Swallowed Star

Chapter 1474: Luo Feng's team


The closest two of the 450,000 world beasts are still separated by tens of millions of light-years. They completely dispersed and fled. Even if Luo Feng knew their coordinates through Morosa, there was nothing he could do.

"Run away."

"Although you little miscellaneous fish are weak, there are too many of them. I can't deal with them, but when you enter the fifth level, there won't be many of you." Luo Feng secretly said.

There are only 900,000 world beasts in total. Even in the most perfect situation, it is estimated that about a hundred fifth-order world beasts will evolve. In fact, some world beasts eat a lot, so the fifth-order world beasts born are probably There are only dozens of them, what I have to do is to kill all the fifth ranks, which is very difficult!

But I have to fight myself!

brush! brush! brush! After Luo Feng caused the world beast Zia to explode, he was teleporting to chase another world beast at a super long distance.

Among the 450,000 world beasts who fought and evolved in the area of the first reincarnation era, there are three world beasts standing at the top! They are Zia, Meng Cricket, and Ang Si.

"Such as Zia, Morosa, Bedi, etc. stood at the top earlier, and they are all absolutely outstanding. This Mongolian cricket rose rapidly due to a coincidence in this fight, and its will may be stronger than Qi's. Ah, Morosa is worse... I should have the possibility to enslave it." Luo Feng thought to himself.

Huh~~~ Chase quickly.

When the news came out that Zia was attacked, the group of beasts including Meng Cricket were all fleeing in different directions, which would make Luo Feng's pursuit more and more difficult.

"Buzz!" The space froze instantly.

"No!" Meng Cricket, the world beast that was running away, was startled. Its two heads turned to look into the distance, and a man with silver armor and silver wings appeared in the distance. Target of Fear - Lords of the Galaxy!

The galaxy lord in the distance glanced at it, and then the endless and vast void around it instantly fell into a small universe, and a powerful binding force acted on it.


Luo Feng approached with a teleport.

In the small universe formed by one's own thought, it is completely possible to condense a small area around the opponent, Luo Feng can naturally teleport to a very close place, and then fly over at high speed.

"Destroy!" the world beast Meng Cricket screamed, and behind him a huge light world beast with the blood-color pattern as the skeleton quickly formed. The two roared at the same time, and a dazzling swirling vortex channel directly strangled Luo Feng.

The Blood Shadow Knife in Luo Feng's hand also swung out instantly.

An equally dazzling white-gold arc-shaped knife light also rushed over in an instant.

The arc knife light and the vortex channel collide!

The vortex channel collapsed first, the arc-shaped knife light cut everything, and then gradually collapsed itself. But at this moment, a drop of water, accompanied by the shock wave of the explosion, invaded the body of the beast Mengcrick silently and instantly.

The Secret of Enslavement - "Three Stars"

The strongest secret method of enslavement created by the super existence 'Jin' of the extinct state of Jin is also the strongest secret method of enslavement in the state of Jin.

"Huh?" Luo Feng carefully examined the world beast Mengciao, his eyes full of expectation.


Hope this enslavement succeeds!

Meng Cricket stood in the void in a daze, motionless, the surrounding shock waves had gradually weakened, and the void gradually recovered.

"Ha..." Luo Feng sensed Meng Cricket's soul, and Meng Cricket's soul was under his control, which made Luo Feng smile, "Meng Cricket, wake up."

Meng Cricket's two one-eyed eyes gradually recovered.

"I, I'm the king." World Beast Meng Cricket said in a daze, looking at Luo Feng in front of him, it was fully awake, with the slightest bit of bitterness, immediately respectfully said, "See you, Master."

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded, "I'm going to hunt down Ang Si. You go to hunt down the other beasts that are closest to you."

"Yes, master." The world beast said respectfully.

brush! brush!

Luo Feng and the world beast Meng Cricket teleported respectively, chasing and killing them in different directions.

It is impossible for him to act together with Meng Cricket. Once he brings Meng Cricket with him, other world beasts will find out ahead of time, which will make it much more difficult for him to hunt and kill. But letting Meng Cricket act alone can make those fleeing beasts change their direction in a panic, making it easier for him to hunt down.

"Meng Cricket is enslaved."

"Meng Cricket is enslaved."

"It has defected to the Lord of the Galaxy, just like Morosa."

All the fleeing beasts have sensed it, and they can still sense the existence of Morosa and Meng Cricket, but they obviously belong to another camp.

They hate it.

"Beware of the Lords of the Galaxy's laws of enslavement."

"Don't be enslaved by him."

"Once you are caught up by the Lord of the Galaxy, you would rather blow yourself up immediately than be enslaved."

When Luo Feng attacked 'Ansi', the last of the top three world beasts, he discovered that he had just cast a small universe, and Ansi blew himself up without even fighting him.


The shock wave radiated in all directions and impacted on Luo Feng.

The wings behind Luo Feng fluttered slightly, but he frowned: "Just now I successfully enslaved the crickets, these beasts are so crazy that they will blow themselves up as soon as I catch up to them?"

