Swallowed Star

Chapter 1476: It is colorful because of the battle, and it is endlessly bright because of you


Luo Feng returned to the original universe and returned to the Holy Land of the Galaxy.

I am about to go to the final battle. I know the deadline through Molossa, and I don’t have much time left for myself. At this moment, I have no other thoughts, but I just want to see my relatives.


Luo Feng landed on a corridor paved with blue stones. In front of him was a simple courtyard. Outside the gate of the courtyard stood a slim woman in white clothes. Looking at the woman in white, Luo Feng smiled, this is his wife Xu Xin! A wife who always silently supports her behind her back and has no complaints or regrets.

She doesn't demand extravagantly of herself, doesn't force herself to give her more time, is it because she doesn't love her? But when she and the devouring beast were going to die together, when everyone thought she was dead, and Xu Xin also thought she was dead, she chose to die with herself after giving birth to a child.

Love is not bondage.

Instead, silently caring and supporting.

"Feng." Xu Xin smiled, his smile was like a moon in the night sky, making Luo Feng feel peaceful.

A wife is the harbor of one's heart.

Luo Feng stretched out his hand and took his wife's hand: "Go see your parents."

"En." Xu Xin didn't ask much, she had been waiting at this door before, and this courtyard is where her parents lived.

Enter the yard.

Soon, I saw Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan sitting there chatting with each other. Even after the Endless Era passed, their appearance was still the same as before.

"Ah Feng." Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan both stood up.

"Dad, Mom." Luo Feng shouted.

When I saw my parents, it was as if I was still the student who worked hard in the martial arts gym in the era of Earth Base City.

Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan looked at each other, and both felt that something was wrong with Luo Feng. Now Luo Feng has stood at the peak of hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, overlooking all living beings. Usually with his parents, he is very calm, but at this moment Luo Feng lost his composure, like a child who is attached to his parents.

This is so abnormal.

The two of them realized this, but didn't say much.

"Come on, sit down. Xu Xin, sit down too." Gong Xinlan took her son's hand and pulled her to sit aside. Xu Xin also sat down beside Luo Feng.

Luo Feng chatted with his parents and wife, just like ordinary people. Soon, his two sons Luo Ping and Luo Hai also came, and his younger brother Luo Hua also came. The whole family gathered together talking and laughing. But they all lived for a long time, and they all felt that something was wrong with Luo Feng.

It seems normal, but it is abnormal because it is too normal.

Because what time is it

Now facing the world beast catastrophe, Luo Feng has been shouldering the responsibility, how could he come to chat and laugh with his family? But none of them spoke out.

We talked for a long time.

More Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, Luo Ping, and Luo Hai said a lot.

"It's almost there." Luo Feng said suddenly.

Everyone quiet down.

Looking at Luo Feng, no matter how strong he is, he has always cared for his father and mother, as well as his younger brother who grew up with him! There are also two sons who regard themselves as idols... and the wife who has walked with him to this day.

"You should be aware of it too." Luo Feng nodded, "There is indeed a big event, I have been keeping it from you all the time, but this time I won't hide it."

I didn't tell my family about the slaughter in the beast lair, the fight with 900,000 beasts, etc. Although the family knew about the 'World Beast Catastrophe', they didn't know the details at all. But this time... once it fails, all ethnic groups and everything will be annihilated, including myself!

So there's no need to hide it anymore.

"What's wrong? Brother." Luo Hualian asked.



Luo Ping and Luo Hai also looked at Luo Feng anxiously.

Parents and wife also looked at Luo Feng worriedly.

"The catastrophe of the world beasts has reached its final moment." Luo Feng said, "There are only two results in this battle. One is that I win, and then everything is fine for me, humans and other races. The other result is... I lose , then all ethnic groups will be annihilated, all human beings will also fall, the entire primordial universe will be destroyed, and I will die too... no one will survive."

"This is the last battle." Luo Feng said.

Parents, wife, son, and younger brother were all shocked.

Involved in the life and death of hundreds of millions of ethnic groups

"I'm about to leave." Luo Feng said softly, "At the last moment, I just want to meet my parents and you."

With Luo Feng's gaze, he looked at each of his close relatives.

This is his close relative!

"Afeng." Luo Hongguo put his hand on his son's shoulder, hugged him, but smiled, "Actually, I am very proud of your father. I still remember when I was a child, the end of the world came, and it was difficult to survive in the end of the world. I don't know how much I walked on the edge of life and death for the first time, and finally I was lucky enough to enter the base city to survive, and only then did you and Ahua."

Gong Xinlan next to her also hugged her son.

"Your mother and I are very proud. We never thought that we could travel in the vast universe! We never thought that we can experience virtual games one after another, just like real life. Others just live a lifetime, but me and Your mother has lived countless lifetimes."

"Our life is wonderful."

"because of you!"

Both Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan looked at their son.

