Swallowed Star

Chapter 1485: Beyond Reincarnation (Part 1)


in the solar system.

A pair of men and women in white clothes are standing in the void looking at the huge red planet in the distance, it is a red giant star!

"Even if it's a newborn star." Luo Feng said softly, "Once the primordial universe enters the end stage, it will age and decay rapidly, much faster than normal star evolution, and it will enter the red giant stage so soon."

"Didn't you say that?" Xu Xin smiled next to him, "Now it's entering the end period, the origin of the original universe is absorbing all life energy, absorbing all celestial body energy. Natural decay is fast. Alas... the endless years, every star will come Lifespan, we will move another star for the earth, and now even the earth has left."

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

Not long ago, when the newborn star that had just been moved was rapidly aging, many powerful people from the Earth lineup decided to move the ancestor star "Earth" directly into the small universe. After Luo Feng nodded, he finally moved to Luo Feng's small universe. Luo Feng specially created a void in his own small universe, and completely created the environment of the solar system.

Luo Feng sighed softly: "One reincarnation is about to end like this."

"I still remember the two of us." Xu Xin recalled the past. "At that time, we were just two high school students in the base city era on Earth. I never thought that the two of us would live to this day, to the day when the entire universe would be destroyed."

Luo Feng looked down at his wife next to him.

The couple looked at each other and smiled.

Then he turned his head and looked silently at the red giant star, which was glowing red, very beautiful, like the setting sun in the age of the earth.

for a long time…

"Huh?" Luo Feng frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" Xu Xin asked suspiciously, and then she was also aware of looking into the distance, only to see a figure appearing in the void in the distance, followed by that figure flying over.

This is a lord of the universe wearing a colorful robe, and her eyes are even more colorful. She is one of the beast gods in the ancestor god religion. She bowed respectfully: "Great lord of the galaxy, I came here under the order of the three ancestor gods, and the three ancestor gods said... the original universe will be destroyed in three years! I believe the Lord of the Galaxy still remembers the original promise, please be sure to go to the Palace of the Ancestor God within three years."

Luo Feng nodded: "I see."

"I won't bother you anymore." The female beast god saluted respectfully, and then left quietly.

"There are only three years left." Xu Xin sighed softly.

"Well, three years." Luo Feng nodded.

Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng, she knew... Once this era of reincarnation is over, Luo Feng will leave to enter reincarnation soon. How could she not be worried

The last three-year period has accelerated the relocation of various races in the decaying primitive universe.

"The original universe will also be destroyed. I really want to take some more friends away, but unfortunately we can only take ten people with each other."

"Don't lament, how big is the original universe? How big is the small universe? It is doomed that 99.9999% of people above will have no chance to relocate to the small universe. We are geniuses absorbed by the galaxy kingdom, so we are allowed to bring ten Quota." Two young people are flying to a distant planet in a spaceship, which is a concentrated planet.

mass relocation.

The criterion for the relocation of the human race is to first take away all the world masters, immortals and even higher nature. The second is some geniuses absorbed by the nine major forces including Galaxy Kingdom, Virtual Universe Company, Giant Axe Arena, and Universe Galaxy Bank. Even if they are not recruited in some genius battles, those who perform well will be taken away.

Even according to the level of strength, you can take away some relatives and friends.

In fact, relatively speaking, the relocation of human beings is already very kind, much better than the monster race and the machine race. Because the human race has a very god-defying true god—Luo Feng!

Although humans have 98 true gods, Luo Feng's small universe is thousands of times larger than other true gods!

One of him is worth a thousand miniature universes of true gods!

In addition, Luo Feng and Yuan Zu will break through to the True God of the Void when this era of reincarnation ends. At that time, the small universe can accommodate more lives and strong people. So don't worry about it now, just stuff it in, don't worry that it won't be able to withstand the reproduction in the future, because once the small universe breaks through, it will be easy at that time.

So the population of human relocation is extremely large!

