Swallowed Star

Chapter 1475: born


Luo Feng's real body is on the way back, and Luo Feng's small universe.

"Master." Morosa respectfully said, "Many world beasts have escaped to the Lost Sea Territory of the Cosmos Sea, and 420,000 of the second batch of 450,000 world beasts have all fled into the Lost Sea Territory. The first batch of those realm beasts, those killed by the master and enslaved, are far less than half of the first batch of realm beasts. All the realm beasts that fled to the Lost Sea Territory fight each other, and even two sixth-order realm beasts can be born!"

Luo Feng nodded.

The 900,000 world beasts can probably give birth to three sixth-order world beasts, and only a small part of them are killed and enslaved by themselves, and the rest can give birth to two world beasts.

"However, according to the fate of our beasts, the two sixth-order beasts must fight each other, and only one will survive." Morosa said.

Fate rules.

It is the shackles put on during the process of the birth of the last king by the entire beast group, so as to promote the birth of the last king. There are four iron rules.

The first iron rule is that no two sixth-order world beasts can coexist, they must fight each other, and the clones also fight each other, and only one can survive.

The second iron rule is that within the maximum time limit of the gestation period, the last king must be born, and when the time limit is reached, they are even forced to fight each other and devour the last one alive.

The third iron rule is that if there are only two world beasts left alive, no matter how strong they are, they must fight each other, and only one will survive.

The fourth iron rule, the last living beast, whether it is the first or sixth rank, will become the last king.


Luo Feng frowned. There are too many world beasts. Hundreds of thousands of world beasts have explored different areas in the Lost Sea Area, and a large number of reference objects have been determined. Combining the areas explored by hundreds of thousands of world beasts, the side of the world beasts has already obtained the Lost Sea Area. A chart of part of the area! This makes it easy for the beasts to escape quickly through the 'natural wormhole'.

But Luo Feng couldn't chase because he didn't have a chart!

Once the chart is confirmed.

It made it impossible for Luo Feng to chase after him, so he was forced to retreat.

"There are still 30,000 world beasts left." Morosa respectfully said, "I didn't go to the Lost Sea, they were all completely scattered, scattered in the three major Jedi. It is very difficult to hunt and kill."

Luo Feng understood.

The remaining 30,000 world beasts are the 'Lighthouse'.

Those realm beasts who fled to the Lost Sea Territory, although they had produced charts in some areas, they could not return by themselves because they escaped too far.

"In the future, sixth-order world beasts will be born." Morosa said, "Sensing the positions of some remaining world beasts, they will be able to kill back to our cosmic sea. They may be worried that the master will kill all the remaining world beasts, and kill all the remaining world beasts." We, the realm beasts who have taken refuge in our master, have made them lost forever, unable to return. So there are a lot of realm beasts left behind, thirty thousand! In a short period of time, the master simply cannot kill them all."

It's brutal.

But Luo Feng must do his best. When the deity returns, he must first go to Qingfeng Realm!

Qingfeng's world is extremely vast, divided into many special areas, and now those world beasts are special and drill! They even fled directly into some 'Jedi' places, once entered, it is difficult to come out again.




The 30,000 world beasts left over to serve as 'lighthouses' are all second-order world beasts, and they are not strong enough. They couldn't even explode themselves in front of Luo Feng. They come to devour. Luo Feng will not enslave again... because there is also a limit to the number of soul slaves.


In the Star Tower, Luo Feng with silver armor and silver wings looked at the front from a distance. In the depths of the endless darkness, there was a huge abyss. In the Yongyu domain, once you enter the dark Yong domain, you can't get out at all, and there are a total of 102 world beasts hiding in it."

Does Luo Feng dare to go in

dare not!

He had just let an avatar of divine power drive a mechanical flow ship to enter, and after entering, he couldn't get out at all!

"These world beasts never thought about coming out again." Luo Feng shook his head.

The three great Jedi, there are many similar dangerous places, and there are many who cannot escape if they fall into it, and many world beasts are going to these places! With Luo Feng's means, he can get out of some dangerous places, but he can't get out of some dangerous places.

Luo Feng didn't dare to test it himself, so he could only let the avatar of divine power to test it.

The first two times, the divine power incarnation drove the mechanical flow ship and rushed out. But this time I entered the 'Dark Yongyu Domain' but couldn't get out anyway.

"It's impossible to kill all 30,000 world beasts." Luo Feng sighed, and then drove away from the Star Tower.

The distant lost sea area, the cosmic sea is too vast, and what hundreds of thousands of world beasts have explored is only a small part of it. Now hundreds of thousands of world beasts are gathered in this sea area.

It is a small part, but it is dozens of times wider than the sea area controlled by Luo Feng and the others in the three eras of reincarnation.


"You and me, only one can survive."

Two ferocious world beasts were fighting frantically, blood was spilling, it was extremely crazy.

