Swallowed Star

Chapter 46: The corpse of the monster


"Zhang Ke, carry Chen Gu's iron box on your back!" Gao Feng ordered.

"Yes, Captain."

Iron gun Zhang Ke walked towards Chen Gu, and Chen Gu was dismantling the heavy sniper rifle and storing it in a wooden box, and carrying the wooden box and the iron box with a large amount of bullets to Zhang Ke. Then Chen Gu himself opened another iron box, and took out that hideous machine gun. A large number of bullet chains were wrapped around Chen Gu's body, and one end of the chain was directly connected to the machine gun.

"Tsk tsk." Luo Feng couldn't help being amazed when he saw this.

High-level thermal weapons are still very effective in the face of 'beast-level' monsters. For example, the 'Bloodthirsty Tank' was killed with one shot. In fact, that shot also had an element of luck. After all, the head that can kill with one blow has the hardest skull. And the bloodthirsty tank is huge, even if it is shot, it will have little effect.


There are very few positions that can be killed by a single shot. Such as the eyes, such as under the skull and behind the ears. To shoot so accurately, one is skill, and the other is luck. As long as the bloodthirsty tank is more vigilant and changes its direction of movement, the shot will be inaccurate.

"Go, go down."

After Gao Feng gave an order, Luo Feng and the other five immediately walked down the stairs and left the Lantian Community.

Five minutes later, Luo Feng and his group were already in a small alley, and Wei Tie, the leader, took a peek outside and said, "Captain, the bloodthirsty tank has fallen to the ground and died."

"Old Chen, bull." Gao Feng gave a thumbs up.

Chen Gu chuckled.

"However, Captain." Wei Tie continued, "About hundreds of monsters gathered around the corpse of the bloodthirsty tank. It is very troublesome for us to get the corpse of the bloodthirsty tank." This is indeed a long-range attack beast general A troublesome place for super monsters, even if it succeeds, it is very dangerous to take important materials from the corpse.


It's much safer than fighting with general level monsters in a group of monsters.

"Old rules, Wei Tie, Wei Qing, you disrupt the herd. Let's take advantage of the chaos and go together." Gao Feng ordered, then turned to look at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng held his breath at this time, and wanted to attack the herd of hundreds of monsters. This is indeed the most dangerous thing he has done since he followed the Fire Hammer team. Of course, according to some posts he saw, this situation It's just a relatively simple situation faced by the warrior team. There are others that are ten or a hundred times more dangerous than this.

"Luo Feng, you will follow Chen Gu later. Your mission is to protect Chen Gu and prevent monsters from attacking Chen Gu." Gao Feng said solemnly.

"Don't worry, Captain, I will not let a monster get close to Brother Chen." Luo Feng nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

Gao Feng gave an order.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two black streaks of light flew out from the hands of Wei Tie and Wei Qing, like a bolt of lightning flying more than a hundred meters away, falling into the group of monsters in the distance. The two black streamers turned out to be two oval black spheres, and there was a red time signal on the oval black objects.

The monsters who noticed this thing were all wary of avoiding it.

drop! drop!


The two time bombs exploded suddenly. The powerful explosion force and the flying fragments made the two monsters next to the time bomb stumble, and their bodies were covered in blood. At the same time, the two time bombs also produced a large amount of smoke, which quickly diffused in all directions.

In terms of power, the two time bombs just killed one monster by chance, injured five or six monsters, and more monsters were only affected by the smoke.

"Come on!" Gao Feng ordered.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Luo Feng also exploded with all his strength, with a shield in one hand and a blood shadow sword in the other. Quickly galloped to follow beside Chen Gu. The speed of each of the six members of the Fire Hammer team was astonishing. They were only 150 meters away from the corpse of the beast general in the herd, and they ran there in four to five seconds.

This is also related to the sharp drop in speed when running into the herd.


Captain Gao Feng rushed to the front like lightning. Holding a heavy hammer in one hand, he waved it continuously like lightning, and only heard two sounds of "Peng!" On the one hand, there is a human warrior who has the name of a "junior warrior", but has the strength of an "intermediate warrior".

The difference in strength is too great!

With a heavy hammer in one hand, and a dagger in the other hand, Gao Feng threw himself next to the corpse of the general-level monster 'Bloodthirsty Tank' almost instantly. The location stabs in. While Gao Feng was conducting an autopsy to obtain the materials from the corpse, the other five members of the Fire Hammer Squad were facing a crisis.

"Hurry up, Luo Feng, protect Lao Chen." Zhang Ke waved a spear.

Brothers Wei Tie and Wei Qing guarded Captain Gao Feng. With the defensive power of a bloodthirsty tank, it would take a long time for Wei Tie, Luo Feng and others to dissect it. And half a minute of high wind with astonishing power is enough.



When the surrounding monsters found Luo Feng and the others, they rushed over one by one roaring. It was as if a heavy-duty Humvee with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour had crashed into it.

"Get out." Luo Feng took two subtle steps, and at the same time, the shield on his left arm smashed hard on the body of a galloping one-horned wild boar. The wild boar's four hooves twisted involuntarily, and Nuo Da's whole body tilted and fell to the ground, shaking the cracked concrete street floor and splashing a lot of dust.