But compared with the countless human beings in the entire primordial universe, there is still an unknown number of people to choose from!

In Luo Feng's small universe, Nine Realms Mountain.

Nine Realms Mountain has gurgling spring water, continuous high mountains, and birds and beasts everywhere. It is a beautiful place, and it is also the place where Luo Feng lives in seclusion and cultivates. Usually, it is taken care of by Morosa.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A large number of figures flew densely in the distance, making Luo Feng, who was talking with his parents and wife, turn his head to look.

More than a thousand figures fell down, and they all saluted respectfully: "The ancestor of the galaxy!"

These more than a thousand people are all the masters of the universe.

Humans have a total of 1,222 universe masters. During this relocation, the universe masters dispersed into small universes, and Luo Feng's small universe is the largest, so naturally the most come here, especially the potential and hopeful gods, almost all come here up. There are more than 900 Masters of the Universe entrusted to Luo Feng's small universe by human beings. In addition, there are some ethnic groups in the Hongmeng alien race who do not have true gods. Human beings are the leaders of the Hongmeng, so they should take care of them. Luo Feng this.

There are more than 900 human beings who are masters of the universe, and they also carry a large number of human beings. They are all universe lords, immortals, world masters, countless geniuses, countless incidental populations, and so on.

"It's all here." Luo Feng said with a smile, "Then act according to the earlier plan."

"Yes, ancestor."

More than a thousand masters of the universe all responded respectfully.

Then they all left quickly, scattered to one by one of the 100,000 planes, and began to release the human beings they brought. In the future, those human beings will live in the space of each plane.

"Father, you have become the first ancestor." Luo Hai said enviously.

"The future generations of human beings will reproduce in the universe of the father." Luo Ping said, "and the father will break through soon. At that time, our 'Galaxy Holy Land Universe' will exist forever, and the future generations of reincarnation era All life reproduces here, and the father is naturally the ancestor."

Luo Feng smiled when he saw this.


Both myself and the original ancestor can become the true gods of the void at any time, so the two names "Original Ancestor Holy Land Universe" and "Galaxy Holy Land Universe" have long been shouted out among humans, and Luo Feng and the original ancestor are called "Galaxy Ancestor" and "Original Ancestor" respectively. '.

"Huh?" Luo Feng turned his head to look again.

Six figures flew in from a distance.

"Galaxy." The six figures were all humble and respectful.

"Juehe, Xuelan, Hengxing, you are all here." Luo Feng nodded with a smile, the six in front of him were the true gods of the first and second reincarnation eras.

Great destruction is imminent, and for those in the first reincarnation era, the time limit is approaching, and they will be annihilated if they do not pass through reincarnation. They know very well that they don't have the ability to succeed... So they naturally hope that they can be pinned in other small universes, but the endurance of small universes is limited, who is willing to accept other people

Only Luo Feng's side is the easiest to break through, because his small universe is the largest, and he will soon become the true god of the void.

"Go." Luo Feng said.

"Yes." The six true gods were extremely grateful.

Luo Feng watched them leave. The reason why he accepted these six true gods was because he had friendship in the past, and secondly, he was at the limit of the true god of the void in his current realm, and then he could comprehend the great destruction of the primordial universe and communicate with Morosa. I believe that it won't be long before breaking through to the Eternal True God. By then, there will be more room to bear, and it's okay to have six more subordinates.

"Once I become an eternal true god, there will be strong people in my small universe who can become true gods." Luo Feng secretly said.

It is not impossible for the life living in the small universe to become a true god.

In the small universe of the true god, the highest can only cultivate the master of the universe.

In the small universe of the true god of the void, it is possible to cultivate a true god, but the cost is extremely high. Every time a true god is born, a small universe must be separated from itself. Void true gods are rarely willing. But when Luo Feng becomes the Eternal True God, this price can be borne. It won't take long for his own universe to recover!

Like 'The World of Jin' is also a small universe, which can even give birth to the Eternal God.