"Don't have any burdens. I have an old Chinese saying 'a hundred years of life', but we have lived for countless hundred years. Even if we two old guys die, we will die with a smile." Luo Hongguo laughed, "Go, don't Give yourself any burden, fight to your heart's content. Winning is endless glory. Losing, parents will sleep with you."

Luo Feng's eyes were moist.

There is no pain at all, and there is endless happiness.

Luo Feng looked around and looked at his relatives without the slightest fear.

"Actually, I'm very selfish." Luo Feng said, "I don't have much time to spend with Xu Xin, my son, and my parents... I spend more time wandering in the universe, taking risks, and fighting. Although I'm for the earth The survival of the same line, but in fact, I have long been accustomed to a life of adventure and fighting."

"I like wandering around, to see all the mysteries in the universe."

"I like fighting, and dancing between life and death makes my blood boil."

"Without all of these, if my life becomes monotonous, I will only feel flat." Luo Feng shook his head, "Although plainness is a blessing, I am used to fighting and this life."

Luo Feng looked at each of his relatives: "My life is brilliant because of fighting! Without fighting, it would be dull."

"But you." Luo Feng looked at his wife who was hugging his parents, holding his hand, as well as his son and younger brother next to him, "but you are the most important wealth I live in this world! The most important thing in my heart Guardian, you are more important than my life. Without you, this world will be dark."

Yes, loved ones are the most important, they are beyond one's own life, and need to be protected by oneself! Without their loved ones, they will fall into darkness forever, and life would be worse than death.

"My life is brilliant and colorful because of the battle. It is endlessly bright because of you!" Luo Feng looked at his relatives.

Luo Feng let go of his parents and got up: "I should go."

The final battle, involving the life and death of hundreds of millions of races, of course Luo Feng would not hide it, all the true gods of all races knew about it.

The Holy Land of the Galaxy has already gathered the true gods of various races and even a large number of masters of the universe in the square in front of Luo Feng's palace. Luo Feng walked out with his family, and all the races looked over.

"Lord of the Galaxy."

"Galaxy, I leave everything to you."


All ethnic groups understand that the truth is in the end.

Luo Feng walked all the way, passing one by one true god, saw his teacher Chaos City Lord, Zuoshanke, Zhenyan, also saw his good friend brothers Hong, Leishen, Rong Jun, Wuka, and Huyanbo, Baba Tower, as well as some strong men from the earth lineage and even his own brother Wei Wen also came, as well as the strong men from the Youhai lineage (a lineage of many ethnic groups created by Luo Feng), and his own disciples .


"Ah Feng."


"Luo Feng."

They called out their names one by one.

Luo Feng stayed the longest in front of the three teachers, the Lord of Chaos City nodded and said: "You have never let me down before."

Zuoshanke smiled: "I have spent endless efforts to train you, you are better than I expected... But you haven't helped me to do it, you have no right to fall in front of the world beast, this time, you must win."

Zhen Yan patted Luo Feng's shoulder lightly: "You are my best disciple, and you will always be."

Luo Feng walked to the front, turned around and looked at the countless strong men gathered in the palace square, there were monster race and true gods of the Zerg race who had fought with him, there were also vassal races who listened to his orders, and there were also his friends. people who care about…


At this moment, Luo Feng felt even more what he needed to protect in his heart.

"I won't allow it to destroy everything I protect!" Luo Feng said silently, "I protect it with my life and everything I have. I won't allow it! I won't allow it to be destroyed!"

All the strong men of various races looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also looked at all the strong men and smiled: "I will be back!"


Luo Feng turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the distant void.

If you can come back again, it is naturally a success.

If you don't come back, everything will be wiped out. Luo Feng and the others in this era of reincarnation, I am afraid that life in the future era of reincarnation can only go to the Three Great Jedi to find some traces left by them.

Luo Feng is full of strength, that is the strength of the heart!

Because of relatives, because of teachers, because of friends... All of these, he has to protect!

All the good things are absolutely not allowed to be shattered!

For this, I am willing to pay any price!

"Boom!" A ferocious figure of a world beast pierced through the cosmic membrane wall and flew directly into the void, where a silver-armored and silver-winged man stood.

"Master." The world beast Morosa respectfully said.

Luo Feng glanced at Morosa, now Morosa has reached the limit of the fifth level, normally stepping into the third level, stepping into the fourth level, and stepping into the fifth level, every time the threshold is crossed, it takes time to digest. However, under the influence of the supreme rule, Morosa improved in a straight line without any hindrance at all.

Now there is only one enslaved beast left, and only one free beast left.

"Master, Mohe is constantly advancing here, at a very fast speed. Its teleportation distance is obviously far beyond me." The world beast Morosa asked worriedly, "Is the master sure about this battle?" grasp.

"This battle... I will definitely win!" Luo Feng said softly, "Definitely."

Although the voice is soft, it is extremely firm.

Because, Luo Feng has a reason to win.

For everything you want to protect in your heart!

"Let's go!" Luo Feng directly took a teleport of Moluo Sahu, disappeared into the void, and walked directly towards the beast Mohe.