze was like a knife's edge.

After nearly a month in the training camp, Luo Feng was very clear about what he encountered in each stage of the trial tower. In the original B stage, there were 100 low-level beast generals, but this time there are 200 heads, and there are 10 intermediate beast generals. But he is only in the body of a junior general.

All must be resolved within 50 minutes to be considered a success!

"Huh~~" In an instant, two hundred reckless oxen appeared on the grassland, and there were even a few giant reckless oxen with fiery red horns.


The earth trembled, and under the leadership of ten medium-level beast-level bulls, the herd rushed towards Luo Feng like a roaring wave! With Luo Feng's physical fitness, if he is hit head-on once, he will probably lose his combat effectiveness and be trampled into a pulp by the cattle. So you can't make a single mistake.

"Come on!" Luo Feng grinned and rushed towards the entire herd with a hexagonal shield in one hand and a blood shadow sword in the other!

When Luo Feng was conducting the level assessment of the Trial Tower, through the dissemination of the six African students, many other students knew about it. This Huaxia student 'Luo Feng' who has just entered the training camp and rushed to the 126th place in the leaderboard has never passed the test tower level assessment.

Just started testing today!

Without the assessment, they are already ranked 126. After the assessment, do you want to break into the top 100

Immediately, many students who were eating also finished their meals quickly, and one by one rushed to the giant black dragon sculpture at the main entrance of the training camp, paying attention to the changes on the ranking list of the black dragon sculpture. In fact, this ranking is almost constantly changing, and it will not stop changing until 12 o'clock in the middle of the night on the 28th.

At this time, in city 1001 in the wilderness area, on the top floor of a dilapidated three-story villa.

Candice Polinas, wearing a black combat uniform, was sitting alone on the ground, holding a water bladder in one hand to replenish himself with some water. Although he is the first heir of the Bolinas family, one of the nine core families of the HR Alliance, Candice did not relax his demands on himself.

"One's own strength is the most fundamental. Everything else is imaginary!" Candice swallowed a little saliva, "Today is already the 26th, and there are only two days left before the end of this month's ranking. It seems that this Once, I was in the top 50 no problem."

Candice's current ranking is already 39th.

"Let's see if we can break into the top 30." Candace's nose was straight and his eyes were cold. "I didn't expect that Huaxia kid to improve so fast, and now he has rushed to more than 120." Since the first time his friend After the bet between William and Luo Feng, the small group headed by Candace often troubled Luo Feng.

For example, in the wilderness area, snatching Luo Feng's prey.

Or destroy Luo Feng's hunt.

The training camp only prohibits 'cannibalism' and 'private trading', and these disruptive behaviors are not punished.

"Huh?" Candace looked at the communication watch on his wrist.

"William's call?"

"Call back!"

Candace issued an order, and the call was quickly connected.

"William, you always call me when I'm in the wilderness, do you miss me?" Candice teased.

"Candice, let me tell you something... That Huaxia boy just passed the trial tower level assessment today." William's voice came from the communication watch.

"What does his trial tower level assessment have to do with us." Candice just finished speaking, his expression changed, "What did you say... He, he just conducted the trial tower level assessment today? Could it be that he has been doing this for the past 26 days? Didn't take the test? Without the test, he could reach more than 120, how is this possible? Impossible!"

Candace was very upset with Luo Feng, and naturally he didn't want to believe that Luo Feng was so strong.

"I don't want to believe it either, but my brother, I have to tell you that this is the truth. This Luo Feng is currently undergoing an assessment in the trial room. And now, at the training camp, there are dozens of students in the Black Dragon Ranking Look at the list and wait for the ranking to be refreshed. Even the teachers from the training camp have come over." William spoke fluent English and spoke extremely fast, "If this Luo Feng can really be the first to come to the training camp, Breaking into the top 100 in a month is a big deal.”

"I do not believe!"

Candice's eyes are like poisonous snakes, "I absolutely don't believe he can break into the top 100."

"I don't want to believe it, but if you are in the training camp now, you will know." William said helplessly.

"Keep an eye on the black dragon carving for me, don't hang up the phone, and notify me as soon as there is a refresh!" Candace ordered.


Virtual space, the first floor of the trial tower, on the vast prairie.