Ancestor Shrine.

Luo Feng, dressed in white, stepped into the Ancestral God Palace.

"Galaxy, you are finally here. There is only one month left before the Great Destruction." The old ancestor god among the three ancestor gods sitting above said with a smile, "You are here, and our last mission has been completed. According to the The original will tells you that you only need to stay in the Ancestral God Palace. The three of us left."

The three ancestor gods all smiled and bid farewell to Luo Feng, and then the three of them also began to leave the primordial universe, and all the strong people in the entire ancestor mysterious realm disappeared.

The powerhouses in the entire primordial universe had already left one by one, and few stayed any longer.

"Great destruction." Luo Feng in white stood here and said softly.

This is not his true self, but just an incarnation of divine power!

"Boom!" The void around Luo Feng suddenly distorted, a natural wormhole appeared, and an invisible will covered Luo Feng.

"Let me in?" Luo Feng understood the meaning of the original will, and he was not afraid, he stepped in directly, only feeling the change of time and space, and entered a vast and mysterious space.

There are only countless floating spots of light in this space, and each spot of light contains powerful power, the weak ones are comparable to the Lord of the Universe, and the strong powers even make Luo Feng palpitate.

In this space, Luo Feng looked very small.

"Is this?" Luo Feng recalled that when he was given the innate secret method "I am the universe", his consciousness once entered this space. When a light spot touched him, he gave himself the "I am the universe". Innate secret method. At that time, my realm was still very low, but now it is different, and I can see more when my realm is high.

This space is probably the origin of the original universe.

Few of the countless light spots contained inheritance information, and more of them contained endless original energy! Each point of light is like a vast world, containing endless energy.

Luo Feng smiled, and every time he took a step, he wanted to touch a spot of light, but that spot of light naturally drifted away for several light-years in an instant, preventing Luo Feng from touching it at all.

"Haha..." Luo Feng laughed, then sat cross-legged, and sat directly in this space.


Suddenly, colorful brilliance appeared in the primordial space of the universe. The hazy colorful brilliance was like a rainbow, covering Luo Feng directly. When it covered Luo Feng, Luo Feng suddenly felt that his body had been extended... His will began to permeate the whole body naturally. primordial universe.

One by one star field, one by one cosmic secret realm, one by one desert star field, one by one primitive star.

As small as a grain of sand.

As big as a vast ocean of laws.

Quickly infiltrated by Luo Feng's will, at this moment, Luo Feng felt as if he had become the primordial universe!


"This, this is the structure of the original universe?" Luo Feng was completely absorbed in it.

In the origin space of the primordial universe, there are countless light spots, these light spots can be divided into one hundred thousand camps, and the one hundred thousand camps revolve around the center, which is exactly the structure of "the beginning of one yuan"! It's just more detailed than Luo Feng's. Luo Feng's is "the beginning of one yuan, one hundred thousand heavens". And this is 'the beginning of one yuan, one hundred thousand heavens turned into endless space'.

"Law Ocean, the energy that was originally swallowed can still be stored in the universe in this way." Luo Feng marveled.

"Natural wormholes..."

"The secret of the universe..."

"It turns out that this is the life force."

Although Luo Feng can't comprehend the most basic origin of life, just being able to observe the primordial universe from the inside to the outside, from the microcosm to the macrocosm, gave him a lot of insights, and the benefits are astonishing.

"However, relatively speaking, feeling the final destruction of the original universe is the most helpful." Luo Feng sat cross-legged in the original space of the original universe, silently waiting for that moment to come.

"The primordial universe is about to be destroyed. This scene is very shocking. I have seen it with my own eyes." In the void filled with chaotic airflow, on a gray ship, the rampaging demon god was talking about it, and there were many universes standing beside him. Lords of the universe, a large number of universe venerables, immortal gods and even some geniuses who have been cultivated.

"How long has it been since the original universe was destroyed?"

"We are in the void, will the destruction of the original universe affect us?"