In fact, the world beasts have no choice.

Bedi, Zia, and Meng Cricket are all fifth-order realm beasts, but none of them can escape when they encounter Luo Feng. This made the beasts understand that no matter how hard they struggle, they will die. If this is the case, as long as Luo Feng catches up with them, they will explode themselves. Otherwise, being enslaved will only increase Luo Feng's strength.

In Luo Feng's small universe.

In the ship.

While manipulating the huge cosmic sea chart model, Morosa said anxiously at the same time: "Master, you now have nine servants. But I am the weakest one."

Luo Feng glanced at Morosa.


In the previous eight days, Luo Feng killed Zia first, then enslaved Meng Cricket, and made Ang Si blew himself up! Luo Feng then chased a fifth-order world beast... That fifth-order world beast also exploded immediately, which made Luo Feng understand that it might not be enough to enslave him alone, so he acted together with Meng Cricket.

With Meng Cricket, lock on to a target and immediately teleport to chase after it, although the chased beast also knows that 'Meng Cricket' is chasing behind it. But Luo Feng and Meng Cricket kept approaching... because Luo Feng's teleportation distance was really far enough, stronger than the fifth-order world beast.

When catching up, Meng Cricket meets the opponent.

Realm beasts fight each other, and each other's realms respond to each other, even if they want to self-destruct, they can't self-destruct!

When those realm beasts fought in the realm beast's lair, some of them had a lot of hatred, but no one blew themselves up! Because it is impossible to self-detonate if you fight with the same kind... At this time, Luo Feng quietly used the enslavement method to enslave that beast, and he succeeded in a flash.

as time flows.

With this trick, Luo Feng even followed different servants, and at the same time let Meng Cricket and the others surround them one by one, causing some world beasts to flee in panic, enslaving a total of eight world beasts including Meng Cricket.

"This time I will enslave eight realm beasts." Luo Feng looked at Morosa, "Five are fifth-tier realm beasts, three are fourth-tier realm beasts. And you are a second-tier realm beast!"

"However, I promised."

"As long as you try your best to serve me, I will get a lot of world beasts for you to devour." Luo Feng said, "Only one of the world beasts enslaved by me can survive, and you are that one."

Morosa was overjoyed to hear that.

Luo Feng was very calm.

The second level devours the fifth level, and the fifth level swallows the second level, the evolution is the same. As long as the second level swallows the fifth level, it is absolutely possible to reach the fifth level in one step!

Those are my slaves, and a single thought of my own will prevent the slaves from exploding themselves.

"It's doomed, only one of them can survive." Luo Feng thought to himself.

"A world beast..."

"If I'm really powerless to prevent the birth of a sixth-order world beast, then I will try my best to cultivate a first-level world beast." Luo Feng had no other choice, the reason why he enslaved was thinking of this method.

Among the world beasts that he enslaves now, there are a total of five level five world beasts.

Among them, the Mongolian cricket has the highest evolution rate!

But relying on these alone is not enough to give birth to the sixth order!

"Master, look." Morosa pointed to the huge cosmic chart model, "The beasts in the first reincarnation era fled into the 'Lost Sea' early. Master, you also rushed into the Lost Sea to hunt down ...but now, most of the 450,000 world beasts that originally surrounded your small universe have escaped into the Lost Sea, and only 30,000 world beasts are still in the normal sea area of the Cosmic Sea."

"Master, the next chase will be very difficult," Molossa said.

Luo Feng frowned.


The Lost Sea Region is an area that has not been explored by all races of the Cosmic Sea. Once you enter there, you will find no known reference objects, and you will get lost in the depths of the vast Cosmic Sea, and you will never find your way back.

However, the beasts of the world rushed forward one after another, rushing into the Lost Sea! Only 30,000 world beasts did not rush in.

Luo Feng also rushed into the Lost Sea!

The reason why he dared to charge was because even though he was trapped in the Lost Sea, Luo Feng himself always led Meng Cricket and the others to move together. Meng Cricket and the others could clearly sense the location of 'Molosa', and returned completely by induction. This is also the reason why the world beasts dared to enter the Lost Sea Territory.

"It's troublesome, the Lost Sea is endlessly vast, and the beasts are frantically fleeing in all directions." Luo Feng thought to himself, "If I chase this beast, the distance between me and another beast will continue to increase."

After enslaving eight realm beasts.

Luo Feng already felt powerless, because he had to bring a world beast with him to act in the Lost Sea Territory. This makes the fleeing world beasts try their best to distance themselves early... Even occasionally those fleeing world beasts escape through some 'natural wormholes' in an instant. Determine where the opponent is, and then chase in a straight line.

When the opponent escaped through the natural wormhole, Luo Feng was dumbfounded.

Because he couldn't find a natural wormhole!

time flies!

One month, two months, three months...

Luo Feng enslaved eight realm beasts except for Morosa. After killing a group of realm beasts, although he was unwilling, he finally chose to return! While choosing to return, Luo Feng also understood that the birth of the sixth-order world beast was unstoppable.