A mang ox carcass was lying around, the grass was stained red with blood, and Luo Feng's body was covered in blood, he stepped on a mang ox carcass, his face was pale, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

"It took 41 minutes and 26 seconds to kill 190 low-level beast-level oxen and 10 intermediate-level oxen. Passed the C-level stage and passed the first floor of the trial tower. Congratulations, student Luo Feng." Electronic voice It sounded, and the entire prairie disappeared completely in a flash of light, and the endless world around it turned into a desert!

Boundless desert!

This is the second floor of the trial tower. According to Luo Feng's knowledge, each floor of the trial tower has three stages of ABC. For example, on the second floor of the trial tower, after completing stage A, it is 2.3, after completing stage B, it is 2.6, and after completing stage C, it is 3.0.

And now, Luo Feng has just completed the C stage of the first floor of the trial tower, which is 2.0.

"I didn't expect that from the 100 bulls in stage B to the 200 bulls in stage C, it would become so terrifying." Luo Feng recalled the previous killing, still feeling a little scared, "there are 10 medium beast generals The super bulls are here, and the medium beasts alone are not a big threat, the most troublesome thing is...they lead the other bulls separately, forming organized attacks one after another."

Unlike the aimless siege of Luo Feng in stage B.

Phase C is organized.

If Luo Feng's saber skills were not much stronger than in the past, Luo Feng would have failed in a bull collision.

"Luo Feng, congratulations on completing the trial on the first floor. The next stage is the trial on the second floor of the trial tower. Your goal is to kill 50 'Elementary Beast General' Iron Armored Scorpions within 10 minutes. Good luck." The electronic voice of the virtual space echoed over the entire desert.

The iron armored scorpion is a monster that is often seen in desert areas, and it is the most numerous of the scorpion monsters.

"According to what other students said, the Iron Armored Scorpions are relatively small in size, and they can make more than ten or even twenty of them attack humans at the same time! Moreover, they dodge strangely and are extremely difficult to deal with. This second stage A stage is more difficult than before. It's several times harder!" Luo Feng was also under a lot of pressure.


In the endless desert, suddenly, scorpions with dark red carapace crawled out of the desert. Obviously, each of these scorpions could easily get into the desert. Each scorpion's carapace is dark red, and its long, pointed tail is jet black. No one doubts the power of the scorpion's tail.

Phase A trial on the second floor of the trial tower, start!

In the city of No. 1001 in the wilderness area, Candice was leaning against the wall, chatting with William from time to time.

"It's changed, Luo Feng's ranking has changed!" William's exclamation came from the communication watch.

"How much has it become?" Candace was surprised.

"From 126th to 108th."

Hearing this, Candace took a deep breath and turned into the 108th in the training camp. It's really scary for a rookie who just entered the training camp to rush to 108 in the first month. At this moment... Candice felt a bit of regret in his heart. With Luo Feng's current achievements, the future is destined to be terrible.

But since it's against each other...

"Big deal, don't provoke him and don't approach him in the future." Candice sneered, "What's more, he is only 108th. He hasn't even entered the top 100 yet."

Candice didn't know that the reason why Luo Feng's ranking jumped from 126th to 108th was because Luo Feng passed the C-stage trial, and the level of the trial tower changed from '1.6' to '2.0'. This represented that Luo Feng's points had increased by a quarter! This is the amazing progress.

"It's changed again!"

"Candice, the ranking has changed again." William's voice came from the communication watch.

"How many?"

"It has become the 99th! It has broken into the top 100!"

Candace's expression changed.

In the training camp, in front of the black dragon carving at the main entrance.

Dozens of students and more than a dozen God of War teachers, when they saw that the leaderboard was refreshed again, and Luo Feng appeared at No. 99, they were all very excited and marveled over there.

"The rookie broke into the top 100 in the first month. In the history of our training camp, there have only been five times in the past. Those five are all first-class peerless geniuses. The earliest one was twenty years ago. Among these five people , Four are already high-level gods of war. There is one who has broken through to become a god of war and has become an existence beyond the god of war." A strong white man with a big beard from Soviet Russia shouted happily.


"This rookie is named Luo Feng, his body skills, speed, and sword skills should all be very high."

"Quick, hurry up and inform the inspector, and tell the inspector the news!"