Many humans in the hall raised questions.

"Don't worry, it won't affect us at all. Back then—" the Rampage Demon God said happily there, loneliness is indeed a kind of torture, even if you are invincible, how painful is it if you just live alone? After entrusting Luo Feng in Luo Feng's small universe, the rampant demon god found happiness again.

He was naturally optimistic.

Ships and palaces, in the void of the chaotic airflow, the powerhouses of all races from the entire primordial universe are silently waiting, waiting for the moment of great destruction.


"Beginning to destroy!"

"The wall of the universe is cracked."

The powerhouses of all races looked at this scene with excitement and sadness, because there are more ordinary clansmen who have not been relocated, because even Luo Feng's small universe is pitifully small compared to the original universe. It is doomed that ordinary people will almost be annihilated along with the original universe.

The original universe began to be destroyed!

Before that, the situation of the end of the world was gradually appearing, but at that moment, the entire original space instantly produced monstrous power, swallowing everything madly.

Even in the vastness of the primordial universe, all its membrane walls were cracked in an instant, followed by collapse, those cosmic secrets and star fields also began to collapse, each black hole began to disintegrate, and the mineral planets, decay The stars, and even some living planets, all began to collapse, and at the same time they collapsed, they were quickly shattered into particle streams.


At this moment, the source itself began to shrink sharply! All the life force is crazily transmitted and sucked into the source. Those countless ordinary lives that were originally living, some babies are just born, some old people are lying in the hospital, some young people are loving each other, and some enemies are fighting...

But in an instant, everything was annihilated, and endless life energy crazily poured into the core of the entire universe.


In the void of the cosmic sea, the ships and palaces watching the destruction of the universe were all breathless and shocked. Even though they had heard the description, they were still completely shocked when they saw it with their own eyes.

The huge vortices formed by the countless particle streams, the huge tearing force, is afraid that even a small universe will be shattered in an instant.

That frenzy!

That intense!

Let all the powerful people hold their breath, those masters of the universe and true gods, through the control of time and space, transmit everything that happened at an extremely long distance to the eyes, and everything is clearly visible. It is precisely because it is clearly visible at close range... the sense of shock is strong, and every strong man is trembling in his heart.

"This, is this destruction?" Yuan Zu was also shocked.

At the moment when the original universe was destroyed, the engulfment formed an endless tearing force, even a trace was enough to annihilate him.

This kind of extreme destruction made the original ancestor tremble.

No one is as shocked as Luo Feng. The beings of all races are just watching from a distance in the outer universe, and Luo Feng's will permeates every part of the original universe. He himself is like the original universe. He feels the destruction at this moment too clearly. .

First of all, the "beginning of one yuan" in the original space rotates more than ten thousand times faster, and the speed is not constant, but at different speeds, so that the countless light spots of the 100,000 camps are all broken and swallowed, even the entire original space. Shrinking sharply, the entire origin produced an incredible devouring power.


Gobble it up!

Devour all living things, dead things, devour the entire primordial universe!

Everything collapsed and destroyed into countless particle streams, spinning madly into the source, and all the most fundamental life force was completely sucked back. To make such a huge primordial universe completely destroyed and swallowed in a very short period of time, the flying speed of those life forces even exceeds hundreds of billions, trillions of times the speed of light.

Absolute madness! brutal!

"Boom!" When all the life force was absorbed into the source, the source of the primordial universe instantly emitted a dazzling colorful light, and the colorful light was dazzling, and the scope of influence even exceeded the size of the original universe.

The bright colored light even shines on every ship and palace that are watching in the void.

"Too shocking."


The creatures of all races held their breath.

The primordial universe is gone, only the source remains.

There are circles of power surging around the source, but no one can get close to it.

within the source.

Luo Feng in white was sitting cross-legged in the center of the vortex. He couldn't forget the short-lived destruction of the original universe before, which would be deeply engraved in his soul.