This kind of fighting is going on in the void, and hundreds of thousands of beasts are fighting and evolving. They are now grasping everything and evolving.

time flies.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a year has passed, and in this lost sea area, there are only two living realm beasts left, and both of them are also sixth-order realm beasts.

"Boom~~~" "Boom~~~~"

The powerful coercion made the void tremble, and the two realm beasts stood facing each other in the void, and one of the realm beasts even held an ax in his hand.

Both of them have more complicated blood-color patterns all over their bodies, and at the same time, there is a single horn growing on their foreheads, and a little white light is shining on the tip of the single horn, which seems to annihilate everything.

They both smell slightly different.

One is even colder.

One is more violent.

"Mohe, we have all stepped into the sixth level, and only one of us is destined to survive."

"Yu, you are dead, let me kill the Lord of the Galaxy and become the last king."

Two sixth-order realm beasts fought a life-and-death battle in the remote Lost Sea Territory.

By, die!

Mohe became the last surviving sixth-order world beast. After devouring Yu, its power quickly climbed to the top of the sixth-order, and then immediately set foot on the road back.

"Lord of the Galaxy!"

"My noble clan of beasts will be the final victors." Mohe was advancing in the void with a divine ax in his hand.

By sensing the position of its partner, it will not get lost.

Those thousands of world beasts scattered in the three great Jedi who have not been captured and beheaded by Luo Feng were all extremely excited. Finally, the sixth-order world beast came.

After about a month, Mohe finally stepped into this familiar sea area again.

"I, here I come." Standing in the vast void, the one horns on both Mohe's skulls were bent, piercing towards the same void above, with a faint white light, and its two one-eyed eyes were flickering madly.

"Mohe, I leave everything to you."


A Tier 2 Realm Beast hiding in Liuzhong Mountain blew itself up.

"Mohe, I believe in you." Another realm beast hiding in the spaceship exploded.

"The last glory of my beast will be guarded by you!"

"Kill that Galaxy Lord!"

"My beast clan is the most noble!"

A number of world beasts blew themselves up one after another. Originally, Luo Feng hadn't had time to hunt them down, or they were hiding in some Jedi and couldn't hunt them down. They blew up one after another! All annihilated.

There is only the last beast left that is truly free and not enslaved——Mohe!

"I, Mohe! I will definitely protect the last glory of my noble beast clan, and never allow that galaxy lord to tarnish it!"

"Roar~~~" Mohe raised his two heads and roared angrily.

At this moment, an invisible fate enveloped it, and it was already the last of the free beasts.

When Luo Feng was still shocked by the fact that those beasts blew themselves up and disappeared one after another, Morosa's expression suddenly changed drastically.




Morosa, as well as several enslaved beasts such as Meng Cricket who was with him in the Three Great Jedi, trembled at the same time and sent voice transmissions to him.

"What's wrong?" Luo Feng felt bad, why the enslaved nine world beasts reported to him at the same time.

"Master!" Morosa exclaimed, "At the same time as those scattered beasts exploded, we sensed our destiny."

"Fate?" Luo Feng was startled.

The world beast family is influenced by fate and has four iron rules.

"There are only the last survivors of the free beasts." Morosa said, "Fate is telling us that we, the submissive beasts, must fight each other to find the last living beast. Then we will fight with the free beasts." World War I... the last king was born. This is the fifth iron rule, and it is also the iron rule that just came."

"What, the fifth iron rule?" Luo Feng's face changed drastically.

The beast side of the free world

The side of the enslaved beast

They had to fight!

Luo Feng also recalled the moment when he was enslaving Morosa, he was warned by the supreme rule. Obviously, the world beast, as the supreme representative of the destroyed life, wanted to enslave...it was difficult. Now there is only the last living beast in the free world, so the fifth iron rule came down because of this, and it must promote the birth of the last king! Obviously not prepared for Luo Feng.

"I have quite a few servants of world beasts under my command. I watch them perform 'destruction' and study them carefully. My realm has been improving. As long as I am given more time...my strength will become stronger. In this catastrophe, I My chances will also increase. But now the supreme rule has given me no time." Luo Feng's expression was solemn.

The opponent has reached the top of the sixth level and can no longer improve.

But I can gradually improve as I practice.

But the fifth iron destiny comes... The last king must be born.

"The final decisive battle?" Luo Feng's eyes shone with complex brilliance.

"Then come on."

Luo Feng drove the Star Tower and began to return to the original universe. The beasts under his command devoured each other, and maybe no sixth-order beasts could be born. Then, in the final confrontation between the free beasts and the enslaved beasts... Of course, he will take action ! If one's own side wins, it will be extremely beautiful.

But if the world beast named 'Mohe' becomes the last king, it will be a real disaster, and everything he guards will be annihilated.

Before this war.

At this moment, Luo Feng was extremely eager to see his relatives.