Luo Feng didn't want to kill the enemy, he just wanted the maximum efficiency to survive this half minute.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!"

At this moment, Zhang Ke brandished a long spear, killed two beast-level monsters, and repelled three. Then three angry monsters roared and besieged Zhang Ke at the same time. Zhang Ke didn't have a shield and only used a long spear.

"Not good." After swiping a shot, Zhang Ke's face changed.

"Roar~~" The impact speed of an iron-haired wild boar must reach 50 meters per second. Its body is like a small truck, but its speed is comparable to a sports car. But Zhang Ke didn't have time to block any more. There were three monsters besieging him in front of him.

"I'm afraid I will be seriously injured this time." Zhang Ke gritted his teeth.


A black shadow came from the side, and it just kicked on the body of the galloping iron-haired wild boar. The control of body stability under extreme speed is indeed much weaker. The iron-haired wild boar was kicked by this kick, and its body was also tilted. It fell directly, and then quickly got up again.

"Brother Zhang, lean on me." Luo Feng said.

"Luo Feng, thank you!" Zhang Ke shouted gratefully. If it wasn't for Luo Feng just now, Zhang Ke would have been seriously injured. flexible."

"Good posture." Chen Gu, who was always under protection, praised.

There were hundreds of monsters in this group, and as the dozens of monsters fought with Luo Feng and the others at the beginning, more monsters were soon attracted to surround them. Fortunately, there was smoke blocking the line of sight, and the group of monsters did not display the power of the group most effectively.

"No, captain, hurry up."

Wei Tie couldn't help shouting.

Every second of time, the crisis of the Fire Hammer team is getting bigger. The surrounding monsters are increasing rapidly.

"Chen Gu, shoot!" Gao Feng, who was squatting next to the corpse of the bloodthirsty tank and protected by the Wei brothers, ordered.


Chen Gu licked his lips and smiled ferociously. Luo Feng and Zhang Ke who were beside Chen Gu immediately took a step back. As Chen Gu pulled the trigger, streams of light shot out from the muzzle of the gun in a sudden "chug chug~~", each bullet was an expensive armor-piercing bullet bought by Chen Gu.

Even against general-level monsters, they are considered a little threat.


Immediately, a large number of monsters around screamed in pain, and the armor-piercing projectiles that erupted frantically shot into the bodies of monsters. These monsters were huge and had strong vitality, and they were generally impossible to kill when they were shot into the body. Head shot to kill with one hit! This armor-piercing projectile can't pierce the skulls of beast-level monsters, but it is not a big problem to shoot these beast-level monsters.

Peng! A monster's head and brains were splashed out.

puff! A fallen monster had a blood hole in its body.

"Haha... Die, die." Chen Gu looked crazy, the gun barrel containing Cro alloy could fire armor-piercing bullets non-stop, and the crazily pouring bullets suppressed the group of monsters on one side almost instantly. And Luo Feng and Zhang Ke are preventing monsters from other directions from attacking Chen Gu.

The successive gunshots also made the monster in the smoke instantly determine its direction and charge towards it frantically.

In group battles, Chen Gu's ability to use machine guns can be compared to ten fighters by one person! But the same machine gun fired, it will attract the attention of the monsters.

"Okay, let's go."

Gao Feng, who had successfully collected the materials, let out a low growl, and Luo Feng and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The six members of the Fire Hammer team ran away.

"Boom~~" Hundreds of angry monsters chased after them, and even the running of a monster made the concrete floor vibrate. Hundreds of them ran together, as if there was an earthquake, the whole street and even the dilapidated houses and houses next to them vibrated slightly, and even made rumbling echoes.

"The beast herd is really scary." Luo Feng looked back, and those hundreds of monsters who were about to go mad with anger rushed over, the scene was very shocking.

"This way."

The Firehammer team immediately turned into an alley. The alley was so narrow that the monsters couldn't even walk in parallel, they could only come in one by one. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Fire Hammer team kept turning and entering small alleys in the densely built area. Soon the monster group was completely thrown away.

half an hour later.

On the rooftop of the 18-story Haihao Hotel, Luo Feng and a group of people quietly came here.

"Haha, everyone did a good job this time." Captain Gao Feng said with a smile, "Chen Gu's shot was brilliant, and you, Luo Feng, were also good. You saved Zhang Ke. Well, this 'Bloodthirsty Tank' is a primary Beast general level, the difficulty of hunting, is also a very difficult one among the junior beast general level monsters. This time, we made a small profit. I didn't expect such a harvest on the first day. This is a good start. It is estimated that a month If we continue, we will gain a lot.”

Luo Feng, Chen Gu and others all laughed.

Luo Feng glanced at the battle watch, suddenly startled: "Is there a phone?"

This combat communication watch, even if someone calls, it will not disturb the warrior. Only when the martial artist looks at his watch will he find out if someone is calling.

"The phone number at home." Luo Feng smiled, and started a voice command, "Call back!"

"Beep beep beep..."

The communication watch quickly dialed Luo Feng's home number.