"Molosa has shown me the mystery of the origin of destruction time and time again." Luo Feng was shocked, "But the mystery of the origin of destruction is brighter and invades and destroys more silently. But the original universe represents the origin of life. , The destruction of the source of life is so violent and violent."

The origin of life contains various laws. In life, there is life, death, and destruction.

The destruction of the source of life.

It is completely different from the destruction of the original source.

"Temporary destruction is for rebirth, its root is life, everything is for life..." Luo Feng murmured, "The destruction of the realm beast is the fundamental destruction."

Scenes of destruction kept flashing through my mind.

The mysteries of Morosa's demonstration also kept passing by.

Both are ruins.

But the core is completely different... Luo Feng is completely immersed in it.

"It's time to leave." An invisible will spread to Luo Feng, and Luo Feng understood this.


Luo Feng in white immediately dissipated and annihilated. This was just an avatar of divine power. Luo Feng didn't want to be distracted and let the avatar of divine power fly back slowly, so he simply scattered and dispelled.

In Luo Feng's small universe, on a peak of Nine Realms Mountain, Luo Feng sat cross-legged.

The perception of trillions of epochs, the perception of the origin of destruction, the perception of the origin of life, everything is colliding.

"The Way of Destruction."

Luo Feng gradually embarked on a path.

Combining the destruction of the origin of life, the destruction of the origin of destruction, and the perception of the two after comprehension, everything gradually took shape... This collision of completely different origins shocked Luo Feng too much. He needed to straighten everything out and realize a The Tao that can explain his doubts, and when he understands it, there will be no doubts.

time flies.

year after year...

"I am here by the order of the original ancestor, has the ancestor of the galaxy finished his cultivation?"

"Father God is still practicing, so don't be disturbed." Seamus replied directly.

At the beginning, Luo Feng and Yuan Zu agreed, and after realizing the destruction, the two broke through to become the true god of the void, and then went to reincarnation, but now Luo Feng is immersed in cultivation.

"Senior Brother Ximo, Teacher is still practicing?" Nake looked at the Nine Realms Mountain in the distance.

"You kid just want to tell the teacher that you have broken through to the Lord of the Universe." Xi Mo also glanced at Luo Feng still sitting cross-legged on the Nine Realms Mountain, "When the teacher finishes training, he will naturally know."

Nako chuckled.

As time goes by, the flowers and plants of Nine Realms Mountain have withered and prospered countless times, and many visitors have come to see Luo Feng, and even the guest sitting on the mountain came once, but Luo Feng has been immersed in comprehension, this time comprehension he is All consciousness is gathered together, there is no distraction at all, so naturally it is impossible to receive people.

In the 360,000th era when the original universe was destroyed.

Both Ximo and Morosa are guarding at the foot of Nine Realms Mountain, forbidding any strong person to disturb Luo Feng.

"Wow." The white-robed Luo Feng sitting on the top of the mountain suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh?" Simo and Morosa turned their heads to look at the same time, and they both came to Luo Feng's side in a blink of an eye.

"Father God." Seamus said excitedly.

"Master." Morosa was also very excited.

Luo Feng glanced at them, nodded with a smile, and said at the same time: "Ximo, you go to inform and tell me that I have stopped practicing. I believe there are quite a few people who want to see me."

"Yes, Father God." Xi Molian replied, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Molosa." Luo Feng looked at the simple and honest guard beside him, "I believe you have been waiting for a long time."

Morosa smiled honestly.

Of course it's been a long time.

It is a lonely master, and the only opponent Luo Feng is its master, so it naturally looks forward to some novelty, such as going to reincarnation

"Master, have you made a breakthrough?" Mo Luo Salian asked.

"Of course there is some progress." Luo Feng teased, "If I personally experienced the destruction of the original universe and didn't make any progress, then how stupid I am."

Before this enlightenment, Luo Feng's realm had reached the limit of the True God of the Void.

Masters of the universe, generally self-created secrets are from the third to fifth ranks, and many masters of the universe are trapped at the top of the fifth rank! If you can create your own sixth-order secret method, if you don't insist on following the route of divine power, you will meet the requirements of a true god in terms of realm.

True gods, generally self-created secrets are from the seventh to ninth ranks, such as Chaos, God's Eye, Juehe, etc., which are the top ninth ranks. If you can create your own tenth-order secret method, you can almost become a true god of the void.

The True God of the Void is generally from the eleventh to the thirteenth rank. If one can create a secret technique of the fourteenth rank, one can become the Eternal True God!

For example, when Luo Feng fought against the world beast Mohe, he was able to create the top secret method of the twelfth level. The true god of the void has reached the limit level. But this time Luo Feng's comprehension of the 360,000 era has made great progress.

The destruction of the source of life! Destruction of the source of destruction!

Let Luo Feng comprehend the 'Way of Destruction', in terms of realm, Luo Feng has already stepped into the stage of Eternal True God. Of course, this is because of personally experiencing the great destruction of the primordial universe. After all, it is very, very difficult to make progress in the later stages. You can see that the ancestors of the East Emperor and Ziyue have not been able to break through.

"Feng." A figure flew over, it was Xu Xin who knew the end of Luo Feng's comprehension.

Luo Feng greeted him with a smile.

"You've finally finished your training, and even Zuoshanke has come to look for you." Xu Xin said.

"No rush." Luo Feng asked, "By the way, the primordial universe is born now?"

"It was born, and a new era of reincarnation has begun." Xu Xin nodded.

"Follow me to have a look." Luo Feng's eyes lit up.

One step.

Luo Feng took Xu Xin and moved directly to the edge of his own miniature universe, and then went out. Luo Feng's miniature universe was not far from the original universe. Luo Feng glanced at it, his eyes penetrated the void, and easily saw the original universe .

The primordial universe at this moment is hazy, surrounded by endless air currents, and it is in the primordial state, and its interior is also slowly being conceived. It is not certain whether the primordial life in this era of reincarnation will be born.

"Prosperity and decline." Luo Feng saw the scene full of vitality, and couldn't help but whispered, "The previous primitive universe multiplied to the extreme, the number of life reached the extreme, and its endurance also reached the extreme. So a violent and violent destruction... That destruction is for today's new life."

Luo Feng had a clearer understanding of his way of destruction.

"Huh?" Luo Feng's heart skipped a beat, "Let's go back."

Xu Xin looked at Luo Feng.

"The original ancestor is here." Luo Feng said.

The divine power incarnation of the original ancestor came to Luo Feng's small universe.

"How did you feel this time?" Yuan Zu asked.

"Breakthrough." Luo Feng said, "Should be able to step into the eternal level in one fell swoop."

"Eternal level?" Yuan Zu couldn't help being surprised no matter how calm he was.

Luo Feng nodded: "It will take a lot of time to upgrade my small universe. After my small universe has almost evolved, you, the original ancestor, can upgrade. In this way, the two of us will almost succeed in breaking through together."

"Okay, I'll go back and prepare." Yuan Zu nodded.

The original ancestor also knew that this enlightenment was the benefit Luo Feng gained from solving the catastrophe of the beasts in the world. With this enlightenment... Luo Feng broke through the key bottleneck and stepped into the Eternal True God level. In addition, Luo Feng also saved him, Yuan Zu didn't have any jealousy, only admiration and admiration.

Luo Feng met Zuoshanke, Chaos City Lord, etc., and immediately began to break through.


Standing in the original space of the small universe, Luo Feng shouted loudly!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Void passages were born one after another, and each void passage appeared in the void outside the 100,000 heavenly planes, without harming any plane space. I saw endless chaotic airflow gushing out from those void channels, and the membrane wall of the small universe began to grow and expand rapidly.

1.1 billion light years, 1.2 billion light years...

The volume of the small universe keeps skyrocketing.

As the volume of the small universe increases, the space occupied by the Hundred Thousand Heavens will be relatively smaller and more empty. The more voids there are, naturally Luo Feng will lead more void passages! The influx of endless chaotic airflow promotes this evolution. This kind of wanton supply of evolution is only available when there is a breakthrough.

And it is only for the growth of the small universe itself. As for Luo Feng's body, the divine power needed is slowly devoured, transformed and accumulated.

2.9 billion light years, 3 billion light years, 3.1 billion light years...

The small universe continued to expand, and soon surpassed the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor.

"too big."

"How big will the galaxy holy land universe become?"

"This is more than five billion light-years in diameter, much larger than the Holy Land of the Eastern Emperor." In the void of the universe sea, there are many true gods and masters of the universe watching from afar. There are people from the human race and Hongmeng people. , and other ethnic groups, all of them are witnessing this grand event.

Sitting Mountain Guest also watched this scene from afar, and smiled softly: "It's still early."

Luo Feng is going to become the Eternal True God this time, so it's still too early.


Crazy expansion!

Finally reached a diameter of 10 billion light years, and in the universe of the Holy Land of the Galaxy, Luo Feng himself is also undergoing transformation.

"Divine power!" Luo Feng suddenly opened his mouth and sucked, and the divine power stored in the original space of more than 6 trillion epochs swallowed and transformed crazily rushed in. In these 6 trillion epochs, Luo Feng's divine body had reached the peak of perfection long ago. Huahai also has a diameter of twelve light-years. At the same time, it also stores a large amount of divine power.

With this breakthrough, the divine power has evolved a hundredfold!

The accumulation of more than six trillion epochs has consumed more than 80% in an instant, making Luo Feng's body reach the level of perfection, but it is only the perfection of the Void God!

"Such a long accumulation is still not enough. Once I become the Eternal True God, I still lack a lot of divine power." Luo Feng shook his head.


After the body broke through, one void channel after another appeared in the void of the galaxy holy land universe, and the endless chaotic air flow poured in and was continuously absorbed and transformed, causing the small universe to continue to expand.

10.1 billion light years, 10.2 billion light years...

30 billion light years...

60 billion light years...

It has been expanding, and it also takes longer.

The true gods of all races and the masters of the universe have long been stunned, my God, the universe of the Holy Land of the East Emperor is only 3.2 billion light-years in diameter. How big is Luo Feng's Galaxy Holy Land universe? At this time, the small universe of the original ancestor also began to transform, and the volume began to expand rapidly.

"The small universe of the original ancestor has also expanded. It has reached a diameter of 1.8 billion light years and is still expanding."

"He won't be as scary as Lord of the Galaxy."

The strong men of all ethnic groups discussed with each other.

At the same time, I am also envious of human beings, because human beings have two holy lands, the universe.

"The small universe of the original ancestor has stopped expanding, reaching a diameter of 5.2 billion light-years."

"It's incomparable to Lords of the Galaxy."

The original ancestor was a post-evolution, but it succeeded first.

After the original ancestor's small universe reached 5.2 billion light-years in diameter, Luo Feng's had a diameter of more than 90 billion light-years, and after about a month, it finally reached 100 billion light-years in diameter.

Finally everything stopped.

"100 billion light-years." Zuo Shanke was also shocked, "Legend, this is a legend. The small universe of the eternal level has reached this step, it is already complete, and it only exists in legends."

"Father God, it's really amazing." Seamus was also extremely excited in the void.

The alien true gods were all stunned, but they could accept it from the bottom of their hearts, because it was Luo Feng who created all these miracles!

Luo Feng has long been a legend in the Universe Sea.

"My divine power is once again condensed a hundred times." Behind Luo Feng, six pairs of wings spread out. The fifth pair of wings could not be completely repaired in more than six trillion epochs, but now it is repaired in a short time, "But the wings in my small universe My divine power reserves are not enough, and I can only reach a diameter of more than two light-years in Huahai now."

The previous divine power reserve is completely enough to become the true god of the void.

To become the Eternal True God is still far behind.

"Fortunately, my current small universe is much larger than in the past. The efficiency of devouring and transforming divine power is also higher." Luo Feng nodded. Ride through with the Palace Arcana, or you'll be strangled and killed.


With one step, Luo Feng left the original space and came to the 'Nine Realms Mountain' in the galaxy holy land universe.

The family members are waiting for Luo Feng here.

"Ha." Luo Feng walked over with a smile, and suddenly his smile froze.

An invisible wave swept across the universe of the Holy Land of the Galaxy, sending a message.

"One year?" Luo Feng murmured.

he understands.

Now that he has broken through to become the Eternal True God, he must go through reincarnation within a year. It is said to be one year, because the original ancestor succeeded in breaking through nearly one month earlier than him, as long as the two of them go to reincarnation together...then the time given to Luo Feng is only eleven months.

"Dad, Mom." Luo Feng smiled again and went to talk to his parents.

Luo Feng met with Yuanzu once, talked about it, and agreed to go to Qingfeng Realm to reincarnate after ten months. And these ten months is to arrange everything.

During these ten months, Luo Feng met a lot of people, who grew up from the earth all the way, who influenced him, who he influenced, many, many people.

You Hai's children, like Ximo, are still alive.

His old friends from Earth One, such as Wei Wen and so on.

Many friends I met when I joined the virtual universe company, Bolan, Rong Jun (Tu Man), Wuka. Although they have good talents, it is extremely difficult to become the master of the universe, and it is even more difficult to become a true god! Like Luo Feng's son 'Luo Hai', the encounter conditions are absolutely perfect, but he has never broken through to the master of the universe. Both Bo Lan and Rong Jun became the masters of the universe in the end, and Wuka was the lord of the universe. As for the group of geniuses who fought back then, some fell during the training, and some did not become immortal at all, and did not wait for human beings to obtain it. The day of ancient civilizations.

Of the three Earth brothers back then, Luo Feng needless to say, Hong is naturally the true god. As for Thor... even with the help of Luo Feng and the help of the Earth's lineage, after all, for the Earth lineage, Thor is definitely the elder, but Thor is just Difficulty became the master of the universe.

Zhenyan is only at the step of the Lord of the Universe.

"Teacher, you can break through to become a true god in my small universe." Luo Feng said to Zhen Yan, "For me, separating a small universe is nothing."

"Then Po Yuhou..." Zhen Yan was a little apprehensive.

"In Magic Sound Mountain back then, even though she plotted against me, there was a reason for it, and how long ago it happened, you don't have to worry about it, teacher." Luo Feng said.

The reason why Marquis Po Yu plotted against Luo Feng was to take revenge on Zhen Yan!

There is also a love history involved. Zhenyan's lover has long since died, and Zhenyan is even more guilty. He knows Poyuhou hates him, but he can only endure... Poyuhou plots against Luo Feng. Marquis Yu pleads for mercy! This time when he was transferred to the small universe, Marquis Poyu was transferred to the original ancestor's small universe, and Zhenyan also helped him.

Even the relationship between Po Yuhou and Zhenyan began to become unclear.

Before setting off to reincarnate, Luo Feng also gave another lesson to his disciples, and then set off.

Qingfeng outside the bounds.

A ship is suspended, and there are many figures standing inside the ship, Chaos City Lord, Zhen Yan, Zuo Shan Ke, Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, Xu Xin, Luo Ping, Luo Hai, Luo Hua, True God of Darkness, True God of Bingfeng, True God of Longxing , They came to send Luo Feng and Yuanzu off.

"Don't worry, if Luo Feng's reincarnation is dangerous, then the ancestors of the East Emperor and Ziyue would have died a long time ago." Zuoshanke was the most relaxed one.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the distance, a star tower and a boat flew towards Qingfeng Realm at the same time.